Playboy calls Lincoln bar one of United States’ best RAIL from page 9 lot cleaner than 10 years ago,” Dee Wehnes said. “I think the relation ship between customers and employees is strong. It makes peo ple more comfortable.” The Wehneses believe that The Brass Rail’s appearance in Playboy’s latest issue is much deserved. “I’m glad for the Mausbach brothers (owners),” said Dick Wehnes. “It might bring in people that haven’t been here before.” Although management won’t have the Playboy issue up for dis play, Mausbach said they will be ordering T-shirts from Playboy that say “Top 100 College Bar.” The shirts will be available to cus tomers in the next few weeks. Mausbach said the recognition has been positive from people of both genders, and he expects no negative repercussions from pub licity in a magazine that publishes photographs of nude women. “Women and men are equally supportive,” he said. “The girls that work at The Rail are equally as happy about being recognized by an international magazine. Everybody knows Playboy.” [SPRIN^REArg Ilowest roiCEseuARANroSi ■ "ALL INCLUSIVE'* *;PARTY PAK \\ w w. u n 1. ed u/Dii i l v No hi Cops, thieves, beauties worth renting this week ■ “McHale’s Navy” can’t float, but “The Saint” and a Disney classic provide plenty of entertainment. By Gerry Beltz Film Critic J - Sorry about the laclt of new video release news, but due to cer tain ... political affiliations, I need ed to visit a country without extradi tion laws. Anyway, recapping last week and this week (plus, of course, a classic pick-of-the-week): ■ “McHale’s Navy” - Argh. And you thought “Down Periscope” was bad.... Retired Naval commander Quinton McHale (Tom Arnold) must use all resources available to him to save his island from a devious evil general (Tim Curry) in this weak comedy. Dumb humor, dumb script, dumb idea. Just dumb, dumb, dumb. Better you spend time spit-shining an ash tray than renting this piece of sludge. ■ “The Saint” - Val Kilmer as a charming rogue. Oooooh, what a stretch. Simon Templar (Val Kilmer) is a master thief and master of disguise, but soon finds himself over his head when he gets involved stealing secrets from an eccentric scientist (Elisabeth Shue) in the middle of a Russian revolution. Some cool action and gadgets, plus some decent work from Kilmer, make the movie a very worthwhile rental. Kilmer’s jumping from char acter to character is particularly interesting. ■ “Sleeping Beauty” - With dig itally remastered sound and picture, the Disney classic is available once again. Nothing has changed in the story: A beautiful princess slumbers her way into destiny, and the gallant prince must defeat the witch to save the princess’s life. It’s available for both rental and sale, and it’s a worthwhile addition know how this one popped into the ol’ noggin’, but action-and-attitude fans may enjoy the classic “Dirty Harry” for some great Clint Eastwood. A little girl has been kidnapped, and Harry Callahan (Eastwood) is out to see that justice is done - legal ly or otherwise. The film is dated, and Eastwood looks a wee bit younger, but the flick is very enjoyable. Check it out. l\?e im Heuu |W7 81 aaat* 6ftoe»tak€) fworlds 3 ‘TyooN ( EVJ£C.U)AK)T ] \TO S>0066U£Ty 13" Color Television with Remote, Excellent Condition! Perfect lor Dorm Room. $120o.b.o. 484-6634. 486 IBM computers $100 plus taxfoTcompiet^eL DaBy Nebraskan. 34 Nebraska Union. Contact Dan. Toshiba Laptop Computer, new. $1400/OBO 474-0544. Cable descrambler kit $14.95. View all premium and pay per view channels. 1-800-752-1389. Must sell nice Danish dining table, chairs and leaf, $50. Large maple chest of drawers, nice. $45. Copper cookware with hanger. $50. Stereo with speakers, $35. Gold shower doors with mirrors, $75. Pick-up truck toolbox, full size, metal. $50.484-6505 or 440-7159. Williams' Defender-Stargate upright arcade game. Works great, lots of fun. $449 obo. 474-0329. Leave message NU at COLORADO Call 303-430-1111 WANTED; K-State football tickets. Need as many as possible. Can 438-0453. *92 Excel, like new, aluminum wheels, tint, great stereo, 63 K, runs great, $4000 OBO. 477-8465. 1984 Honda Prelude. Good school car. Call 477-4818, ask for Chris. ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future tor your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska ChiFdren’s Home, 4600 Valley Rd., Suite 314,483-7879 10 lbs, 2 weeks—guaranteed Scientifically Advanced Nutritional Products. Safe, Ef fective, Doctor-Recommended. Fewer Food Cravings. 402-441-9522. Swedish Massage. 477-0138. KUNGFU 435-1137 Math tutor needed for a 7th grade boy, South Lincoln, Must be patient; we can work out details. Please call 488-6347, evenings. Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Female needed to share 2 bedroom apartment w/basement and garage. $212/month, 1/2 utilities, call Angia/423-0662. _] I Female to share large two bedroom apartment. Wash er/dryer, $225 per month plus half utility. Call 438-7954. Male or Female Roommate needed for residence near Sheridan Boulevard area. On or after October 1st. $220/month plus utilities. If interested call 474-9280. Need a Roommate?? The Commuter & Student Services Center keeps a file of interested students who are looking for a roommate. Come in the office and check it out. room 116 Nebraska Union. 1 bedroom available for rent now! $200/month Washer/Dryer. Large House. 540 Windsor. 475-5305 HCIose to campus!!! 5 plus 1 bedroom, 2 bath. At 2331 “U" Street. New