The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1997, Image 11

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    ADOPTi Athletic Ded, outgoing Mom. warm, loving
home by the sea is watting to be wared with your infant
Expenses paid. Help us with you. Cair Reinalda
and Ray tott free. 1(B88) 364-2588.
Wb offer counseiingandadoption services to help you
plan the best futureror your baby. No fees or obligations.
Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's
Home. 4600 Valley Rd„ Suite 314,483-7879
I Adoption: TOUGH CHOICES? Let us make it I
easier for you. Our warm, loving home awaits I
yourbaby^Ex^enses paid. Selena & Mark. I
Vlfe would love to welcome your newborn into our happy
and loving home. Medical expenses paid. Please
caU, 1 (800) 829-2040 access code 98. Esty and Erony.
Free Samples
Losenu^to 30 pounds in 30 days. Product guaranteed.
Hewit Academic Center
Hewit Academic Center for student athletes has imme
diate openings for tutors in Accounting 201 and 202,
Econ 211 ana 212, Management 245, upper Level Fi
nance, and Chem 109.
_ Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, call Sanford Poitack 476-7474.
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for
appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check
out our website wwwJbirthrighLotg
Academic Expressions
Term Papers, Masters’ Theses, Doctoral Dissertations,
College Student's Dream House! One person needed
to share larae, modem 5 bedroom house. Capital
Beach Area $185/month. 475-5305. _
Nonsmoking male or female to share 2 bedroom
apartment. $23Q/month, all utilities paid, free cable and
laundry. Call Kristen 464-1118._
NS M/F to share two bedroom condo. Two blocks
from cem|u8 J$2J5^rtus utilities/month to month
■' '' ■ 1—TT . . .■ 1 /.
Responsible female to share large house. $350/month
plus deposit artd utiBtles. 426-6770 or 890-6000.
Share a house with two male students. Large room, all
utilities included. 438-6809 or 608-783-6046:
Elderly gentleman needs responsible student, pref.
grad student, M/F to help around house. Rent depend
ent on work willing to do, no more than $100/mo.
435-0214. __
$30 - $80/DAY
Deliver the new
McLeodUSA phone book
in Lincoln area.
Flexible hours:
Must have valid driver’s license,
insured dependable auto and be
18 years of age or older.
For information please call:
6:30 AM-4:30 PM
•Temporary telephone verification operator positions also available.
. Equal Opportunity Employer
now non-smonng TefnaiG. uwiugs, launory, ana csDie
FREE! Near south area, on bus route, available
10/5, month-to-month-tease, 432-5573 or 435-0030.
Rent Reduced
5 Bedrooms. Near UNL Stadium. Central air. Wbsh
er/Dryer. Range/Refrigerator. Dishwasher. Lawn main
tained. $600,489-9294~
1004 N. 40th, new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garage, appli
ances, W/D, C/A. no pets. <850.435-7807; ;
1425 North 23rd. very nice 5 bedroom. 2 bath, parking,
near campus. $795.441-9596.
2301 Vine. Lame three bedroom, 11/2 baths, parking.
Near campus. fe75/month. 441 -9596.
2948 Starr, b/w campuses, 4BR, 1 3/4 bath, C/A. gar
bage disposal. $735 + deposit 474-5094
2980 Dudley, brand new 4 bedroom, 2 bath, double
garage, central air, $775.430-6328.
BRAND NEW! 2628 Q. Deluxe. 2 bedroom, double gar
age, $575.430-6328.
New, 2740 N 4th, 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, washer/dryer,
Available 1-02-96. Year Lease $850/month.
1015 Furnas Ave. Clean 4 bedroom 2 bath 2 garage,
appliances. W/D C/A no pets $895.435-7807
2252 Sheldon, 2 bedroom, close to campus, newly re
modeled. $360.470-2717,488-9162..
2501 *E* Street. 2 bedroom. 1000 square feet. New
drapes, paint, ceiling fans, built in microwave. Ideal for
graduate students. $450 for 2. NS/NP. 432-3686.
Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d, garage, 2420 Potter,
Nice) 1 and 2 bedroom, w/d, near campus, 23rd and
Vine. Tenant pays gas/electric, $300-495. Off street
parking 432-6478_
2020 G-Controlled Access 2 Bedroom._.$409
2000 G-Mega-sized 1 Bedroom_.339
2000 G - Efficiency......,._299
680 South 20-2 BR, Balcony...399
680 South 20-2 BR, Balcony, New Carpet.....429
640 South 20 - 2 BR. 2 Parking Spaces, Balcony.~429
645 South 20 - 2 BR. Balcony..........419
2301A Street -1 BR.™..™319
Jones Properties 475-6262
IMCIose to Campus!!!
