The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1997, Page 11, Image 11
I ~ East or City Campus, 2-br, partially-furnished, A/C. ap pliances, basement, garage, $620 plus utilies and de posit, 430-1896/66-4512._ 1813 Euclid, nice two bedroom, off-street parking, no pets. $375+deposit. 423-8428 or 483-5803. Near new between campuses. 1815 North 24th. 3 bed room, 2 bath, washer/dryer. 2 stall garage. $795. 438-3393 or 580-7339._ _ Nice! 1 and 2 bedroom, w/d, near campus, 23rd and I Vine. Tenant pays gas/electric, $300-495. Off street I parking 432-6476_ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate 1 and 2 Bedroom units from $339 up. With one year 1 lease, get gift certificate for Gateway. Ask about our other special$! Walk to campus from our 640 South 20th, location...475-7262.-■ _ SMCIose to* Campus!!! - 3 bedroom 56th.and Holdredge $525-$550 4915 Huntington $575 2 Bedroom 501 N. 25th $395 619 So. 20th $370 1233 So. 25th $375 1331 So. 14th $310 1 bedroom 2100B$270 645 So. 17th $285 . 1915B$295 Management One 477-2600 1 month free! 2740 R, large, 3 bedroom, $450, garage, laundry. 430-6328._ __ 2 BR. 5 minutes from campus. 534 North 27th. New Carpet and paint in this spacious main floor 2 BR. W/D, O/S. Big kitchen and front porch. $365/mo. 730-8443. ! 1256 So. 26th street. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Clean and nice. Central air, no pets. Onfv $520.466-9526. 1503 S 22nd, luxurious 2 bedroom in nice area, central air, $450, (8881331-8933. 1910 J Street 1 2 bedroom, $415-$425,. clean, quiet, no pets. Call Carl 432-8367 or Jim 430-9014.__ 1932 R Street 4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATHROOM Next to campus. Parking, Washer/Dryer Hookups, Diswasher, Central Air. $750-$850. 475-3111 or 435-6645. 2540 W, 3 bedroom, washer/dryer, $625. Embassy Park Apartments, 31st & Old Cheney, 2 bedroom, $510. Swimming Pool. Pine Tree Apartments, 1st and Adams, 2 Bedroom, $470. 515 and 535 West Saunders, 1 and 2 Bedroom $380-460. No Pets. 483-1130, 483-6057. 3601 Baldwin 2 bedrooms. Large, clean and nicely decorated. Parking, laundry, economical 4-plex. No smoking. $395.483-4600. Apartments on UNL Campus Two bedrooms available. No smoking, no pets, con trolled access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop, $475/month. Brickyard Apartments, 17th and H'oldredge. 477-6578. Claremont Park Apartments 9th & Claremont 474-7275 Three bedroom apartments available immediately. Call for rent and move-in specials. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 4140 Baldwin. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fireplace. $375 Century Management 484-8600 Close to campus Reasonable and convenient, 1 and 2 bedroom., air, laundry, parking, no pets, FREE CABLE. 521 N 25th, 1910 knox. $350+, $450+. 477-7684. Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070, EAST CAMPUS Nice and spacious 2 bedroom with fireplace. 3624-32 Huntington. Only $379. Available now! Century Management 484-8600 ■ _arge 3 Bedroom Plus Study. 2 Bath. All Utilities Paid. Redone. Central Air. 1343 F Street, $675. 430-9012. .arge one bedroom apartment, Hayword Building [450. 475-2034, Simeon. Metropolitan Apartments 502 S12 ... ■ :fficiencies and one bedroom, $260-$325. Secured building. Close to campus, Call,477^3f48. -r—„ "f4 Dne bedroom, 9th & GhBrleston, walk to UNI_ central lir, washeF/dryer,included, water/garbage paid. I89-9294. .■W" tery Large 1-Bedroom, Most Utilities Paid. 1607 Pros >ect. $450. 423-8122. VICTORIAN CHARM ! BR, nicely decorated, $360/month, 489-1938 or '30-5050. 500s M* ***Science, Pre-Med, and Nursing Majors*** CLINICAL CONDUCT ASSOCIATES iarris Laboratories has opportunities available for per ons to monitor activities of Study Participants and :ollect and document data. Great experience for sci ince, nursing, or pre-med majors. This is a varia ile-scheduled position. We currently have morning, tvening, and weekend shifts available. $6/hour with ixcellent opportunities to increase pay through training, lease apply in person at: HARRIS Human Resources, JM-CCA 621 Rose Street Lincoln, NE 68502 AA gotta JiMMBT 4-1A mi "HI STEAMBOAT BRECKENRIDi VAIL/BEAVJ TELLURIB \Jses*. r\ TOLL no MFONMATION AND MSOIVATIONS 1*800*SUNCHASE •kl the wib at ■ohodyDoool ‘EARN FREE TRIPS & CASH!* CLASS TRAVEL needs students to promote Spring Break 19881 Sell 15 trips & travel free! Highly motivated students osn earn a free trip A over $10,000! Choose Cancan, Bahamas, Mazattan, Jamaica or Flor ida! North America’s largest student tour operator! Call NOWM -800-838-6411. ‘Warehouse Assistant* Monday through Friday Noon to 5 pm $6-7 per hour Apply in person at: Video Service of America 6929 Seward Avenue Lincoln, NE 68507 ★ ★★ 33 positions - No telemarketing $10.10 Work 10-40 hours around classes. Resume experience. AASP scholarship /internship/coop. Call Mon day-Friday, 12-4 p.m. 477-8663. ©#!