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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1997)
One female roommate needed for June and July spacious 3-bedroom apt. that would be shared with t other person. Nice location, on the bke path. No smoking-no pets. Prefer responsble and ordeny person. $230+1/2 utnties/ month. Small deposit required. CaB Anla 489-4942. One roommate needed to share 5bdr house. $200+1/ SutHities+deposit Cal Kory 477-6306_ RENT: 1 large bedroom walk-in closet 3-rm loft. NICE! With 2 dean males. Close to UNL Parking space. $235/ month. For summer or longer. 438-8019 Room for rent. May. June, July. $200. CaH for interview 475- 3740 ask for Ryan. **110010 dose to both campuses. 2740 Starr. 3BD, washar/dryar included. No pets. Available May 1. $595.688-2521 or 432-6264 1BR, $295plus utilties. 2BR, $520 all utilties paid, call Joyce 432-2648. 2611 R, large, 4BR, 2BA, dishwasher, CA, W/D, available May 1. $800,489-6948 or 450-8919. _ 3,4, & 5 BR Houses available in August, 432-0644, 432-6644. 3,4 & 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Near UNL Stadium. C/A, Dishwasher. Washer/Dryer. $600-$850. Available May. 489-9294. 4200 Baldwin-6 bedroom, 4334 St. Paul-6 bedroom, available May or August 1 st, from $900-$1100.450-8919/ 489-6948. 811 Charleston, 5 bdr.; 1016 New Hampshire, 3 + 1 bdr.; available August 1,435-5565. 816 C St. 2bdr. basement. $495 1919 Griffith 2bdr, basement, garage. $550 1127 South 22nd, 4bdr. garage. $700 A1 houses indude washer/dryer, AC. no pets, no smok Ing, available May. 432-8180 873 N 25th very nice. 4 bdr. 2 baths, near campus. $625, 476- 0557__ AVAILABLE NOW. great location. WALK FROM UNL CAMPUS, 5BD, 2BA. large. unfurnished, appliances. Call David, evenings483-5664. Brand New/May move-in 5315 Cleveland. Four bedroom, two baths, double ga rage. $995.430-6328. Campus Close/May move-in 2948 Starr. Four bedroom. Two baths. Garage. $750. 430-6328. Nice Houses Neer Puinui. Available May or June, Summer Laasaa Available 3 Bedroom: 2001 Holdrege, 1 1/2 bath, $575.2307 Dudley 1 1/2 bath, $600.1027 Charleston, 2 baths, $675. p2314 HoMradaga 11/2 bath, $700,2834 Starr, 2 baths, $700.2200 DucHy^llg baths, $750. 1426 N. 23rd, 2 baths. $850. Al houses Indude air, washer/dryer, parking, pets OK. 432-0644. 432-6644. VERY NICE—MAY OR SUMMER RENTAL—CAMPUS CLOSE 2825 R, nicel 5 bdr., 1 & 1/2 bath, C/A, W/D, dishwasher. $850' 1530 N 27th New. nice, 5 bdr., 2 bath. C/A, W/D. dish washer, pairklng, $995,488-5446 We love students! Several 3 & 4 bedroom homes stll open (or summer and/ orfalL Air conditioning, washers, dryers, dishwashers and good parking. 423-1535. __ Ibr w/fin.BM. Wak to EA. Campus. $455/month. Call Judy 430-6954 _ 3135 Orchard large 2 bedroom, dishwasher, fireplace, washer/dryer, off street parking. $500 plus deposrt.430 9019 Brand new 3bdr. 2bath, 2garage, fireplace, family room. Available Aug 1. $850/month. Reserve yours nowl 432 0415 Close to Campus Unfurnished three bedroom. 1 1/2 baths, fireplace, kitchen wth appliances, washer/dryer. Available May. 1417 N. 20th. 462-292-7686. _ Nice duplexes available for May. 4 bdr., 2 bath, 2 garage, central air, appliances, washer/dryer, $895. 435-7807. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate Since one size does NOT III ML we have a myriad of unft ataM.aMciaacteona and two bedrooms. JuM a short walk to C*y. Quaflfy, move-in and wa'I give you a Gift Certificate to Getaway. JONES PROPERHES-475-7262 IHThink Spring (it WAS here..!) Campus locations Summer leases available! 1 bedrooms, various locations, huge bedrooms, break fast bar, all appliances, personal patios, choose your style, some locations with a pool!!!!! From $350.00. 3220 Apple, Awesome complex, unique floor plans, PRI VATE DECKS, lots of room, $365.00-$375.00. 2504 Vine, 2 bedroom lower level, ceramic floors, walkout patio, lots of storage!!! $460.00, available now!!! 4300 Cornhusker, Ibds from $340.00. 4300 Cornhusker. 2BR. 1 BA, middle floor w/d hookup, beige decor, ceramic floors!! BEAUTIFUL, $540.00. Cherry Hill Management _489-4857_ TIRED OF THE NOISE? WTE PARK apartm e n t s HOME TO THE QUIET STUDENT IVineSt I Gate N Park •£ % , 11 464-9623 6531 VINE ST. ******************** Surfs up, or just about!! Since we accept “SUMMER UEASES," sign-up today, and we'll raaerva a Beach Towel lor your awim/ sunning around the pool. 1 & 2 bedroom unite. A stone's throw to City Campua. JONES PROPERTIES- 475-7262 1224 S 21st, large 2 bedroom. Off-street parking, A/C, $400 * electric and cooking gas. 483-6887 1256 S. 26th, 3 bedroom, fresh paint, new blinds, clean. $505,466-9526, No Pets, Summer lease available. 