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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1997)
K’s Restaurant Position for COOK, days and/or weekend hours, open. Apply at 1275 South Cotner Blvd 483-2858. LaundryLand is hiring for the 7.-00pm-12pm midnight shift. Up to $6/hour apply in person at 27th and Starr location. Lot porter. Valid driver's license. Part-time evenings and Saturday hours. Mid-City Toyota Used Cars, 464-2179, ask for John Moving back to Omaha this summer? The Field Club of Omaha has openings for banquet, wait staff, pool side, cocktail, and snackbar servers. For more info contact Jeff at (402)345-6343 , NIC National Banfc of Cnunreo The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting i applications for: Loan Administration Clerk— Corporate Encoder-item processing Statement Clerk-FCT Telecommunications Monitor FCT For more details please call the First Commerce job hotline, 434-4700 Equal Opportunity Employer NEED SOMECASH? IMMEDIATE TELEMARKETING POSITIONS AVAIL ABLE. SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE AND WE WILL PAY YOU WEEKLY! JRW SALES IS EXPANDING AND NEEDS YOU TO JOIN OUR WELL TRAINED AND HIGHLY-PAID STAFF. CALL TODAY. START TOMORROW! . 436-3060 New Store Opening Part-time sales/waitery postion. Call Sue 435-3200. NOW HIRING FACTORY WORKERS BRING YOUR FRIENDS Regular, FT assembly MIG Welding & Cleanup $6.60-7.85/Hr.+$25.00 Weekly Attendence Bonus Vacation/Holiday Pay, Company-Paid Medical Plan for Employees & Dependents, No Fees! MSP RESOURCES, INC. 210 Gateway North, #436 Greentree Ct.. Lincoln, NE (Gateway Shopping Center) 464-3225 Now hiring for summer employment The Downtown Pizza Hut Is now hiring delivery drivers. Apply in person for your rewarding summer job at 239 N. 14th.___ OPEN HOUSE FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Full-time & part-time temporary office positions are avail able! Our staff is waiting to help you find the right summer job. WHEN: Mon, May 12th 9:30-5:30 WHERE: 5625 O St, Ste. 10 mature employees... of all ages Paid Marketing/PR Internship Great opportunity for hand6 on experience! Desktop publishing ana writing experience required. Must have 6trong communication and planning skills, and ability to meet deadlines. Please send your resume, a writing sample and a design sample by May 9 to Internship, University Health Center-Lower Level Rm. 12, 15th & U Streets, Lincoln, NE 68588-0618. UNL is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Part-time programming position Available for summer and fall semester for grad or under grad MIS or Computer Science student. Position Involves creating and maintaining database management soft ware. Knowledge of Foxpro and C helpful but not neces sary. $8.50+/hr. Very flexible hours. Fill out application at Hudson Bay Company 941 “O" Street suite 625. We currently have available several exciting job opportunities. See Store Director at one of the following locations to apply for a position on our hometown team. 17th & Washington *Deli Counter Clerks, FT & PT flexible (min. age 18) ‘Outdoor Grill Cook PT weekends (min. age 18) 70th & Van Dorn ‘Cashiers, PT all shifts (min. age 19) ‘Carry Out Clerks, PT all shifts (min. age 16 63rd & Havelock ‘Night Crew FT graveyard 66th & O ‘Cashiers, PT Eves & Weekends (min. age 19) ‘Carry Out Clerks, PT Eves/Wkends (min. age 16) 33rd & Hwy 2 ‘Deli Counter Clerks, PT, flexible (min. age 18) ‘Cashiers, PT flexible (min. age 19) Russ' Market ia an EOE offering excellent benefits competitive wages. Need reliable, punctual, hardworking individual with some tarming or construction background. Willing to train the right individual and will allow flexble day hours during school. Wages will start as high as $8/hour. Call 466-9755 for appointment. Perfect for students and seniors. Part-time telephone surveying. Two shifts available. Relaxed woiking condi tions. Please call 434-8150 PERFECT PART-TIME JOB Clerk/Runner for downtown accounting firm. Up to 20 hours per week. Flexbility perfect for college student or homemaker. Call Jan at 402-437-3115. PT telemarketing positions available now. Need quality people. Comfortable, flexble, easy. Call 475-0404. Quality Inn Northeast 5250 Cornhusker is now hiring wait staff, line cooks, and dishwashers. Full and part-time, weekdays and weekends, top wages. Please apply in person, ask for kitchen manager. Route driving and mail sorting positions available, full and part time. Monday through Friday, flexible scheduling. Benefits! Close-to-campus parking. Call PSI Group for details. 