The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 21, 1997, Page 16, Image 16

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    02 Appliances
05 Bicycles
10 Books
13 Clothing
16 Computers
20 Furniture
30 Jewelry
40 Misc. For Sale
45 Musical Instruments
46 Office Furniture
50 Pets
55 Photo Equipment
60 Sporting Goods
65 Stereos/TVs c
70 Ticket Exchange
90 Vehictes
200 Rides
203 Spring Break Trips
205 Career Events
210 Announcements
215 Meetings
220 Greek Affairs
230 Student Government
240 Personals
242 Pinning &
245 Lost & Found
250 Wanted
260 Fundraising
270 900 Numbers
300 Help Wanted
310 Child Care
320 Work Study Jobs
330 Summer Jobs
340 Internships
400 Roommates
410 HousingWanted
420 RoomsTRent
430 Houses/Rent
440 Duplex/Rent
450 Apartments/Rent
460 Summer Housing
470 Mobile Homes/Rent
480 VacatkxVRent
490 Homes/Sale
500 Adoption
.505 Alterations & Sewing
“510 Automotive
515 Bicycle Service
520 Bridal
525 Catering
528 Child Care
530 Cleaning/Laundry
531 Cleaning/Households
535 Computer Service
540 Entertainment
545 Gift Ideas
548 Hairstyting
550 Health & Fitness
553 Insurance
555 Instruction/Tutoring
558 Job Placement
560 Lawn care
565 Legal Services
573 Music Exchange
575 Photography
578 Pregnancy
580 Printing & Copying
582 Recycling
583 Religious
585 Rentals
588 Tanning
590 Tattooing
593 Travel
595 Typing & Resumes
$3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior.
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper.
The advertisers agree to assume liability for
all contents of all ads printed, as well as any
claim arising therefrom made against the Daily
Ms For Sale
Cycle Works
Mountain biking does exist in Nebraska See why at Cycle
Works, from pavement pounders to hard core off road,
Cycle Works has you covered with bikes, parts, and ac
Oopen 7 days 27th & Vine 475-2453
New and used bicycles for sale. Life time tune-ups on
new bikes purchased. Closest bike shop to campus.
Blue’s Bike & Fitness Center 427 South 13th or 3321
Pioneer’s Bivd.
Titanium ParkPre Pro Elite. XT/LX/Syncros. Many extras.
$1,000 o.b.o. 1-402-785-7000
What a bike shop. Lincoln's finest selection of bicycles,
parts, and accessories. Bike Sale on Now!
Honker Hangar Bike Shop
3855 South St.
GOVT FORECLOSED homes from pennies on $1. De
linquent Tax, Repo’s, REO’s. Your Area. Toll Free (1) 800
218-9000 Ext. H-1843 for current listings.
SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys,
BMW’s, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD’s. YourArea. Toll Free
1-800-218-9000 Ext. A-1843 for current listings._
The Jean outlet
We sell used Leyi!s. Lee’s and Wranglers. Also-jeather
and camoufttge clothing. 3241 South T3th 42Q-5T51
Spring Sale
50-75% off shirts, jackets, jewelry, hats, boots, jeans, belts,
horse tack. 4635 Vine, 464-6622._^
5-string hamer base/burgundy for sale. You make offer.
Call 432-5960
New Fender Bass Guitar with new BXR 45w. Bass Amp.,
$650. 436-8334
Cable descrambler kit, $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1
I “
Two Reba McEntire tickets for sale. 438-8039
1996 Metro, 4-door, 5-speed, air, 18K, $5950.1990 Inte
gra LS, 2-door, 5-speed, air, moonroof, $5650.1990 Civic
EX, 4-door, auto, air, 51K, $5250. 1990 Civic 4-door LX,
auto, air, 78K, $4500.1990 Mazada 626,4-door, 5-speed,
air, $4350. 1990 Sentra 2-door XE, 5-speed, air, $2950.
Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 South 3rd, 477-6442.
200s Notices
Workshop on Travel Abroad:
Using Internet Resources
Tuesday, April 22nd, at 3:30 p.m. at Wick Alumni Center.
FREE! Call to register 472-5358 or stop by International
Aftairs, 1237 R St.
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-$6,000/mo in
fisheries,parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodging! Get all the
options. Call (919) 918-7767, ext A318.
