The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 10, 1997, Page 3, Image 3

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    Students to seeASUN’s action
ASUN from page 1
attended student government meet
ings, and ASUN and RHA are work
ing together to plan Rape Awareness
3. Work for the implementation
of a parking ticket class.
Adam Anderson, ASUN senator
and chairman of the Campus Life
committee, has proposed a class for
students who receive parking tickets
from $25-$ 100. Instead of paying the
full ticket, the student would pay a $5
fee, and take a class, similar to class
es people take who have committed
traffic offenses only shorter.
4. Address pedestrian safety
concerns in the 14th and
Vine streets area.
Last year, 1 saw an individual get
hit by a car crossing Vine Street going
to Henzlik Hall,” Ruwe said. He said
the crosswalks by Henzlik Hall and
the Lee and Helene Sapp Campus
Recreation Center are “very danger
ous for both drivers and pedestrians.”
Ruwe said ASUN plans to work
with the university and the city
through the Government Liaison
Possible solutions to the danger
ous crosswalks include speed bumps,
or changing the streets to one-way
traffic, Ruwe said.
5. Work to see more student
input in student-fee alloca
Last year, the Committee for Fees
Allocation worked to understand what
groups do with money they receive.
Ruwe said CFA Chairman
Kendall Swenson and his committee
plan to seek student input by dis
cussing fees allocations with student
organizations, and perhaps by hold
ing open forums.
6. Lobby for the university to
continue research regard
ing a fall break policy.
Last year Human Rights
Committee Chairwoman Sara
Russell, along with Hoang, began to
research a possible fall break for stu
dents and staff. The break, which
would be enacted throughout the NU
system, is proposed to occur in the
middle of October; although because
university calendars are set years in
advance, would not enter the sched
ule for about five years, Russell said.
Ruwe said ASUN will gather stu
dent feedback regarding the fall
break, while researching other peer
institutions’ fall break policies.
7. Work toward an NU Board of
Regents bylaw change to
allow student organizations
to apply for funds from the
University Program
Council once every two
years, rather than every
This issue affects the entire NU
system, and began on the Kearney
campus. Student leaders were con
cerned that money was only available
to fund a UNK rodeo every four
Organizations must apply to UPC
to receive “seed funding,” or money
for special programming.
Ruwe said this issue also affects
organizations on the UNL campus
because currently, student organiza
tions are only granted fees for special
programming (like concerts or guest
speakers) every four years.
By allowing organizations to
apply for “seed funding” every two
years, most students would benefit
from a program presented by an orga
nization more than once in their col
lege career, Ruwe said.
8. Research advising policies on
campus and gathering stu
dent input in order to look
for ways that advising on
campus can best serve stu
Erik Hoegemeyer, chairman of
the Academic Committee, along with
Hoang, are working to find where
students are unhappy with their col
lege’s advising.
“We want to work with students
by gathering student input, contact
ing student advisory boards, and con
tacting each advising office for poli
cy information,” Ruwe said.
9. Better inform students of ser
• vices that ASUN provides,
and what it accomplishes
for students.
“Too often, I hear ‘What does
ASUN do?’” Ruwe said.
He plans to inform students of
ASUN’s impact on campus through
“improved outreach.” This outreach
includes providing better literature,
such as the newly designed ASUN
brochure, which describes services
available to students, including legal
services, the student information
center and a notary public.
1U. Create a more integrated
campus community
through the impfementa- |
tion of the Student Impact
Team and the University
Leadership Community.
The Freshmen Action Committee
was dissolved to make way for the
new SIT, which is open to all students
to allow them to have a voice in stu
dent government.
“The ULC brings students
involved on campus together to open
lines of communication and allow for
better understanding,” Ruwe said.
Ruwe said he hopes both organi
zations help people to realize all the
university has to offer, while increas
ing a sense of community.
“Students don’t really get a
chance to see a big picture of what the
University of Nebraska has to offer,”
Ruwe said.
And the score is ~
The following is a list of the goals ASUN has set and the progress it has made.
-ASUN committee recruitment.
-ASUN and RHA are planning Rape Awareness Week.
-Proposal made. ■ ' -
-Government Liaison Committee to work toward solutions with the university and city.
-Possible open forums to be held.
-Research underway.
—No progress made yet, but work is underway.
-Student research underway.
-Newly designed brochure.
-Recruitment underway. \
Source: ASUN Aaron Steckelberg/DN
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