Sonia_ HOLLIMON-STOVALL Changing parts Birth, spring means out with old, in with new I broke out the Calvin Klein jeans the other day, but after five minutes of debate, I put them right back in the chest they came out of. It’s only been two weeks, so maybe I’m pushing it a little bit. I have to be careful not to speak to people in that sing songy baby voice that I use for Samaria. I have two job inter views this week and I’m afraid I’ll say something like, “Mommy is really interested in this position — YES, SHE IS! Mommy thinks her skills would really be an asset in this position — THAT’S RIGHT!” I used to be cool, but the times, they are a-changing. Now my identity has been taken over by this third person “Mommy” — Sonia is somewhere on vacation, I guess, because the last time I saw her, she was in labor. Well, I guess she deserves it. My mother has become a guru in my eyes—where did she learn all of this stuff and can I possibly order the book? I have to exert a certain amount of self-control these days and make sure I don’t take a comer of my shirt, snag a little saliva and reach for the closest dirty face around me. As my DN co-worker Ann Stack says, “Mother’s saliva must be magic or something. Got sane rust on your car? Here, let me get that for you.” Another thing I’ve learned is that Bill Cosby was right. About every thing. I knew I should have taped that show when I had the chance. To misquote the Beatles, “Sud