Attention All Students
Please review your class syllabi and determine if there is
a conflict with Dead Week Policy. If so, please contact
ASUN—Student Government as soon as possible at 115
Nebraska Union, 472-2581
Final examinations for full semester classes are to be given
ONLY at the regularly scheduled time as published in the
Official Schedule of Classes (Dead Week) are: lab, prac
tical examinations, make-up or repeat examinations and
self-paced examinations.
Projects, papers, and speeches scheduled for comple
tion during the last week of classes (Dead Week) must
have been assisgned in writing by the end of the EIGHTH
WEEK of the semester. This refers to the project and its
scope, but not the topic.
Quizzes are acceptable during Dead Week.
WHO NEEDS $95.00???
RECEIVE $95.00!
It's safe, easy, and may save a life!
CALL 475-8645 for more details
1442 ”0" ST.
♦return donors with 1 year lapse
Bio-Services, Inc. , (
The University Health Center Student Advisory Board has
extended the application deadline by one week as a
means to futher diversify the applicant pool. Anyone in
terested in applying can pick up an application at the
ASUN office in the Union. The new deadline is April 25th
at 4 p.m.
Collegiate 4-H
A hug THANK YOU to the 96-97 Collegiate 4-H Officers:
Jane Scarrow—President, Heidi Lauby—Vice President
Tricia Rexroth—Secretary
Sarah Domeier & Amy Vanderwalle—Community Service
Heidi Lauby—Publicity/Membership
Heidi Lauby—President
Candace Cain—Vice President
Jennifer Ehlers—Treasurer
Nikky John—Secretary
Brian Johnson & Brian Fitzke—Community Service
Tricia Rexroth & Jessica Groathouse—Up All Nights
Tricia Rexroth—Regional Representatives
Sarah Domeier—Membership/Publicity
CRUISE LINES HIRING —Earn to $2,000+/mo. plus free
world travel (Europe, Caribbean, etc.) No exp. necessary.
Free Room/Board. Ring (919) 918-7767, ext. C318.
The last day to enter the Men’s, Women’s and Co-Rec
Sand Volleyball Tournament is Tuesday, April 22. Don’t
Delay! Enter your team today. Call 472-3467 for more in
Trie last day to enter Men’s, Women’s, and Co-Rec Frisbee
Golf is Tuesday, April 22. Don’t Delay!! Enter your team
today. Call 472-3467 for more information.
Recycled Sounds
Has new posters and music from these bands and thou
sands more! Recycled Sounds, 824 P Street, 476-8240.
We buy CDs everyday
Ranches, Rafting Companies. Up to $12/hour. Nationwide
openings. Call (919) 918-7767, ext. R318.
The Faculty Advisory Committee to the UNL Po
lice Department is having an open forum for the
purpose of allowing all interested members of
the University community to comment on any
aspect of the Campus Police Department. The
Committee invites all interested persons to at
tend and be heard.
Tuesday, April 22,1997
Nebraska Union
(room to be posted)
4:00 p.m.
Pride ’97
SPEAK OUT! Share or listen to the experiences of gay,
lesbian, bi, transgender, and straight people. Between the
Union and Admin, buildings TODAY from 11:30-2:30.
TOMORROW, 6:30pm in the greenspace between Selleck
and the Union. Come check out this lesbian band that
rocks the Zoo Bar!
Most Nebraskans have made up their minds: they don’t
like gay marriage. Hear the perspectives of some people
who do. WEDNESDAY, 7:30pm, Nebraska Union Main
Learn about connection between contraception and abor
tion. Tuesday, April 22, 9 p.m. Newman Center, 320 N.
16th St. Guest Speaker. Dr. Paul Hayes.
The 1997 Ethnic Minority Research Symposium is a fo
rum for graduate students to present research pertinent
to ethnic and minority issues. The symposium is held on
Thursday, April 24, 1997. All faculty, graduate students,
undergraduates and members of the broader community
are invited to attent Time: 10:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. in the
Centennial Room of the NEbraska Union. A schedule of
presenters is available at the department of Graduate
Studies. (472-8891).
The Commuter and Student Services Center has a list of
tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list
either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an application at
the ASUN Commuter and Student Services Center, 116
Nebr. Union.
