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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1997)
.. - i OassHMIivtitUM %2«ffu^n^SsSSS (ItafislfhMlAAmrtMiui v JJ3i: dnSurtWounUdu. WiMMI MIVllRMllS ^ $3.50 per day for 15 words on individual students and student organization ads. $4.75 per day for 15 words on nonstudent ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. Deadline: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any advertisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, material status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of al ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. 200s Far sad 260 Sporting Goods 331 Cleaning / Households 202 Appfiances 265 Stereos/TVs 335 Computer Services 205 Bicycles 270 Ticket Exchange 340 Entertainment 210 Books 290 Vehicles 345 Gift Ideas 213 Clothing 300s tankas 348 Hairstyling 216 Computers 300 Adoption 350 Health & Fitness 220 Furniture 305 Alterations 353 Insurance 230 Jewterv 310 Automotive 355 Instruction/Tutoring 240 Misc. For Sale 315 Bicycle Service 358 Job Placement 245 Musical Instruments 320 Bridal 360 Lawn Care 246 Office Furniture • 325 Catering 365 Legal Services 250 Pets 328 Child Care 373 Music Exchange 255 Photo Equipment 330 Cleaning / Laundry 375 Photography 378 Pregnancy - 430 Houses/Rent 380 Printing & Copying 440 Duplex/Rent 382 Recycling 450 Apartments / Rent 383 Religious 460 Summer Housing 385 Rentals 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 388 Tanning 480 Vacation / Rent 390 Tatooing 490 Homes/Sale 393 Travle 500s Ml 395 Typings Resumes 500 Help Wanted 510 Child Care 400 Roommates 520 Work Study 410 HousingWanted 530 Summer Jobs 420 Rooms/Rent 540 Internships 600s Mm 600 Rides 603 Spring Break Trips 305 Career Events 310 Announcments 315 Meetings 320 Greek Affairs 330 Student Government 340 Personals 342 Pinning & Engagements 345 Loist&Found 350 Wanted 360 Fundraising 370 900 Numbers 13" Color Television with Remote, Excellent Condition, Perfect for Dorm Room. $120 o.b.o. 484-6634. rJ ' ’ ,3 '• ' . ‘ Cycle Works Ail 97** on sale Lincoln’s largest selection of Mt Bikes Largest selection of U-locks and cables. Fast, expert repairs on a* makes Located between city and east campus 475-BIKE, Giant Rincon Mountain Bikes Used at Camp Kitaki 96/97. Number 3 rated Mountain Bike by Consumer Reports, 1996. Lots to choose from, $200. Call Chuck 434-9225. Toshiba Laptop Computer, new. $1400/OBO 474-0544. 6 toot long, tilt up loft without mattress $75. Bookcases, Sofa sleeper, telephone stand, nightstand, computer desk, air strider, papa son chair, trumpet. Inquire after 6pm, call 423-3449. For sale: Futon, must sell. Call Kim at 486-0673 Great dorm and apartment furniture and lots of other stuff. Saturday only 8-2.1001 Colony Lane._ Cable descrambler kit $14.95. View all premium and pay per view channels. 1 -800-752-1389. Must sell nice Danish dining table, chairs and leaf, $50. Large maple chest of drawers, nice. $45. Copper cookware with hanger, $50. Stereo with speakers, $35. Gold shower doors with mirrors, $75. Pick-up truck toolbox, full size, metal. $50.484-6505 or 440-7159. RCA 25* Color Console TV. $150. Blue Velour Love Seat, $150. Excellent Condition, 421-1391. Students: Make money out of your dorm or house. Set own schedule and unlimited amounts of money. Call 421-8147 for more information. VCR w/remote, excellent condition, $75. Also COLOR TV, $75,466-8520. For sale: 1 NU vs. Central Florida ticket, may validate. 476-8099._ Need 2 Tickets for Peter, Paul and Mary Lied Concert. 476-3746, leave message. Need 2 validated tickets, together, for Central Florida game. Please call before Friday evening, 476-4147. NEED 7 TICKETS TO CENTRAL FLORIDA GAME! CALL 465-0223; ASK FOR JOHN. NU at COLORADO Call 303-430-1111 NU at Washington 9/20, buy/seU 1-800-281-0753. WANTED 12 tickets for October 18th’s Homecoming game. NU vs. Texas Tech. Seats need not be together. 