474-1938. Summer Business Opportunities For students with the following skills: Oraanic Gardener (We supply land and tools) 2. Florist (We supply space and coolers) Plus volunteers needed To work with animals and anyone with carpentery skills Please call the manager at the Acreage Zoo _420-2500 Super SaverI We currently have available several exciting job opportunities. See Store Director at one of the following locations to apply for a position at one of the fastest growing grocery chains in the Midwest. 48th & O 'Cashier, PT flexible 'Night Stockers, FT Grave yard shift 'Baker, PT flexible, exp. pref. but will train. 'Deli Counter Clerk, PT flexible 56th & Hwy 2 'Cashier, PT flexible, (min. age 19) 'Deli Counter Clerk, Pt Eves & weekends, (min age 18) 'Night crew FT graveyard 'Floor Maint. crew, FT graveyard 'Night cashier, FT graveyard 27th & Comhusker 'Deli Counter Clerk, PT flexible, (min. age 18) 'Dairy Clerk, PT flexible hours. 'Night Janitor, FT graveyard shift ‘Bakery Fryer, FT will train 'Produce Clerk, PT flexible Super Saver is an EOE offering excellent benefits, competitive wages TELEMARKETING POSITION: Now hiring for non-selling telemarketing position. Very flexible working conditions, hours, and activity—GREAT Part Time Job. Evening positions only. Please call Steve or Erik at 438-5733 THIS CANT WAIT TILL AFTER FINALS! Jabrisco is adding Lincoln's coolest outdoor dining spot! WE NEED: Cooks Hosts Waits Please apply in person 2PM-4PM on Monday-Thursday at 700 P St. Wanted: Person to wash lab glassware at BioNebraska. Call Cariena at 470-2100 *130, WHAT IF: the perfect part-time job was only a phone call away? Pick up the phone and you'll find out National Research Corporation has a lot to offer. NRC is accepting applications for its professional interviewing evening/weekend staff. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING! If you are interested in joining an industry leader in providing the most actionable, up-to-date market information to health care organizations, please call us today! NRC Offerings include: 'Paid training 'Paid parking with convenient downtown location ‘Flexible scheduling 'Casual/smoke-free work environment 'Competitive hourly wage For more information or to schedule an interviewn, please call our Data Collection job line at 475-4520. A EOE ADA Connecticut family needs nanny for summer, 4 children, ages 6-12, nonsmoker, references necessary call Elaine collect 203-696-2539. Do you enjoy kids? Tired of paying room and board? Were looking for a student to exchange 14hrs/week providing childcare and cleaning in return for free room and board. Private quarters in large southeast Lincoln home. Flexible hours. Experience with children preferred. References and a dependable car necessary. Start June or August 97. Call Penny or leave message at 423-1310. Summer nanny, three children, must be able to provide transportation and have references. Up to $7/hour. 483 4241,_ Summer Work Study Students Wanted Are ycu dependable? a people person? it so, Morrill Hall security needs you! Easy work, eve nings and weekends, $5.25/hr. Get paid to study. If interested, call Rick Whiting at 472 2637. il Lowest Rates |_| In Town! QFI F QTft R A ft F 609 Van Dorn |oEu-oiunm3C| (402) 477-7900 ‘^Flexible Hours** Summer work study students needed at city/east campus libraries. Day, evening or weekend hours. $4.75-$5.00/ hr. Raise effective June 6th $5.15-$5.40/hr. Apply Love Lbrary, Rm. 136. 472-3963 SUMMER WORKSTUDY STUDENT wanted to work in the Economics Department. Computer experience is pre ferred. General office duties which include operating copy machines and some phone. $6.00/hr. Call Kim or Carol at 472-2319 The State Museum at Morrill Hall is seeking Encounter Center Supervisors. Must be willing to work with children; assist with animal care; be friendly and able to interact with the public. 