The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1997, Page 12, Image 12
Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070. Metropolitan Apartments 502S12 O Efficiencies and one bedroom, $260-$325. Secured Building. Close to campus, Call 477-3648. 15...Take t Destinations! Free Parties, Eats, Drinks. Sun Splash 1-800-426-7710. 911 Looking for a career, not just another job? Interested in an exciting, ever changing work environment? Join our expanding staff of dedicated public safety professionals responsible for receiving and dispatching emergency and non-emergency Law Enforcement Fire and Medical Calls. City of Lincoln seeks to fill 3 Emergency Call Taker po sitions (Hourly: $9.16) and 2 Emergency Service Dis patcher 1 positions (Hourly: $10.31) as wall as estab lishing-an eligibility list for future vacancies. These are all full time positions workingvaried hours. Qualifica tions: HS grad or equivalent Those that meet the mini mum qualifications will be scheduled for a written exam on October 31,1997. Must complete an application and a Supplemental Questionnaire. Return or have post marked on or before: Friday: October 24,1997. Appiyat City-County Employment Office 555 S. 10th St. Rm. 114 Lincoln, NE 68508 402/441 -7596 (Voice Mail Box) EOE/AA A career njove? Probably not— but you can put yourself through college by dancing part-time at the Foxy Lady. Excellent pay and tips. If you are 19 or older, apply at 1823 O St After School Leaders Parks and recreation has openings for leaders with after school recreation for elementary children. Hours 2:30-5:45pm Menday-Friday ($5.30/hour). Apply now at playground office. 1225 “F” Street. Second floor. 441-7952 EOE/AA. Athletes West Coast based company looking for a few key indi viduals with an athletic attitude and leadership qualities, call now 467-2616. ATTENTION HUSKER FANS! EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY!! Need extra income? Flexible work schedule! Be your own boss! Unlimited income potential! Call (402) 434-3935 today. Apollo Athletic Apparel Corp. ^uildyourownscheciuie^ at * . DRIVE THRU Choose from the foMowing shifts, and create the schedule that fita your busy He! 8:00-2:00 pm 11:30-1:30 pm 11:00-5:00 pm 5:00-9:00 pm Start at$&50. earn up to $84X> within 1 month Enjoy your flexible schedule, as wel! as these benefits: ' * 1/2 Priced Meals * Fun, Fun, Fun Working Environment * Scholarship Program * Medical Insurance 'Paid Vacation 'Advancement Opportunities Business woman needs tutoring for Word 7/Windows 95. Formatting, setting up tables, etc. Tutoring in learning the inter net Will work around your schedule. $15 per hour. 489-1374. Busy builder needs quality reliable people. Work around your class schedule. Pay depends on experi ence. Framing experience helpful. Call 560-8934 or 420-5527._ - • Delta Gamma hiring hashers now. Flexible hours, $’s, great environment and delicious food. Phone 436-7209 or 436-7092. STUDENTS*: • No more money left on the money tree? • Tired of asking the folks for some cash? A Return to donating and earn up to $28 when you bring in your student ID. Call or step in today. _ Centeon Bio-Services 1442‘0’Street 475*8645 *2-5 month lapse fc subject to change) We’re still looking for a few great communicators. This job is NOT telemarketing! r * W ork on campaign finance reform and women's issues. Help protect the environment. * Earn $8/hr. guaranteed. W ork as few as 12 hours/week. Earn full-time benefits at 20 hours/ week. * W e're close to the downtown campus at 941 'O' Street, Suite 625. For an interview, call 476-1010, Mon-Fri. 