%&#! Frustrated with your current job? New Health and Fit ness company is looking for 5 people to fill sales and management positions, call 467-3905. BE A BURGER MASTER Bleachers, Lincoln’s favorite sports tavern needs grill cooks. Competitive wage, good work environment, and free food among the benefits. Apply in person: Bleachers, 56th and Highway 2. Alamo Center. Big Red Storage Flexible Schedules. Self Motivatedwith Computer knowledge. Close to Campus. Call Mike 477-7900 or stop in at 609 Van Dorn. Bum Steer Now hiring kitchen help. All positions available day or evening. Full and part time. Apply in person. 6440 “O" Street. CASH PAID NIGHTLY Applications for delivery drivers now being accepted at Domino’s Pizza. Must have own vehicle, insurance and Cl driving history. Make$7-10/hr. Apply at any ino’s location. THE DEEP END CO-WORKERS * Up to $8/hr pay and benefits $6.50 to start. (Noon and closing shifts). ■Frequent performance and salary evaluations *Fun work environment ■Paid vacation *50% meal discount ■Flexible schedule ■Holiday parties ■Health/dental Insurance ‘STEP tuition reimbursed Scholarship Plan (Up to $9.00 per hour with wage and tuition reimbursement). Amigos, an expanding, quality oriented Mexican fast food chan has excellent part time and full time oppor tunities available now. If you are an aggressive customer oriented person and like to work at a fast, intense pace, an opportunity to put these skills to work and develop as a leader is available. Explore how you can earn 100% college tuition reimbursement simply by working at Amigos! 14 and 15 year olds welcome. APPLY NOW AT: 14th &Q UNL UNION 27th & Cornhusker GO WEST CREW MEMBERS Looking for FT/PT Qualified Persons to Join our Team! Benefits include: Competitive Wages, Flexible Sched ules, 401K Benefit Plan Available, Lots of Oppourtunity for Advancement, and More! Apply today at: Any Lincoln Arby’s EOE Downtown YMCA hiring swim instructors for early afternoon classes. Must be available be tween 1-2 p.m. Apply at 1039 P Street. 434-9230. EDUCATION MAJORS! Stephenson’s needs part time help 2-3 afternoons a week and some Saturdays. Fun products- great at mosphere! Apply in person at 1112 *0* Street. Ernie’s in Ceresco is now accepting applications for full time and part time positions in our distribution and warehouse division. Call Marcia Pearson, 474-2666. M-F 8-5. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY!! Need extra income? Flexible work schedule! Be your own boss! Unlimited income potentiall Call (402) 434-3935 today. Apollo Athletic Apparel Corp. ™ Rr BY CHAD STRAWDERMAN Auatmmt J USED To BEUEME THAT I HEADACHES Witt CAW I BV EV\CS>WWS. I THE NORM BY MICHAEL JANTZE ACROSS 30 Apple of Eve’s 58-Cassini i Aoole e o eye? 59 Author Joyce i Apple, e.g 31 «That.s-- Car0| 5 Flee to wed Martin hit 60-hour traffjc 10 Architect I. M. 32 Meadow 61 Sault Marie 7 35 Eden’s apple et «2 “Christina’s 13 Army group al. World” artist 14 Of the ear 3» Victorian, e.g. 63 “Don’t sit under 15 -— Pavlova *0 Duplicity the apple-” 17 Big Apple’s 41 Eberts mecca «Beak; beezer down 20 Hill dweller 43 Like a bad 21 Aspect apple 1 Mountain lion 22 Loathed 45 Puzzled 3 even keel <8 President’s 3 After-dinner 28 Camera part power candy 24 Old Greek coins 49 “Who Framed 4 Biblical suffix 28 Preparing Rabbit? 6 Adjective for apples for so African republic some apples baking 51 Madrid Mrs. 6 Stringed 29 Bonehead 54 Kind of apple instruments 7 Algerian city 8 Move a TV ANSWER tO PREVIOUS PUZZLE camera 9 Actor Wallach |B|E|A|d]sI^PBT]tTsWoTf]t] 10 Taste |R|EIT[RTeTeMa|H|oTtPnp|o|r| 11 Growing out 1aIl|l|m1¥|NMWA Bp{B|E|R|yI 12-tube p|A|A|RtEBBli[V|EjN| I InIgIs 18Totals 32 N.H.L. goalie 45 Jason’s ship 52 Trick tfw|Ylj[lRGTRtElEm 18TV sitcom Mike- 46 Picks and hoes 53Court king lsTETTmBslHTEtA|Sl^tRl|H 19 Sculptor, e.g. 33 Kitchen finish 47 Shoelace tag Arthur t|rJa LjNTEjEB^|EjL|TMp|||| 23Out0° a- 34 p g a e g 48 Manservant 55 Present |P|A|NiH I I IlMnTniTtNTnTIEl 34 Slingshot ’ 50 Deal out 56 “An apple a ■ lIaInIeBeIpIi |g1r|A[M| missile 38 Neglect 51 Like a crab _ ” IToCTa dPa stlHtolMTii 29®od 37Pairs apple 57N.Y.C. subway A|r|r| I fsiW0|5|M||^MAlNTElB 29 society 38 “For-us a |B|ElA|NlT|OtwtFr|i|[ST^iiinTR^B 27 Aroma child is born” ntfeialm^Rn S f ffl Ssil7effish 42 Heavy hammer k S\mPPplEMiipr rr E 31 Amigo’s 43 Bur9er topping LSLLiSM_s_iRjQ^^MslA IL |0 |N I farewell 44 Auditory