Music’s big bang a real dud in U.S.
TUNES from page 12
Posthumous popularity
In the world of hip-hop, the
tragedies seemed to outnumber the
albums. But some exciting music
continues to be made in this genre.
“Life After Death” by the No
torious B.I.G. soared to the top of
the charts and — due to a strong
mix of simplistic beats, expert pro
duction and tongue-in-cheek lyri
cism — pushed Biggie Smalls to
the posthumous perch of hip-hop’s
DJ Kool brought back the Old
School with “Let Me Clear My
Throat,” an album that mixed live
tracks with studio ones to create
one of the year’s best party albums.
Tupac Shakur’s posthumous re
lease under the alias of Makaveli
proved to be — for the most part
— a lightweight entry, especially
when compared to Shakur’s mas
terful “All Eyez on Me” double al
bum from a year earlier.
Beck, the pre-pegged slacker
king who nearly was condemned
to one-hit-wonder status after his
best-selling “Loser” single, made
a huge return last summer with
“Odelay.” The release, which was
praised heavily by critics and fans
alike, earned the folkie/rocker/rap
per.two Grammy awards, making
him one of the least likely repeat
winners there in quite some time.
Overall, the music world stayed
steady on its course during the last
eight months or so. Guitars still
rule the airwaves, MTV is still
broadcasting, CDs are still the
dominant medium and cheese still
often hangs heavy in the air.
Controversy, accomplishment big at NU
CAMPUS from page 4
A majority of faculty members ob
jected to the policy. Some said that the
time to prepare for a review would be
a waste of productivity. Others said
that the reason professors worked to
achieve tenure was for academic free
The academic senate rejected the
proposal and is still trying find an
agreeable revision.
Negotiations are no longer an op
tion for another faculty issue. The pur
chase of Lotus Notes had some pro
fessors worried that Lotus Notes would
be forced on them, even though they
preferred other e-mail programs.
Other worried the university would be
stuck with hidden costs.
The Board of Regents listened to
some professors’ concerns, but voted
to buy the system anyway because they
believe the user-friendly system would
better suit the university.
Since the decision, UNL students
have been told they wifi not have ac
cess to Lotus Notes e-ipail as quickly
as other NU campuses!
This school year, however,
shouldn’t be remembered for its dis
putes and controversies.
The UNL community should re
member most the accomplishments of
its students. It should especially re
member two UNL students who were
in the national spotlight for their
achievements in academics and ath
Jeremy Vetter, a senior with six
majors, was named a 1996 Rhodes
Scholar. After earning his bachelors
degree at UNL, Vetter will earn his
masters, or perhaps doctorate, at ihe
University of Oxford in England.
Jeremy Sonnenfeld, a sophomore
on the UNL bowling team, was na
tionally recognized after setting a new
world record on Feb. 2 for bowling a
perfect score for three rounds. His 900
point series landed him sound bites on
CNN, ESPN, USA Today and all lo
cal media. Sonnenfeld said his accom
plishment helped gamer attention and
respect for a largely unrecognized
Sonnenfeld, Vetter and Jensen and
their stories were not just names blot
ted on newsprint to some day fade and
crumble. They are the classmates and
friends whom UNL students will re
member when they think of the 1996
97 academic year.
