r i A \ I ■: f: l, ' ! « [: ... j A ■ "1 ; 1 Clinique’s Job Interview Workshops for men and women You may have gotten into college on ability alone, but when it comes to job interviews, it helps to look the part. Come find out what interviewers expect to see—not on your resume, but in the flesh. Like: What length your hair should be. What’s the score on multiple earrings, 3-piece suits, tattoos, makeup. It’s no guarantee, but knowing you look right can give you an edge. Just in case the CEO doesn’t owe your dad a big, fat favour. So. Can’t hurt. Might help. Come on over. Clinique counter. In the bookstore. Study Hard. Have Fun. Look Good. www.clinique.com 1300QStreet, Lincoln, NE 68508 LsLIINIvJUt Tel. 402 476-0111 Fax 402 476-7755 --— Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 9:00am to 6:00pm Allergy Tested. Thursday 9:00am to 8:00pm • Sunday 12:00pm to 5:00pm 100% Fragrance Free.