Representative will be at Arts & Sciences Advising, 107
OldH, Wednesday, April 21,1-5 p.m. Call 472-4190 for
Want a post-finals
Go backpacking and caving with Campus Recreation in
the Guadalupe Mountains of Texas and New Mexico, May
11-18, 1997. Student price=$315. For more information,
call Outdoor Adventures at 472-4777. .
German students wishing to study abroad next year in
BERLIN should come to the informational meeting April
22, at 5:00 pm, at International Affairs (1237 R St behind
CBA). Call 472-5358 (Inti. Affairs) 472-3758 (Christina
Meeting Tuesday at 6:15! Meet at 1245 *R’ Street and
expect to go to Old Chicago afterwards!
Biology Club
Organizational Meeting Thursday, April 24,7:30p.m., 118
And all other pre-health majors.
This Tuesday April 22 at 7:30 p.m. there will be a discus
sion on how to write a successsful personal statement.
NU Meds will be having their elections immediately fol
lowing the presentation. All are welcome to attend at the
WickAlumni Center” ]
Check out the International
grants available
April 22, at 3:30 in the Union. Informational meeting high
lighting Fulbrights, Rhodes scholars, and many more! Stop
by International Affairs for more information. 1237 R St.
(behind CBA)
Pre-Dental Club
Our last meeting will be Wednesday, April 23, at 7:30pm,
in Rm 15 at Dental College. There will be a guest speaker;
Student Education Association
will be meeting Tuesday, April 22nd at 5:30 p.m. in Henzlik
202. The principal at Belmont Elementary, Barry Fritch,
will be speaking about year-round school.
The Cornhusker Genetic
Association (TCGA)
Informational Meeting: April 21 at 7:00pm. Nebraska
Union. Everyone Welcome!
Tri Beta
Our last meeting of the year will be held at BW-3’s on
Monday April 21 at 8:30pm. It is a meeting/social event so
please attend!_
April 21-25
Come to the Union to cast your
vote for your favorite
Thanks to the men ofAGFUor the dinner exchange last
The ladies of Sigma Alpha
Arc AAn
Thanks for all the help with the banner and for the barbe
cue Tuesday. We had a GREAT time!
The men of Phi Kappa Psi
Congratulations to John Frerichs and John Rice on being
named outstanding sophomores by the Golden Key Na
tional Honor Society
The brothers of Phi Kappy Psi
Congratulations to Jen Backenstose on being elected
president of Mu Phi Epsilon music fraternity.
Love, Your Sisters
Way to Go to Jessica Dolinsky and Charlsi Hulsebus on
being accepted into Phi Eta Sigma/Alpha Lambda Delta
freshman honor society. You guys are awesome!
Love Your Sisters
$2.00 before, $3.00 at the door.
A big pat on the back to Elli Erickson & Michele Lewon
for both being chosen as interns at the County Public
Defender’s Office. Way to go!
Love, Your Sisters
Appreciation Week
Thanks to our hashers: Scott, John, Joe, & Scott; our
cooks: Mary & Elsie, and our housemother, Lois. We’re
grateful for everything you do!
Love, the Women of Kappa Delta
Congratulations, Jen Daugherty, on being voted MVP for
t/Women's Bowling Team & on your recent National Cham
pionship. Strike ’em down, baby!
Love, Your Sisters
Congratulations to the following student leaders: Mindy
Kraeger-Censor of Alpha Zeta, Caroline Cooper-Guide
for Alpha Zeta, Misty Roggasch-President of Ag Econ/
Agrobusiness dub, Abby Bostock-Secretary for Ag Econ/
Agrobusiness club and president of CASNR Advisory
board, Karen BosweH-Treasurer of Ag Econ/Agrobusiness
club, Christy Aegerter-Alumni representative for CASNR
Advisory board, Melody Nielsen-Vice President of Pre
vet dub. Also congrats to Karen Faulkner for her intem
ship with the Natural Resource Conservation Service.
Freshman Action
Meeting Tuesday
Final meeting of
the semester
April 22 -7:30
115 City Union
Found 4-15: Three rolls of Kodak VPS color film, outside
the west entrance of the Union. Claim at the Daily Ne
braskan. __
300s Jobs
2 desk clerk positions. 1st Sat. and Sun. afternoons, 2nd
Sun., Mon., Tues., nights. Excellent working conditions,
study opportunities. To inquire call 475-4921 for appoint
Are you making plans for the fall semester? Where to live?