02 Appliances 460 Roommates
05 Bicycles 410 HousingWanted
10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent
13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent
16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent
20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent
30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing
40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent
45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent
46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale
50 Pets -
55 Photo Equipment
60 Sporting Goods -
65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption
70 Tkket Exchange 505 Alerations & Sewing
90 Vehicles 510 Automotive
515 Bicycle Service
520 Bridal
525 Catering
200 Rides 628 Child Care
203 Spring Break Trips 530 Cteanlng/Uundni
205 Career Events |31 Cleaning/Households
9io Announcements 635 Computer Service
2 5 M«ZT 540 Entertainment
990 545 Gift Ideas
220 Greek Affairs 540 Hairstvlina
230 Student Government Witness
240 Personals 553 insurance
242 Pinning & 555 Instruction/Tutoring
Engagements 558 Job Placement
245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care
250 Wanted 565 Legal Services
260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange
270 900 Numbers 575 Photography
578 Pregnancy
580 Printing & Copying
582 Recycling
300 Help Wanted ^5 ffi®
310 Child Care 588 Tanning
320 Work Study Jobs 590 Tattooing
330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel
340 Internships 595 Typing & Resumes
00s For Sale
New and used bicycles for sale. Life tim e tune-ups on new
bkes purchased. Closest bike shop to campus. Blue’s
Bike & Fitness Center427 South 13th or 3321 Pioneer's
What a bke shop. Lincoln's finest selection of bicycles,
parts, and accessories. Bke Sale on Nowl
Honker Hangar Bke Shop
3855 South St.
GOVT FORECLOSED homes from pennies on $1. Delin
quent Tax. Repo’s, REO’s. Your Area. Toll Free (1) BOO
218-9000 Ext. H-1843 for current listings.
SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches, Cadillacs. Chevys,
BMW's. Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD’s. Your Area. Toll
Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext. A-1843 for current listings.
We buy, sell, trade, used and new computer
equipment. BUYING: Mac e, IBM's, Printers,
Mon it on, Mimory, Molhif Dotfoi, Acco
sorts*. SELLING Gateway Pentium 90 and
Monitor, $999. Laptops from $399. Hours: Mon
Fri, 10am-7pm, Sal. 10am-6pm. Sun. 12noon
5pm. 330 N. 48th Strsst. Uncoin. 465-4040.
435-7442. CHEAP!__
FOR SALE: Double bed. Twin bed. Dresser, Couch,
Table. Best offer Accepted. 438-0739.
Cable descrambler kit, $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1
'93 Sentra E. 2door, low miles, low price. 464-3665
'87 Acura Integra, 4dr„ PS. AC. $3000. 488-7824.<zheart1 >l#l
'87 Mazda 626. fuel Injection. 2-door, silver. 5-speed,
well-maintained. $2300 obo, call Ling (402)438-9190
200s Notices
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-$6,000/mo in
fisheries, parks, resorts. Airfarel Food/Lodgingl Get all
the options. Call (919) 918-7767, ext. A3t8.
Beat This!
Internet $17.95 per month. Unlimited access, with
webpage, local numbers. 80% US and Canada. Call now
for service. 402-572-1617,
Confidential Gay Men’s
Discussion Group
Meets every Wed. from 6K)0-730pm. For Information: Dr.
Diaz-Perdomo at Counseling and Psychological Ser
vice6. 472-7450.
CRUISE LINES HIRING—Earn to $2,000+/mo. plus free
world travel (Europe, Caribbean, etc.) No exp. necessary.
Free Room/Board. Ring (919) 918-7767. ext. C318.
Get your College Scholarships now!!
Apply online at or call 1 (800)
MIBASE2/1 (800)-642-2732.
Recycled Sounds
Has new posters and music from these bands and thou
sands morel Recycled Sounds, 824 P Street, 476-8240.
We buy CDs everyday
National Park Employment-Work in America's National
Parks, Forests & wildlife Preserves (SeasonaVSummer).
Excellent benefits & bonuses! Ask us how today! Call
Outdoor Information Services: 1-206-971-3624
Ranches, Rafting Companies. Up to $12/hour. Nation
wide openings. Can (919) 918-7767, ext. R318.
Group pictures from the banquet are scalable In Shelley's
office. H you are interested, call her at 472-4222.
National Organization
for Women
The Lincoln chapter invites YOU to our general meeting
on Tuesday, Jan. 21, at the YWCA. 1432 N SL, in Lincoln,
beginning at 7pm. Any questions? Call the NOW Action
Line at 434-6695.
Congratulations to Todd Franzen for being selected Rank
Leader for the UNL Marching Band's Baritone Section.
Congratulations, also to Todd for being selected a
Comnusker Boys' State Senior Counselor! You da' man,
___Your Brothers
Well, you know... Congratulations, Angie King, on being
chosen as a TA for Emerging Leaders, Jaime Ratez an
your job offer in Kansas City Sarah Scheerger on being
chosen for University Health Center Advisory Board.
Love, Your Sisters
All students in the College
of Architecture, especially
graduates and scholarship
winners, are encouraged to
attend our College Honor
Awards Ceremony at
Kjmball Hall.
Friday, May 9,1997
7:50 p.m.
Good luck next year, and don't put up with any horseshlt!
