The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1997, Page 10, Image 10
I 02 AppMancee 05 Bicydes 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jeanlnr 40 Ms& For Sale 45 Musical Instruments. 46 Office Furniture ' ~ 50 Pets 66 Plwto Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 66 StereoeOVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles 200 Ridas 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 242 Pinning & Engagements 245 Lost a Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 270900 Numbers 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobe 340 Internships □ I 400 410 Housing Wanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Dupiex/Rent 450 Apaitments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 MoMe Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sate 500 Adoption 606 Afeerations 6 Searing 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 528 Child Care 530 Cieanlng/Laundry 531 Cleaning/Househokfc 535 Computer Service 540 Entertainment 545 Gift Ideas 548 Hairstyling 550 Health 8Fines* 553 Insurance 555 Instruction/Tutoring 558 Job Placement 560 Lawn care 665 Legal Services 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 678 Pregnancy 580 Printing A Copying 582 Recycling 583 Relgious 586 Rentals 588 Tanning 580 Tattooing 593 Travel 595 Typing A Resumes $3.25 par day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. s.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. . Personal ads must-be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, reli gion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Ne braskan. X-”"” - - -v 1 A GIFT that remembers helping others to live When you lose someone dear to you-or when a special person has a birthday, quits smoking, or has some other occasion to celebrate-memorial gifts or tribute gifts made for them to your Lung Association help prevent lung disease and improve the care of those suffering from it. t AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION* of Nebraska 7101 Newport Ave., #303 Omaha, NE 68152 1-800-LUNG-USA V ^ J Looking for a part-time job with great income potential? Our top sales reps have made $600 a month in commission! If you are a top performer, you can be making the kind of Income. The Lincoln Journal Star Classified Advertising Department has a part-time position avalabie immediately. You wil be helping our customers create effective ads to sell their Hems through the pages of the Journal Star dsesMedsTln addition, you will gain valuable experience work ing on various special promotions produced by our newspaper. The right candidate should possess good people sklls, type a minimum of 30 words per minute, have good atoiSties for attention to detal. and beahighly motivated Individual wthastrong work ethic previous sales experience preferred but not required. 20+ hours per week Including Sat. 800am 100pm, with a potential for more hours as business demands. Rexfeiltylnschedulngisa MUST! Pay starts at $5.25 an hour plus commis sion. and quarterty/annual bonuses. Applcadons wil be excepted 9:00am-400pm through Wednesday, April 30th at the Lincoln Journal Star. 2nd floor. 926 P Street or call Tracy at 473-7456 for more information. NBC The National Bank of Commerce k currently accepting implications for ACCOUNTING CLERK/FINAN CIAL ADMINISTRATION COMPUTER PROGRAMER/ INTERNAL AUDIT 15-20 hours per week. Rexfciebetween 8am-5pm M-F Must be college junior or senior In Computer Science with excellent COBOL programming sklls and excellent verbal communication sklls. Send resume and transcript to: Karen Wlble P.O. Box 62408, Lincoln NE 68501. (2) FINANCIAL STATEMENT CLERK Compiles financial statement data Into a establehed computer spreadsheets. Must becolege student working on bachelors degree with at least six hours of accounting completed. Experience with Microsoft Ex el or slmlar spreadsheet program. Must provide transcript. 10-15 hours per week, flex tie between 8am-Spm M-F. For more detals please cal the first commerce job hotline 434-4700. Equal opportunity employer. .NOW HIRING FACTORY WORKERS BRING YOUR FRIENDS Regular, FT assembly MIG Welding a Cleanup $6.60-7.85/Hr.