483-6334. '96 Geo Metro LS1 - 2 door HB. 15 K, auto, air, $5750. ‘93 Ptymoth Colt, 2-door, 5 speed, air, 75K, $3750. ‘88 Nissan Pulsar NX, 2-door, 5 speed, 88K, $3250. Baers Auto Sales 1647 S. 3rd 477-6442 ‘92 Excel, like new, aluminum wheels, tint, great stereo, 63 K, runs great, $4000 OBO. 477-8465. 1984 Honda Prelude. Good school car. Call 477-4818, ask for Chris. 1985 Chevrolet Chevette, 2 door hatchback, brown, $800 obo. 486-0245. 1993 Pontiac Sunbird LE, auto, air, cd player, blue, 53K, very clean, $5900,476-8099. Heyl 94 HONDA ELITE 50CC SCOOTER. Excellent condition, like new, low mileage, great gas mileage. Mustsellimmediatel^10D^®<^ail47jM)032. ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd„ Suite 314,483-7879 ' ' 'ITT Pm in ill TWnnki TTim'entnmf Scientifically Advanced Nutritional Products. Safe, Ef fective, Doctor Reccoromended. Fewer Food Cravings. 402-441-9522. —:— -*7-— -————;—-— New Metabolism Breakthrough. Lose 5-100 pounds. Doctor Approved. Cost, $35.00. 1-800-563-0386. Swedish Massage. 477-0138. Czech can be fun! Tutorials by a young native speaker! Call Petr. 436-0698 or e-mail Don’t fall behind in class! FRENCH. RUSSIAN, and CZECH tutoring. Call now for an experienced professional: 477-4490, ask for Katja. KUNG FU 435-1137 Math tutor needed fora 7th grade boy. South Lincoln, Must be patient; we can work out details. Please call 488-6347, evenings. Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474. 7. Free Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. 2 greasy roommates needed to sham large house with most of its roof on it. Cheap bills, Close to both cam puses, and1un-«$i8 roommates. Ca» Steve 477-9280. Female to share spacious 2-bedroom historic duplex, washer/dryer, window/air, wood floors. Cool, retro. Clean a must. 438-5259. Male or female, share a three bedroom house. Close to campus, ASAPt 476-8186. Need Male/Female nonsmoking roommates to share a very nice 3 bedroom, 3 full batn townhouse in Holmes lake area. $250 plus utilities. Call 483-0122 and leave message. Need roommates, tg share 3 bedroom/2 bath near campusesTC/A, laundry, $250, utilities included. Responsible non smoking female for newer home with washer/dryer. $175/monfh plus 1/4 utilities. Evenings 477-5675. Room with bathroom, living area and laundry room. Ail utilities included. $200, nice area. 489-3067. Roommate needed to share huge three bedroom, two bathroom apartment in older building. Lots of character wood floors, crown molding, tile bathrooms. Unique windows, $200 per month + util, and deposit. 476-1365. Available immediately. Wanted: One or two M/F roommates to share a nice house. $231/mo. + utilities. 1938 Jefferson Ave. 438-7987. Ask for San or Dan. We need a female roommate to share a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom loft apartment in Capital Beach area, secured building. $220/mo. 438-9663, leave a message._ 1 bedroom available for rent nowl $200/month. Washer/Dryet Large House. 540 Windsor. 475-5305 Room With bathroom, living area and laundry room. All utilities included. $200, nice area 489-3067. {'.Close to campus!!! 5 plus 1 bedroom, 2 bath. At 2331 *U* Street. New appliances including washer/dryer, no pets. $895/month. Management One 477-2600. 1 month free! 2740 R, large, 3 bedroom, $450, garage, laundry. 430-6328. * »iw Rent Reduced 3,4,5 Bedrooms. Near UNL Stadium. Central air. Wash er/Dryer. Range/Refrigerator. Dishwasher. Lawn main tained. $600,489-9294. 1425 North 23rd, very nice 5 bedroom, 2 bath, parking, near campus, $795.441-9596. 1735 N. 29th. Large 5-6 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air. $795.430-6328. 2980 Dudley, brand new 4 bedroom, 2 bath, double garage, central air, $850.430-6328. BRAND NEW! 2628 Q. Deluxe. 2 bedroom, double gar age, $575.430-6328. East Campus, 2 Bedroom, New AC/htg., new carpets, new kitchen, off street parking. $550. 435-3671. Four bedroom house two blocks from campus. 