The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1997, Image 1

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    _spobts_ _*u_ tubs iAy
Newcombe(r) of the year It takes a big man November 4,1997
After a switch of positions midway through the Making it in the adult movie industy takes more
season, freshman Bobby Newcombe is making than brains. As Dirk Diggler, Mark Wahlberg S. 0. S.
waves on the Husker football team. PAGE 7 proves he’s the man in “Boogie Nights.” PAGE 9 Cloudy, high 58. Rain or spi ight, low 32.
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LES relaxes
after lighting
Lincoln’s lives
■ Electricians who worked for
more than a week to restore the
city’s power are getting a break.
By Ted Taylor
J Senior Reporter
On the ninth day there was light again, and
it was the LES crews who rested.
Early Monday morning, the last of the dark
houses in Lincoln lit up with electricity as
Lincoln ElectrieSystem crews finally restored
power to everyone in the city.
It took nine grueling days of around-the
clock work from not only LES crews, but about
400 private electric contractors from across the
region, to restore the power that 30,000 cus
tomers lost after Sunday’s massive snowstorm.
High winds Sunday afternoon had LES
* taking one Step backward after making huge
~ steps forward, as gusts knocked down 20
power lines across the city, causing 2,000 peo
ple to lose power again.
But Monday morning, everyone in the city
- for the first time in more than a week - woke
up with electricity.
LES spokesman Russ Reno said about 200
workers were still retained by the power com
pany in case there was a change in the situa
tion, but for a majority of workers, it was a day
Everybody at Lbb has taken a much
needed rest as best we can,” he said. “But there
are still some situations we need to take care of
so we can get our system up to shape.”
During the week, crews focused on getting
power restored as quickly as possible, Reno
said. Now their goal is getting everything fixed
“That will probably take months,” he said.
“The facilities were repaired the best they
could at the moment, but they weren’t repaired
up to standard.”
LES is estimating a $6.2 million damage
bill for the week, Reno said.
They will meet with Federal Emergency
Management Agency officials Wednesday to
determine just how much of that bill the gov
ernment will cover.
If the amount is approved, Reno said,
FEMA funds would cover 75 percent of the
total costs. '
Nelson talks beef with S. Korea
By Ted Taylor
Semor Reporter
— ‘ - — -
Gov. Ben Nelson said Monday he hoped
two days of talking “eyeball to eyeball” with
South Korean officials regarding the safety of
Nebraska and American beef products would
normalize the twp sides’ working relationship.
In a conference call from Seoul, South
Korea, Nelson said he wasn’t optimistic, but
remained hopeful that South Korea’s trust in
Nebraska and American beef would resurface
despite two contamination scares in Nebraska
plants earlier this year.
“I am very hopeful that the officials here
will consider the fact that this beef should be
permitted into the Korean market,” he said.
It was disturbing, Nelson said, that the
South Korean minister of agriculture was still
considering stopping shipments of American
beef products before they have been inspected
and tested.
“We’ve had too long of a relationship to
have the treatment we’re getting at this time,”
he said.
Nelson described the two days of “high
level meetings” with South Korea’s president
of livestock marketing organization and
Minister of Foreign Affairs Yoo Chang Ha as
“tough talk, straight talk.”
“We explained to them that we* share the
same goal in providing safe and nutritious food
to Korean customers,” he said. “We want to
work with them to solve any misunderstand
In September, South Korean importers
were told to destroy or return nearly 18 tons of
Nebraska beef from Dakota City-based IBP
after the country’s quarantine inspectors
detected traces of the E. coli bacteria on slices
of frozen beef.
South Korean officials’ beef safety con
cerns initially arose following the recall of
more than 25 million pounds of beef from
Columbus’ Hudson Foods in August and
Please see BEEF on 6
Startcltoppln*_ ; , v.
Ryan Soderlin/DN
LANDSCAPE SERVICE’S CARL LAM6EN0ER6 cuts up branches that have fallen near Architecture Hall. Langenberg said tint after the fall
en branches are cleaned up, torn branches would have to be trimmed so that the trees would heal.
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Students could get credit for service work
By Erin Gibson
Senior Reporter
Time dedicated to community service pro
jects could add credit hours to UNL students’
transcripts because of a $300,000 federal grant
announced Monday.
The one-year Learn and Serve America
Higher Education Grant will fund community
service programs on the campuses of 20
Nebraska colleges and universities, including
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where
officials say such funding is greatly needed.
.It will also help schools add community ser
vice-oriented, for-credit courses to their curric
Because of its large size, UNL should
receive a significant chunk of the grant -
$20,000 or more - to enhance the community
service programs it offers students, said
Marilyn Bugenhagen, UNL director of Student
Schools must submit proposals to receive
part of the funds, she said.
When UNL receives part of the grant, it will
expand its new Volunteer Resource Center and
provide incentives for professors to add com
munity service into their course requirements,
Bugenhagen said.
One English course, Literacy and
Community Issues, already requires UNL stu
dents to complete several hours of community
service each week for course credit.
The grant would help faculty members
develop similar courses by paying transporta
tion and materials costs associated with requir
ing community service as part of a course,
Bugenhagen said. Faculty could also receive
stipends for rewriting their courses to include
community service, and UNL-sponsored work
shops could help faculty make course changes.
“We’re hoping it will allow us to make ser
vice more available to students at UNL,” she
said. .. .\ i ;••••
Bugenhagen said many Nebraska students
come to college with a strong background in
service in their hometowns, but they could lose
the tendency toward service if it isn’t nurtured
at their schools.
At UNL, a Volunteer Resources Center,
headed by Diane Podolske, pairs interested stu
dents with community service projects, she
said. • i ■ -
But the center is “just a baby,” Bugenhagen
Although it opened Sept. 2, it has no office
- just the one-woman workstation that is
; Please see SERVICE on 6
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