The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1997, Image 1

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    $ F 0 R T S
Hat trick
Nebraska’s Kim Engesser recorded a hat trick as
the NU soccer team defeated Iowa State
Thursday night 7-0. PAGE 10
Hang diez, dude
Dick Dale doesn’t even do it in a Mexican
wrestling mask. Los Straitjackets will tonight at
Knickerbockers. PAGE 12 v
Shower To
Chance of rain, high 72.
low 47.
VOL. 97
Husker ‘D’ set for Huskies
By David Wilson
Senior Reporter
Brock Huard is well protected.
The sophomore Washington quarterback
stands behind an offensive line that averages 6
foot-5 and 306 pounds.
Through two games this season, the five
some has paved the way for 442 yards of rush
ing from the Husky running backs and given
Huard the time to throw for 598 yards.
When seventh-ranked Nebraska (2-0) trav
els to Seattle to face second-ranked Washington
(2-0) Saturday at 2:30 p.m., the Cornhusker
defensive line knows this will be the biggest
obstacle it will face this season.
Nebraska rush end Grant Wistrom doesn’t
know when the Huskers have gone head-to
head against a better offensive line.
“I’ve heard one of our coaches say that
probably all five of their offensive linemen are
pro prospects,” Wistrom said. “When you have
a quarterback like Brock Huard running the
system and a running back like Rashaan
Shehee, it gets really dangerous in a hurry.
We’re going to have to be at the top of our game
to hope to try to shut them down.”
As a senior this season, Shehee has rushed
for 243 yards and averages 8.7 yards per carry.
But Huard said the Huskies will have to contin
ue to mix it up against the Huskers this
“What a defense tries to do is make you one
dimensional,” Huard said.
In its first two games, Nebraska has allowed
146 yards on the ground and 462 yards through
the air. But the Husker defense has yet to play to
its full potential, Wistrom said.
Please see GAME on 8
I Folk dancers tap into outreach
Lane Hickenbottom/DN
LINCOLN NATIVE JEANETTIE FAUST, a resident at Holmes Lake Manor, watches the University
International Folk Dancers Thursday night in the manor’s cafeteria.
By Lindsay Young
Staff Reporter
Donned in a long red skirt, a red-and-black
vest and a white blouse, Dee Hughes, UNL pro
fessor emeritus of dance, prepared for a final
dance under, the cut-out footballs and Nebraska
pendants hanging from the ceiling in the dining
room of the Holmes Lake Manor.
Hughes lit candles that her group, the
University International Folk Dancers, in con
junction with the Lincoln International Folk
Dancers, used to dance to Erev Ba, an Israeli
folk dance. The dance represented shepherds
coming in from tending their flocks using
lanterns to guide their way.
The dancers were performing for the resi
dents of the manor Thursday night as part of
their outreach program. The program is one way
students can get involved with the group,
Hughes said.
Hughes started the group about 20 years
ago, and is its faculty adviser.
Please see FOLK on 3
Student volunteers maintain safety
By Brice Sullivan
Staff Reporter
When Comhusker fans are struck with a
health problem or injury at a University of
Nebraska-Lincoln athletic event, they can
count on a fellow student to rush to their aid.
In working with the Lancaster County
Red Cross, the Campus Red Cross first-aid
volunteers are stationed throughout
Memorial Stadium at each home game, as
well as at other events on campus.
The Red Cross provides annual training
for all volunteers, and each are certified in
both first aid and CPR. Once trained, a volun
teer, follows a mentor for up to two events
before working alone.
On average, 18 of the 55 volunteers at
each football game are UNL students. The
volunteers assist anyone who needs medical
“The students are very valuable to us,”
said Mary Vanderploeg, director of health and
safety for the Lancaster County Red Cross.
“They’re a great help at the campus events.”
Vanderploeg said that because of the stu
dents’ flexible schedules, they can go to many
events that volunteers with full-time jobs
The students also help in numbers.
Vanderploeg said that the organization can
always use more qualified people to help.
Forty people received medical attention
during Saturday’s Central Florida football
game, while a record 75 people were assisted
at the Aug. 30 game against Akron,
Vanderploeg said.
“They were dropping like flies during that
game,” said Briana Hooi, president of
Campus Red Cross. “Many of those people
suffered from heat exhaustion.”
Vanderploeg said the majority of the ill
nesses are heat-related during the early part
of the season, and cold-related during the
later games.
The volunteers are stationed near the east,
west, north and south gates. Certified nurses
are on hand at the two first-aid stations at the
northwestand southeast of the stadium.
If someone needs help, Vanderploeg said,
someone should get the attention of one of the
Boy Scouts or security guards, and they will
contact a volunteer immediately. For easy
recognition, each volunteer wears a white
shirt with a red cross on the back.
In addition to providing first aid at
Memorial Stadium, the student volunteers
also attend volleyball and basketball games,
as well as most events at Bob Devaney Sports
Center, Pershing Auditorium and the Lied
Center for Performing Arts.
Heather Workman, the coordinator of the
Campus Red Cross first-aid team, said gener
al ailments include bodily injuries, heart
problems and heat exhaustion.
“Sometimes it’s nothing more than a
headache,” Workman said. “At the Lied
Center events, we get a lot of children who
just need a place to lie down.”
But sometimes problems can get more
serious. Workman said that last year a woman
slipped on the ice outside the Lied Center and
broke a hip. A student volunteer attended to
the'woman until an ambulance arrived.
Workman said that between one and four
student volunteers are on hand for each Lied
Center event. f
Vanderploeg cited Workman as an exam
ple of how valuable the students are to the
Red Cross.
“She’s done a great job of coordinating the
Lied Center events,” Vanderploeg said. “She’s
a great asset to us.”
Read the Daily Nebraskan on the World Wide Web at
Golden Key
opens doors
to success
■ The society prepares to
break membership records as
its membership drive begins.
By Eric Rineer
Staff Reporter
As the Golden Key prepares for
the end of its fall semester member
ship drive, this year’s leaders are con
fident they will set a new record.
This year , the Golden Key plans
to induct more than 450 new students
to its honor society. If the goal is
accomplished, this will be the largest
number of new students to ever join
the club.
Although Golden Key had 433
new members last year, leaders say
that setting a new record would be a
huge accomplishment.
“By doing this,” secretary Becky
Kai said, “we can get a really diverse
group of people.”
That diversity in abilities will help
strengthen what Golden Key does:
provide community service, give out
student resume tips and offer scholar
ships. “These are all things that will
make students successful later on,”
Kai said.
Kai said that each year Golden
Key selects new members for its soci
ety and those inducted become mem
bers for life. However, Kai said, each
year Golden Key has to recruit hun
dreds of new members.
The Golden Key selects students
in the junior and senior classes who
have a grade-point average of 3.675
or higher, and are also in the top 15
percent of their class. Invitations are
sent to those students, who must com
plete the applications and pay dues.
In exchange, students are rewarded
with many benefits including career
assistance, scholarships, and leader
ship positions in the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln chapter.
Golden Key President Jennifer
Griffin said joining the club is an
excellent idea for any qualified stu
“A lot of people are not active in
chapter activities,” Griffin said. “But
there are still many more ways to take
advantage of the membership.”
Griffin said many members will
write articles or even submit research
projects which, in turn, are published.
Though the membership drive is
still in progress, Griffin said applica
tions must be received no later than
Thursday. Any student who meets the
academic requirements but has not
yet received an invitation may contact
professor George Sturgeon at 472