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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1997)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2020 G - Controlled Access 2 Bedroom.$409 2000 G - Mega-sized 1 Bedroom. .339 2000 G - Efficiency...299 680 South 20-2 BR, B^cony..399 680 South 20-2 BR, Balcony, New Carpet.429 640 South 20 - 2 BR, 2 Parking Spaces, Balcony....429 645 South 20 - 2 BR, Balcony.......419 2301 A Street -1 BR.319 Jones Properties 475-7262 *QUIET* Nice two bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, balcony, $510/month. 4401 South 27th. 432-5420.■ 2 + 1 -Bedroom Basement. W/D Hookups, $450 + de posit and Utilities. 2760 California Court. 435-7115 12 bedroom with one extra room, large living area, large kitchen & dining room, central air. off street parking, laundry facility, close to East Campus, $400 plus deposit, Call Shawn at 580-5473. 240 S 26th, modern 2BR, built in micro, balcony, off street parking. 483-2357 __ 244 S 26th, 1BR, Utilities paid. Leave Message, 483-2357._ 402 S. 24th. Cute, clean and quiet one bedroom base ment apartment. $325. 483-2358 or 429-6013. 1020 C Street. Small, cute, one bedroom, $265 plus deposit. Call Kim. 430-9019. 1503 So. 22nd Street. Cute and cozy 1 bedroom. Nice area. No pets $300.1(888)331-8933. 4200 Huntington Ave, East Campus. 2 BR, $440. Fire place, new dishwasher, patio, laundry. Call 465-5317 or 489-9916. 4200 Huntington By east campus, and Wesleyn, large 2 bdrm, fireplace, brand new carpet, linoleum, dishwasher, balcony, appls, laundry, parking, no pets. 489-9916 44th & Comhusker Hwy Newer 2 BR with all the extras including washer & dryer hookups. Must see to appreciate. $540. Newer 1 BR with ail the extras. $425. Close to City & East Campus! 1 BR Deluxe with all the extras. Heat paid. $350-$365. Efficiency Efficiency with new carpet & vinyl. $275. Waverty, NE New 2BR, 2 bath with washer/dryer hookups. Very spacious with neutral decor. $610. 2920 P Street 2BR townhouse with 1 1/2 baths in unique small complex with central courtyard. $495. Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857 Campus Close Luxury Living Folsom Ridge Apartments 705 Folsom Lane 436-3422 Lakeview Park Apartments 510 Surfside Drive 436-3464 •One, Two, & Three Bedrooms •Lofts with Two Baths •Six Month Leases Available eOv Managed by Commercial Investment Properties Equal Housing Opportunity ' . ___ i_:_JJ._ *. *' 7T7- ' * ■ BRAND NEW! 2628 Q. Deluxe; 2 bedroom, double gar age, $575. 430-6328. Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Luxuiy on a Budget 2 Bedroom Deluxe Suites with new range, refrigerator, and dishwasher, fireplace, new carpet, ana decor package. Great Place, Must See! Willohaven Apartments, 1800 Knox Street, 476-6200 Metropoliltan Apartments 502$ 12 Efficiencies and one bedroom, $260-$325. Secured Building. Close to campus, Call 477-3648. NEAR CAMPUS 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Hardwood floors, ceiling fans. Nice. 489-1938/730-5050. Two bedroom, four blocks from East Campus. Parking, one year lease. $350/month. Available Decemberl. 477-0855. 500s MS "Spring Break..."Take 2”* Hiring Reps! Sell 15...Take 2 Free. Hottest Destinations! Free Parties, Eats, Drinks. Sun Splash 1-800-426-7710. $1000 Relocation / Hiring Bonus We invite you to join our team. Insurance available to professionals after 30 days of em ployment. Our skilled nursing and rehab facility is seeking reliable detail oriented employees for the following positions: RN/LPN’s Full or Part Time 8 or 12 hour shifts PM/NOC CNA’s Full or Part Time 8 or 12 hour shifts Benefits: ' Under New Ownership • Incentive Programs for extra shifts and *401 K Plan / Stock Options * Credit Union ' * Paid CNA Training Contact Tammy or Marie Community Care / IHS Milford Milford, NE 402-761-2261 Agronomists Fastest growing center pivot irrigation manufacturer seeking motivated individuals for GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY in DIRECT SALES of agricultural irriga tion systems IN YOUR AREA. You will represent a company offering UNIQUE TECHNOLOGY to a brand name product established OVER 30 YEARS. Salary + bonus + benefits. Call toll free 1-888-886-4119. Please refer to Agronomist and leave your name