10-15 hours per week, including weekend hours. $5.25 per hour. Call 472-6647. WORK STUDY ONLY._ Trugreen Chemlawn We are the nations leader in the lawncare and landscap ing industry. We are seeking students with a high energy level for summer internship in our marketing/production departments. If you aren't earning what you are worth or you are looking to gain experience in business or agricul ture please call 477-5318 for more information. Ask for J.C.__ Advertising Sales Two marketing interns needed to call on Lincoln's influen tial business people and media buyers. You’ll receive; Base commission+Bonuses+Future employment potential+intensive skills training you'll use the rest of your life! If you love to talk to people this is for you. Call Paige at Strictly Business. Lincoln’s Biggest B to B publication, at 466-8521 _ CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS, PENNSYLVANIA. All specialties: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exercise, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20+. 1-800-421-4321, HELP WANTED Staff for Colorado Mountain Retreat Facility and Children's Summer Camp. 1-800-267-9573 Leasing Agent Full-time summer position showing and leasing apart ments. Send resume or letter of interest to PO Box B3000, Summer Work We have a few openings, misc. warehouse work. Daytime 40hrs. rain or shine. $6.00/hr. We hire male and females. Don't miss the company picnic. Nebraska Book Company inc. 4700 South 19th. Trugreen Chemlawn Looking for individuate who want a good pt Job in the evenlnga. No Bailing Involved with a flexible ached ule. Hours are 5pm-9 pm Mon-Thu ra,5pm-8pm Friday, and 9am-12pm Saturday. Pay $6/hour. Give Eric a call at 477-8303. Free Samples Lose up to thirty pounds, 30 day guarantee! Call 434 6463. Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes It illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis'_ 1 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED BY JUNE 1, NON SMOKING, $215/MONTH+1/2 UTILITIES. 438-7098, ASK FOR CORE. 1 M/F roommate needed for Summer. $200/month + utiltles. Call Zach 476-3256. 1 male roommate needed ASAP to share apartment with 2. 5 minutes from downtown, $175 plus utilities. 438 8035. 1 non-smoking female roommate needed to share 3 bedroom house, dose to campus, W/D, $228+utilities. 467-5661 1 or 2 roommates, non-smoking, close to campus, off street parking. $160 + 1/4 utilities, 438-7061/leave mes sage 1 roommate for Brand New. 3 bedroom apt., $200/month + 1/3 utilities, responsible student. 436-6428. Female, nonsmoker to share 4BR, 2BA, Claremont Apts, May-August, $212.50+1/4 utilities. 438-0696. Needed: one male roommate, close to East Campus, $190 plus 1/3 utilities, 464-1089. One M/F roommate needed for summer to share 4 bedroom house. $175/month + 1/4 utilities. Call 438-9221 and ask for Allen of Jeremy. One roommate needed, for 4-bedroom duplex. W/D, Full kitchen, no pets, $240+utilities, NO DEPOSIT RE QUIRED, between both campuses, Terry-477-5292/ leave-message. One roommate needed to share 5bdr house. $200+1/ 5utilities+deposit. Call Kory 477-6306 Roommate wanted to share very nice 2bdr. apt. Very close to campus. Open mid-May. Must be honest, respon sible, mature, and fun. 438-7838 Three available rooms in a 5BR house. M/F college student, $225 + utilities. 2729 S 40th. Call 484-5506. Two roommates needed for 4 bedroom house. $200/ $215J deposit + 1 /5 utilities. Available from 5/8. Call 464 2842,_ “House close to both campuses. 2740 Starr. 3BO, washer/dryer Included. No pets. Available May 1. $595. 665-2521 or 432-6264. 1128 N 14th 3bdr„ $575. 1143 Charleston 3bdr„ $600. 1141 Charlston 4bdr„ $700. Plus deposits. 474-5094 1544 N. 22nd, 1 block North of Holdrege, 3 bedroom plus basement, walk to UNL, C/A, No pets/smoking, $55u plus utilities, 423-6251/Cell 560-6439! 2611R, large, 4BR, 2BA, dishwasher, CA, W/D, available May 1, $600,469-6948 or 450-6919. 2BR near East Campus, central air, full basement, no pets, new interior, $550/month, 435-3671. 2BR, nice living room/dining room, hardwood floors, $520 ALL UTILITIES PAID, call Joyce 432-2648. 