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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1997)
LIKE TO TALK? GET PAID FOR TALKING! EAI Marketing Services is now hiring for Full & Part-time Day/Evening Positions. *$125 Hiring Bonus! ‘Earn $8.00/hr guaranteed! ’Earn up to $12/hr w/bonuses! •Flexible Schedules! ‘Casual Dress! CALL TODAY! 434-5492 NEED SOME CASH? IMMEDIATE TELEMARKETING POSmONS AVAILABLE, SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE AND WE WILL PAY YOU WEEKLY! JRW SALES IS EXPANDING AND NEEDS YOU TO JOIN OUR WELL TRAINED AND HIGHLY PAID STAFF. CALL TODAY, START TOMORROW! 436-3080 OFFICE ASSISTANT Apply in Person at 208 Coliseum. Must have computer skills, preferably knowledge of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Q & A. Assist Secretarial staff with all facets of day-to-day operation of office includ ing, but not limited to: filing, copywork, data entry, word processing, and answering phones. A cheerful, willing attitude and flexibility are key. Available 10-15 hours each week during the academic year, with pos sibility for full-time employment next summer. OFFICE ASST PT entry level position for reliable person. Need com puter and phone skills. Call 486-3000 between 9am-2pm, M-F. Part time help needed. Must speak Mac fluently. Call Deb for appointment. 438-7272. ' ri Part time office help needed. 15-20 hours/week. Microsoft knowledge preferable. To apply M-F 9-5 at 1541 Center Park Road, Suite 1.423-1234. Part time receptionist for mental health center. Great with people and computer experience. Call Shelly at 423-6990. Part time workers needed, flexible hours. AM’s and weekends preferred. See Tom at 21st and “N", Randolph CarWash. Part-Time Marketing Assistant Must be willing to greet public. 58/Hour, 4+ Hours Per Week. 476-8619 (9 to 3 only). SALARY INCREASES * NOW IN EFFECT!! $7.00-$8.25/ HOUR +ATTENDANCE BONUS Great job opportunities for Assembly Workers, Clean-up, and MIG Welders to work at one of Lincoln’s leading manufacturers. Check out what MSP has to of fer '“Regular, F/T Positions •“Choice of Shifts —Weekly Paychecks —$25/Wk. Attendance Bonus •“Company-paid Clinic Plan •“Vacation and Holiday Pay MSP RESOURCES, INC. 210 Gateway No., Suite 436 Greentree Ct., Lincoln, NE (Gateway Shopping Center) 402/464-3225 Sheridan Child Development Center is now taking ap plications for part-time employees for afternoon help. Apply at 3700 Sheridan Blvd. Ask for Jolene or Kim. Spaghetti Works is hiring Daytime Wait Staff. Apply at 228 N. 12th, 8-10 or 2-4. SPRING BREAK 98* Free food and drinks! Cancun, Bahamas, Ja maica and Florida from: $399. Organize a small group & travel FREE! Highest commissions & lowest prices! Call Surf & Sun Tours to become a campus representative (800) 574-7577. Teacher Assistant Part-time positions available immediately working with the Family Service Child Care programs. Locations lo cated throughout Lincoln Public Schools and at the Downtown Infant/Toddler Center. Assistants needed to work with children ages 6 weeks to 12 years. Respon sibilities include: Assisting supervising teacher with ac tivities, interacting with children and some parent com munication. Starting wage $5.50 an hour. Applications are available at Family Service, 501 South 7th, Lincoln, NE 68508. If you require accommodation to apply or interview, please contact the Human Re sources office at 441-7949 or 1-800-642-6481. Family Service is committed to a pluralistic working environment through Affirmative Action and Equal Op portunity. TO $500 TUITION ASSISTANCE ANNUALLY NBC a #F*sr <Gosamt& *** National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting Ap plications for Teller- Williamsburg Teller- Eastpark Teller-Pioneers Credit Card CoKector/BankCard (2) Encoder- Item Processing Sorter Operator- FC Technologies College Interns Auditing For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer WHATIF: the perfect part-time job was only a phone call away? Pick up the phone and you’ll find out National Research Corporation has a lot to offer. NRC is accepting applications for its professional inter viewing eveningweekend staff. