The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1997, Page 2, Image 2

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    Federal judge to ruk today on
FDA regulation of tobacco
eve of a federal judge’s long-awaited
ruling on the government’s teen
smoking crackdown, anti-tobacco
groups urged President Clinton on
Thursday to reject cigarette firms’ re
quests for legal immunity during se
cret talks to end the tobacco wars.
Health leaders are under pressure
from the White House to support the
negotiations. And the outcome of
today’s court ruling, deciding the con
stitutionahty of Food and Drug Ad
ministration tobacco regulations, is
crucial to which side makes more con
In addition, the Justice
Department’s investigation into pos
sible criminal wrongdoing by tobacco
executives is reheating. Last Saturday,
FDA employees turned over to Justice
investigators more documents on in
dustry experiments with super-nico
tine tobacco, said a source close to the
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DENVER (AP) — Seething with
rage against his own government,
Timothy McVeigh blew up the Okla
1 homa City federal building in a twisted
plot to spark a second American revo
lution, a prosecutor said in opening
statements Thursday.
“McVeigh liked to consider himself
a patriot,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Jo
seph Hartzler said. “Our forefathers did
not fight innocent women and children.
... They didn’t plant bombs and run
away wearing earplugs.”
Jurors listened grim-faced as
Hartzler, who has multiple sclerosis,
leaned forward in his wheelchair and
spoke softly about the deadliest act of
terrorism on U.S. soil.
“It was an act of terror intended to
serve selfish political purposes,”
Hartzler said. “The truck was there to
impose the will of Timothy McVeigh
on the rest of America ... by murder
ing innocent men, women and children
in hopes of seeing blood flowing in the
streets of America.”
But in equally forceful terms,
McVeigh attorney Stephen Jones de
clared in his opening statement: “My
client is innocent.”
He accused the government of try
ing to elevate McVeigh’s political be
liefs — which Jones said many share
—into a motive for mass murder.
Making no effort to soften the emo
tional power of the bombing, he began
by spending six minutes reading off the
names of each of the 168 people killed
All you tyrannical m— f--will
swing in the wind some day for your trea
sonous actions against the Constitution”
note allegedly written by Timothy McVeigh
when the April 19, 1995, truck bomb
tore apart the nine-story building.
As Jones solemnly read the names,
bombing victim’s relatives quietly
cried in their special section of the
packed second-floor courtroom.
McVeigh, wearing a plaid shirt and
khaki pants, showed little emotion in
court. He leaned forward to iisten, (
sometimes resting his head on his *
folded hands as the prosecutor por- ]
trayed the 29-year-old Gulf War vet- ]
eran as a selfish, deluded coward. |
Hartzler said that on the day of the
bombing McVeigh was wearing a T
shirt that bore the Thomas Jefferson
quotation: “The tree of liberty must be (
refreshed from time to time with the
blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Hartzler contended that McVeigh’s
hatred of the federal government was
fueled by what he saw as the govern
ment slaughter of innocents at the
Branch Davidian compound near
Waco, Texas, two years to the day be
'ore the bombing.
McVeigh planned the bombing for
months, the prosecutor said, and
hoped it would rival the first shots of
the American Revolution, which also
occurred on an April 19 — in 1775.
“He envisioned he would bring lib
srty to this nation,” Hartzler said.
‘Well, this was not just talk for
McVeigh. He was ready for action. He
mew from literature how to make a
>omb and how to get the ingredients.”
In a new revelation, Hartzler said
federal agents later found a file in his
sister’s computer that “McVeigh obvi
ausly wanted them to read.” It was
marked “ATF READ.”
“You’ll see the chilling words,' All
pou tyrannical m-f-will
swing in the wind some day for your
reasonous actions against the Consti
ution. ... Die, you spineless,
;owardous bastards.”
Series of rapes raises local fears
RAPE from page 1
“He threatened me and he asked a
lot of questions about my sexual past,”
she said, declining to give specifics of
the attack.
She decided to speak publicly be
cause she believes people need to know
rape victims as people, and she wants
to strip away the stigma she believes is
attached to an anonymous victim.
“Rape needs to have a face and it
needs to have a name,” Hess said.
“People need to know it happens to
people we know.”
The first attack occurred at Union
College in Lincoln on Feb. 6, when a
man wearing a ski mask sexually as
saulted a woman who was playing the
piano in the basement of an adminis
trative building during the evening
Four days later, a 19-year-old
woman at Carthage College in
Kenosha, Wis., was raped as she was
playing the piano and singing in a mu
sic practice room.
On Feb. 16, a 24-year-old woman
was raped while working alone in a
computer lab at St. Ambrose Univer
sity, a small religious college in Dav
enport, Iowa.
Just four hours before the Daven
port rape, a man attempted to sexually
assault a student at Augustana College
in nearby Rock Island, 111., just across
the Mississippi River.
On March 5, Hess was assaulted in
the computer laboratory at the Univer
sity of Nebraska at Omaha.
On Feb. 9, a man attempted to sexu
ally assault a female student in an art
studio at Knox College in Galesburg,
Looking for something to do this Summer?
Want to meet a visiting scholar?
Want to explore a new point of view?
Want a course that will meet one of the requirements of the
University Comprehensive Education Program?
Explore the courses listed below. They may be just what you are looking for.
Session Call it Coarse # Coarse Name Day Time Place
l- 5-Wk 5022 COMM398 Communication & Ethnic Groups M&W 12:45-4:35 B6M&N
Instructor: Naomi Warren, University of Texas @ Austin
1” 5-Wk 5001 SOCI398 Contemporary Black Social Movements M-F 11:00-12:35 209 OldH
Instructor: Ronald J. Stephens, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
2nd 5-Wk 4969 ETHN398 Slave Resistance in North America M-F 11:00-12:35 124 HaH
Instructor: Walter Rucker, University of California @ Riverside
2nd 5-Wk 4952 HIST355/855 Post WWH America M-F 12:45-2:20 309 OldH
Instructor: Clarence Taylor, Florida International University, Hollywood, Florida
If you have any questions, fed free to call the department through which the course is offered.
There*s No Place Like Nebraska in the Summer!
. APRIL 26:
Spring Football Game
Red N White Game @ 12:30 p.m.
• Kids 12 and under get in FREE
if they take the Drug Free Pledge.
• Your ticket stub will get you into the
softball and baseball games for FREE!
Softball Soccer
Nebraska vs. Oklahoma Nebraska vs.
@ Noon and 2 p.m. U.S. Under 20-National Team
NU Softball Complex, 14th & W @7 p.m.
Baseball Abbott Sports Complex
Nebraska vs. Oklahoma St $4-Adults; $2-18 and under
@ 3 p.m. Please call the Ticket Office
Buck Beltzer Field 314T2!3111J^>r
more information.
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