The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 17, 1997, Page 2, Image 2
News 1 t -<&x«£»:<<y. sX*/»c$c«^.>Mft*MQ»K9SMO^*<&oM«&«otNK4< ftOO^CMMwroaoMfWWjloWftMaWMMMMffl! Israeli police recommend Netanyahu^ indictment TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — In a move that could bring down the Israeli government and change the direction of the peace process, police have rec ommended indicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for breach of trust in an influence-trading scandal. State attorney Edna Artel was ex pected to announce by early next week whether to indict Netanyahu. Police recommendations are not binding or always followed. Yet this one has the potential to break apart Netanyahu’s coalition— more brittle than ever since the allegations surfaced in January. An indictment would ruin chances of bringing the opposition Labor Party into the government, a plan Netanyahu has been contemplating as a way of rescuing the disintegrating Middle East peace process. - Labor Party leader Shimon Peres, who lost elections to Netanyahu last May, urged the prime minister to sus pend himself from office and call new elections. Netanyahu did not react to the rev elations, meeting instead with advis ers and political allies including Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas party, which also is involved in the scandal. The trouble started with Netanyahu’s appointment of a politi cal crony as attorney general. Jerusa Iran lawyer Roni Bar-On resigned af ter only a day in office, under criticism that he was a legal lightweight chosen for his political connections. Radio reports said Netanyahu had no plans to step down. An indictment would not force Netanyahu’s resignation, but several allies already have hinted they may bolt the ruling coalition and deprive Netanyahu of his majority in parlia ment. The coalition now has 66 of 120 seats. Netanyahu could try to govern with a minority, but it would be nearly im possible. New elections would prob ably have to be called. The next sched uled vote is in 2000. A kingdom^ late lies In oil Power struggles played out against feuds, poverty in Saudi Arabia EDITOR’S NOTE — Saudi Arabia, key U.S. ally in the Arab 'world, is one of the last old-style au tocracies. How long can “The King dom" remain that way? This is the last in a three-part series on the U.S. Saudi partnership. By Charles J. Hanley Associated Press . RIYADH, Saudi Arabia—The 456 iplush seats in 4he Majlis al-Shura spread out over a half-acre of, deep carpet, under a glittering ceiling of ara besque blue, beneath a dome larger than St. Peter’s in Rome. It is a majestic setting for a parlia ment enacting the laws of the land. No one meets here. The Majlis that does meet is a 61 member body that assembles, little noticed, in a smaller room near the empty grand chamber. It passes no leg islation. It has no power. When inaugurated in 1993, this Majlis al-Shura, or Consultative Coun cil, was portrayed as a step toward Saudi political modernization. “Evo lution is the way of the world,” Majlis leader Sheik Mohammed bin Jubair tells a visitor to his architectural show piece. “Stagnation leads to death.” As a body whose members are all appointed by King Fahd, whose agenda is set by the king and whose advisory reports can be ignored by him, the Majlis does little to quiet Saudi voices of opposition. “We want people’s representation, full accountability, freedom of expres sion and assembly,” dissident-in-exile Saad Al-Faqih said from London. Oth erwise “there will be a bad scenario, violence followed by violence.” Lines in the sand Ripples of dissent began with the 1990-91 Gulf War, when die U.S. mili tary threw down a “Desert Shield” be tween the oil kingdom and an aggres sive Iraq. Many Saudis were angry that the billions in armaments the monarchy had bought could not defend them, and resented the army of “unbelieving” Americans dropped into their midst. Fundamentalist clergymen later ap pealed to King Fahd to never rely again on “atheist” troops. Thpes of clerics’ anti-government sermons soon circulated. When physi cist Mohammed Al-Masari founded a dissident group in Riyadh in 1993, he was quickly arrested. A year later, two leading anti-government clerics were also locked up. Then the bloodshed began. Terrorist bombs in 1995 and last June killed 24 Americans at two U.S. « We want people’s representation, full ac countability, freedom of expression