The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 14, 1997, Summer Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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    Former Husker criticizes
behavior of NU coaches
EDWARDS from page 3
In late January, Edwards said he again test
ed positive for marijuana, and for the second
time, his parents were not informed. But his
mother found out through a third party and set
up a meeting with Osborne to discuss Edwards’
At the meeting, held in Osborne’s office,
Edwards said Osborne realized that a letter had
not been sent to Edwards’ parents and Osborne
apologized. Edwards said he was not sent to an
inpatient drug rehabilitation program because
Osborne said it would interfere with his schol
arship requirements.
Attorney Chuck Bentjen, who is represent
ing Edwards and his family, said he had not yet
discussed his concerns with the university.
Edwards said his other complaint was that
he was not allowed to play basketball for
Nebraska. When he was recruited, Edwards
said, he had been assured by Osborne that he
would be allowed to play basketball for the
Huskers. But Edwards said he was told by
Osborne later that he must devote all of his time
to football and classes.
Osborne said he didn’t remember Edwards
ever asking to play basketball, or NU
Basketball Coach Danny Nee requesting for
Edwards to try out.
During spring practice earlier this year,
Edwards said, he approached Osborne about a
release from his scholarship. Osborne, Edwards
said, refused to grant the release.
“We don’t release a player if we feel like
there is some things we need to clear up before
we release them,” Osborne said. “Quite often,
we say, ‘Yeah, we’ll release you, but this and
this and this and this has to happen.’ But that is
kind of where he is right now.”
As a true-freshman last fall, Edwards
played in four games and caught one 10-yard
pass against Michigan State. The 6-foot, 190
pounder sat out in the Orange Bowl for discipli
nary reasons.
“I wasn’t well informed,” Edwards said of
his bowl-game suspension. “Coach Brown
could probably give you the best definition of
Edwards said he transferred to Mt. San
Antonio College in Walnut, Calif., where he
will play both football and basketball.
“I realize that I made some wrong decisions
in the past,” Edwards said. “However, I believe
that I have put these problems behind me and I
have not used drugs since that second violation
of the university drug policy. I sincerely believe
that if I can excel in the classroom, as I am capa
ble of doing, the athletic side of my career will
take care of itself.”
Staff Reporter Antone Oseka contributed
to this report.
Michael Warren/DN
NU COACH TOM OSBORNE would not comment
directly on the Edwards caseWednesday after
noon, but he provided reporters with general
information reagrding Nil’s drug testing poli
Daniel Luedert/DN
J.R. EDWARDS, a former split-end for the Cornhuskers, spoke at a press conference
Wednesday about his removal from the team for disciplinary reasons.
Two weeks to go...
Michael Warren/DN
Far Left: FRANKIE LONDON attempts to avoid the
tackle of Sam Linebacker Tony Oritz during
Wednesday afternoon’s practice.
Left: AHMAN GREEN runs agility drills during
Wednesday’s practice.