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING! If you are interested in joining an industry leader in providing the most actionable, up-to-date market information to healthcare organizations, please call us today! NRC Offerings include: ✓ Paid training ✓ Paid parking with convenient downtown location ✓ Flexible Scheduling ✓ Casual/Smoke Free Environment ✓ Competitive hourly wage For more information or to schedule an interview, please call our Data Collection job line at 475-4520 EOEADA World Wide Web programmer needed. Ideal for com puter science majors looking for real-world experience. Advanced knowledge of HTML, Java, Java-Script, Ac tive X, and Shockwave a definite plus. Part-time flexible hours. Email for more information or fax resume to Dave Poison at 438-1316. “Flexible Hours** Work study students needed at city/east campus li braries. Day, evening or weekend hours. $5.15-$5.40/hr. Apply Love Library, Rm. 136. 472-3963. Work Study Voucher Holders needed to work on UNL teaching development projects. Macintosh, library, or Web experience desirable. Keyboarding required. Flexible hours, M-F. 55-25-55.50. Cali 2-3079 or 2-2611. AdCiUbffiLESI! Come join the fun arid team mfttle too, this Wednesday at 6:30pm in Avery Halt WSjJHf201. Vlte’ll have four former UNL graduates as guest speakers from various advertising positions. Hope to see you there! Beginning Karate Classes Shorei-Kan, a traditional school of Okinawan karate, is offering classes for adult beginners. Monday & Wednesday 7 p.m. 1242 High St. — NW comer of 13th & High Sts. Call 421-9288. Climbing Club Mandatory Meeting. Bring $10 for dues. Meet in OA Conference Room, 8 pm, October 1. Questions? Call Justin at 435-7725. DISC GO ROUND WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CDs Used CD’s, $5.99-57.99 New CDs$12.99 Movies.T-shirts, posters,hacky sacks, music books and CD towers. DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047 Finance Club Social has been postponed. More details at next weeks meeting. Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/ Transgender Resource Center Open house on Friday, October 3, from 11 -3 in the City Campus Union, room 234. Join us for information about resources, community connections, volunteer opportunities and more. Call 472-5644 for more infor mation. IMA Meeting Wednesday night 7:30pm. Speaker Jacob North. Bring dues. Individual Counseling Free counseling services available for male and female students. For more information, or to schedule an ap pointment, call the Women’s Center at 472-2597. LEADERS ON CAMPUS!!! Office of admissions wants energetic tour guides for Red Letter Days. Attend a training session: Monday, October 6th, 3:30-5:00pm in City Union; Tuesday Oc tober 7th, 5:00-6:30pm at the Culture Center or Wednesday October, 8th 8:00-9:00pm, City Union, rooms will be posted. LISTEN TO YOUR RADIO!! 90.3 KRNU ***7pm Tonight!!!