2 bedroom, 2501E Street, 1,000 square feet, new drapes, paint, appliances, including built in microwave and ceiling fans. No smoking or pets. $525,432-3686. 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage. $495. 430-6328. 2bdr. 1801 Knox, summer lease available. Ceiling fans, no pets, no smoking. $400 432-8180 2BDR., carpet, air, laundry, parking, NO pets. FREE CABLE. Some summer leases available. $430, 1900 Knox & 521 North 25th, 477-7684. 2BR, big, off-street parking, heat paid, $435 Efficiency $285; 3BR, $495, heat paid, downtown. Controlled-entry building. 474-7368. 3501 BALDWIN, large, clean, 2BR, nicely decorated, c/a, laundry, parking, $460, 483-4600. Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and two bedroom units available, no smoking, no pets, secure entry, laundry, guaranteed parking, UNL Shuttle Stop. $325-$475. Brickyard Apts. 17th and Holdrege. 477-6578. April and May Openings Embassasy Park Apts., 31st and Old Cheney. Pool and sand volleyball, 1-2-3bdr. $405-$655. ' Pinetree Apts. 1st & Adams, 2-3bdr. 2540 W. 3-bdr, W/D. $615 1814 F SL 2bdr. $415-450. 515 W Saunders. 2bdr $450. No pets. 483-1130 and 483 6057_ Brand new/Aug. move-in 2638 Q 2BR, 2BA, appliances, double garage, $575,430 6328. Claremont Park Apartments 9th & Claremont "Designed for Students** Now leasing for August (some available in May). Wak to Campus and downtown. Swimming pool and workout facilities. First Come, First Serve. Shown by appointment. Open late on Wednesday evenings Call 474-7275. Close to east campus 4500 Starr St. 2bdr, with balcony, heating, water, sewer, and garbagepaid. Off street parking. NOpets. Lease and deposit. $45o/month+electricity. 796-2300 Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Willowhaven Apts 1,2 bedroom apts now available with fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 Large Ibdr apartment aval able May 1. $330/month. Call for details 477-0271 Large 3BR, c/a, newer carpet, CLEAN, on busline, $585 plus deposit, no pets, ask for Doug, 467-5355. May and August Leases East campus, 36th & Huntington, 2 bedroom, fireplace, C/ A, appliances, laundry, parking, no pets, 489-9916. May-August, 3633 Baldwin, nice 2BR apt, $375 plus utilities, no deposit, no pets, 465-8808. Newer. 2-bedroom, EXTRA clean, close to UNL and downtown. $425 plus deposit of $425.483-6280 One bedroom, large, C/A. cats OK. 35th & R St, $300 pfcia deposit. 477-68S0/teav» massage. One Bedroom 2100 “B" St., utilities pd. $300 930 South 16th, dose to campus, $285 1327 South 14th, unique, $315 Studio 930 South 16th, dose to campus, $195 Sorry no pets. Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327ror 421-8996 Roomy, dean, studio apartment, in quiet, secure, charac ter building, heal paid, off-stret parking. $320 483-7377. SUB LEASE ONLY $370 CLAREMONT APTS. MAY-AUG (or ex tended) 1 BEDROOM, 476-2902 _ Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath, BRAND NEWI All appliances including washer and dryer. No pets. $895-$950. Phoe nix Properties Mangagement 474-5327 or 421-8996. UNL close/May move-in 2740 R, 2BR, laundry, garage, $350, no pets, 430-6328. MSUMMER LEASES!! MGREAT PRICES!! ‘Walk to ALL campuses ‘Other locations available ‘Clean, neat & updated ‘Cal now 1904 K. 3 bedroom, 1 batli apartment, remodeled. avaB able for sub-tease, in Mid-May, 438-9120. 2 bedroom wth firptace, appliances, laundry, C/A, park ing, dose to East Campus 464-0771/leave message. 3,4, & 5 BR Houses available in May Resenring now for Summer! Nice houses, CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 432-0644,432-6644. Rile cal Estate j QUALITY FOR LESS 2 Bedroom apartments within 2 miles from campus. No pets. Ail have coin laundry. Year Leases. Clean. 2527 “H” $435 w/balcony 1310 “A” $450 free heat 920 S. 22 $455 w/fireplace 203 S. 30 $495 w/garage 1 bedroom apartments $295 & up Houses $700 and up RENTAL REAL ESTATE 489-6345 Need Summer Sub-leasers. 