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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1997)
- ... . ? *•'-— } *'* ^ | Pot Big $$$ in Your Schedule I $Sc5©/Hour* Immediate Evening Openings for Outbound Telesales Flexible hours and relaxed environment Call Today fl | 476-0445 i M-F, 1 Oa-7p I or Apply in Person I 809 “P" Street | Lincoln 1 i m ITI Marketing Services * Varies based on status and hours worked. t . . V Muscular Dystrophy Association 1-800-572-1717 Jerry Lewis, National Chairman People help MDA... because MDA helps peoph * 1-lll-IIMEST www.kaplan.cofli Opera seduces Lied ■^Carmen,’ a tale of a. ; sultry gypsy girl who breaks men’s hearts, will be showing tonight. By Jason M. Hardy Staff Reporter Western Opera Theater - in a fashion similar to the roving people it portrays - makes an encampment tonight at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. Action and entertainment are sure to follow. The company’s performance fea tures the seductive power of the sultry gypsy girl Carmen. Western Opera Theater - San Francisco Opera’s transitory band -brings its version of George Bizet’s “Carmen” to the Lied at 8 p.m. Norah Goebel-George, Lied Center director of marketing and media relations, said “Carmen” was an incredible opera receiving an over whelming response from Lincoln res idents. “There really are a lot of opera lovers in our community,” Goebel George said. “When a good one is touring, we snatch it up.” The plot is simple but deadly. Carmen arouses the darkest passions in all she meets and seduces the young soldier Don Jose, only to cast him away into a void of heartbroken nothingness. The results are deadly. Shelly Crawford, who will play Carmen Wednesday, said playing the wild child pushed her vocally and mentally. “Musically, it’s a little more diffi cult,” Crawford said. “Psychologically, she’s just a difficult character to figure out.” Though the show physically is very demanding and the largest she has been part of, Crawford finds relief in the fact that the production tours with three complete casts. The role of Carmen is shared between three different women who either sing in the chorus or play Mercedes, one of Carmen’s friends. Crawford said sharing a role was difficult to get used to but that it was a good way too keep everybody healthy. “It’s helpful. 11 would be too much pressure to do the lead every night,” Crawford said. Two 15-minute pre-performance talks will be given at 7:05 and 7:30 in the Lied Center’s Steinhart Room as part of its ongoing education and outr reach programming. Alexandra Hunt will lead the talks, which will focus on the songs, cast and other facts h)f “Carmen.” The talks are open to any one attending the show. Tickets for the opera are $38, $34 and $30. UNL students can purchase tickets for half-price. 20% For sale CYCLE WORKS Autumn is here. Winter is coming. Stay warm, dry, and comfortable with cycling gear from Pearl Izumi. New colors and styles now in stock. All 97's from Trek Specialized, Klein and Bontrager on sale now. 27th and Vine 475-BIKE —inks, Ti BB, 22,34,42. Ti bolts $320 Paul rear ir,$150.00 (402)826-4902. SPOKES BIKES. ATTENTION NROTC STUDENTS RETIRED OFFICER HAS WOMEN’S UNIFORMS FOR SALE. CALL 466-6216 FOR INFO. For sale: Ladies pirate costume with all accessories, $15.477-7418 The Jean Outlet. 3241 South 13th. 420-5151. We buy and sell Levis. 486DX33 Computer, 12 Meg RAM, 170 Meg HD, VGA Color, CDROM, Multimedia $325 488-7824. Computer Workstation with Hutch. $650 New Asking $300 O.B.O. 19" Sony Color Monitor with Video Tuner, $300 O.B.O. 420-1498 Waterbed with bookcase and headboard $75. Glass top kitchen table $50. Call Barb at 465-9165 Beanie Babies Dinosaurs Etc. at 206 Morrill Halt has just received two shipments of Beanie Babies including Peace and Ally. Come and get them! Cable descrambler kit $14.95. View all premium and pay per view channels. 