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, Near UNL Stadium, C/A, Washer/Dryer, Rec room. $750. Available June. 489 9294. 4BR. 1.5 bath, 1 block from east campus, 3412 Starr, available July 1, $695. 432-6264 or 665-2521 ■ 873 N 25th very nice, 4 bdr, 2 baths, near campus, $625, 476-0557 AVAILABLE NOW. great location. WALK FROM UNL CAMPUS, 5BD, 2BA, large, unfurnished, appliances. Call David, evenings483-5664. Available in August Nice Houses near Campus A hoHmnm 2931 Apple, 1 1/2 baths, $700 1427 N 21,2 baths, $750 901 N 23rd, 2bath. $725 2112 Vine, 1 1/2 baths, $850 5 bedroom 2304 U, 3 baths, $850 1425 N 23, 2 baths, $850 432-0644 or 432-6644 BETWEEN CAMPUSES Summer rates offerred. Available May-NEW!! 5 bdr., 2 bath, $925 Available June-Nice! Large, 5-6 bedroom, 2 bath, $875. Both have C/A, W/D, Dishwasher, parking, bsmt., 488 5446. Campus Close 2BR Available now through 12-31-97. 1119 Charleston. Washer and dryer. No pets, preference to non smokers. $525 & gas and electric. Deposit. 483-1165 or 580-4869 Campus Close/May move-in 2948 Starr. Four bedroom. Two baths. Garage. $695. 430-6328. Large 5 bedroom, 2 bath, Inside remodeled, wood floors, C/A, W/D hookups, parking. Summer lease Available! 1436 S. 9th,$806, 430-9012. Nice Houses Near Campus, Available May or June, Summer Leases Available 3 Bedroom: 2001 Holdrege, 1 1/2 bath, $575. 1314 N. 24th, 1 1/2 baths, $575. 1027 Charleston, 2 baths, $675. 4 Bedroom: 2314 Holdrege 1 1/2 bath, $700, 2834 Starr, 2 baths, $700. 2200 Dudley, 1 1/2 baths, $750. 5 Bedroom 1426 N. 23rd, 2 baths, $850. All houses include air, washer/dryer, parking, pets OK. 432-0644, 432-6644. We love students! For May 15-3BR For August 1-3BR, AC, W/D, dishwasher, off-street parking, close to cam pus. 423-1535._ Available June 1, Brand New Duplex, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, W/D, garage, 848 N. 23rd, $780 plus deposit, 580-7339/ 464-5859. Brand new 3bdr, 2bath, 2garage, fireplace, family room. Available Aug 1. $850/month. Reserve yours now! 432 0415 DELUXE 2-bath, 3BR, spotless, garage, finished base ment, 484-7738, available May 1 & June 1. Good, quiet neighborhood._ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate Since one size does NOT fit all, we have a myriad of unit sizea..efficiencies, one and two bedrooms, just a short walk to City. Qualify, move-in and well give you a Gift Certificate to Gateway. JONES PROPERTIES-475-7262 !!!Think Spring (it WAS here..!) Campus locations Summer leases available! 1 bedrooms, various locations, huge bedrooms, break fast bar, all appliances, personal patios, choose your style, some locations with a pool!!!!! From $350.00. 3220 Apple. Awesome complex, unique floor plans, PRI VATE DECKS, lots of room, $365.00-$375.00. 2504 Vine, 2 bedroom tower level, ceramicftoore, walkout patio, tots of storage!!! $460.00, available nowlll 4300 Cornhusker, Ibds from $340.00. 4300 Cornhusker, 2BR, 1BA, middle floor w/d hookup, beige decor, ceramic floors!! BEAUTIFUL, $540.00. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 ******************** Surfs up, or just about!! Since we accept “SUMMER LEASES," sign-up today, and we ll reaerve a Beach Towel for your awim/ sunning around the pool, f & 2 bedroom unite. A stone'e throw to City Campus. JONES PROPERTIES- 475-7262 1BR, 19th & K, 12th & D, newer, extra dean, campus close, $325, $335. 483-6280. 2 bedroom, 2501 E Street, 1.000 square feet, new drapes, paint, appliances, including built in microwave and ceiling fans. No smoking or pets. Ideal for graduate students, $525, 432-3686. Affordable Apartments Summer Leases Available 1 Bedroom 1327 D, $295 649 S. 18th, $340 1136 G. $340 645 S. 17th, $285 1202 F, $235 912 S. 17th, $260 941 Washington, $325 2 Bedroom 619 S. 20th, $370-$390 900 S. 21st, $350 1027 Washington, $350 29th and Q. $370-$490 1610 S. Folsom, $495-$520 3 Bedroom 4915 Huntington, $595 Management One 477-2600 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage. $495. 430-6328. _ 2bdr., $385, June 1. Hard-wood floors, low utilities, coun try club neighborhood, near bite trail and bus sfop. Call 488-0779. K / 2BDR., carpet, air, laundry, parking, NO pets. FREE CABLE. Some summer leases available. $430, 1900 Knox & 521 North 25th, 477-7684. 