+$25.00 Weakly Attendance Bonus Vacatlon/Holday Pay, Company-Paid MeoicaiPlan for Employees a Dependents, No Fees! MSP RESOURCES, INC. 210 Gateway North, #436 Greentree CL, Uncoln, NE (Gateway^Shojgrvg Center) PART TIME INSTRUMENT WASHER Isco, Inc., a manufacturing Arm. has an immediate part time opening for an Instrument Washer, this person wil dean instruments returned to the factory for repair. Re quirements are the ab% to Mt 60 fce., and to read and write. Starting pay to 66.05/hr. Please apply at. or fax resume to: leco, Inc. Human Resources Department 531 Wsemma Dfvd. Lincoln HE 68626 FMC4tM6M602 AA/BOE Part-time housekeeper needed. FlexUe day schedule. Must be reltable, honest, hardworking. Apply In person Town House Motel 1744 If Street ©nintkg @lub of JlWoln. SNACK BAR SERVICE STAFF FOR THE GOLF COURSE, POOL, TENNIS COURTS Openings for summer jobs. At The Country Club of Lincoln Wages + Tips and a great work environment. Apply in Person at 3200 South 24th Street _Monday through Friday (9-5) ...a«i»i«ias^^ ^■nvvjijmMjniMnviSnavi Perkins riwtaiifit It now hiring both dining room and ktehen personnel Apply at 2900 NW 12th Streak PT telemarketing poaMona avalabie now. Need quality people. Comfortable, flex late, easy. Cal 4750404. fihfip pmtyflnmlMnlihpMiAtiUlwIluMmlniwieHte M Immediate opening tor weekend teasing consuteiU position. Up to 9B.00 per hour plus incetiives. Sales experience a plus. Apply In person at Holmes Lake. Apartments. 7100 Holmes Paik Road. SNACK BAR SERVICE STAFF FOR THE GOLF COURSE, POOL, TENNIS COURTS Openings for summer jobs at the Country Club of Lincoln. Wajes ♦tipsand |reat work environment! Apply at 3200 STUDENT EMPLOYEE— ACCOUNTING CONTRACTS ASSISTANT IMvanfty Housing Dipt Acsdste^c ywwlS^O^Itoura. eueiaierfctejteie. MsYteJOpakour. Cloaing data Apr* 23.1M7. Apply at 1010 Seaton STUDY PARTICIPANT REPRESENTATIVE MOS Hants is looking for personable, energetic IndMdu als who want to be part of a strong team environment, As part of our team, you wte screen Indkr(duals over the telephone to match requirements for pharmaceutical studies while entering data Into the computer database. This position offers excellent growth opportunities. HS diploma and data entry skids are required; one year of customer setviea or sates experience is preferred. Num ber of hours vary based on staffing naads. Please com plete an application: at: MDS Harris Human Resources, J-SPR 621 Rose St. Lincoln, NE 68502 AA/EOE Summer youth teen program needs an energetic male coordinator to work 30-40/hours per week. Must have experience planning and implementing activities for a group of approximately 30 upper elementary and middle school youth In the areas of outdoor recreation, sports, and community projects. Hourly wage determined by experience. Position runs from June 2 to August 22. Additional hours may be available. Can 475-0805. Wllard Community Center. 1245 Foisom St.. Lincoln NE. THIS CANT WAIT TILL AFTER FINALS!. Jabrisco is adding Lincoln's coolest outdoor dining spot! WE NEED: Cooks Hods Walla Please a^ly In person 2PM-4PM on Monday-Thursday , 1U-STSP STARTING SALARY BETWEEN $6.00 & $6.50 Successful convenience store ope. ation Is seeking to pill the position of customer service associate. Part time weekends 1st, 2nd, ft 3rd, shifts avalable at a variety of our location. Benefits avalable. You must be a person able to handle the daily routine of a fast paced operation with a variety of duties and responsibiltes. This postion demandB an honest, courteous, customer service ori ented person. Preferably 19 years or older to apply. Cal 435-3509 Ext. 242 Monaay-Frlday/Day or Evening to set up an appointment. An Equal Opportunity Employer YAKETYYAK. Do talk back and earn up to *12 an hour. Great bonuses, *7.50/hour guaranteed, flexible hours, and real career opportunities. Only two blocks from campus. CALI INTERACTIVE TELESERVICES AT 434-2626 • -i ^ interactive ^ 1133 *0' sum. LINCOLN, Nf FORMERLY KNOWN KS INTERACTIVE MARKETING SERVICES. (Of -, Taste of India Now hiring for summer portions, kitchen as well aa waitery. Apply in person or cal 475-1642.1320 0 Street WANTED: Part-time programming position for summer and fail semester for grad or undergrad MIS or Computer Science student. Position involves creating and maintain ing database management software. Knowledge of Foxpro and C helpful but not necessary. $8.50+/hr. Very flexfeie hours. Fit out applcstlon at Hudson Bay Com pany, 941 O Street, Suite 625. WHAT IF: the perfect part-time fob waa only a phone caR away? NRC is accepting applications for Its professional interviewing evening/weekend staff. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING! K you are interested in joining an industry leader in providing the most actionable, up-to-date market information to health care organizations, please call us today! NRC Offerings include: ‘Paid training ‘Paid parking with convenient downtown location ‘FlexUe scheduling ‘Casual/smoke-free work environment ‘Competitive hourly wage For more information or to schedule an interviews please call our Data Colection job line at 475-4520. Children's Discovery Center is looking for full-time teach ers in the toddler and pre-school rooms. Apply in person at 265 S. 84th. Needed full time responsible college student for babysitting for two boys, 9 and 10. Need car. Call 489 5831,ask Tor Michelle after 6pm. AdvtrtMng Stiw Two marketing interns needed to call on Lincoln's influen tial business people and media buyers. You'l receive; Base commission+Bonuses+.Future employment potential+intensive skills training youll use the rest of your lie! If you love to tafc to people this is for you. Call Paige at Strictly Business, Lincolns Biggest B to B publication, BOYS COUNSELORS! WRANGLERS! LIFEGUARDS! Spend the summer outdoors in the sun with other collage age staff making a difference with kids! Located between Lincoln and Omaha on the Platte River is Nebraska’s most beautiful camp. Call or write: YMCA Camp KKaM, 6000 Comhusker Lincoln, 68507.402-434-9225 CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS, PENNSYLVANIA. All specialties: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exercise, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20*. 1-800-421-4321. www.campcamalot.coni CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing. Bal ing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, gol, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kkchen, office, maintainance. Salary $1300 plus. Phone: 847-446-2444, CAMP JOBS IN NORTHERN MINNESOTA Camp Buckskin currently has job openings for mala counselors, licensed teachers, nurse*, nursing assis tants, office aseistands and assistant cooks. Tne coed program helps youth with academic and social skM d» culthM (ADHD/ADD,LD). Exes Bent practical experience, internships, and cooperative education experience aval able, Safety+ room and board. Camp le located on a lake near Ely, MN and BWCAW. Contact Tim Edmonds (612) 930-3544, Emal: camp_buckskin@prodigy.oom. Have Fun While You Work! Full and part time summer employment at Branched Oak Lake Marina and Restaurant, cal Don or Linda for Inter view at 763-331 f. • Would you love to be a part of building something important and sharing in the rewards? • Do you thrive in high energy, fast paced environments? • Do you have an intense desire to be the best at what you do? • Are you willing to go above and beyond your normal responsibilities to guarantee customer satisfaction? If yes, we would like to talk to you. We are Human Resource Innovations, Inc., one of America's fastest growing, most successful young companies. We will grow 500% this year and are looking for exceptional people to be a part of our exceptional team. If you are looking for a great opportunity and fed you can contribute to our success, call now to schedule an interview at your convenience: 434-2660 Human Resource •HSSS Innovations, Inc. DoutePtasmaatNABIndEani: •$25 for new customers "Bonuses for those who qualify to •Up to $150 per month participate in our special Programs for return cnstomers *For an appointment cal 474-2335 Fret faItiBf At fe Doc J •. HELP WANTED Staff for Colorado Mountain Retreat Facility and Children's Summer Camp. 1-600-267-9573 Life Changing Experiences Could be in store for you. Work at Camp Easter Seal wth people wthdtoabUes. Salary, room and board provided. Call(402)761-2875 for Information about open posMons. NURSING/MEDICAL STUDENTS WANTED Join the Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries team! We are looking for Health Care staff for the 1997 Summer Camp season. Must have current First AkVCPR certifica tion and beat least 20 years of age. Employment runs May 22-August 11. Room, board and $1300 saary for season. Call NLOM tol free at 1-888456-6254. An excellent opportunity to gain heath care experience! Part-time summer hefc: Looking for a strong Individual to help wkh a sixteen year old handicapped boy this sum mer. Must enjoy the outdoors. Call Jenny M-F 230430 p.m. 488-5552' Summer Camp Counselors and Lifeguards What are you doing this summer? Christian youth camp near Ashland has openings for counselors, aquatics and creative arts spedMsts. Must be at least one year out of high school and have a desire to serve. Aquatics staff must have currant Ifeguard certification or able to be certfied. Employment runs May 22-August 11. Room, board and $1300 salary for season. Call Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries toll free a 1-8884564254. Summer job approx. 