Construction continues at Nebraska Union
Improved handicapped accessibility, expanded services among planned improvements
By Amy Keller
Staff Reporter
This fall, UNL students will find
themselves enrolled in one additional
course besides those they pay tuition
for: Construction 101.
Students will be surrounded by
the continuing construction of the
Nebraska Union through the next
year, as a new addition is built and
each floor of the structure undergoes
extensive remodeling, eventually to
be finished by fall of 1998.
Daryl Swanson, director of the
Nebraska Unions, said that much
construction is being done this sum
mer, both renovation of the internal
structure of the Union and visible
work on the outside of the building.
Contractors are currently remov
ing asbestos from the first floor and
replacing ductwork and plumbing in
the basement. The food court is being
expanded at the same time.
The new addition of the building
will end at a north wall, which is cur
rently being built and will be finished
by the time students return for classes
this fall. Also, contractors are putting
structural steel in place, laying the
floor slabs and the roof structure, all
of which will be built by the end of
the summer, said Larry Blake, project
manager for the Union expansion.
By fall 1997, students should “be
able to get a good idea of the shape of
the addition,” Blake said.
Although students may not notice
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many changes when they arrive in the
fall because much of the work done
this summer is time-consuming and
not easily noticeable, students will
see more changes in the Union
throughout the 1997-98 school year.
Much of the building will not be
finished until fall of 1998, renovated
parts of the building will be opened to
students for use as soon as possible, a
section at a time. “We’ll be pressing
the contractor for as soon as we can
use the areas.” Swanson said.
The new fountain on the north
side of the Union will be near com
pletion in October. In order to make
the fountain, granite boulders from a
granite quarry in South Dakota are
being sent to Lincoln.
many omer renovations will oe in
progress, but will not be complete
until the fall of 1998.
The new three-story entryway
will include circular stairways and a
new passenger elevator. Electrically
operated doors and the elevators will
make the new entryway handicapped
accessible. This will be a big
improvement in accessibility from
the previous structure, Swanson said.
Inside the entryway, a new infor
mation desk will be added and lounge
space will be expanded.
In the food court, there are no
plans to add more restaurants, but the
seating capacity of the court will be
expanded to seat 500 students. When
the new addition is completed, it will
be opened as soon as possible to
make room for students in the food
court, Blake said.
The food court will remain open
to students throughout the renovation,
and all other services will be available
to students, such as the ATM machine
and the banking services.
Also on the first floor of the build
ing, the size of the computer lab will
be doubled to fit 30 computers and
the print shop that is currently in the
basement will be moved next door to
the computer lab. With this arrange
ment, students can print out assign
ments and copy them next door,
Swanson said.
In the basement of the Union, the
University Bookstore will be expand
ed north in an L-shape and a new con
venience store will be added to the
store. This convenience store will be
open later hours when the bookstore
closes at its normalhours.
Also in the basement, the rec
room will be located in the northwest
comer and big screen TVs which are
currently on the first floor will be
moved to this room.
The Daily Nebraskan will occupy
Please see UNION on Page 10
Marni Speck/DN
THE NEBRASKA UNION’S north side wall should be completed by the end of the summer. When complete, it will
extend into the plaza area formerly occupied by Broyhill Fountain.
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