and assembly. (Otherwise) there will be a bad scenario, violence followed by violence.” Saad Al-Faqih Saudi dissident , military sites. Saudi officials suggest an Iranian link, but the local connec tion is clear: Four young men executed for the first attack were from the Saudi heartland. “Saudis view the American pres ence at best ambiguously, and at worst as a provocation,” said a former high ranking U.S. diplomat who worked in Saudi Arabia. “There is a division between the government,” the diplomat said, “that is, the royal family—and the man on the street.” Those ordinary Saudis are the tar get of a flood of faxes the dissidents send from abroad. “Come to the holy war, to a confrontation with the United States!” Al-Masari, now in exile in London, declared in one. The groups vary in militancy and seem poorly coordinated. No charis matic leader has emerged. Despite claims they are the “tip of an iceberg,” no widespread anti-government activ ity has surfaced inside the tightly con trolled country. Slowly weakening monarchy While the dissidents build, the rul ing House of Saud may need to rebuild. Public opinion is hard to gauge in a country where phone lines are as sumed tapped, restaurant conversations must be guarded, and the press sticks to the government line. But local jour nalists, speaking privately, say ordinary Saudis sound increasingly fed up with the corruption and ostentatious living oftheSauds. ,j__ Those habits are not new, but the proliferation of Saud princes adds to the burden on a society whose royals siphon off billions in oil revenue be fore it reaches the treasury. Their internal rivalries could also weaken the Sauds. ' After King Fahd, in his mid-70s, suffered a reported stroke in late 1995, he temporarily handed power to half brother Crown Prince Abdullah. He soon took it back—at the behest, dip lomats say, of his full brothers, led by Defense hjipister Prince Sultan, who resented Abdullah’s interference in their government business. Spinning around Even if these aging sons of found ing father King Abdel Aziz paper over their differences, the nation feces a re volving door of elderly princes, tied to the old ways, as successors to Fahd. Some Sauds apparently favor new ways, and lode to an old friend for help. “Senior Saudis asked us to put pres sure on their family to clean up their act,” a knowledgeable American source said. “We haven’t done any thing.” Saudi political scientist Abdel-Aziz Al-Fayez, a member of the new Majlis, said pressing for Western-style democ racy would be pointless. “I don’t see the demand,” he said. “In this part of the world people want stability: And this country is stable.” “Stability” may not include the sight of elected representatives in the grand, unused Majlis chamber, built during a spell of liberalization talk in the 1980s. But stability does include the benefits of an oil-fed welfare state: free health services, transportation sub sidies, interest-free housing loans, no taxes. A slumping oil market had threat ened those benefits, but a recent re bound in prices saved them from deep cuts. Now new trouble looms. The one-industry economy is pro ducing too few new jobs far a popula tion—17 million—growing 3.5 per cent a year. Without work, dispirited university graduates are believed turn ing to the anti-government message of ultraconservative Islamic preachers. Their American advisers are press* ing the Saudis to diversify the economy. The index to stability, mean while, will lie not in the bitterness of faxes from London, but in the spot price of sweet crude pumped from be neath Saudi sands. Girl romanced by man from Ofiutt found safe Couple met on the Internet, ran away together * OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE (AP) — A 14-year-old New York girl who allegedly ran off five months ago with a 22-year-old airman she met on the Internet was found Wednesday in Illi nois. Hie girl was with Senior Airman Brooker Maltais at the time and she was apparently unharmed, said Sgt. Paul Davis of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department in Rochester, 111. Kevin O’Connell, the girl’s uncle, said the family had been asked by po lice not to reveal where in Illinois the pair had been found until the girl’s par ents could see their daughter. The girl’s sister, TCacey O’Connell Jay, told Omaha television station KPTM that Maltais had been arrested and is with local police in Illinois. She was