3 bedroom house dose to carpus, will pay half of May's rent. $625/month. Call 477 On-Campus Summer Housing Thirty-One spacious, furnished double or single rooms at Triangle Fraternity. Clean, Coed, A/C, W/D. Parking. Call Pete at 436-8781. Summer lease new interior 3 bdr. house, C/A, $650/ month. 7331 Morton St. Call 467-2356 Summer Sub-lease East campus. 35th & Baldwin, nice 2br, appliances, AC. parking, laundry, fireplace. Call Dustin 466-8651 Two bedrooms, fireplace, appliances, W/D. parking, close to East Campus. $370, call 489-9916/466-9362. Newer townhouse, 5 minutes from UNL. Spa cious and light, 2 bedroom 2 bath. 2nd living area in fully finished walk-out lower level. Attached garage. Great neighborhood with park; fenced yard with sprinklers. $2S/month association fee for yard care and snow removal. $80's - owners want offer. Open Sun. 3-5. Evelyn McFarland, 489-3915 Home Real Estate 436-3232 Condo For Sale Close to UNL. Patio/Terrace, able to see stadium. Best location in Center Stone. Call for more info. Linda. Woods Brothers Realty. 432-1080. 500s Services ADOPTtA promise of love, security and opportunity await your baby. Exp. pd. Joan & Cist 1-800-631-2644 ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. Honest, easy-going couple looking to create and share Kodak momemts with newborn. Promise lifetime of love, stabiBty and more. Legal/confidential. Call Karen/lra toll free 1-888-822-2251._ Cycle Works See us for all your repair needs—flat tires to complete overhauls. Fast and friendly always. _Open 7 days 27tn A Vine 475-2453_ Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday houre. Female Clinicians. “O Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor In possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Criminal Defense With DWI, Bankruptcy Stone Law Firm Affordable Rates _475-0055. - FREE Pregnancy Test BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more Information. 463-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Call for infor matlon and hours 441 -3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider ail your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 600-727-3084.__ Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm By Michael Jantze Non oEQUITUR y nil /. « _^ ^ Bv w-ey ILssSpSr^5! ©1997 Wiley Miller diet, by Washington Post Writers troop WES SITE: www.washiHgtOHpost.eow/wiley The Deep End • NU\LLoN<* E-mail: By Chad Strawderman W.... fRESttl'f I GR60UO CMRIAW I CoffEt €>EAJiS i C scmt>$ lot & I " Gooo lOEix.ftiGvn? | X „.W5T At T30 Wtrtt 1 WTOiY StW i UOWU ThM EjtRASVtP. 3 ACROSS 1 Apollo riders 5 Czech river 9 Baldwin, e.g. 14 Water carrier 15 Kettle handle 16 Charles’s domain 17 French folk song 20 The P.G.A.’s Craig 21 Deputy of a sort 22 Athabascan’s abode 23 Byron’s Donna 25 Memorial music 28 Fulda feeder 29 Early expulsion site 30 Grenoble girl 31 . ought to be -!” 32 Like the daytime 33 A 1940’s hit tune 38 A Caucasian 39 Pianist Gilels 40 Cow catcher 41 Night crawlers 42 Gaucho’s snarer 46 Nerd of the40’s 47 Aliquot, e.g. 48 Fishing specialist 49 He’s not on the take! si Deluge ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE is|e|p|a|l^h|e|m|pmf|i |v|e A L I B iBqm a rBo D E R B A T O n[r]oUj|g eBBn e r o |e|n|t|r|e aItmm a[y|p a y s mA pml|a|c EpM lA|M|ARil1 NAWHAlur-E p B o l[dmd|u|pieMs|l|a V E A N T EISBBfIoIpBtIaIk E N S T A Is HlRFjmE[TBBcjE' N T H A Z TTtjS~ tUbIoIt ched A V O n|MT E|R RjitH A U T E L O N e|e ITT ABE LENA oIwIeIsP [RADAR 53 Frankie Carle hit: 1939 56 Dizzy 57 Fly in a stream 58 Road to Roma 59 Waterfowl 60 Gypsum 61 Causing horripilation DOWN 1 Free from taint 2 Won in Dream Team fashion 3 Houdini’s forte 4 Cousin of a whitesmith 5 N.Y.C. theater award . 6 Scold 7 Disencumber 8 Soccer team 9 “A Wave, and A Marine,” 1944 film 10 Magnificent ulna multiple sense i2Dykstraof baseball 13 Suffix with journal 18 “Cakes” literary partner 19 Columnist Smith 24 Rosh ha-Shanah, to . Jews 26 Ballet move 27 Packaging units 29 Composer Siegmeister 30 Do a sailor’s jol 31 Reference words 32 Thirteen of a certain kind 33 Sale-tag word 34 Bolsheviks’ target 35 Recipient of a right, in law 36 Breathes 37 Forgetful ones 41 Almost not 42 Bandleader Ben 43 -of quinine 44 A usurer is one 45 Main street 47 Foot: Lat. 48 Palindromic preposition so Base 52 Mountainous cookie? 53 Go slack 54 Suffix with project 55 “Runaround” girl