The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1997, Page 6, Image 6

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By Josh Funk
Assignment Reporter
The Cornhusker will be resurrect
ed next year.
Publication of the universitywide
yearbook, The Cornhusker, will
resume next year after 26 years in
The co-editors of this year’s greek
yearbook, Becky Simpson and Sherri
Neall, with die support of the univer
sity, are going to expand their publi
cation to include die entire university.
The University of Nebraska
Lincoln had a yearbook from 1884
1972 until publication was suspended
due to a deficit.
Also, in 1972 less than 10 percent
of the student body bought a yearbook.
The book, published irregularly
from 1884-1907 and every year after
that, used photos, sketches and satire
to capture the events and altitudes of
the time. \
- Now the university wants to build
upon the experience of the greek
yearbook to resurrect The
. The greek yearbook begaain
1976 and has picked up the slack for
The Comhusker in the greek commu
The greek community has cap
tured the events around it, but there is
much more to cover, Linda
Schwartzkopf of Greek Affairs said.
The new Comhusker will be 350
400 pages long and will cover cam
pus organizations and events.
The book should cost $20-$30,
editors said.
The determining factor in the suc
cess or failure of the book will be the
support and interest of the student
body, Neall said.
Neall and Simpson will finalize
the planning of the book and hire
their staff this spring.
The new Cornhusker will be
modeled after the award-winning
Kansas State yearbook.
‘To learn what we were getting into,
we talked with editors and advisors
from other yearbooks,” Simpson said.
A yearbook is more than some
thing to show to die grandchildren, it
m - —
Its Exciting
because we are
making history here ”
Ben Wallace
RHA president
The creation of a book this size is
a monumental undertaking, Neall
said . -v - ■ -’*• - * .
Covering the entire university
effectively is a challenge, Daily
Nebraskan Editor Paula Lavigne said.
“It is a challenge to know what to
cover,” Lavigne said. “And if you
want students to buy it you have to
include everyone’s memory.”
A universitywide yearbook needs
the support of students to succeed,
Association of Students of the
University of Nebraska President
Curt Ruwe said
“We need to discuss this on cam
pus to make sure we have student
support,” Ruwe said.
More information for students inter
ested in working on the yearbook staff
will be available at the ASUN, UPC and
Greek Affairs offices next week.
With the support of the Alumni
Association, University Foundations
and UNL, The Comhusker will move
into its new offices in January to
complete the final preparations for
the 1998-1999 edition of The
“It’s exciting because we are mak
ing history here,” Residence Hall
Association President Ben Wallace
-ftjwsaid 1heULC«aJdmeetNo^ 23 at8pmh*»Net»askaUnioa Hesaidatopicfartie meeting
woid be decided. T)» SJT met Tuesday.
—.. --■■■■ - . . . .. .
SENATE from page 1
BySarah Baker
Assignment Reporter
The Academic Senate heard a
presentation Tuesday about
iogprovihg conditions at UNL for
bfcinonties, and then put itself in the
minority by voting down two popu
lar proposals for calendar changes.
The votes were against propos
als to observe Martin Luther King
Jr.’s birthday as a holiday and to
institute a mid-semester fail break.
The senate also heard a presen
tation from the Chancellor’s
Commission on the Status of
People of Color that stressed the
group’s strategy to reduce the loss
of minority students.
“We are losing minority faculty
members as fast as we can get
them,” the presentation stated.
UNL Chancellor James
Moeser said he thought the vote on
King’s birthday was an unfortunate
action by the senate.
“I am sad about the outcome of
this vote because it is going to be
misinterpreted by the community,”
Moeser said. “It is going to be seen
as a lack of sensitivity to the diver
sity in Lincoln. Symbols like this
are loudly heard.”
Amy Rager, an Association of
the Students of the University of
Nebraska representative, said UNL
students endorsed the changes
“I just find it really ironic that
the senate turned down this pro
posal after discussing the climate
(for minorities) of this uj^sky”
Rager said. “This was one big
thing the senate could have sup
ported to change that climate, and
they turned it down.”
ASUN conducted a random
survey in which 92 percent of 439
surveyed University of Nebraska
Lincoln students approved observ
review plan
TENURE from page 1
By Sarah Baker
Assignment Reporter
Months of discussion and
numerous rewrites preceded the
Academic Senate’s approval
Tuesday of a new post-tenure
review policy.
The senate passed the new pol
icy with a vote that was one short
of unanimous.
The senate first passed a
motion to replace die old proposal
with the newly amended proposal
the^senate discussed at its last
• • •• .