1 -800-752-1389._jj Treadle and potter’s wheel, sturdy, good condition. $100 OBO. 438-9629. Velcro Watchbands Moose’s Tooth Vision Snow board plus Universal bindings. Length 147. Used twice. $300 .call 475-0123._ Needed. 3 to 4 tickets to Texas Tech and Iowa State. Call Beth at 436-8084. Unbelievable Low Prices Diamonds, Engagement Rings, Gold Chains and Bracelets. Shop the Rest Come to the Best _3111 O St 474-6044 NEEDED: Two tickets for Texas Tech Game. Together or separate. Call Brad 474-5697. NU at COLORADO Call 303-430-1111 Two tickets for NU vs. Oklahoma and 2 for NU vs Texas Tech, together, validated. $300 takes all. Call 421-8537 WANTED: 2-3 validated tickets for Oklahoma game. Block preferred. Call 476-4588, Kirti. e-mail: 1986 BMW 528E. 4 door, manual, sunroof, leather, full power. Complete maintenance records. 199k miles, extra clean. $5200, (402) 466-6722. Motorcycle $300 OBO. ‘82 Honda Nighthawk 450cc. Great bike, must sell. 436-0938. One owner: 1986 Chevy Nova, new tires, 133,000 miles (mainly road). Has Toyota engine and regular main tenance. Dependable and runs fine. $1500 OBO. Please call Patti at 489-2000 between 8am and 6pm Monday through Friday. 300s SgnteM ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children’s Home, 4600 Valley Rd., Suite 314,483-7879 1988 CavailerZ24, black, sunroof, $3500.1989 Mustang LX, red, $2500. Both fun and reliable cars. 470-2813 Catch the Wave! Perm Special $40 (long hair slightly higher)- Lisa Gard ner. 42nd & O’Hair, 120 South 42nd Street. 890-3930. Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474. -'-■-—K—n 'n n mil i. i ■ Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website Sun Tannery 1101 Arapahoe, 423-6022. Under New Management, bulbs changed every 45 days, 10% discount to stu dents. 400s Housing Female to share large two bedroom apartment. Wash eiVdr^er, $225 per month plus half utility. Call Female, Nonsmoking to share 4 bedroom/2 bathroom house hi quiet neighborhood. $17r/fnonth. Call 476-3827. Male roommate wanted. Close to campus. Washer, dryer, dishwasher, off street parking. $200 + 1/3 electric. Call 438-2729. Male, nonsmoker, 2 bedroom apartment. 18th & Washington. $210+1/2 deposit+1/2 utilities. 435-0528. Roommate needed ASAP for 2 bedroom apartment, utilities paid through December. 438-4146 Roommate wanted to share large 3 bedroom apartment. $250 month+ 1/3 electric, call 421-1365 evenings. Roommate wanted, female, responsible, $275/month + deposit. 466-9533, Share a house with two male students. Large room, all utilities included. 438-6809 or 608-783-6046. Prefer non-smoking female. Utilities, laundry, and cable FREE! Near south area, on bus route, available 10/5, month-to-month-lease, 432-5573 or 435-0030. Rent Reduced 5 Bedrooms. Near UNL Stadium. Central air. Wash er/Dryer. Range/Refrigerator. Dishwasher. Lawn main tained. $600, 489-9294. 1004 N. 40th, new 3"bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garage, appli ances, W/D, C/A, no pets. $850. 435-7807. 1425 North 23rd, very nice 5 bedroom, 2 bath, parking, near campus, $795. 441 -9596. 1735 N. 29th. Large 5-6 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air, $795.430-6328. 2980 Dudley, brand new 4 bedroom, 2 bath, double garage, central air, $850. 430-6328. BRAND NEW! 2628 Q. Deluxe, 2 bedroom, double gar age, $595. 430-6328. Close to Campus 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Brand New Duplex at 1747 North 26th Street. Washer/Dryer Furnished, phone and cable in each room, Reduced to $895. Management One 477-2600. Large 6 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, wood floors, redone, central air, washer dryer hookups, 1035 S 12th, $995. 430-9012_ Two br, w/d, ac, all new inside, lawn maintained, no pets, Ref., 435-3671, $550.