and contact numbers on voice mail if no answer. ATTENTION HUSKER FANS! EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY!! Need extra income? Flexible work schedule! Unlimited income potential! Call (402) 434-3935 today. Apollo Athletic Apparel Corp. Attention students!! Just a hop... skip... and a jump from campus. Our growing fundraising office needs your enthusiasm. We offer flexible scheduling, relaxed work environment, casual dress, paid training. $7.00 guaranteed plus bonuses. Call Monday-Friday 10-4pm, 477-1013. FT/PT Perm/Temp. Having fun re quired- ___ Center Supervisor ^ J Easterday Recreation Center, 6130 Adams, Lincoln NE: 441-7901. Hourly: $5.20; Hours: varied Monday - Friday 2:30-9:00, Saturday 1:00-5:00. This person is responsible for equipment check out, participant in quiries and basic office skills. Contact Todd Dorothy for applications before December 3,1997. Computer Operator / Data Processing part time position available to work Friday, Saturday and holidays. 11:00pm-7:00pm. To operate health center computers. Previous experience preferred but not required. Department of Human Resources: SAINT ELIZABETH COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, 555 South 70th Street Uncoln.NE 68510. (fax)402-486-7117. EOE. Director of Nursing Community Care of Milford, NE a 60 bed Skilled Nursing Facility, is seeking a RN with current NE license, to oversee the operations of our Skilled Nursing Facility. We are under new ownership and working on putting a great management team in place. Prefer previous long term care experience and/or supervising others in health care setting. We are only -20 minute's west of Lincoln in quiet, small, town-setting. We offer * PPO Provider Insurance- immediately *401 K Plans * Stock Options 'Credit Union ‘Caring, dedicated staff •Relocation Bonus to the right person Contact: Tammy Marshall, Administrator Phone: 402-761-2261 / Fax:402-761-3268 Kitchen Staff The Country Club of Lincoln is looking for experienced line cooks. Great benefits/work environment. Flexible hours. Starting wages: $7 per hour-pantry, $8 per hour - broiler/sautee. Apply in person at 3200 S. 24th Street. Country Club of Lincoln ^ *sSTRe (Pountky filuk of J?ificota KITCHEN STAFF The Country Club of Lincoln is looking for experienced line cooks. Great benefits/ work environment Flexible Hours High Starting Wage Apply in person at 3200 S. 24th St. Knolls Country Club and Restaurant has immediate openings for day and evening bussers and buffet attendants. Flexible hours to accomodate your schedule. Only 15 minutes from city campus. Please call 423-2843 for more information. La Paz Now accepting applications for AM, PM servers. Fun work environment. 50% meal discount. Apply in per son, 321 North Cotner. Lead Supervisor Easterday Recreation Center, 6130 Adams. Lincoln, NE: 441-7901. HOURLY: $6.70-$7:OO; Hours: varied Monday-Friday 9:00-9:00, Saturday 1:00-5:00. This person is responsible for supervising participants, data entry, record keeping and duties as assigned. Contact Todd Dorothy for application before December 3,1997. LIKE TO TALK? GET PAID FOR TALKING! EAI Marketing Services is now hiring for Full & Part-time Day/Evening Positions. *$125 Hiring Bonus! ‘Earn $8.00/hr guaranteed! ‘Earn up to $12/hr w/bonuses! 'Flexible Schedules! ‘Casual Dress! CALL TODAY! 434-5482 I 1 ■ ■ t - I vvnat ao you see in your future? If you think good grades are all you need to get a good first job after graduation, you’d better get real... Real experience, tha • i *>■tone Star Steakhouse ’7' Are you fun, outgoing and hardworking? We are looking for you in AH positions, a.m. and p.m. Insurance. Flexi ble hours. Half price meals. Come to 200 N 70th Street to apply. Meter’s Cork and Bottle looking for dependable part time sales clerk. Retail experience preferred. Please Call 476-1518. MMSCINC. is now accepting full and part time applications. Position opening for full time pre school, full time infant 2 teacher, and part time afternoon todler aide. Please apply in person at 520 N. 48th. Now hiring for waitress staff and cooks. Apply at Bum Steer, 6440 O Street. Omaha World Herald Lincoln Circulation office has part time service assistant positions available. 