The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1997, Page 11, Image 11
N $3.50 per day for 15 words on individual students and student organization ads. $4.75 per day for 15 words on nonstudent ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. Deadline: 2 p.m. weekday prior. - The Daily Nebraskan writ not print any advertisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, material status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. 20ft Far sala 202 Appliances 205 Bicycles 210 Books 213 Clothing 216 Computers 220 Furniture 230 Jewiery 240 Misc. For Sale 245 Musical Instruments 246 Office Furniture 250 Pets 255 Photo Equipment 260 Sporting Goods 265 Stereos/TVs 270 Ticket Exchange 290 Vehicles 300s Senlcts 300 Adoption 305 Alterations 310 Automotive 315 Bicycle Service 320 Bridal 325 Catering 328 Child Care 330 Cleaning / Laundry 331 Cleaning / Households 335 Computer Services 340 Entertainment 345 Gift Ideas 348 Hairstyling 350 Health & Fitness 353 Insurance 355 Instruction/Tutoring 358 Job Placement 360 Lawn Care 365 Legal Services 373 Music Exchange 375 Photography 378 Pregnancy 383 Religious 385 Rentals 388 Tanning 390 Tatooing 393 Travte 395 Typing & Resumes 400s Masai 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Rooms /Rent 430 Houses /Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments / Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale 500s Mtt 500 Help Wanted 510 Child Care 520 Work Study 530 Summer Jobs 540 Internships 600s Mkn 600 Rides 603 Spring Break Trips 305 Career Events 310 Aimouncments 315 Meetings 320 Greek Affairs 330 Student Government ^ 340 Personals 345 KSi4,R>ur3a9ementS 350 Wanted 360 Fundraising 370 900 Numbers Klein Furbor Shamano XT Component* LX Cranks, Shamano Cliplist Pedals. KHS Zoom Bars, Mag 21 Rock Shocks, Front Suspension. Bontrager Weinmann Racing Rims. 1994. 477-1514, ask for Nikki._ Wowza What a bike sale all Mongoose bicycles in stock 20% off our already low price. Honker Hanger Bike Shop, 3855 South Street. ATTENTION NROTC STUDENTS RETIRED OFFICER HAS WOMEN’S UNIFORMS FOR SALE. CALL 466-6216 FOR INFO. For sale: Ladies pirate costume with all accessories, $15.477-7418 The Jean Outlet. 3241 South 13th. 420-5151. We buy and sell Levis. ibm 400/ou, vt Meg ham, ouu Meg mu, ooior vua monitor $325 488-7824 Mac LC2, 8 Meg RAM, 80 Meg HD, Color Monitor $275 488-7824__■ Macintosh Performa 460 with printer and software. Ex cellent condition $350 OBO. 438-5999. WSterbed with bookcase, need headboard $75. Glass top kitchen table $50. Call Barb at 465-9165_ Cable descrambler kit $14.95. View all premium and pay per view channels. 1-800-752-1389.* Velcro Watchbands Moose’s Tooth 4007 “O” Street FOR SALE: TEXAS TECH VS. NU. $60.00/each. Call 806-788-1887. Ask for Brian. NU at COLORADO Call 303-430-1111 WANTED: 2-3 validated tickets for Oklahoma game. Block preferred. Call 476-4588, Kirti. e-mail: ‘90 Honda CRX SI $2950. ‘87 Honda Civic 4-door, 5 speed $1500, excellent condition. 438-9112. ‘93 Chevy S10 Tahoe. 37,000 miles. 2.8 liter, 6 cylinder, 5 speed, $7,650 o.b.o. 476-0144, _ 86 Nissan Pulsar NX, Excellent Tires, Well Maintained, Sunroof, A/C, 32+mpg. $2,250. 467-2438. 1985 Renault Encore 4 door hatchback. Good for school. $500 o.b.o. 435-0648 1993 Pontiac Sunbird LE: Auto, AC, CD-player, 53K, blue, dean, $5400/ OBO. 476-8099 1996 39-1/2 foot travel trailer, 2 br, 15-foot electric slide out, central air, washer/dryer, stereo, $18,000. 476-4776.___ One owner 1986 Chevy Nova, new tires, 133,000 miles (mainly road). Has Toyota engine and regular main tenance. Dependable and runs fine. $1500 OBO. Please'call Patti at 489-2000 between 8am and 6pm Monday through Friday. 30fe $«MC«S ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's ♦Home, 4600 Valley Rd„ Suite 314,483-7879_ Have full time opening. Six years experience. Pre-school progam. 466-1596 Electrical Engineer/Designer Established Butler, Pennsylvania Architectur al/Engineering firm seeking individuals that meet the following requirements: Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering preferred. Minimum of 10 years experience in commer cial/education/healthcare design. Communications skills, project management, and code experience is re quired. Salary commensurate with level of experience and skills. Excellent benefits. Relocation package. Own ership opportunities. Please forward letter and resume only to: Mr. Samuel K. Boyer Director of Human Resources Burt Hill Kosar Rittelmann Associates 400 Morgan Center Butler, PA 16001 Equal Opportunity Employer KUNGFU 435-1137 Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website Academic Expressions Term Papers, Masters' Theses, Doctoral Dissertations, Resumes, Cover Letters, Business letters and newslet ters. 30 Years editing experience. (402) 628-2221 voice, (402) 628-2222 Pax, 400s n«m Female40 share large two bedroom apartment. Wash er/dryer, $225 per month plus half utility. Call 438-7954. Female, nonsmoking, roommate needed. Nice 2 bed room, 2 bath apartment. South, mostly furnished, W/D. 465-4829. Male, nonsmoker, 2 bedroom apartment. 