4971 Starr, large 3BR, 2 bathroom, w/d hookup, c/a, available May 15, no pets, $605 466-9526. _ Claremont Park Apartments Has 3 bedroom, 2 bath available immediately. Call 474 7275.__ Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and two bedroom units available, no smoking, no pets, secure entry, laundry, guaranteed parking, UNL Shuttle Stop. $325-$475. Brickyard Apts. 17th and Holdrege. 477-6578. April and May Openings Embassasy Park Apts., 31st and Old Cheney .Pool and sand volleyball, 1-2-3bdr. $405-$655. Pinetree Apts. 1st & Adams, 2-3bdr. 2540 W. 3-bdr, W/D. $615 1814 F St. 2bdr. $415-450. 515 WSaunders. 2bdr$450. No pets. 483-1130 and 483 6057 Brand new/Aug. move-in 2638 Q 2BR, 1 BA, appliances, double garage, $575,430 6328. Claremont Park Apartments 9th & Claremont “Designed for Students** Now leasing for August (some available in May). Wak to Campus and downtown. Swimming pool ana workout facilities. First Come, First Sen/e. Shown by appointment. Open late on Wednesday evenings Call 474-7275. Close to east campus 4500 Starr St. Ibdr $325 & 2bdr $450, with balcony, heating, water, sewer, and garbage paid. Off street park ing. NO pets. Lease and deposit. 796-2300 Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Wmowhaven Apts 1,2 bedroom apts now available with fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 Large 3BR, c/a, newer carpet, CLEAN, on busline. $585 plus deposit, no pets, ask for Doug, 467-5355. Large 4bdr. apartment, dose to city campus, 430 N 25th. off street parking, $500/month+deposit and utilities, avail able June 1. 488-2088 Large 2bdr. apartment, near city campus, off street park Ing, $325/month+deposit and utilities, available NOW. 488-2088 May and August Leases East campus, 36th & Huntington, 2 bedroom, fireplace, C/ A, appliances, laundry, parking, no pets, 489-9$ 16. Newer 4-plex, secured entry, no pets/smoking. 1 and 2bdr. $350-$475+deposit. 14th & Garfield. 476-3425 or 792-2754 Available mid-May One Bedroom 2100 “B” St., utilities pd, $300 930 South 16th, dose to campus, $285 Studio 930 South 16th, close to campus, $195 Sorry no pets. Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327 or 421-8996 _ One bedroom, 2338 E St., no pets, no smoking,reserved parking, ideal for graduate students, $350 432-3686. One bedroom, large, C/A, cats OK, 35th & R St., $300 plus deposit, 477-6840/leave message. RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT FOR AUGUST NOW! Brand new 4BR, 2 bathroom, w/d provided, c/a, no pets, summer leases or August leases available. $895-$995. 474-5327 or 421-8996. Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath, BRAND NEW! All appliances including washer and dryer. No pets. $895-$950. Phoe nix Properties Mangagement 474-5327 or 421-8996. Summer or year-round lease available, 2BR apartment, within bking distance of both campuses, fireplace, large kitchen, off-street parking, washroom, A/C. $365/month. $200 security. Call on-site manager, Joel, at 474-3191, for showing. UNL close/May move-in 2740 R, 2BR, 'aundry, garage, $350, no pets, 430-6328 MSUMMER LEASES!! I1GREAT PRICES!! 'Walk to ALL campuses 'Other locations available 'Clean, neat & updated 'Call now Century Management Co. 484-8600 2 bedroom with fireplace, deck, appliances, laundry, C/A, parking, close to East Campus 464-0771 /leave message. $385/month. On-Campus Summer Housing Thirty-One spacious, furnished double or single rooms at Triangle Fraternity. Clean. Coed, A/C, W/D, Parking. Cal! Pete at 436-8781. Summer-Sublease, 1/2 or all of 2 bed/2bath near 10th & Comhusker, Great Condition. Best Offer, call Jeremy 438-0999._ NEAR SOUTH. Excellent 3-BR 2-story for sale. Oak woodwork, hardwood floors, new jacuzzi bath, double garage, $114,500. Call Mary Brake 430-6467, Woods. Bros. Realty 434-3673 1 SHARP -PERSONNEL YOUR SUMMER? FOOD $200 SHARP PERSONNEL BEER $500 Summer jobs ENTERTAINMENT $200 CLERICAL, WAREHOUSE, FACTORY CLOTHES $200 ’ - . - . ...v GAS $150 1st, 2nd, 3rd shifts SUNGLASSES $100 719 N. 48th St. MISC. S200 _ Hrs. 8-11 & 1-3:30 M-TH FR 8-11:30 $ 1 800 0 EOE. DRUG FREE. NO FEES