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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1997)
f* American Heart Association-^^ Fighting Heart Disease and Stroke "Irresistible And Buoyantly Entertaining!” -Janet Maslin "A Comedy Winner!” -Peter Travers "Most Hi^ious!" -Elissa Schappefl "Two Thumbs Up!” 1 Borrowed money can cost more than expected I DEBT from page 4 letin released by Nebraska State Attorney General Don Stenberg in January 1997, the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act of 1977 prohibits debt collectors specifically from falsely implying they represent a government agency, attorney or credit bureau, using obscene or profane lan guage, using threats of violence or harm to the person, their property or reputation or making false claims such as threatening to gar nish wages or take other legal action unless the collection agency or the creditor intends to do so, and it is legal.” In addition, collection agency representatives may not contact a debtor during odd hours (for example, early morning or late evening) unless the debtor agrees, and collectors may not call a debtor at work if the employer objects. However, representatives may contact debtors in person, through the mail or by telephone or telegram. In addition, after the first contact with the debtor is made, a written notice must be sent within five days stating the size of the debt, the identity of the creditor and legal options for dis puting the bill (In Nebraska, dis putes should be sent to the state Attorney General’s office, Consumer Protection Division, 434-4547). Bechanbach added that though many collection agencies do not receive a fee unless collection is made, the fee cannot be added to the principle owed by the debtor. In some cases, legal action may even be taken against debtors who refuse to pay, he said. Assets may be levied and the statute of limita tions (normally four years) could be extended by a court judgment for up to five years. In addition, Beckenback said the court costs, interest and attorney’s fees could be charged to the principle of the debt owed. There are ways, however, to avoid the whole sticky mess of a credit-debt-collection/payment merry-go-round. Struebing suggested limiting credit card spending to emergen cies and paying more than the min imum monthly payment due, if possible, as ways to control credit card debt. In addition, making payments as soon as possible and avoiding cash advances will help reduce further interest charges. Credit card companies do not want its customers to make up all their payments, Struebing said. “Interest is revolving and mov ing around all the time,” he said. “The sooner you get them paid, the better. The clock’s always run ning.” Kuntz also suggested avoiding every offer that comes through the mail. Look at the offers wisely, she said, and don’t get one unless you feel you need it. She also suggested getting cards with as low a credit limit as necessary, no annual fee and a low interest rate to avoid getting overextended with debt. For student loan debt, Koelling suggested that students can avoid debt headaches down the road by always reading loan forms before signing them, keeping in contact with lenders before and after grad uation and maintaining a current reckoning of what the loan pay ments will be after graduation. In addition, storing all loan paperwork in one, easy-to-find place will lessen the possibilities of losing important documents, she said. Jackie suggested a thorough understanding of loan payment procedures as a key to avoiding headaches down the line. “If you don’t understand finan cial matters back and forth.” she said, “have someone there who does understand this.” And even though agencies can garnish wages if full payment is not received, sending the collec tors something as a way to, in some small way, reduce your debt, she said. Starts Friday! jtEMSmk ^ 13th 4 P1 / PH: 475-5969/^ Visit THE MIRAMAX CAFE on the web at http://www.mirami 1 ~ 02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 242 Pinning & Engagements 245 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 270 900 Numbers 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care sfe 320 Work Study Job6 * 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 4S0 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale 500 Adoption 505 Alterations & Sewing 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 528 Child Care 530 Cleaning/Laundry 531 Cleaning/Households 535 Computer Service 540 Entertainment 545 Gift Ideas 548 Hairstyling 550 Health & Fitness 553 Insurance 555 Instruction/Tutoring 558 Job Placement 560 Lawn care 565 Legal Services 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing & Copying 582 Recycling 583 Religious 585 Rentals 588 Tanning 590 Tattooing 593 Travel 595 Typing & Resumes [refills ON OVER 60 ITEMS ^ [~j ^^®474-4244 I FROM 5 OF OUR MOST IE1MISOMR11 | POPULAR PRODUCT LINES __(Q)iU fl tllT^IT | tlTH&M/ INSIDE COLLEGE OF HAIR DESIGN [FOR MEN; I I ■Save 35% on Refills! $2 OFF I with Coupon Spires 1/15/98 i Any Purchase I Bring In Your Bottle For Refills of Selected KMS, j Ovd $10 Paul Mitchell. BioSilk, Sensdence, Anasazi, Rusk j I&c Redken Products. *Off the price of a new bottle \ Expires 1/15/98 Tues &. Thurs: 9am - 7pm Wed &. Fri: 9am - 5pm I (DOCS TlOt apply tO refills and I Sat: 7:30am - 3pm Mon: Retall/Reflll/Tanning Only J already discounted products.) $3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: Noon, WEDNESDAYS The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race, reli gion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the nght to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does ACROSS 1 Algonquian tribesmen 6 Spanish house 10 Puritanical person 14 Cosmetic solution 15 Arab sultanate 16 Consort of Zeus 17 Of yore 18 Fla. tribesmen 20 Tiny 21 Headliner 23 Lacking sense 24 Plant used in lotions 26 Refrigerators’ predecessors 29 Rider Paul 31 Check 32 Okla. tribesmen 33 Sing joyously 34 Quantity of heat: Abbr. 37 Seaman 38 Taipei natives 40 Livy’s lang. 41 Monorails’ kin 42 Protection 43 Slugger Ruth 44 Breakfast food 45 Manual calculator 47 Ruler 51 Skein 52 Variety show 53 Type style: Abbr. 55 Friar’s title 58 Homer type ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. Tne advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Ne braskan. Dirt Cheap Computer Parts Make an offer. Computer Craft, 1312 N 66th St. QUITTING BUSINESS SALE Beer signs, neons, Husker memorabilia, pewter, can dles, autographs, adult gifts and so much more! RC Burgess, East Park Plaza, 466-8071. 200s Notices I ~l Need ride to Yakima, Washington for 2 day stay & return . Share car expenses. See Robert, 2025 C St rear east door. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 1214 I 61 Dakota tribesman 63 Actress Bancroft 64 Yearn 65 Stood 66 Headland 67 Org. 68 Some officers on a ship DOWN 1 Plains tribesman 2 Vex 3 Strives 4 Opposite of WNW 5 Photoelectric cell 6 -Nostra 7 Moki, Nozi and Zuni 8 Hill or Browne 9 Black bird 10 Sound: Comb, form 11 Loosen 12 Actress Dunne 13 Freon and xenon 19 Eat sparingly 22 Pipe joint 25 lacocca or Majors 27 Remedies 28 A son of Aphrodite 29 Mechanical repetition 30 Catchall abbr. 33 Blessed-event - item 34 Mont, tribesman 35 Forbidden 36 Colo, tribesmen 38 Wired 39 Idol 43 Bar 45 Eureka! 46 Aromatic ointment 47 -donor 48 Author of “The Mysterious Island” 49 Charles Hughes 50 Magic signs 54 Govt, agents 56 Stratagem 57 Timberland tools 59 Sort of resort 60 Fleur-de 62 A tax shelter, for short