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. msaimssaamsssssssisssssssssssssammssi Desk Clerk/ Night Auditor Part-time desk clerk/night auditor needed for Congress Inn Motel. Bookkeeping and desk experience helpful. Call 477-4488, ask for Marvin. Editorial Visionaries Wanted Successful magazine/internet media publisher seeks F-T or P-T Editor and Assistant Feature writers. Excel lent opportunity to build your resume, sharpen your skills, and rub elbows with Lincoln’s most influential contacts. Must be a skilled writer with vision and perfect editing ability. Call Paige today to find out more 466-8521. You must respond immediately to be con sidered; Health Nutrition Co. X-WRESTLERS Seeking 3 sports minded leaders with aggressive atti tude & great people skills. Training/Travel Available. Call 464-6601 Help wanted Coastal Mart nights and weekends. Apply in person, Coastal Mart 16th and P Lincoln ,NE Help wanted: customer service representative. Grey Hound 940 P, apply in person. Flexible hours necessary. If you have a great attitude and are interested in flexible hours, excellent salary and benefits, Hillcrest Country Club is looking for part time, full time bartend ers, servers, kitchen help and dish washers. Apply Tuesday-Saturday, 8901 ‘O” Street. We are looking for the best! Instrument Analysis MDS Harris, a leader in the pharmaceutical testing in dustry, has part time opportunities available in our ana lytical laboratory for Instrument Analysts. Duties include running, maintaining and making repairs on analytical instruments. Requires the minimum of an Associate or Bachelors Degree in progress in a science related field. Some HPLC, GC, or MS experience helpful. Positions currently available consist of weekend Shifts. SB HARRIS ExceSerrt wages! Apply at: Human Resources-J-IA 621 Rose Street Lincoln, NE 68501 AA/EOE Killer Web Sites Built Here Established, cutting edge web development firm seeks two site builders and one marketing rep. for immediate employment due to strong sales growth. Position yourself for the future in THE hottest growing field today with one of the best. Will train people with desire and some basic skills. This is a fantastic opportunity with flexible hours, no limits and only upside potential. To find out more call Matt at 466-8521 this week only! Laundry Land at 21st and J Street is now hiring for the 7:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. shift, 4 days per week, up to $6.5Q/hour. Apply in Person. LIKE TO TALK? GET PAID FOR TALKING! EAI Marketing Services is now hiring for Full & Part-time Day/Evening Positions. *$125 Hiring Bonus! 'Earn $8.0Q/hr guaranteed! 'Earn up to $12/hr w/bonuses! 'Flexible Schedules! *Casual Dress! CALL TODAY! __434-5492 Local career company seeking full and part time indi viduals to deliver overnight letters and parcels in and around Lincoln. Flexible hours, mostly A.M hours, must be 21, have good driving record. Please apply in person to 2200 West Adams (Airborne Express) Mon day-Friday, 10-6pm.__ Mail Room Previous mail room experience required, knowledge of inserter/folding machines necessary. Great pay, friendly work environment, convenient downtojwn location. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Call 483-4094. l/n 11/Temporary l\I-LL7 Services NEED SOME CASH? IMMEDIATE TELEMARKETING POSITIONS AVAILABLE, SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE AND WE WILL RAY YOU WEEKLY! JRW SALES IS EXPANDING AND NEEDS YOU TO JOIN OUR WELL TRAINED AND HIGHLY RAID STAFF. CALL TODAY, START TOMORROW! 436-3080 Occasional/weekend babysitting needed. Two children 6 &8- Prefer own transportation. Cali Amy 484-6590. Paid Accounting Intern Needed: PT,'Flexible Hours, Apply 1618 South Street, or call Jean 475-9069. Part-time sales rep. 5:00-8:30pm, Monday-Thursday. No high pressure selling, Need mature, hard working individuals with pleasant phone personality. 489-5779. State Trooper Association of Nebraska.__ Perkins Restaurant Now looking fdr full or part time kitchen,help. Openings for most shifts. Apply in person at 48th and O location. Retail clerk needed Tuesday 3-7pm, Thursdays 3-7pm, SaturdaysM0-6pm. Must be dependable. Apply at Short-term help Wanted Earn $25 hour Marketing officially licensed Husker products. CaH for interview 489-8311. Spaghetti Works Is hiring Daytime and evening kitchen staff. Apply at 228 N. 12th, 8-10 or 2-4, , Special Events PHOTOGRAPHERS Must have your own 35mm SLR camera, flash, de pendable transportation and willingness to travel. Pho tograph and help people, have fun at Friday and Satur day night events. If you like parties, action, people and photography then put your camera to work, earn your self some money and have fun doing it. Call: The Picture Man 467-2577 M-F1 -6 for more information. Technical Assistant Part Time: General tasks related to support data proc essing operation. Forms control, backup procedures, and other duties. Good word processing skills required. Earned vacation and paid holidays. 