unsure if he had been chanwd “I did speak with her (the girl) briefly,” said O’Connell-Jay. “She sounded in shock. She didn’t sound real good tome.” The couple was found after Maltais’ picture was broadcast on the Maury Povich television show show, and employees then alerted lo cal authorities. The girl’s parents are flying out to Illinois and hope to bring back their daughter. The girl was reported missing Dec. 19 after her mother dropped her off at a shopping mall near her home in Rochester, N.Y. Maltais had been miss ing from his post at Offutt Air Force Base, south of Omaha, since Dec. 24. Maltais and the girl were last seen together Dec. 21 at Maltais’ apartment near Offutt. One of Maltais’ credit cards was used the following day at a bank machine in Kansas City, Mo., but the trail ends there. Offutt officials said late Wednesday they could neither confirm nor deny that Maltais had been found. The Air Force had offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to Maltais’ capture and conviction on charges of military desertion. He could face up to three years in prison and dis honorable discharge. Maltais also could face other Wednesday morning, O Connell-Jay ^.hargre sj^mmingfrnm higrpilatinnship said. A viewer apparently called thewith the missing girl, police said. Tbbacco companies may ax Joe Camel, Marlboro Man TOBACCO from page 1 talks. “It’s extraordinarily unlikely that any agreement could escape conten tious congressional hearings,” the source said. Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, a longtime tobacco opponent, said he is skeptical of the industry’s proposals and will review them care fully if they land on Capitol Hill. “The great wall of tobacco is com ing down,” Durbin said. “Tobacco companies are in a hurry to get out of court, off the front pages of newspa pers and back to the business of mak ing billions of dollars in profit.” The companies and attorneys gen eral from Minnesota, Florida, Con necticut, Mississippi, Washington, Massachusetts, Wisconsin and Arizona have been meeting at undisclosed lo cations over the last two or three weeks. Talks for the week broke up Wednes day outside Washington, D.C. “The companies (had) vowed never to come to the table, let alone settle any lawsuit. The mere fact that they are talking is historic and unprecedented,” said Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. The negotiations include represen tatives of two other major tobacco companies, Lori Hard and Brown & Williamson. Deputy White House Counsel Bruce Lindsey is also moni toring the talks. White House spokesman Mike McCurry said any resolution “has to result in the public-health outcome that we want here, which is the decline in use of tobacco products by young people.” The talks come as legal pressure on tobacco companies intensifies. Liggett Group, the maker of L&Ms and Ches terfields, reached a settlement recently with 22 states in which it turned over thousands of internal documents that could show the industry sought to con ceal the dangers of smoking for de cades. Tobacco companies also are ner vously watching a trial in Jacksonville, Fla., in which a family blames R.J. Reynolds for the death of a woman who smoked for decades. Florida Gov. Lawton Chile credited the state’s $2.4 billion lawsuit few push ing cigarette makers to the bargaining table. Florida has a legal weapon that no other state possesses—a 1994 state law that stripped away most of the industry’s legal defenses. Questions? Comments? Ask for the appropriate section editor at 472 2588 or e-mail , : Editor DougKouma A&E Editor Jeff Randall Managing Editor Paula Lavigne Photo Director: Scott Bruhn Assoc. News Editors: Joshua Gillin Art Director Aaron Stecketberg Chad Lorenz Web Editor: Michelle Collins Night Editor: Anne Hjersman Night News Opinion Editor Anthony Nguyen Editors: Bryce Glenn APWire Editor: JohnFulwider LeanneSorensen Cooy Desk Chief: Julie Sobczyk * Rebecca Stone Sports Editor Trevor Parks Amy Taylor General Manager: DanShattii Publications Travis Brandt Advertising Manager Amy Struthers Board Chairman: 436-7915' Asst Ad Manager Cheryl Renner Professional Don Walton Classified Ad Manager Tiffiny Clifton Adviser 473:7301 FAX NUMBER: 472-1761 The Daily Nebraskan (USPS144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448, Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during summer sessions. 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