3 bedroom
4915 Huntington $595
, t Bedroom
5140 So. 48th $425
1600 S Folsom $520
1 Bedroom
1900E $350
1228 S. 23rd $305
Management One 477-2600
1 month free!
2740 R, large. 3 bedroom, $450, garage, laundry.
2 bedroom, all redone, in south Lincoln, $425/month,
call Larry 434-3647. _
Victorian Charm
2 and 3 bedroom, wood floors, oak cabinetry,
$360-$475/month. 489-1938 or 730-5050.
1221 S 23rd
Lg 1 BR. Storage, Micro, C/A, $335, no pets, 489-6755
or 450-8561.
1503 So. 22nd Street. Cute and cozy 1 bedroom. Nice
area. No pets $300.1(888)331 -8933.
3855 Holdrege, 2 bedroom, central air, off-street park
ing. 489-9736._
44th & Cornhusker Hwy
Spacious 2BR, 2 level townhouse with f 1/2
baths, private patio, and heat paid. Great value
for your money. $475.
Newer 2 BR with all the extras including washer
& dryer hookups. Must see to appreciate. $540.
Newer 1 BR with all the extras. $425.
Close to City & East
1 BR Deluxe with all the extras. Heat paid.
Efficiency with new carpet & vinyl. $275.
Waveriy, NE
New 2BR, 2 bath with washer/dryer hookups.
Very spacious with neutral decor. $610.
2920 P Street
2BR townhouse with 1 1/2 baths in unique
small complex with central courtyard. $495.
Cherry Hill Realty
Brand new carpet. 1014 “A”. 2 bedroom, $445, appli
ances, 2 parking stalls. 430-7257.
BRAND NEW! 2628 Q. Deluxe, 2 bedroom, double gar
age, $575.430-6328. _
Unbelievable Low Prices
Diamonds, Engagement Rings,
Gold Chains and Bracelets.
ELQ£R Shop the Rest
LY Come to the Best
— "■ 3111 051474-6044
1 i
Close to campus
Reasonable and convenient, 1 or 2 bedroom., air,
laundry, parkinojno pets, FREE CABLE, 521 N 25th,
$350+. $450+. 477-7684.
Colonial Haights
One, two and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070.
Metropoliltan Apartments
602 S12
Efficiencies and one bedroom, $260-$325. Secured
Building. Close to campus. Call 477-3648.
“Spring Break...Take 2*“ Hiring Repsl Sell 15...Take
2 Free. Hottest Destinations! Free Parties. Eats,
Drinks. Sun Splash 1-800-426-7710.
Work 10-40 hours around classes. Resume ex-1
perience. AASP scholarship /intemship/coop. |
Call Monday-Friday. 12-4 pm 477-8663. I
Are you needing extra money for Christmas? Target
has temporary positions open in:
Early Morning Stocking Teem-must be able to
work at 530 aun.
Overnight Stocking Team
uisnfvnng ivoti
Target offers competitive pay, flexible schedules, and
10% Employee discount. If you want to have fun at
your job, apply at the Guest Service desk, 8 a.m. to 10
p.m. EOE
Attention Education Majors
Child Care Staff needed for before and after school
program in Elementary School. Varied days and
hours available. Call 475-0805.
Cabs drivers needed. 21 years or over. Will work with
you study schedule. Call Donna at 477-4111. Mon
day-Friday, 9-5. Drug test required.
Carpenter for our milt specialty shop. Fun or part time.
Experience with tools required. Apply Lincoln Lumber.
Come work for Lincoln's *1 Pizza Restaurant.
• Paid Vacations
• Tuition Reimbursment for College
• Great Work Environment
• Knowing you're associated with the BEST1
Valentino's Restaurant at 13th & Q is now ac
cepting applications from 8 am - 5 pm for AM &
PM Kitchen and Dining Room Positions.
MDS Harris is looking for personable, energetic individ
uals who want to be part of a strong team environment.
As part of our team, you will screen individuals over
the telephone to match requirements for pharmaceutical
studies while entering data into a computer
database. This position oners excellent growth oppor
tunities. HS diploma and data entry skills are required;
one year of customer service or sales experience is
preferred. Number ot hours vary based on staffing
needs. Please apply in person at:
Human Resources, JM-SPR
621 Rose Street
Lincoln, NE 68502
$42 per night officiating City Recreation Basketball. If
interested call 441-7892.
Haven Manor
(AntaM LMig ncflto for th* Bdwly)
The following positions are available:
*Part Time Personal Care Qhrer Positions (evenings
and weekends)
"Kan-nme onn issmant
‘PtnwlC—fllmr rtninn hnli^nyf) [mrl hroBrn
(Thanksgiwiq, Christmas arid New rear's) WB train.