*** Political Correctness is jusra passing fad!! Listen to the show that nobody else will. Please. U Conn Blue is an EOE (Ever Obnoxious Entity) Love Memorial Hall is Sponsoring a dance in the Great Plains Room in the East Campus Union on Friday, Oc tober 3. Free admission, 8pm-12am. Free food and Picture Man. Sponsored by Love Memorial Hall. Models wanted Models for fashion, fitness, print and runway. For in quiries, contact 477-3020. NEBRASKA WATER POLO CLUB We’re looking for new members. No experience nec essary. Practice is 7-8 pm Monday and Thursday at the Mabel Lee Pool. For more information, please call Tim Daniel at 436-8500. SDRMA Student Dietetic and Restaurant Management Associ ation: Social meeting! We’ll start at the Union (west entrance) and then walk to BW 3’s. Thursday, 6:30pm. Seventwenty Snowboard Shop NOW OPEN!! Featuring Never Summer, Lib Tech, Gnu, Vans, North Wave Switch, Technine, Preston, Bent Metal Da Kine, West Beach, Convert and more! Located inside Cycle Works 27th & Vine 475-2453. _www. cylce worksusa. com/seventwenty Strength and Fitness Club Oct. 1, meeting postponed. • Teachers College Student Alumni Ambassadors Applications due tonight, 5pm, 105 Henzlik. Some still available, stop in and pick one up! TUTORS The Commuter and Student Services Center has a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor, fill out an application at the ASUN Commuter and Student Servoces Center, 116 Nebr. Union. UNL Rodeo Club Benefit Dance Come dance to Full Choke, Friday October 3 at 8:30 p.m. in the State Fair Grandstands. Everyone is wel come. Admission is $5 or $4 with student I.D.. UNMC RADIATION SCIENCES Representative will be at Arts & Sciences Advising, 107 OldH, Wednesday, Oct. 1,12-3 p.m. Call 472-4190 for appointment. Block and Bridle Meeting: Thursday October 2. 7:00 p.m. Initiates, 7:30 p.m. Everyone.__ Campus Red Cross Meeting Wednesday, October 1, 5:00 p.m. in the basement of the Health Center. CBA SAB “ Your Voice, Through Ours ” Wednesday, October 1,6:00p.m. Room 107 CBA College Republicans Will meet Wednesday, October 1 at 8pm in the City Union. New members welcome. Collegiate 4-H Meeting tonight at 5:30 East Campus Union, room to be posted. Questions? Call Heidi 435-2490. Confidential Gay Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays 6pm to 7:30 pm For more information call Dr. Diaz-Perdomo at Coun seling and Psychological Services, 472-7450 (e-mail or Rev. Phil Owen at 476-0355 (email: Marketing Club Koch Industries will be presenting free pizza and pop for everyone. Thursday, Oct. 2, 7 .p.m, in CBA 143. Phi Alpha Delta Honorary Law Fraternity Meeting 5:30pm, Wednesday October 1st at Culture Center guest speaker Marlon Lozano. New members welcome . Please wear business attire. Pre-Law Club Meeting 6:30 p.m. in 107 Oldfather. All new members are wel come. Pre-Optometry Club Meeting Tonight, 8:30 in Union Strength and Fitness Club Meeting 6 p.m., October 1,1997, in the Rec Center of fice, 1st floor. Free pizza and pop. Student Education Association Meeting: Thursday, October 2 at 5:30pm in Henzlik 53. Sue Bukacek from the .Hearth -Center will be speaking about stress. ~ UNL Rodeo Club Rodeo Club Meeting, Tonight at 7^30 in the East Campus Union. Execs meet at 7;Q0p.m. UNL Student Government Wed., Oct. 1 6:30 p.m. City Union Information and Agenda Available 115 Nebraska Union UNL Wildlife Club Committee Meeting 7 p.m., Wednesday October 1 in East U. Open for all students. ATX Congratulations to Eric Schilling for being selected to represent Nebraska on the 4-H National Congress as an ambassador. ATX Congratulations to Chris Manske for being selected as the Advertising Editor of the Greek Yearbook. Aon Congratulations to the following AOPi’s who had 4.0’s last semester: Shannon Dowd, Kariie Johnson, Angela Kuhlman, Amy Lafferty, Jennifer Martin, Kendra McGary, Jeana Seitzinger and Nicole Svoboda. You gals rock! Alpha love, your sisters ATO A big thanks to our coaches for ATO 9oftball! You guys were great! We are the champions! Love, the ladies of a on. ATQ Keller and Hermsen, thanks for quenching our thirst on Saturday. Sony we didn’t live up to your expectations. Active team of Gamma Phi Beta. P.S. Thanks Jordan for getting everything started. ATQ Thanks for putt-putting with us on Thursday. We had