The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 24, 1997, Summer Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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Former Husker Alberts retires from NFL
From the Associated Press
ANDERSON, Ind. — Linebacker
Trev Alberts has closed the book on
his injury-plagued career by retiring
after three seasons in which he saw
more therapy than opposing running
backs for the Indianapolis Colts.
Alberts' stats tell the tale of why
he retired Tuesday — seven starts, 29
games played and 20 missed with
only 103 tackles since signing a six
year contract valued at $8.15 million
in 1994.
“I could see this day coming,"
Alberts said. “Three years ago when I
entered the NFL, I was so excited
about my career. I thought I could do
some great things. My body just fell
Alberts racked up almost as many
injuries as starts the last three sea
sons. He has had a dislocated right
elbow, a concussion, a partially dislo
cated left shoulder and a hamstring
injury. He was supposed to be operat
ed on Monday for his latest injury, a
shoulder problem, but he never
showed up for the reconstructive
surgery, ending a training camp soap
“It was something that was hang
ing out there that needed to be closed,
and now it is," Colts vice president of
football operations Bill Tobin said of
the retirement.
“He is going to get on with his
life, and we are going to get on with
our football team.
“Unless he decides to come out of
retirement in years to come, he is
probably history in the National
Football League.”
Added coach Lindy Infante: “I'm
glad we can put this thing to rest and
finally go on with the rest of our lives
— both he and us.”
Alberts complained of pain in the
shoulder earlier this month while par
ticipating in the team's early training
camp for rookies, free agents and vet
erans who were injured at the end of
last season.
The team said Alberts had been
evaluated by Dr. Gary Misamore of
Indianapolis, who determined
Board of Regents to meet Saturday
From Staff Reports
The University of Nebraska
Board of Regents will meet Saturday
morning, and items on the agenda
include the addition of a major and
the renaming and reorganization of a
department in the NU system.
The proposed additional degree
program, a Bachelor of Science in
Architectural Engineering, would fol
low the board’s earlier approval of
expanded engineering programs in
late 1994. The four-year, 134-credit
hour degree program, if approved,
would be offered at the University of
Nebraska at Omaha.
Also, the regents will look at a
proposal to rename the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln’s geology depart
ment. If approved, the department
would be known as “Geosciences,”
and it would cover both the current
geology department and the meteo
rology-climatology program.
Saturday’s meeting will be held in
Hastings at the Holiday Inn, 2205
Osborne Drive East. The session is
open to the public and will open at 9
Monday's scheduled surgery was nec
essary and that the problem dated
back to previous surgery. Alberts first
dislocated his right shoulder when he
played college football at Nebraska.
Alberts was told to report to the
Anderson University training camp
with other veterans last Thursday but
he never appeared.
He has had a series of injuries
since winning the Dick Butkus award
at Nebraska as the nation's best line
backer in 1994 and pondered retire
ment before training camp began. But
he and the Colts failed to reach an
agreement over the team's bid to
recoup a portion of his $3,275 million
signing bonus.
His retirement means the Colts
will have another $875,000 to work
with under the salary cap this season.
“Trev gave his all when he came
out on the field, so you have to feel
bad for him because he really loved
football,” defensive lineman Bernard
Whittington said. “It's just unfortu
nate his injuries were pretty bad, and
it had to come down to this.”
A story in last week’s edition
of the Daily Nebraskan Summer
Edition incorrectly identified
UNL baseball recruit Brian
Rodaway as a graduate of
Ralston High School. Rodaway
is a graduate of Lincoln High
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