Jessica Kennedy Ms. Knew-It-All College years prove to be full of humbling, learning experiences I’m a Lincoln girl. So when I came to the university in the fall of 1993,1 thought I knew it all; the city, the campus, the universe... In fact, if I recall correctly, all the freshman seemed to know it all. Coming off graduation highs, the world was ours for the taking. We hit campus with cars loaded with atti tude, nervous excitement, new towels and enough electrical equipment to power the Vegas strip. We had arrived. I’m sure things haven’t changed too much in the past four years. Moving to the halls was a great chance to leave my family behind (all two miles), but the event was not without trepidation. See, as a fund ing contingency, I had to live on the Honors Program floor. Visions of Urkel and Pointdexter filled my head. After suffering severe high school academic and extracurricular burnout, I was ready for some quality social time. I didn’t think a bunch of nerdy math and sci ence people would be much fun. I had my heart set on a “party” dorm. But to my pleasant surprise, I found two floors of interesting, excit ing and normal people. Men and women who shared similar fears, ' expectations and interests that I did. I My roommate and I, though both (essentially) only children, ended up having a marvelous time living together. We lived together again last year and still remain close friends. As an ex-student assistant in the residence halls, I can’t guarantee everyone will have a great roommate experience, but I can assure you that with a little effort and a little help from your SA, you can have a safe, happy and even fun experience in the halls. I can also assure you the food is not as bad as people say. The staff works very, very hard to provide a wide variety of foods that should appeal to everyone. Some other advice for dorm sur vival: don’t buy all your supplies now. Wait until you get settled and then see what you need. Things like towels, health and beauty items, a shower caddy and shower flip-flops are good ideas, though. Gals, from personal experience -1 Matt Haney/DN I’d also advise bringing comfy and modest sleep apparel. There’s noth ing like a three a.m. fire alarm where you find yourself standing in front of hundreds of people in a skimpy camisole and short tap pants. For the guys: remember your floor is more than an expansive and elabo rate locker room. Visitors do not want to see you in tight-whities or be sub jected to disgusting amount of male B.O. Academically, it may be tempting fir to let homework slide, sleep in or just skip class. But let me tell you, you’re going to be fighting that GPA for the rest of your time at NU. In my case, after an abysmal ride through Chem 109, I spent four years trying to rebuild my GPA. Just remember: for as much as professors tout knowledge and infor mation as the superior goals of a class, know that they’re full of hooey. Grades are of the utmost importance. Never once have I had a scholarship or an awards committee ask me what I learned in a particular class. Those types of committees are much more interested in GPAs and extracurricu lar activities. Although you may not be able to do as many activities in college as you did in high school, either because of more time studying or working or socializing, find time to get involved. There are hundreds of groups on , campus with hundreds of different areas of interest. If you don’t get a listing of all those groups during , NSE, ask your NSE leader for one or stop by the Student Involvement. Someone there can help you find an organization to fit your needs. I want to shatter a terrible Please see KENNEDY on 18 i ryrA*5<°t' %/ Summer, winterim, semester or year programs 1/ World-wide: UNL or UNL-approved programs 1/ Earn credits toward your degree ✓ Financial aid is available ✓ Taught in English or other languages International Affairs | University of Nebraska -Lincoln 1237 R Street Lincoln, NE 68588-0221 Phone: (402)472-5358 Email: ___ _Website: Goodwill. Good Stuff. 4 Lincoln Locations 1338 South Street 3910 North 27th Street 2638 North 48th Street Edgewood Shopping Center Call Sara at 438-2022 for Internship Opportunites UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE LOWER LEVEL GARDEN LEVEL NEBRASKA UNION EAST UNION