8am-12 noon, Mon-Fri. Apply in person at NE Farm Bureau, 5225 S. 18th St„ Lincoln. KEuysasr TELEPHONE INTERVIEWER No Sales! Give us a ring and we’H put you in contact with great opportunities. If you’re out-going and enjoy talking to people, you will gain valuable experience, great pay, bonuses, and the flexibility you need. Convenient downtown location, free parking! Part-time evening openings available now. NeverrUee. The Athletic Department is looking for student computer technicians to assist with the maintenance and operations of all department computers. Apply in the Athletic Business Office at 113 South Stadium or call Craig at 472-2273 for more information. ^ ^The fironlwj @lub of Acok The Country Club of Lincoln is now hiring part time banquet help. No experience necessary. $6/nour plus gratuity. Great working environment, Flexible schedule, Free meals, lots of extras. Apply in person, 3200 South 24th street, Tuesday-Sunday, 9am-8pm. The Nebraska Club Is now hiring full- and part-time evening lounge staff. Apply in person Monday-Friday, 10 am-9 pm, or Satur day, 5 pm-9 pm. 233 South 13th, 20th floor, FirstBank Building. TO $500 TUITION ASSISTANCE ANNUALLY NBC i aVirrnaorrii > National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap plications for: T^ll— IMnn « «ni leiier- am rionoors Credit Card CoMector/BankCard Encoder- Item.Processing College Interns- Auditing For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer Wal-Mart Tis the season. Hiring temporary posit.ions: Sales Floor, Cashier and Overnight. Apply Thursday evenings, 6:30pm. EOE Web Page Designer/Design Team. Part time, do it in your spare time. Sample projects may be requested. Send e-mail resume to WHAT IF: the perfect part-time job was only a phone call away? Pick up the phone and you’ll find out National Research Corporation has a lot to offer. NRC is accepting applications for its professional in terviewing evening/weekend staff. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING! If you are interested in joining an industry leader in providing the most actionable, up-to-date market information to health care organizations, please call us today! NRC offerings include: Paid training Paid parking with convenient downtown location Flexible scheduling Casual/smoke-free work environment Competitive hourly wage For more information or to schedule an interview, please call our Data Collection job line at 475-4520. rib EOE ADA ;■ Full and part time openings. Will train. Apply at YWCA, 1432 "N’ Street, 68508. 434-3494. EOE. Dr. Chris West of the UnivenRy of Florida College of Medicine, Dept of Anatomy & Cell Biology “A Cyto plasmic Protein Associated with Cell Cycle Regulation and Metabolic Regulation is Glycosylated in DictycwteWum DtsooSeum' October 15, 4:00 p.m., Hansen Auditorium, E103 Beadle Center. For more ih formation, call2-2635.' % EARN $$$FOR RESEARCH : participation Couples needed for study of young adult romantic arid sexual behavior. You wifl:be paid for completing confi dential surveys. Contact Professor FtafaeW, 472-0737. INTRAMU^LRACQUETBALL Tuesday, October 14 is the last day to enter Men’s, Women s and Faculty/Staff Racquetball Singles. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. For more in formation, call 472-3467. Learn to Fly * We treat you like a person—not a number. Call Sil verhawk Aviation at 475-8066 for details; ask for Shawn. Models wanted Models for fashion, fitness, print and runway. For in quiries, contact 477-3020. Open tryout for Women’s basketball October 19th and 20th, 6am. For more info call 472-8258, Coach Walls. UNMC CYTOTECHNOLOGY Representative will be at Arts & Sciences Advising, 107 OldH, Wednesday, Oct. 15,12-4 p.m. CaH 472-4190 for appointment. UNMC PHARMACY Representative will be at Arts & Sciences Advising, 107 OldH. Tuesday, Oct. 14,1-4:15 p.m.. Call 472-4190 for appointment. “I i AEAC Ag Econ/Agribusiness Club Meeting Tuesday October 14, 5:30p.m. at Valentino’s (35th & Holdredge). Come discuss protege & learn about career opportunities with ADM. Please RSVP to Misty at 465-8339. Free Pizza, everyone welcome._ AG ED CLUB All Ag Ed Majors Please Attend. Meeting is Tuesday, October 14 6:30, East Campus Union. Room will be posted._ BECOME AWARE , ATTEND THE LINCOLN NOW GENERAL MEETING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. OCT. 15.7PM. AT THE YWCA. * Campus Red Cross Meeting Wednesday, October 15, 5:00 p.m. in the basement of the Health Center. CBASAB Mandatory Meeting at BW-3 on Wednesday, Oct. 15 at 6:00. Come out and meet the newly selected members. See ya there! Civil Engineering Students All Civil Engineering students should plan to meet with their advisors at the early registration meeting on Wednesday October 15th at 4:30pm in W 347 and W 357 Nebraska Hall. Packets for spring 1998 will be available. Students are reminded that they must have their advisors approval before registering for classes. Refreshments will be served.__ - College Republicans will meet at 8pm in the City Campus Union on Wed Oct 15, featuring guest speaker John Christensen. New members welcome. Collegiate 4-H Wednesday, October 15 in the East Campus Union. Join us for a game of bowling and then a short meeting. Questions? CaH Heidi 435-2490. Honors Program Members Star Trek and Religion: Professor Quentin Faulkner examines Vie relationship between pop cutttire and re ligion. Join discussion Tuesday, October 14, 6:30 p.m. Neihardt Gray Parlor. Resistance is futile. Meeting at 7pm, Tuesday October 14. At the Union, room tobe posted. National Communication Association — student club is meeting today at 7 p.m. in the city campus Union. Check Union schedule for room number. NUMeds We have a meeting tonight at 7:30pm in The Wick Cen ter. Doctors from the Creighton Board of Admissions will be speaking. Everyone is welcome. Pre-Law Club Meeting: Wednesday, October 15th at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. Panel of Law Students. Study Business in China Spend two. weeks in one of the worlds’ largest emerg ing markets! Study International Business, Marketing and Economics—led by UNL Professor Kung Chen—taught in English. Come to an informational meeting TO&W at CBA 386 at 3:00pm. Teacher’s College Advisory Board There will be a meeting on Tuesday, October 14 at 7:00, Henzlick 107. UNL Pre-Vet Club The UNL Pre-Veterinary Club will hold the monthly meeting tonight at 7:00pm in the East Campus Union, room will be posted. All freshmen and new members are asked to arrive at 6:30pm. A.XQ h Congratulations to Jackie Landa and Krissy Winfrey on being selected for CBA Student Advisory Board. We’re proud of you guys! -Love your sisters Congrats to Erika Bieber, Sara Eagle and Melissa Hoess on being selected as pages for the Nebraska Legislature. Wav to go gals! -Love your sisters. AT Congratulations to Beth Lee on being selected as a Legislative Page. -Love your sisters. Farmhouse Thanks for the Haunted? Hayrack Ride! You guys made it fun, -the Ladies of Chi Omega Joe’s Farm ain’t got no Animals. Congratulations to Jessica Fargen on being selected to Golden Key and to Jenn Daugherty on being selected to the Student Athletic Advisory Board. We’re proud of you both, love your sisters. S^SOSiS^SISSESSSSSSSlIllllllllllllllli Student Impact Team Meeting Tues-0ct.14 7:OOp.m.-City Union _Roc*n to beposjad > | Dear Milk: Congrats on turning 1f Thanks for! us the way in dark times, and possible creating a cure for some unbeatable disease. Here's to another year together, and remember to keep it reall Love, The OG Boy^ai——- I ^^TMEinmMAITEl FUND-RAISERS FOR GREEKS, CLUBS, AND MOTIVATED INDi-1 i • VIDUALS ARE AVAILABLE NOW. FAST, EASY & | I . NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION. FOR MORE IN- ■ FORMATION CALL: (888) 51 A-PLUS ext.51. I * i I- r| i I I P‘ m I [p-; H t • ' I jj ' - ill 5 ■ ^ x