ATTENTION STUDENTS! If you are interested in participating in fraternity or sorority rush, please call the ^ f Greek Affairs Office at 472-2582 to receive an application & information. Watch for the Summer Daily Nebraskan Published every Thursday June 12 through August 14 r Gourmet ^ CoflDC Life js i00 short to House drink bad coffee, _ step up to the • Espresso _ . - • Bagels FmeGnnd • Muffins ■ - 48th & Leighton ‘Sandwiches MSEC J"HaffKice-" Latte or Cappuccino | Sandwich Purchase one at Regular Price, Receive the Your Choice of one at Regular Price, Receive the 2nd of Equal or Lesser Value Free. I 2nd of Equal or Lesser Value Half F*rice, 1 One Coupon Per Customer. Not Valid “ One Coupon Per Customer. Not Valid r-- - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — t The N Zone Sports Bar & Grill J 725 'Q' Street • 475-5653 | In the Haymarket District ! STUDY BREAK Bring this coupon in for any SHOT, any 23 oz. BEER and six of our famous signature WINGS. | (the Hottest in Lincoln) j For only $500 Don't forget We also offer * on Tuesdays: Catering Services 15$ Wings ALL DAY Q and look for n j and Pool Tournaments i • "Glgglebox" • * at 7:30 p.m. Live on Sat May 24th. 00s For Sale WOWZA! What a bike shop. Lincoln’s finest selection of bicycles, parts, and accessories. Bike Sale on Now! Honker Hangar Bike Shop 3855 South St. 486-0323 _ GOVT FORECLOSED homes from pennies on $1. De linquent Tax, Repo’s, REO’s. Your Area. Toll Free (1) 800 218-9000 Ext. H-1843 for current listings. SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD’s. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext. A-1843 for current listings. •1 vl 1 TI85 calculator, like new, $65. 474-1479. Cable descrambler kit, $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1 800-752-1389. U2 — BUSH Great Seats - Low Prices REBA w/ Brooks & Dunn NO DOUBT - Jimmy Buffet College World Series Kenny G - John Tesh Ticket Express 438 -6789 ’93 Pontiac Sunbird LE, Automatic, CD Player, ABS, P/L, 53,000miles, Very good condition, must sell. $6250, OBO, call 466-5265. '93 Sentra E. 2door, low miles, low price. 464-3665 ’87 Acura Integra, 4dr„ PS, AC. $3000. 435-8245. incolor. inetnebr.conKzheartl >!#! brinkhoAcura.html ’87 Mazda 626, fuel injection, 2-deor, silver, 5-speed, well maintained, $2300 obo, call Ling^402)438-9190 1996 Metro, 4-door, 5-speed, afc 18K; *57§0. 1990 Mazada 626, 4-doQTr 5-speed, air,. $4350. Baer’s Auto Sales, 1647 South 3rd, 477-644^ . , Car for sale. 1988 Merfcur XR4TI. 2 door, blade, good con dition. Call 476-2898 '£• 20(is _ Notices, AIRLINE CAREERS -Work for a major Domestic or International Airline. Ex cellent travel benefits! Learn how to get the insider’s edge! Call Airline Information Services: 206-971-3694 Ext.L57782 _^_ ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-$6,000/mo in fisheries,parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodoing! Get all the options. Call (919) 918-7767, ext. A318. Beat This! Internet $17.95 per month, Unlimited access, with webpage, local numbers, 80% US and Canada. Call now for service. 402-572-1617. CRUISE LINES HIRING —Earn to $2,000+/mo. plus free world travel (Europe, Caribbean, etc.) No exp. necessary. Free Room/Board. Ring (919) 918-7767, ext. C318. DEAD WEEK POLICY Bring your questions or complaints to the ASUN office Room 115 Nebr. Union or call 472-2581 Experienced swim instructor has openings for students this summer. Adult and children both welcome. 489-4389 Get your College Scholarships now!! Apply online at or call 1(800) MIBASE2/1 (800)-642-2732. Kiss-3/11-U2 Recycled Sounds Has new posters and music from these bands and thou sands more! Recycled Sounds, 824 P Street, 476-8240. ★ We buy CDs everyday ★ | . National Park Employment-Work in America’s National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves (Seasonal/Summer). Excellent benefits & bonuses! Ask us how today! Call Outdoor Information Services: 1-206-971-3624 ext.N57757 NATIONAL PARKS HIRING —Also Beach Resorts, -Ranches, Rafting Companies. Up to $12/hour. Nationwide oflwfiings. Call (919) 918-7767, ext. R318. 't r Phi Alpha Delta Congratulations to the new founders, officers, and chairs. President-H Phrommany, Vice-President-J. Seitzinger, Secretary-M. Tschetter, Treasurer-O. Lewis, Finandal-T. Hofeldt, Membership-M. Neiles, Professional-A. Karschner, Publicity-J. Hammer, Sodal-S. Jurgensmeier, Advisor-Prof. E- Fink. UNL Horticulture Club Bedding Plant Sale May 1 & 2, 7:30 to 4:00 at Horticulture Teaching Green house. East Campus (East of Plant Science Hall) SAA Group pictures from the banquet are available in Shelley’s -Finals? What Finals? IT IS PARTY TIME! * t The Daily Nebraskan reminds you to party safe and Good Luck on Finals! z brass rail g M m m_