The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1997, Page 15, Image 15
NU at COLORADO CaH 303-430-1111 Wanted: 2 tickets for KST-NU game. Call 436-0980. Wanted: Six KSU tickets. Call 438-9105. * " Wanted: Two KSU tickets for this Saturday. Call 476-2566. ■90 Honda CRX Si $2950. ‘87 Honda Civic 4-door. 5 speed $1500, excellent condHion. 438-9112. 1996 39-1/2 foot travel trailer, 2 hr, 15-foot electric slide out, central air, washer/dryer, stereo, $18,000. 476-4776. ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd.. Suite 314,483-7879 ‘88 Nissan Pulsar NX. 2 door, 5 speed. 88k, $2950. *91 Lexus GS 250,4 door, loaded, leather, $10,500. Baer's Auto Sales 1647 S. 3rd 477-6442 1988 Ford Escort GL $750 or best offer. 476-9879 Have full time opening. Six years experience. Pre-school progam. 466-1596 Swedish Massage. 477-0138. KUNGFU 435-1137 Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Lead vocalist/rhythm guitar for traditional country music band. 464-8558 for audition. Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website - Sun Tannery 1101 Arapahoe, 423-6022. Under New Management, bulbs changed every 45 days, 10 96 discount to st.dents. Academic Expressions Term Papers, Masters' Theses, Doctoral Dissertations, Resumes, Cover Letters, Business letters and newslet ters. 30 Years editing experience. (402)628-2221 voice, (402) 628-2222 Fax. (ronclad« Female non-smoking roommate needed ASAP. 3 bed room/2 bath. 2 miles from campus w/d $225+1/3 utilities. 474-1157 M/F roommate to share large house near campus. W/D, AC, dishwasher. $165/mo + utilities. 476-0395. Need dean, responsible, nonsmoking female, to room in 3 bedroom apt. Call 488-5995. Prefer non-smoking female. Utilities, laundry, and cable FREE! Near south area, on bus route, available 10/5, month-to-month-lease, 432-5573 or 435-0030. Rent Reduced 5 Bedrooms. Near UN(. Stadium. Central air. W&sh er/Dryer. Range/Refrigerator. Dishwasher. Lawn main tained. $600,489-9294. $025 6918 Cleveland. 2 BR, Off street parking, Full base ment No pets. 483-7330.432-2822. 1004 N. 40th, new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garage, appli ances, W/D, C/A, no pets. $850.435-7807T 1425 North 23rd, very nice 5 bedroom, 2 bath, parking, near campus, $795.441 -9596. 1735 N. 29th. Large 5-6 bedrooms. 2 baths, central air. $795.430-6328. _ 2980 Dudley, brand new 4 bedroom, 2 bath, double garage, central air, $850.430-6328. 44th & Comhusker Hwy Spacious 2BR, 2 level townhouse with 1 1/2 baths, private patio, and heat paid. Great value for your money. S475-S500. Close to Campus!! 1 BR Deluxe with all the extras. Heat paid. $350-$365. Efficiency Efficiency with new carpet & vinyl. $275. Waverly, NE New 2BR, 2 bath with washer/dryer hookups. Very spacious with neutral decor. $610. 2920 P Street 2BR townhouse with 11/2 baths in unique small complex with central courtyard. $495. Cherry Hill Realty 489-4857 BRAND NEW) 2628 Q. Deluxe, 2 bedroom, double gar aqe. $595.430-6328. _ Close to Campus 3+ Bedroom, 2 Bath, Brand New Duplex at 3040 Q Street. Washer/Dryer Furnished, Reduced to $675. Management One 477-2600. Close to Campus 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Brand New Duplex at 1747 North 26th Street. Washer/Dryer Furnished, phone and cable in each room, Reduced to $895. Management One 477-2600. 1015 Furnas Ave. Clean 4 bedroom 2 bath 2 garage, appliances. W/P C/A no pets $895.435-7807 Near new between campuses. 1815 North 24th. 3 bed room, 2 bath, washer/dryer. 2 stall garage. $795. 438-3393 or 580-7339._ Nice! 1 and 2 bedroom, w/d, near campus, 23rd and Vine. Tenant pays gas/electric, $300-495. Off street parking 432-6476 I { Looking somee tracash? Stop looking the furniture" and apply Market The combination of a fun atmospj and fresh food make the perfectjob? NOW HIRING I 1 t!XXl!X!l!!XX!!!!!U!X!!!!l!!X!Xl!l!!!l!!!X!!!!X!!X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX! $100 Gateway Gift Certificate 1 and 2 Bedroom units from $339 up. With one year lease, get gift certificate for Gateway. Ask about our other specialS! Walk to campus from our 640 South 20th location-475-7262. HlClose to Campus!!! 3 bedroom 56th and Hokkedge $550 4915 Huntington $525 2 Bedroom 501 N. 25th $375 1331 So. 14th $295 4801 Claire $425 1600 S Folsom $520 1 Bedroom 1948 Q $240 1010D$405 Management One 477-2600 1 month free! 2740 R, large, 3 bedroom, $450, garage, laundry. 430-6328. 1256 So. 26th street. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Clean and nice. Central air, no pets. Only $520.466-9526. 1503 S 22nd, luxurious 2 bedroom in nice area, central air, $450,(888)331-8933. 1910 J Street 2 bedroom, $415-$425,. dean, quiet, no pets. Call Carl 432-8367 or Jim 430-9014. 1932 R Street 4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATHROOM Next to campus. Parking, Washer/Dryer Hookups, Diswasher, Central Air. $750-$650. 475-311 Tor 435-6645.__ 2501 E Street, newer sevenplex, 1000 sq ft, 2 bedroom, all electric. New drapes, ceiling fans, microwave, no smoking or pets. Ideal for graduate students. $500 plus deposit. 432-3686. 2540 W, 3 bedroom, washer/dryer, $625. Embassy Park Apartments, 31st & Old Cheney, 2 bedroom, $510. Swimming Pod. Pine Tree Apartments. 1st and Adams. 2 Bedroom, $470. 515 and 535 West Saunders. 1 and 2 Bedroom $380-460. No Pets. 483-1130, 483-6057. _ . Apartments on UNL Campus Two bedrooms available. No smoking, no pets, con trolled access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop, $475/month. Brickyard Apartments, 17th and Hddnedge. 477-6578. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 4140 Baldwin. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fireplace. $375 Century Management 484-8600 -— Close to campus Reasonable and convenient, 1 and 2 bedroom., air, laundry, parking, no pets. FREE CABLE, 521 N 25th, 1910 Knox. $350+, $450+. 477-7684. Colonial Heights Apartments - One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Don Apartments, 227 South 17th, Small, Furnished 1 -Bedroom, S245/month. Leave message. 474-6565. Large one bedroom apartment, Hayword Building $450.475-2034. Simeon. Large, sparking, and dean, 3 bedroom, 2 bath ♦ study. Redone, central air, laundry, parking, and dishwasher. 1109 F. $645,430-9012 Metropolitan Apartments 502 S12 Efficiencies and one bedroom, $260-$325. Secured Butfdinp. Close to campus, Cal 477-3648. One bedroom, 9th & Charleston, walk to UNL, central air, washer/dryer included, water/garbage paid. 489-9294. Very nice 1 bedroom, 2400 Q. $340 + electricity. Available Nov. 1st. 467-1788. •Work on environmental, campaign finance reform, and women’s issues. • Work as few as 12 hrs/week. Earn full-time benefits at 20 v. hours per week. Make $8/hr. guaranteed. • Close to downtown campus. 941 ‘O’ Street #625 EEP END BY CHAD STRAWDERMAN i-n i—- —. NMOtt Wft t\ WM OF | mum, it's cRtwoRts I IttWOHKfttKtSumiAlf SMUS lb UUP W.OK.CT | THW Irtt \M>. i i ft* w vm\i, OPOS50K Wib 0tWD IN cm& TO VMD C#P mM^UGVRtO^ORS. ...ASmttMOTOAlSO COttUU » MJjORX. jgputefe Wil^l |f are Wose report?! | i i specifically Wy |x^ ^>00 I THE NORM _ BY MICHAEL JANTZE e - ' W* I FOUND A SOLO A& TION TO LOSING . GffcAT l[?eA5 IN TH6 I SHOWeR... I I s I ...I BOU6HTA WATERPROOF INSTANT CAMERA... ...AND NOW I WRnt% IPGAS ON TH? FOGGeo GLASS AND SNAP A PlCTURe. ACROSS i Curl the lip 6 Memorable publisher-editor 10 Sherbets’ cousins 14 Rich cake is Indigo 16 Blue or White river 17 Dispossess 18“—- Ha’i” 19 Herr’s partner 20 Suited to lathe-working 22 Liberal or martial pursuits 23 Undulate 24 Depends (on) 26 Investigator 30 Collectible auto 32 Terminus of “all roads” 33 Produced 35 Laughing 39 Marco Polo, eg 41 Trounce 43 Deserve 44 The Ames Brothers, e.g. 46 Carson’s successor 47 Cosmetician Lauder 49 Staggered 51 Feat of Klee 54 Devise 56 O’er the bounding main 57 Suited to being lengthened or widened ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE |AlLlA|S JKfoTeTHWp^FTATrne l aTs TMATrpjFMslATrTrE p R T OMtIeIlIlMP R E E N ravBBmEnEns ent r a T AFiMc TWiiDP 1H ■h|a|eMBf|a|r|m[l a n|d| 1 I iNjSpiMjNjTpMBSjA G E|R| VIE N U EMDlRjAlWMR I V]A| A M I sMe M M AMC L Fp \ 63 Wild guess 64 Journey 65 Of a forearm bone 66 Knell 67 Auction 68 Peruses 69 Recess at Notre Dame 70 Binoculars user 71 Have being DOWN > 1 Check 2 -Scotia 3 -the Red 4 Emulate Whistler 5 Opt for the gold watch? 6 Conspiracy 7 Made possible 8 Rivulet 9 Aerialists 10 Unerring 11 Plant tendrils 12 Make jubilant 13 “Hop on Pop" author 21 Bellini heroine 25 Architect Saarinen 28 Stiffly neat 27 Routine 28 -Khayyam 29 instilling credence 31 Tenth: Comb, form 34-meridiem 36 First murder victim 37 Hawaiian state bird 38 Stepped on 40“-boy!” 42 Navigation system 45 Turtle, e.g. 46 African fly so Make certain 51 “-diva,” aria for 21 Down 52 Huxley’s “Time Must Have-” 53 Actress Patricia and family 55 Social outcast 58 Diagnostic aid 59 Holly 60 -B’rith (Jewish organization) 61 Young fellows 62 Once, once