The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1997, Page 3, Image 3
Music director By Lindsay Young Staff Reporter Juan Tejeda’s fingers moved quickly across the white buttons of the accordion as he switched from a waltz to a polka to a jazz tune. Tejeda, Xicano music director of the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center in San Antonio, Texas, used his tal ents on die button accordion to give a part of Conjunto and Tejano music to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln students this week. He also used his past experiences and his flute music to share and dis cuss the Xicano culturevand issues. Tejeda, also the founder of the Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio 17 years ago, was on campus this week as part of the College of Fine and Performing Arts Artist Diversity Residency Program. His focus is sharing the Xicano culture through his music and poetry. “It is through the arts that we mir ror our reality - that we preserve our language, our history, our culture, our values - through our poetry, through our songs,, through our dance,” Tejeda said . Tejeda did this by talking to stu dent organizations, like the Mexican American Student Association, and different classes, including the University Foundations classes and multiculturalism classes in the Teachers College. This week he taught the origins of Xicano culture, shared poetry, talked about personal experiences, and dis cussed the history of Conjunto and Tejano music, giving his listeners a taste of both. > £ ^ ^ : v The experiences he brought into his presentations were from-his'early sc ho olye&rs .'Tiles e experiene e s played a large part in why he gave his presentations, he said. “When I was small (the school) made me feel ashamed of who I was, of my culture, of my accordion and of my parents. ... I didn't really know what was happening when I was in grade school. It created a tremendous conflict within me,” Tejeda said. He said a lot of Xicanos go through experiences like these, and through education this can be fought ‘As he started to learn more about r-f—7-;i‘ ■ » the Xicano movement at the University of Texas at Austin in his Xicano studies classes, he began to get more interested in staying with die cause. This, he said, is why he went into the Xicano movement and now has made a career out of it in arts admin istration. v Tejeda incorporates both the but ton accordion and flute into his teach ings. The flute Tejeda played for stu dents is called Quena and was a South American flute from Bolivia. This type of flute was originally made from bamboo, Tejeda said, but the one he played was made from hard Redwood. This flute is played vertically rather than horizontally as with traditional flutes. The button accordion is the core of the Conjunto and Tejano music styles, Tejeda said. These two styles mix everything from country, jazz and blues to rock, cajun and salsa. Conjunto and Tejano music also employ the bajo sexto guitar, bass and drums. lejeda said the Artist Diversity Residency Program was a good pro gram because of the mixture of his tory and arts. He also said sharing different cultures through the arts was a learning experience for every one. “We’re all different, and different cultures exist throughout the world and share this information and learn from each other,” Tejeda said. Ron Bowlin, director of the Kimball Recital Hall, said the pro gram brings every type of art to a broad range of students on campus and in: the comnamity. The program was started three years ago. BowJinsaidit-was an outreach program from the college tojthe rest of the campus. Tejeda said the program helps to expose people to different views and perspectives. “By learning about each other and of each other then we can become better human beings,” he said. Tejeda said he hopes he taught audiences something new this week. “Hopefully it has got them to think about different cultures and specifically Xicano culture,” Tejeda said. c J For more about Juan Tejeda’s music, please see pagel2, .-—— ----- i I C *> ■ •*-? I If Conduct code queried CODE from page 1 , message and forwarded it to Greene. Greene’s letter was delivered to Woodford by the UNL Police Department Aug. 16 and charged Woodford with violating section 4.8 of the UNL Student Code of Conduct: “physically abusing or threatening to physically abuse any person.” He also was charged with violat ing section 4.30, which forbids stu dents to break federal, state or city laws while on university property or at a university organization-spon sored event Woodford said he was told by Greene, in an Aug. 21 meeting, that the UNL police searched the parking garage for six hours, causing delays in construction. ponce imiei iven cauoie said police were notified of the mes sage Aug. 6, when he and several officers searched the garage. He did not disclose the amount of time he and other officers searched the build ing. Cauble said UNL police took this message seriously - as they do with all bomb threats - although they did not publicize the matter for fear of causing a panic. Woodford said Greene gave him a piece of paper that outlined the pro posed punishment for posting the message. The proposed punishment was 30 hours of community service, having to take an anger class and probation for one year. “I had three days to accept or reject his proposed punishment,” Woodford said, “and if I rejected it, (my case) would go before the (University) Judicial Board.” After the Aug. 21 meeting with Greene, Woodford contacted LeMieux at the ACLU-Nebraska. „-.j. LeMieux said the ACLU could • not have helped Woodard uifldss'%£ lost his judicial board hearing; ahd took his case to court. “From our view, we looked at the message and we feel he was being punished for free speech,” LeMieux said. M Our fear is that this will have a chilling effect on speech; that students will refrain from using certain types of speech ... ” MattLeMieux executive director of ACLU-Nebraska _ According to Woodford, Greene said that if Woodford did not accept the proposed punishment, more charges would be brought against him between the time he handed in his decision and the time of the judi cial board meeting. Woodford said the extra charges were a risk he did not want to take, based on some advice he received regarding the past history of the judi cial board. “If I lost the judicial board hear ing, they could do anything; they have an enormous amount of power to levy any sort of punishment on you,” Woodford said. Woodford accepted Greene’s pro posed punishment Aug. 28. “Once he accepted Jhe punish ment, our case was moot,” LeMieux said. Examining the rules Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs James Griesen, who would not comment on Woodford’s case, said the administration has to have the authority to examine individual cases in order to take into account the student’s intentions, past disciplinary history and the seriousness of the offense. “We could have a big, broad range (of punishments,) but it would n’t make any sense,” Griesen said. “Our students have good common sense; they can understand the worse -die offense, the heavier the sanction.” If a student does not accept the p|b$}0d ptinisho*€n£ heMffl, She. jiidiciM bohrd giVeS students suffi cient opportunity to voice their con cerns. “Our code ojf conduct provides great assurance that students get ade quate opportunities to tell their sides of the story, and if they so choose, to / have a panel of five peers and four professors (the judicial board) deter mine whether they did violate the code and what their punishment is,” Griesen said. Griesen also said students have a choice whether or not they want to accept a judicial officer’s proposed punishment. LeMieux said the ACLU is afraid this incident will leave students fear ful of speaking freely. “Our fear is that this will have a chilling effect on speech; that stu dents will refrain from using .certain types of speech - that are protected speech,” LeMieux said. LeMieux said a legal case could still be made if a student said the “interpretation of this (free speech) policy leaves me fearful of what I can ppt on the Internet” ^However he also said the code could be made more clear by discus sion within the university. “After sitting down with Charlie Greene and seeing the student gov ernment is interested in discussing the issue, it might be possible to work this out without taking legal action,’ LeMieux said. Griesen said the administration always welcomes suggestions regard ing improving the code of conduct, although he said it will not be amend ed arbitrarily. “We are anxious to listen to any one, whohas ideas as to how we c4n ^hi^ke^r. code better - and I assure tihemwe’Bgive (their proposals) seri ous attention,” Griesen said. Word Processors Spreadsheets Graphical Programs fs Statistical Programs A Anti-Virus Software V Computer Programming Software m Desktop Publishing Software u CAD Software n Database Programs yj HTML Authoring Software 501N. 10 Street Room 123 (402)472-5787 (southwest of the stadium) Monday-Friday 8-5 Tuesday 8-6