The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 25, 1997, Image 1

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Player of the week Raucous rockabilly November 25,1997
Anna DeFoige, who was named Big 12 player of Whether seen as misogynists or lovers of women,
the week earlier on Monday scored 14 points as The Cramps indisputably are a spirited crew. WALKNl’ Oil THE
NU defeated Creighton 80-59. PAGE 7 They play Omaha’s Ranch Bowl Friday. PAGE 9 Partly sunny, high 60. Fajr it, low 34.
On the flip side _
Lincoln receives
disaster funding
From Staff Reports
Lincoln Mayor Mike Johanns
and the rest of the city can add
one more thing to be thankful for
this Thanksgiving: FEMA disas
ter funding.
Gov. Ben Nelson announced
Monday that the Capital City will
receive $1.2 million from the
Federal Emergency Management
Agency to help with cleanup
costs created by last month’s
That figure is 75 percent of
the city’s current total damage
estimate of $1.6 million, said
FEMA deputy coordinator Curt
The remaining 25 percent will
be divided by the state and the
Johanns said the check should
arrive in Nelson’s office later
this week.
“It is very good news,” he
said. “The storm cleanup is a
very expensive process.”
The funding assistance was a
- great example, Johanns said, of
what a tax-based federal assis
tance program can do for com
It is very good
news. The storm
cleanup is a very
expensive process.”
Mike Johanns
Lincoln mayor
“We have helped out Florida
and South Dakota in the past,” he
said. “And now we have the mis
fortune of experiencing our own
disaster. Our investment is now
helping us out.”
Johanns said this initial claim
was just the beginning for the
city’s requests for disaster assis
tance funding. More claims
would be made, he said, as more
damage assessments can be
Lincoln’s funding assistance,
along with the more than $3 mil
lion Omaha will receive, brings
the statewide total to more than
$6 million.
Vegetarians create
twists on turkey fare
By Kim Sweet
When Sarah Wilhelm first
became a vegetarian, her family
insisted that she join the annual tra
dition of giving thanks ova- the tra
ditional turkey fare.
“Now they just tease me,” said
Wilhelm, a University of Nebraska
Lincoln sophomore floral design
As people gather this week with
friends and family to share in
turkey dinners, many will be avoid
ing the fine-feathered friend and
loading up on mashed potatoes,
stuffing and other non-meat
For many vegetarians, the
turkey-centered holiday often is
accompanied by strange looks
when vegetarians by-pass the meat,
said Carol Reed-Klein, vice presi
dent of UNL’s V.E.G.G.I.N., or
Vegetarians Eating Good Grub in
Reed-Klein remembers when
she became a vegetarian. Her fami
ly thought it was a junior-high
stage, but they were supportive,
thinking she would outgrow it.
Eight years later, she said, she
gets teased but her family always
provides food at Thanksgiving to
make sure she gets her fill.
When vegetarians go home for
Thanksgiving, many will bring
the8N|^M^|ei^^aije with their
famagp^Manyof these recipes are
tzajipKmal foods, with substitutes to
make the dishes vegetarian. Last
year, Reed-Klein made a tofu
turkey to serve at the annual
VE.G.G.LN. Thanksgiving dinner.
Reed-Klein stresses that many
substitutes and alternatives are
available. Instead of using dairy
products like cream cheese and
sour cream for mashed potatoes
and other foods, soy versions are
available that don’t take from the
dish’s flavor. For those who enjoy
ice cream on their pumpkin pie,
Toffuti makes a rich version of non
dairy ice cream.
“It is better than regular ice
cream,” Reed-Klein said. These
products are available at Open
Harvest, 1618 South St.
“There are analogs for people
who are into turkey,” Reed-Klein
said. She said bringing these tradi
Please see HOLIDAY on 6
Read the Daily Nebraskan on the World Wide Web at http:/
■ Williams’ chances for a
stay dwindle, says assis
tant state attorney general.
By Ted Taylor
Senior Reporter
After the Nebraska Supreme Court
denied a request Monday to stay his
execution, death row inmate Robert E.
Williams now must wait to see if two
more pending appeals can keep him
Williams had asked the state
Supreme Court to postpone his sched
uled Dec. 2 execution so the U.S.
Supreme Court would have time to hear
a juror-misconduct issue.
-During Williams’ trial in 1978, a
been entered into evidence. Williams
later claimed that tainted the trial and
asked die state high court to review the
iwo nours oerore ms scneauiea
execution in 1995, the Nebraska
Supreme Court granted a stay to allow
an evidentiary hearing on die juror’s
In September, the state Supreme
Court ruled against Williams, ids new
execution date was set one month later.
Williams was sentenced in 1978
after confessing to the 1977 shooting
deaths of two 25-year-old Lincoln
women, Patricia McGarry and
Catherine Brooks.
In a three-day span, Williams also
raped and murdered an Iowa woman as
well as raping five others, including
The execution still could be post
poned if the U.S. Supreme Court
decides to discuss the case.
Friday, Williams lost another court
battle aimed at keeping him out of the
electric chair.
u.a. District court judge Kicnara
Kopf ruled that the multiple volts of
electricity typically needed to put an
inmate to death in the electric chair con
sistently has been found constitutional
when it is performed without malice.
“Williams’ claims are legally frivo
lous,” Kopf’s ruling stated. “While
Williams raises profound public policy
questions, a federal district judge has no
authority to answer them.”
In the state’s last two executions,
four jolts of electricity were needed to
put to death John Joubert in 1996 and
Harold Otey in 1994.
Monday, Williams filed an appeal
of Kopf’s decision in the 8th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals.
Williams’ attorney, David Domina
of Omaha, did not return calls to the
Daily Nebraskan Monday.
Please see EXECUTION on 3