. j ■ mm mm HUflMiBaKfiiiiUfliij^H Mb'■!£ S^SMwtAmi f *iij Jh‘i*i]ii^H^1ii!iTiirtMiiii.Jiti,tiin f •• '■ : - ■ , j I - I Friday, Oct. 3 @ 7 pm NU vs. Missouri 4j&, Sunday, Oct. 5 @ 1 pm NU vs. Kansas at Abbott Sports Complex (located 1 1/2 miles north of f Comhusker Hwy. on 70 th Street) , '■f Ah ,u*"!.-J"WT“ . Jl** —J • “ ' - . ' ' .■ . ■ •- ‘ - ' -hT Z* - . .. • : SOCCER from page 9 During the home stand, Nebraska is not having many problems scoring. NU has scored 35 goals this year, 22 of those coming in the last four games. Junior Kim Engesser leads the conference in scoring with 21 (10 I goals and one assist). Kari 9 Uppinghouse and Jenny Benson I are also in the double digits in 9 scoring. i Missouri starts six freshmen 9 and five sophomores, but their j| lone conference win came against ■ Texas, a team that beat the Huskers earlier this season. Missouri coach Bryan Blitz said just because his team beat Texas doesn’t mean his team will have similar success against NU. “We don’t know with our youth who will show up,” Blitz said. “Although we are talented we are very inconsistent. We would need to play a perfect game. “With,our youth, we try to play an attacking style of soccer. If you are going to beat us you will have to score more goals than us.’’ Kansas is in a similar situation to the Tigers in that both teams haven’t had success in the confer ence, but KU has had trouble scor ing goals in conference games this season. In the Jayhawks’ four con ference flosses, they have only scored two goals. KU coach Dan Magner said his team will try to play a ball-posses sion game against the Huskers, but he said this might not be the . best time to be playing Nebraska on the road. • : “I don’t know if there is a good time to come into Lincoln,” Magner said “They are so well supported at their games. It is an intimidating environment to come into.” V i NU ready for challenge 1 KSU from page 9 I made die trip to Lincoln before. • Kansas State has been using ! speakers to simulate the crowd noise j the Wildcats expect to hear in Lincoln. ! ; Nebraska knows the feeling, after using artificial crowd noise in prepa ration for the Washington game. " “We have played in a couple envi ronments which were difficult,” Osborne said. “The thing* that was we had six or seven times^diere we had a lack of comimfhication between our offensive playfers.” Playing at home this week, com munication for the NU offense shouldn’t be a problem. However, after a chilly reception during the Central Florida game, in which boos could be heard through out Memorial Stadium^ Osborne is wondering how the fans perceive this game. He said he couldn’t control the fans’ perception but he did try to put q the game into perspective for the 75,000-plus fans coming lejthe game „!U..v plains vmoiai •:.i‘So much of the crowd fSeactipn u is,in anticipation Qf what dtey are' J expecting coming into: the stadium,? j he said. “I hope the fans understand this is a dogfight that will probably go down to the fourth quarter. We expect to have our hands full.” Football Starters Nebraska Starters Ht Wt it. Ppf. No. Name fh$FO* vfffSSl SHteqoffete?*^ ^ . l^l^|i.#aNe. * 6-4,.,,,... 305 Sr.. MU 44 JayForeman . 6-3 250 SnX. WLB 4 OcteviousMcFariin 6-3 £0 Sr. LCB . it Jemma Peterson 5- 11 235 Jr FS 3 Erie Warfield 6- 0 215 > «OV 21 Mike Brown w 5-11 190 Jr. RGB 22 RdphBmwn 5-10 205 Jr. P 19 Jesse Kosch ddM.n:3fctet J itititm 3aastesgiii|,tjj^ ifu iaaiw;.; §•« 'ohznT 1?.‘ \ * rtrv& t!, !§ fe I a^-* !■ " 'tie ieo -lit 6-0 190 Sr. Kansas simitars Oftonstt Pot. No. Name wmm ... X V • I ,%%j.v.v.%v»*.v.v.v.v.v.\w.v QB 7* mSaOMwp :«B 24 BfcNfelawt ' I II I -.. ,^m |Z!JKrS^^ 1728 5 R ■?r • mmmmmrn ^-r-. tafRRtxrinsiirH ^ • ii 1P>] |* g [% J ||>M7 ^^HPHWpippMpMI^^H