_ Mitch and Trevor
I'm glad to leave, I have to say, the time has come. I've had
my day. Good luck next year, I know you'll do great, The
respect you earn, you'll appreciate. Keep the faith.
Thanks for 3 1/2 years of fun. You've been there for
everything and I appreciate that Hopefully one day I can
be as successful as you. Stay cool and get a haircut.
Your bud, TP
Andy Baby.
Early Congratulations!!
I am so proud of U.
Love u to the max.
Ad Staff.
Congrats on a GREAT semesterl I loved working with all
of you. Good luck on finals, and have a great summer!
Have a area! SUMMER. "Shut-da" - Thanks for all of the
DN Sports,
Thanks everyone for making this a hell of a semester.
Trevor D. Parks
On Monday, I was glad to see the written arguments in the
DN on the whole iratemity/racism issue. I feh that this was
a much better way to respond than the way someone else
did over the weekend, which was to smear the letter I had
written into the DN with feces and shove it under my door.
I hope in the future that more fraternity members use their
minds and their mouths rather than their asses to defend
themselves and their beliefs.
-the guy that seemed to piss you off
If you like pina coladas
And getting caught in the rain
and the feel of the ocean
and the taste of champagne
If you like making love at midnight
on the isles of the sound
You’re the lady I've looked for
And you've finally been found.
I’ve got to meet you by the end of May
And cut through all this red tape
On an island called Whidbey
Where we'll plan our escape.
Your Grey Knight
Well, I cant believe that you are leaving me... to go to Des
Moines, no less. I promise to leave my address this time
—you'd better write. Take care of yourself and I will miss
you terribly.
Love.-the little redheaded girl;
Thanks for being there. Good luck in Topeka. Bet you
never thought you'd be the only normal person ANY
Thanks for an interesting year. Paula's hair might not fall
out as easy next year, so you'll probably have to tug a little.
Have fun!
Trust me you made the right decision. Good luck in your
future and enjoy life.
DN graduates (and/or dropouts):
Thanks for everything. Keep in touch with: Yourself, your
roots, your friends, your family, your enemies, and me (if
I donl fit in there somewhere). Good luck!
Chris Raff & Jeff Krleger,
You guys are still the best and although we have taken
different roads we're still losers! HA! HA!
. Trevor
FOUND: Rina, at the Stadium this weekend. Claim at the'
Daily Nebraskan.
Lost Black Vinyl Planner. Misplaced in HenzHk. Reward if
found. Contact Nina 472-5424
Attention Education Majors
Summer chMcare staff needed for elementary age kids.
Experience In planning, implementing activities in arts,
sports, and music. Full and part-time hours aval able. Fun
summer job with potential to continue on in the fall Cal
Immediate Entry Level Opening
Positions Offer:
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*AII Majors interviewed
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‘Lincoln 402-477-8663
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Are you making plans forthe fall semester? Where to live?
What to eat? Come eat with us! Lunch and/or dinner! Be
a well fed, paid hasher at a sorority where the food and fok
are first class. Work us into your fall schedule-you won't
regret it. Interested or hungry? 436-7071
Are you staying in town for the summer? Would you like
to be a volunteer baseball/softball coach? Or a paid
baseball/softball umpire? Apply at the downtown YMCA
Youth Sports Office. 1039 P.
Attention: Pre-Pharmacy
Part-time employment. Plaza-Mart Pharmacy, 802 S.
1 ltd Street, 476-7631.
Don't rob your piggy banks this summer. 41 entry level PTV
FT positions. $10.10 to start. Resume experience and 50
AASP scholarships awarded. Call now 477-8663
Be Your Own Boss
National carpet cleaning company looking for indepen
dent contractors. We provide jobs and training, you pro
vide vehicle and vehicle insurance. Earn $400-$750
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Building Blocks
Learning Center
seeks energetic, creative, productive individuals to fulfill
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Three locations: 438-4949, 421-8337, 474-7676. Posi
tions open immediately!