18th & Washington. $210+1/2 deposit* 1/2 utilities. 435-0528. Hoommate neeaea asak ror £ Dearoom apartment, utilities paid through December. 438-4146 Two roomates needed to share large house. Cheap bill and all the extras. Call Steve 9 477-9280 for more in formation. We need a female roommate to share a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom loft apartment, in Capital Beach area, secured building. $220/mo. 438-9663. leave a message. Prefer non-smoking female. Utilities, laundry, and cable FREEI Near south area, on bus route, available 10/5, month-to-month-lease, 432-5S73 or 435-0030. Rent Reduced 5 Bedrooms. Near UNL Stadium. Central air. Wash er/Dryer. Range/Refrigerator. Dishwasher. Lawn main tained. $600,489-9294. 1004 N. 40th, new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garage, appli ances, W/D, C/A, no pets. $850.435-7807! 1425 North 23rd, very nice 5 bedroom, 2 bath, parking, near campus, $795.441 -9596.__ 1735 N. 29th. Large 5-6 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air. $795.430-6328. FORMCRtV KNOWN AS WTEItACTIVE ttMKETIM SERVICES. EM . 2980 Dudley, brand new 4 bedroom, 2 bath, double garage, central air, $850.430-6328. Between Both Campuses 419 North 27th, 4 bedrooms, washer/diyer hookups, no pets, $575/mo + deposit + elec/gas. 783-2400 BRAND NEW! 2628 Q. Deluxe, 2 bedroom, double gar age, $595.430-6328. Close to Campus 3+ Bedroom, 2 Bath, Brand New Duplex at 3040 Q Street. Washer/Dryer Furnished, Reduced to $675. Management One 477-2600.__ Close to Campus 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Brand New Duplex at 1747 North 26th Street. Wbsher/Dryer Furnished, phone and cable in each room. Reduced to $895. Management One 477-2600. Roommate wanted to share large 3 bedroom apartment. $250 month* 1/3 electric, call 421-1365 evenings. 2 bedroom, 11/2 bath, W/D hook up, free refrigerator included, fireplace, 2 stall parking, $525/month. Available November 1.477-4079. 1015 Furnas Ave. Clean 4 bedroom 2 bath 2 garage, appliances, W/D C/A no pets $895.435-7807 Nicel 1 and 2 bedroom, w/d, near campus, 23rd and Vine. Tenant pays gas/electric, $300-495. Off street parking 432-6476 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100 Gateway Gift Certificate 1 and 2 Bedroom units from $339 up. With one year lease, get gift certificate for Gateway. Ask about our other special$! Walk to campus from our 640 South 20th location-475-7262. '.UCIose to Campus!!! 3 bedroom 56th and Holdredge $550 4915 Huntington $525 2 Bedroom 1331 So. 14th $295 4801 Claire $425 1600 S Folsom $520 1 Bedroom 1948 Q $240 1900 E$350 Management One 477-2600 > 1 month free! 2740 R. Idtae, 3 bedroom, $450, garage, laundry. 430-6328. 1256 So..26th street. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Clean and nice. Central air.ho pets. Only $520.466-9526. 1910 J Street 2 bedroom, $415-$425,. clean, quiet, no pets. Call Carl 432-8367 or Jim 430-9014.v 1932 R Street 4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATHROOM Next to campus. Parking, Washer/Dryer Hookups, Diswasher, Central Air. $750-$850. 475-3111 or 435-6645. THE DEEP END BY CHAD STRAWDERMAN BELIEVE. \T OR NOT. I EVEhi INMATE I OBJECTS mi ENERGY. J I VJI ... A OEGREE OF force That can 6e CALCULATED K THE MOLECULAR LEMEL. •JT'5 called P0TEHT1M m&N, WO tMEWHINC, HAS IT. ■ ...AlftOST EMEMftfmC,. THE NORM BY MICHAEL JANTZE Hey- FROM TH© BOTTOM OF MV He ART- THANKS FOR eeiNe My FRiews. if i •s \ s'.'-? %. JfoX\ i I ACROSS 1 Sings lustily while fishing? 7 Like a Mensa convention? 14 Grave i« Party to a deed 17 Concerning knowledge 19 Weighty stories? 20 He left things to Chance 21 Use a poet’s corkscrew? 22 Autograph a math curve? 29 Naked boxers? 24 Disney sci-fi film 25Tolkien's Treebeardte.g. 26 Panza's Dapple 27 Half a reassurance 28 Metrical anagram for resets 30 Least hasty 32 Breaks off operations 34 Botch the boss’s letter 36 Waver like Lara? 40 Beefcakers 4« More frigid 43 Sickening drink? 44 Emerald-eyed one’s feeling 45 Ados ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE G A L A flEjApiiBjA L LIE T~| 46 Member of the Brady Bunch 47 Author related to Drinkwater? 48 Question on the WATS line? 49 Medallion 50 Ruler like Robert? 53 Designate 54 Plain to see 55 Knocks off 56 Tips DOWN 1 Redundant flies? 2 Change color 3 Where Fidel began 4 Thread for Waggoner? 5 Quite a bit 6 Sioux City lass 7 British auctioneer’s milieu 8 Then, in Tours 9 Pen pals? 10 Hawaiian gift 11 Bonus performances 12 Valparaiso, e.g. 13 Greek Diana is Defame 18 Too exacting 23 Buxom 24 The ones before us 26 Leanings 27 More stringent solution strength? 29 Uncertain 31 Checks from no-accounts’ accounts 33 Abstracts 34 Banal 35 Some P.O. boo-boos 37 More behind time 38 Like fine wines 39 Some rulers 40 Piled up 42 One of the Forsytes 4S Commandment word 46 “En-!” 48 Emitters of mots 49 Use a pail 51 Year in Claudius I s reign 52 Dam bureaucrats )