Photo courtesy op Columbia Pictures STROLLING IN THE SOLAR FARM, Irene (Uma Thurman) and Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) are unaware of their mutual imperfections in “Gattaca,” a futuristic flick featuring a world based on genetics and genotypes. can’t rescue film GATTACA from page 9 __ Look, let’s cut to the chase here: “Gattaca” is chock-full of symbol ism, involving baptism, racism and lots of sweeping landscape shots and other cool stuff to be seen on the big screen, but paying full price for this flick is as stupid as whoever said we were getting one to three inches of snow over the weekend. The premise is terrific, and it might make an interesting basis for a literary series, but the movie falls flat on its genetically perfect, heart shaped butt. Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman both boast performances with the theatrical value of warm Alpo, and if the leaders of this society are consid The Facts Title: ■Gattaca' Stars: Ethan Hawke, Lima Thurman, Jude Law, Alan Aritin Director. Andrew Niccol Rating: PG-13 (language, mature situations) Grade: C Fhre Words: Greet style, but RHe substance. ered the genetic elite, we’re all in deepkimshi. Stay home. Drink hot chocolate. Play strip rock-paper-scissors. Sculpt with your shaving cream. Skip “Gattaca.” Just say no. !_ Notice the Double Slice Pizza below? If so, you’ve got an overly active imagination. • \ In other words, you’re destined for a great advertising career. While you’re still a student, come try Pizza or Pasta for under $4. i _T\ Glass dismissed. i Sw f I I ■ 1 4603 Vine Street, 466-4045, Lincoln j/Ml Prom •night Trtrigtng I 4 - 9,1998 •4 days of day/night skiing at Breckenridge, I Keystone, Vail, or Beaver I Creek(2 days at Vall/BG) I • fftrttw, fiftces, the Workall I •Free skis ($300 value,bindings I additional) while supplies last Add $37 tax and aarvlea SPRIN6 BREAK '98 fc k our One-Ston Halloween Shop.* We*ve got your costumes right here! Large basement full of men's A women’s clothing. Open Daily. 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The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any daim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. 200s Fwnte 260 SportingCioods 331 Cleaning/Households 378 Pregnancy 430 Houses/Rent 600s Mns 202 Appliances 265 Stereos/TVs 335 Computer Services 380 Priming & Copying 440 Duplex/Rem 600 Rides 205 Bicycles 270 Ticket Exchange 340 Entertainment 382 Recycbrg 450 Apartments/Rent 603 Spring Break Trips 210 Books 290 Vehicles 345 Gift ideas 383 Religious 460 Summer Housing 305 Career Events 213 Clothing 3QOs iOTfcSI 348 Hairstyting 385 Rentals 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 310 Amouncments 216 Computers 300 Adoption 350 Health & Fitness 388 Tanning 480 Vacation/Rem 315 Meetings 220 Furniture 305 Alterations 353 Insurance 390 Tatooing 490 Homes/Sale 320 Greek Affairs 230 Jewlery 310 Automotive 355 Instruction/ Tutoring 393 Travle SOOs JlfeS 330 Student Government 240 Misc. 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