the best time! Sorry about the mix-up on Fnday, we’ll make it up to you!! Love, the Alpha Phi new members ASA Congrats to Liz Cole, Gina Todero, Tina Navratil, Alicia Cent, Sarah Eurek, Holly Lange, and Merideth Rhea on making Greek Yearbook Staff. You ladies rock! Xi Love, Your Sisters ASA Here’s to making friends while watching “Friends” and a great time. Thanks-the men of B 6 n Congratualtions to our newly initiated brothers: Colin McGuire, Nick Friedrichsen, Nick Anderson, Brian Jones, Joe Hurley, Dominic DiJiacomo, Rob Cook, and Chad Trout! We’re proud of you!!! In ZAX. your Brothers _ AAA A HUGE Congratulations to Erin Kinnan for being ac cepted to the Secondary Education Program. We’re so proud of you!! Love, your sisters Babies- When are you going to be able to sleep through he night without waking up your mommies. Thank you so much for the breakfast and the beautiful roses. We love you!! Love, your mommies Thanks to Chi-0 for coming to the FAC on Friday. Had fun. Lets do it again. Lowery and partner will win next caps tourney. Love, Phi Psi OK'F Did Becky enjoy the big gift? Your brothers 4>A0 Thanks to all the sororities who tried to grab our wood. Woodchoppers was lots of fun. Congratulations to Al pha Chi Omega who succeeded! Please quit playing with it and give it back. The Men of Phi Delta Theta FH Music and Melons, sponsored by Farmhouse and Chi Omega. Thursday October 2 at 7pm East Campus Union. FH ( Thanks to Gamma Phi Beta for the dinner exchange. We’ll have to do it again. Men of Farmhouse. FIJI Ollie has flown the coop. Come find him. Gamma Phi 4-Man. FIJI Thanks for the dinner exchange. You can come eat with us anytime! The Women of Alpha Xi Delta GREEK LIFE Integrity. Who you really are. Where does God fit? Wednesday 10/1, 9:30 p.m. @ Delta Gamma. IFC Executive, Greek Week Chair, and Panhellenic Rush Chair applications are available in the Greek Affairs Office at the Union. Application for these positions are due October 17, KA In honor of our Centennial Anniversary, Kappa Delta Sorority will be awarding a $1000 scholarship to a woman from another sorority oh our campus. Those eligible are upper class Greek women who have dem onstrated academic accomplishments and are repre sentatives of the highest ethical leadership in university, fraternal, and community activities. Appli cations are available now until October 1 and will be due October 8 by 8:00pm. KKT Brook, congratulations on your engagement. We’re thrilled for you. Love your sisters. KKT Congrats to Angie Johnson for making Advertising Edi tor for the Greek Yearbook. Love your sisters. ITBO We had a great time bowling! Keep on practicing and we’ll do it again! Thanks- the men of B e n Recycled sounds has moved Now at 1211 “O" Street. More room, more new cd's, thousands of new posters. 476-8240. Open past 9pm daily. LAE The FAC few by. Thanks for the ‘squeeze’ we had a blast. Love Women of Gamma Phi. IN Thanks for the swell diner swap! Love, the Women of Chi-Omega. LN Thanks for watching Friends with us. We’* have to get together again. Love the Women of Gamma Phi. Thanks to everyone who participated in Kappa Kickoff. Congratulations to Lamda Chi Alpha for another victory. Congratulations to Alpha Tau Omega on a second place finish. FOUND: Pair of glasses on the South side of the Sheldon Art Muse um, Saturday 9/27. Claim at ' the Daily Nebraskan or call 472-2588. Lost: In Burnett ladies bathroom, pearl ring. Reward. 472-2588_ EARN $750-$1500/WEEK Raise all the money your group needs by sponsoring a VISA Fundraiser on your campus. No investment & very little time needed. There’s no obligation, so why not call for information today. Call 1 -800-323-8454 x 95. I-1 jm Ik MffiigMliil JiiPliflPpljlppitilipl^iili^i^jfrtppWiBiHliliiiBlwWfWwHWwtpppiNBBtB ism ^f j /