421-7416.__ One block to East Campus. 1345 N. 39th Street. Nice, Clean, 3 Bedroom House. Dishwasher, Laundry, $595. 432-6264 or 665-2521. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate 1 and 2 Bedroom units from $339 up. With one year lease, get gift certificate for Gateway. Ask about our other special$! Walk to campus from our 640 South 20th,location...475-7262. 1 month free! 2740 R. Nicer 1 or 2 bedroom, $250-$350, garage, laundry. 430-6328.__ I September Free!! 3. 4, and 5 bedroom apartments and houses a valuable now! Remodeled, central air. Just south of downtown. Some with utilities paid. $550-750. 430-9012. ■ 2»**»>V<"cienoy; 483-2367. :S|fo'4fe. 22nd,Lg,2 B.R. Bus stop, fireplace, -G/A, tf/BalcbnSr^Big Kitchen, $435. Call 489-6755, 450*561, -_ ~1258 So. 26th street. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Clean and nice. Central air, no pets. Only $520.466-9526. 1932 R Street 4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATHROOM Next to campus. Parking, Washer/Dryer Hookups, -Diswasher, Central Air. $750-$850. 475-3111 or 435-6645. _ > ' __ 2540 W, 3 bedroom, washer/dryer, $625. Embassy • Park Apartments, 3lst& Old Cheney, 2 bedroom, $510. Swimming Pool. Pine Tree Apartments, 1st and Adams, 2 Bedroom, $470. 515 and 535 West Saunders, 1 and 2 Bedroom $380-460. No Pets. 483-1130, 483-6057._ 3601 Baldwin 2 bedrooms. Large, clean and nicely decorated. Parking, laundry, economical 4-plex. No smoking. $395.483-4600. Apartments on UNL Campus One and two bedrooms available. No smoking, no pets, controlled access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop. $425-$475/month. Brickyard Apartments, 17th and Holdredge. 477-6578. Claremont Park Apartments 9th & Claremont 474-7275 Three bedroom apartments available immediately. Call for rent and move-in specials. Clean, newly redecorated efficiencies, one and two bedroom apartments. Bus line. Close to UNL. 477-6850. THE DEEP END BY CHAD STRAWDERMAN DOW EUER WONDER Wtt omer people/®et«nhm,? m »• LIKE 1WM #AfWl£NT , PSKHOftsSHSWCK BEfflWD WmWEftRBWHt? /come op A people) uinav’s 1 -Hx problem . V up Vnere?]/ me sKM leeanvore j 90 sJovxj. - to scream 5 - • /^c^^Oe7;| SOBl THE NORM_ BY MICHAEL JANTZE A HWPReP WAVS TD FIND OUT HOW QUAUFteP A PROGGAMMeR IS... ... BUT IF YOURS IN A HURRy, JUST CWeCtC THe Size OF THeiR SOFT PRINK gCTTLS. ! ( oh yeah- L v**8 »°v,— T7 I \ &ZL ZaL ACROSS 33 Point-, 1 “Brigadoon" Calif heroine 35 + u 6 Circuit Cohan s first wife 10 Self-satisfied 38 Serbian city 14 Dialect of a 38 Nevada and region Madre 15 Sound of the surf 41 League for a 16 Concern Cantab 17 Intimate 42 Emerge 18 Orison finis 44 Cathedral city in. 19 Asian sea N France 20 Semanticist's 49 Male ant <joncer,]1 46 Begrudges 22 Jessye Norman, „ln^unaance . 24 In concealment 88 Adjective for 50 26 See 40 Down Down 27 Quarters for 88 Steam bath Hindu women 54 Set up 30 African fox 56 Compounds 32 Nobel chemist: relating with 1934 others * bo Snatch 61 Checker player’s choice 63 Kindled again 64 Manner of doing 65 Spanish port of entry 66 Turkish city on the Seyhan 67 Copied 68 Unit of force 69 Last capital of Ceylon’s kings DOWN 1 Spike Lee product 2 Concept for Colette 3 Port of Kyushu 4 Meridian time « Embryonic'. membrane 6Lt.-^irt Perry Mason tales T-—P^ul Kruger 9 Kin of semis 7 7 9 Note to Rutgers U.’s color ti Cherry liqueur f2 Heavens: Comb, form 13 Tyrant of old Syracuse 21 Lake of Botswana 23 Loblollies 25 Whitman’s “Leaves-” ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE a* I i 27 Pueblo people 40-W'rth 20 Across, 31 Low deck ofN.M. ‘ English novelist 53 Flower from the 28 Mythical pome 43 Feral Argonne tosser 45 Public walk 55 Eldritchr-r • 29 Kind of pie or _ * - pudding 47 Soprano Bjoner 5* Verve 31 Reddish-gray 49 Parka 58 Cortex kangaroo so Source of 59 Guy rope 34 River of Zaire - igneous rock 62 Dark , gloomy 36 Unceasingly * 37 Does this play ' false notes? 39 Important fan-tan card 1