What to eat? Come eat with us! Lunch and/or dinner! Be
a well fed, paid hasher at a sorority where the food and
folk are first class. Work us into your fall schedule-you
won’t regret it. Interested or hungry? 436-7071
Bring in Your Smile!
Russ’s Market is looking for friendly, outgoing cashiers to
work in our stores. We offer flexible hours and competi
tive wages. No experience necessary. Minimum age: 19.
See store director at one of the following locations to ap
ply: 33rd and Highway 2, 66th and O, or 70th and Van
College Pro Painters
I am looking for highly motivated students to be a part of
my painting team this summer. Call Josh 467-2839 or pick
up an application in the SEIC Dept., 345 NE UNION.
University of Nebraska
Computing Services Network
Operate the University’s mainframe computer system/con
soles, mouriit computer tapes, operate printers and other
off-line equipment. Computer knowledge and good cus
tomer service skills preferred. At a minimum must be able
to work in four-hour time blocks, 16-20 hours per week.
The Data Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. Must be able to work summers and school breaks.
Hours will vary but shifts will be scheduled primarily on
weekends and graves (11:00pm-7:00am). $5.25 hourly.
Apply at 235 Nebr. Hall.
Film production, talent management, and internships avail
able. Call Creative Artists Management, 800-401-0545.
Full and part-time help needed for Lawn Service. Neat
appearance. $6/hour, Starting immediately. Please call
Fundraiser-Motivated groups needed to earn $500+ pro
moting AT&T, Discover, Gas, and Retail cards. Plan now
for next semester to get priority for the best dates. Call
Gina at 1-800-592-2121 ext. 110 Free CD to qualified
Help Desk Support
UN Computing Services Network
Student Worker
Provide mainframe and microcomputer hardware/software
support — answer questions, assist with training, evalu
ate software. Experience with IBM compatible PC’s and
related software required. Experience with Windows 95
and Office 95 preferred. Must be able to work 15-25 hours
per week Monday-Friday between 7:00am-5:00pm dur
ing the school year, plus summer hours. Apply in room
235 Nebraska Hall.
Help wanted for custom harvesting, combine operators,
and truck drivers. Experience preferred, good summer
wages. Call 970-483-7490, evenings.
If you are energetic, optimistic, enjoy challange, and want
to make a positive difference in someone's life,
Tranfiguration Incorporated is looking for you! Now hiring
instructors to teach life skills to people with developmen
tal disabilities. Quality of services is our mission, make it
yours!Appty at 1316 N St. Suite 107, Monday-Friday, 9:30
If you went on spring break and spent all your money and
want a good part-time job to make some money, call Eric
at 477-0303.
*No selling involved
‘Evening hours: 5-9pm, Monday-Thursday; 5-8pm Friday;
and 9-12pm on Saturday*
Knolls Country Club
Now accepting applications for several positions. Excel
lent working conditions and competitive wages. Must be
available to work some noons and weekends. Call 423
2843 for more information.
Lazio’s Brewery & Grill
*Come see what we can offer you!
•Wages that only the most successful restaurant in town
can offer!
•Team work at it’s best!
•Unparalleled training and support!
•Paid vacations!
"Closed on major holidays!
“Some daytime availability required!
*50% employee discounts!
•You Do Not have to wear a name tag!
•And nobody sings Happy Birthday!
Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity with
Lazio’s, 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday,
or Thursday.
Medical Information Services
Part-time and on-call career opportunities now exist for
individuals to assist in the clerical duties of the Medical
Information Services department. Duties will include, but
are not limited to answering the phone, filing, and copy
ing. Mandatory skills tests are required. For more infor
mation regarding shifts available, call:
Lincoln General Hospital
Attn: Human Resources
2300 S. 16th Street
Lincoln, NE 68502
NE Game and Parks hiring summer help. Office clerk
needed May 11-Aug 22. Apply at 3019 Apple St. Lincoln
Part-time desk clerk: afternoon and weekend days. Pro
fessional attitude, excellent communication skills, experi
ence with the public all necessary. Apply in person. Town
House Motel 1744 "M” St.
$7.50 / hour Full-thno
17.00 / hour Port-thiM
• Paid training
• Benefit Package
• Casual Dross
Job Hotline 466-8293
.r" ►