Can you
an you CHEW GUM, wear bobby aocka,
and act like a Nerd without getting “All
Shook Up?”
n you are a lun-loving, nara-worKing person, inis
may be the joyb for you!! We are currently
accpeting applications for many positions at
Rock ‘n Roll Runza. We are more than just a full
service restaurant, we also have a 250-seat
banquet room, full service bar, and soda foun
Apply today for these
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Wait era or Waitresses
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We offer above average wages, flexible sched
ules, 1/2 price meals, paid vacation, health in
surance, advancement opportunities, and a
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CellularOne Express
Is hiring part-time salespeople for their new kio6k stores
in Lincoln. Great pay and flexible hours. Call 580-0070 for
more Information.
Cleiks afternoons and evenings, apply in person. Mke's
O Street Drive-In. 22nd & O.
Computer Software Technician
Part-time temporary woik, $7.00/hour. Includes program
ming and application development. Computer science
major with Microsoft Office experience required. Call
(Construction Workers
Communication Tower construction workers I
needed. Will train, extended travel required. I
421-3329,"""_ I
Courier needed to transport specimens to and from lab
every Wednesday. Need own car. $6/hr plus mileage. Call
Erin at 435-5302.
Custodial Helper
Assists in cleaning building and equipment, vacuums,
dusts and other miscellaneous duties as assigned. $5.50/
hour, 4-8 pm, Monday-Friday. Call Farmers Mutual Insur
ance at 434-8360 to schedule an appointment.
Detasselers Wanted:
Line up your summer job now. Oettlng's Detasseling is the
#1 detasseling company in the Midwest—don't settle for
less. Bonuses, incentive pay, weekly paychecks, leader
ship opportunities, top wages (over $6.40/hr avg. wage in
the past 2 years)! Local crews and pickup sites. PO Bax
443, Seward, NE 68434. Call: 402-643-2532.
Do you have a
light school load or no
summer classes?
Looking for 25-40 hrsper week, retail experience PER
MANENT Part-tima/Full-time positions. Rapid ad
vancement flexible advancement, with full-time during
breaks available, call Jim or Kirk at Holway Formal Wear,
476-2262 for Appointment
Full-time summer employment (continuing with wotking
Bart-time in the fain, 1 position, maintainance/delivery.
lust have a good driving record. Contact Darin at Auto
mated Systems, Inc. 489-2717.
General laborer
$6.75/hour to start, skid loader or tractor abilities is aplus.
Pick up an application at Nebraska Grading, 6450 O
Street. 464-0646.
Now hiring experienced, motivated, enthusiastic Individu
als to join our team. Up to $7/hour for top-quality appli
cants. Is this you? Apply at Hardee’s. 2504 O Street.
Help wanted for custom harvesting, combine operators,
ana truck drivers. Experience preferred, good summer
wages. Call 970-483-7490, evenings.
> Hiring day/night wait staff and experienced line cooks.
Flexible hours. Apply at Vincenzo's. 808 P Street.
I need a student interested in wotking with my 3-year-old
on a one-on-one basis while I work at home. Part-time,
summer. Prefer speech pathology majors (other ma|ors
welcome). Experience, references required. Call for inter
view :j!23-9257^
Information Services
Summer Technicians
Temporary full-time, temporary part-time network instal
lation positions during New Student Enrollment at $7.18/
hr. Background in computer hardware troubleshooting
Fall Student Resident Techni
Provide telephone support and on site troubleshooting
when necessary. Must live in residence halls. Compensa
tion based on free room and board plus stipend.
Fall Student Installation Tech
Install and troubleshoot Ethernet cards and netwoik soft
ware in residence halls. Part time $6/hr.
or e-mail resume to
Sherwin-Williams, a national leader in the home
improvement and the coatings industry, te seek
wholesale customers. Must be dependable, re
sponsible and experienced in home decorating
and paint products. Must be willing to worn
flexible hours. For details apply in person and
contact the store manager between 8a.m. and
5p.m. at address below.
235 N. 46th or 5601 S. 56th
K’s Restaurant
Position for COOK, days and/or weekend hours, open.
Apply at 1275 South Cotner Blvd 483-2858.
LaundryLand is hiring forthe7K)0pm-12pm midnight shift.
Up to $6/hour apply In person at 27th and Starr location.
Lazio’s Brewery & Grill
’Come see what we can offer you I
’Wages that only the most successful restaurant in
town can offer!
’Team work at it's best)
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’You Do Not have to wear a name tag!
’And nobody sings Happy Birthday!
Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity wfth
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or Thursday.