2:30am to 7:30am and 6:30am to approximately noon. Sched ules vary $6.25 plus mileage and vacation. Must be 18 or over, have reliable transportation with liability insur ance. Duties include assisting with distribution of newspapers to subscribers. Apply at 825 “M” Street Suite 103 or call 476-6100. P.T. Assistant Producer/Videographer 10/11 News is looking for a P.T. videographer and tape editor. Applicants must be able to be flexible and work nights and weekends. Those currently studying broadcast journalism preferred. Send VHS tape and resume to KOLN/KGIN-TV; Personnel Assistant; P.O. Box 30350; Lincoln, NE 68503. EOE P.T. Production Operator KOLN/KGIN-TV has a part time Production Operator opening. Duties include camera, C.G., videotape, & au dio. Must be willing to work early mornings, evenings, weekends, and holidays. App. deadline 11/26/97. Send cover letter and resume to Personnel Assistant, KOLN/KGIN-TV, PO Box 30350. Lincoln. NE 68503. EOE Part time sales rep. 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Mon - Thurs. Need mature, hard working individual with pleasant phone personality. 489-5779. ★ PART TIME WORK $10.10 Walk-in interviews Tuesday, November 18th only. I0am-2pm, Nebraska union City Campus. See Activi ties Board for room. Flexible Hours around classes. All majors may apply. If Unable to attend, call 477-8663. PART-TIME WAREHOUSE An immediate opening in our ware house department for a highly motivated, enthusi astic person. Must be dependable and a fast learner. WORK HOURS: M-F 3:00PM-8:00PM STARTING $7.00/HR. For Consideration, please apply in person, 8AM-4:30PM until closing date at PEPSi-COLA 1901 Windhoek Dr. Closing Date: 11/21/97 Equal Opportunity Employer Perkins Restaurant is now accepting applications for line cooks, evening and late nignt servers, and bussers. A variety of hours is available, so talk to us today. Apply at 48th and O location. l---— Pi Seta Phi Needs You Easy part time job- Hasher. Good pay, good food, good working conditions. Call Helen 436-6189. Production Assistant Wanted Lincoln CableVision is looking for a part time production assistant to work inlocal origination. Part-time hours are 20-30 per week including days, evenings and weekends. Position includes free cable. Qualified applicants will have a high school education or equivalent an d strong video production skifls. Undergraduate course work in video production 41 plus. Applicants must be able to communicate effectively with co-workers and community cable users. Apply in person at CableVision, 5400 S. 16th St., Lincoln, NE 68512, 8:30am-5pm. CableVision is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V/. Quick Connect is looking for a representative for a software training video. Must be photogenic and good in front of a camera. Other positions available also. If interested, please call 434-9494, ask for Kris. Science Camp Assistant The Edgerton Explorit Center in Aurora is seeking en ergetic, responsible and mature adults for the position of part-time Camp-in assistants beginning Jan 98-May 98. Responsibilities include coordinating science ac tivities for Camp in programs. Must be college age and have background in science/education. Experience working with children essential. Contact Josephine, Ed. Director 402-694-4032. Salary includes mileage to and from Aurora. STARS ONLY Don’t even call unless you have a burning desire to succeed, and are extremely customer oriented, highly motivated and never say die. You communicate per suasively, you believe you can be the best at almost anything you do, and you can prove it. Don’t call unless you can fill this bill. 464-6601. I Telephone help, special projects. Call Nick I Partsch at 482-2589 for an interview. Looking I for someone for 6 to 8 hours a week with the I Daily Nebraskan Classified department. ***PRE-HEALTH STUDENTS*** Have you had your “3-shot Hep B Series” If so, you may qualify for a medical research study Just 4 hours a week of your time can earn you over $380 every 4 weeks while you study Call 474-2335 and ask for Cory. Nabi Biomedical Center 300 S. 17th Street ' _Lincoln. NE 68508_ ; EARN $100.00!!! ! !! ! ; WANTED; I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 l I I ^ ! *6 month lapse (fees subject to change) i