__ Walking distance to campus, 3 bedroom, available pgas.r»? . I 2 bedroom, 11/2 bath, W/D hook up, free refrigerator included, fireplace’, 2 stall parking, $525/month. Available November 1.477-4079. 1015 Furnas Ave. Clean 4 bedroom 2 bath 2 garage, appliances, W/D C/A no pets $895.435-7807 Nice! 1 and 2 bedroom, w/d, near campus, 23rd and Vine. Tenant pays gas/etectric, $300-495. Off street parking 432-6476 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!U! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100 Gateway Gift Certificate 1 and 2 Bedroom units from $339 up. With one year lease, get gift certificate for Gateway. Ask about our other special$! Walk to campus from our 640 South 20th location...475-7262. ; __ !!!Close to Campus!!! 3 bedroom 56th and Holdredge $550 4915 Huntington $525 2 Bedroom 1331 So. 14th $295 5140 So. 48th $425 1600 S Folsom $520 1 Bedroom 1948Q$240 1900E$350 941 Washington $310 Management One 477-2600 1 month free! 2740 R, large, 3 bedroom, $450, garage, laundry. 430-6328. 2 bedroom, all redone, in south Lincoln, $425/month, call Larry 434-3647. 1256 So. 26th street. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Clean and nice. Central air, no pets. Only $520. 466-9526. 1503 So. 22nd Street. Cute and cozy 1 bedroom. Nice area. No pets $300.1(888)331-8933. 1932 R Street 4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATHROOM Next to campus. Parking, Washer/Dryer Hookups, Diswasher, Central Air. $750-$850. 475-3111 or 435-6645. 44th & Cbrnhusker Hwy Spacious 2BR, 2 level townhouse with 1 1/2 baths, private patio, and heat paid- Great value for your money. $475-$500. Close to Campus!! 1 BR Deluxe with all the extras. Heat paid. $350-$365. Efficiency Efficiency with new carpet & vinyl. $275. Waverly, NE New 2BR, 2 bath with washer/dryer hookups. Very spacious with neutral decor. $610. 2920 P Street 2BR townhouse with 1 1/2 baths in unique small complex with central courtyard. $495. Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857 Close to campus Reasonable and convenient, 1 or 2 bedroom., air, laundry, parking, no pets, FREE CABLE, 521 N 25th, $350+, $450+. 477-7684. '__ Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Efficiency apartments close to city campus. Water, heat, gas paid. Call 477-4490. Metropoliltan Apartments 502 S 12 Efficiencies and one bedroom, $260-$325. Secured Building. Close to campus, Call 477-3648. I Not what fou expected? . Are you searching for a different housing altfernaf tive? Husker Hail, located at 23rd and vine has several openings for graduate/nontraditional men and women. Single rooms with micro fridges, computer room, lounge, and full kitchen are available for resident's use. For more informa tion or a tour call Todd at 472-1157. Updated 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, available Nov 1.4302 Baldwin Street. UNL East Campus. Rent $350 and $475- gas and water paid. 438-1269. VICTORIAN CHARM 2 BR, nicely decorated, $360/month, 489-1938 or 730-5050. 50% MS "Spring Break..."Take 2’** Hiring Repsl Sell 15...Take 2 Free. Hottest Destinations! Free Parties, Eats, Drinks. Sun Splash 1-800-426-7710. *EARN FREE TRIPS & CASH!* CLASS TRAVEL needs students to promote Spring Break 1988! Sell 15 trips & travel free! Highly motivated students can earn a free trip & over $10,0001 Choose Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan, Jamaica or Flor ida! North America’s largest student tour operatofl Call Now! 1-800-838-6411. 33 positions-No telemarketing >| j l(i $10.10 Work 10-40 hours around classes. Resume ex perience. AASP scholarship /internship/coop. Call Monday-Friday, 12-4 p.m. 477-8663. A career move? Probably not— but you can put yourself through college by dancing part-time at the Foxy Lady. Excellent Donate Plasma at NABI: •Are you a new plasma donor? •Has it been 6 months since your last donation? •If so, you can earn $70 CASH in 2 donation! For an appointment call 474-2335 * 30^Soutl^^tl^treet^^^,