Competitve Wages and Benefits. Contact Ooreen at
If you are energetic, optimistic and dependable. Trans
figuration is looking for you! Ufo SkBs trainers needed
for working with people with developmental dbabAities.
Full or part time. Quality of services ts our mission, make
it yoursl Apply at 1316 *N*, Suite 104.
Monday through Friaay 9-5.
The Office of Campus Recreation is currently hiring offi
cials for Basketball. Starting pay is $5.65/hour, 6-12
hours per week. If interested, please attend the officials’
meetings Tuesday, October 28 and Wednesday
October 29 at 4:00pm each day in the Nebraska Union.
Call 472-3467 for more information.
Ironworkers & Plate Welders
A large Industrial Construction Project located in the
Rock Mountain Region is looking for skilled craftsmen
to fill positions for connectors, detaiters. and plate
welders (test required). Competitive wages, good ben
efits, and bonus programs offered. If interested, please
call our toll-free number (888) 884-8476 and register.
Positions available immediately.
Kitchen Positions open at Lazio's Brewery & Grim We
offer a job with pride and have a reputation as one of
the most successful restaurants in town. You will
‘Competitive Pay
‘Vacation Benefits
‘Employee Meal Discounts
‘Great Company Parties
and a brewery close by!
Apply in person Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday
2:30pm-4:00pm. Lazio's Brewery & Gnu 710 *P" Street
Lincoln, NE. ,
Nebraska Bookstore acknowledges the
advertisement appearing inside the Schedule of Classes,
Second Semester, 1997-1998 was inappropriate.
Nebraska Bookstore also recognizes the UNL Division of
University of Housing is an excellent department and
deserves the support of the entire University Community.
iMMWRtkvciD, | S ^ " 7
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CMVM*. 'i J fee on the Ms (<4<&niVh) uorit not ) f^J;" -.- ■:
r:“^dss ,-W^i ^\e on the tel/- f '^T
me you seen that tv
Tbch PHONe seRVtces?
AUnU39 *x cmeibui ox rut? i ^ o
* C/^ lol, 34 Rocker’s heavy 63 Play involving __
1 Squall - watchful waiting «
5 Acted uman 3* Bivouac 66 Iowa college
10 TShh 7" 40 Gam of films town
14 Italian wine 41 Wa,kway 67 Early U S' Coin
center 42 P,ant used in 68 To
JT treating burns (precisely)
15 Coronet 43 Quiet’s partner 69 Employment
16 Harness part 44 Babble 70 Goose genus
17 Change one s ^ j<jnd bargain 71 North Sea
v,ews r, . .. a fpprlpr
^ 0. ... . 46 Ruhr city teeaer
20 Significant . . ,
period 48 Sehold
21 Unenclosed 49 Polynesian DOWN
waters language ^ Victor at
22 Hot time in Paris 52 Actreap Tyne Saratoga: 1777
. 23 Hale or 007 „ Jan _t0.Dec 2 Seize power
24 Offspring: Abbr. . periods 3 Some
. 23 Worth 58 Cover girl Carol scavengers
27 Bee chaser _ 4 Stannum
2. Gather ss Big-band Benny '^pl“'in
6 Ceremonies
. . .. - ; 8 Fulmars kin
lA|SlClAyp»p|A|cTsJslClA|Ml 9 Particular point
nrl¥roTNtAMETstAtuWAtRTdol Of time ..,
I I Ft 56 English
IA IlME A R InBBr EmS 10 „ loves me novelist:
■S|M|A[LIL|P|OIT|A[TIOIeTsJ ••• 33Jumble 49 Large parrot 1839-t908
W U ,2 Italian viotin «Glove- aoTex.shrine ST Show contempt
paHlgRI.11 11 11 130Oama compartment si Weasellike 60 Grecian theaters
mi I laf I K SBa. P nfc isCipheror i,ems mammal SI Yemeni
AHErnjErr rff* "rn encipher 39 Where Mary S3 Stubborn as neighbor
Ba£r mil1 r r re'm ° — e4lnvite
: 28 Emulate Harriet Pres'das 54 TVPe of beam 85-Paree
Tubman 37 See 3 Down
blvtSlnMnHI ! ElS mUBn 28 Ciick beetle 38 A Stooge
I ill! WWX1! I n B , .I !' I? 30Lager 30-soup
IAIRM ILMNI1 lTlAB' |R|E|N1E| ingredient (densefog)
|M| I iC|AMA|N|E|WMM|E|ElSlEl 31 Downwind 47Earmark
\ . • -