32hrs/week. Watch 3 children. Start June 9. Must nave a car. 489-3405 SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS Want to make an extra $250 or more before first five weeks starts? We need assistants to help with test grad ing. General clerical skile such as fHing and copying are aTyou need. If you know the a$>habet and are depend able, we’ve got a job for you! To work full time June 34, contact Lola at 472-3561. Starting wage is $6.15/hour, plus lunch. Summer work-study student wanted at UNL State Mu seum. 10-20 hours per week, flexbie hours. Duties: assemble science kits, organize photos, assist education programs and office as needed. $6/hour. June-August. Contact Dana at 4724302. Work with Kids Parks and Recreation summer playground leaders, $5.30-$5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. 1. Monday-Friday, 9:15am 12:15pm. Conduct outdoor activites for grade school children. Apply now at 2740 A St. 441-7952. EOE/AA 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice At real estate advertising In this newspaper is subiect to the federal Fat Housing Act, which makes t Hegal to advertise any preference, tmiathn or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sax, handicap, famlial status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, llmtatlona or discrimination. The DaUy Ne braskan wtl not knowfngty accept any advertising lor real estate which Is In violation of the mw or discnminatee against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby infomnedthat at dweltngs advertised are avatabie on an equal opportunty basis. 1 female roommate needed for 1 room, $180 + utilities, 5 minutes from campus, 438-0762, ask for Nfckl. 1 M/F roommate needed for Summer. $200/month + utilties. Call Zach 476-3256. 1 roommate to share 4 bedroom house, $162.50+1/4 utilities + deposit Call Jim, 438-0965/MWF. 2 Female, Non-smoking roommates needed to share 4 bedroom home at 2308 W. Washington. $175/month+1/ 4 utilties. 1-furnished room to sublet for summer and 1 unfurnished room for summer/or year-round. Cal 477 5675/leave message. Female roomate needed to share 3BR. Claremont apart ment, May-August $236+1/3ut«tle8.436-9055 Female, non-smoker for 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment. Free laundry. Heat Paldl 1/2 rent, deposl, and utilities. 436-9464. _ _ M/F nonsmoking roommate needed for house. Blocks from campua/dcwntown. Washer/dryer and cable. $160/ month+unltfes and deposit Available May 15. Cal Mark or Katie 477-6280 _'‘ M/F roommate, nonsmoker. May-August nice house wth oarage, 1520Manatt no dajpost, $200+1/3 utilttes.Cal Mandy 477-2667. M/F roommate needed for summer. Washer/dryer in duded. Close to campus, $120/month. 435-8448. Mature, N/S roommate for 2BR, 1.5 bath, townhome beginning In June. WfD, no pets, $270/mo (Includes cable), pftw 1/2 electric* phone, $150 deport. 467-3882. May-August, mate to share nice 2BR apt, 3633 Baldwin, $200 plus 1/2 deposit, no pets, 465-8806. N/S, female preferred. Beginning May 1st, 2-bed/2-bath, Laundry on floor, pod, lots of space. $277+1/2utlities and deposit, call Amy, 436-2052. Non-smoking mnle roommate. Apt near east campus. glTggar month phis half utlHUas. Avalable now. cal One female roommate needed for June and July spadous 3-bedroom apt that would ba shared wth 1 other person. Nice location, on the bfce path. No smoking-no pets. Prefer retponsbie and orderly person. $230+1/2 utlties/ month. Small dsposl required. Cal Anla 469-4942. One roommate needed to share 5bdr house. $200+1/ 5utMaa+depoaiL Cal Kory 477-6306 RENT: 1 taiga bedroom wdk-ln closet 3-rm loft. NICEI Wlh 2 dean males. Cloee to UNL Parking space. $235/ month. For summer or longer. 4366019 Room for rent. May, June, July. $200. Cal for interview 475-3740 adi for Ryan. “Houaa etoaa to both c—tpuasa. 2749 Stkrr. $80, waahar/dryar included. No pata. Available May 1 $595.666-2521 or 432-6264 1BR^$295^jw utiltiee. 2BR, $520 al utiMes paid, cal 3,4, & 5 BR Houses available in August, 432-0644, 432-6644. 3,4 ft 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom, Near UNL Stadium, C/A, OMmnshsr, Washer/Dryer. $6004850. Available May. «73 N »h vmy nk». 4 bdr, 2 baths, near campus. $625. 47M557 un‘umkh*d- Cal L/BVKJ, BvwlinyBw(M*wtNrWi Brand New/May move-in 5315 CNveNnd. Four bedroom, two bathe, double ga rage. $995.4304328.