Poetiy group provides forum for creativity READING from page 12 Through their efforts, the No-Name Readings serve as an almost exclusive forum for graduate students and foster a microcosm of English activity. “For a lot of grad students it pro vided a place to read and receive en couragement to write,” he said. Dale, who will read for the third time Friday, said that this is many stu dents’ first opportunity to get a public response to their personal visions and efforts. “It’s the first venture for a lot of people in a public display of writing,” Jacobs said. “One of the primary fo cuses has always been on supporting each other.” The No-Name gatherings were the first of an outcropping of local read ings, including the Poetry Slams in Nebraska Union, said Jacobs. Unlike the No-Name Readings, the partici pants volunteer from the audience and need not be graduate students. “The No-Name Readings fuel other things in Lincoln. It’s part of a greater interest in poetry — all the coffee houses for instance,” he said. “There seems to be more interest in the written word,” Jacobs said. « It’s the first venture fora lot of people in a public display of writing. One of the 1 primary focuses has always been on supporting each other.” I Dale Jacobs English graduate student “Look at Barnes & Noble, it’s busy all the time, it’s a culture of reading. Sometimes (pop) culture gets a bad rap, but there is more going on than what the press gives us credit for.” Along with Deborah McGinn, Dale Jacobs will read at 4 p.m. Friday at Duffy’s Thvem, 1412 O St. All ages are welcome and admission is free. I Shoe's Bar and Grill j m tie Haymartret Ofatrtct • 813’g Street Featuring: • Alligator • Black Eyed Pea Salad • Stuffed Crab Shells • Red Beans 8 Rice • Boiled Crawfish • Fried Crawfish Po' Boy Sandwiches I NOW AT TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: i •t •* AinilTAI 2110North48thSt A . • VArATAL • Close to UNL's q j A ■ • East Campus and ■#, -?■ A JOf ■ Nebraska Wesleyan B< 1358 Saunders Ave. fj 7 WW#^ (North 14th & Saunders) >/’, J __ Just north of UNL's ■ I | | City Campus | ■ H M M KrWil -TjmT^C fl Mill I "111 at Cather-Pound Varsity Courts Friday, April 18 @ 2 pm APPLY NOW! !! Student Summer Employment in Housing May 12 - August 22 Custodial....$5.70/hour Building Maintenance....$6.10/hour Building Painter....$6.10/hour •Weekend schedules available for summer school students! •Occasional* overtime available! / Apply in person between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.to : • Pat Carlin at Cather-Pound-Neihardt Maintenance • Mike Kansier at Harper-Schramm-Smith Maintenance • LaVem Priest at Selleck Maintenance • Lyle Harris at Abel-Sandoz Maintenance • Jerry Lokie at Burr-Fedde Maintenance (East Campus) For further information, call Central Housing Maintenance, 472-3753. $3.25 par day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 bMing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. KA0 A belated congratulations to Amanda Anderson and the Dance Team on your 3rd place finish at Nationals! NU JAM ’97 Sunday, April 20,1997 1 p.m. 05 Thank you for the wonderful dinner exchange an Monday. Well have to do it again soon. Women of Gamma Phi IX Fight Night Saturday April 19tht 7 P.M. 4-H Building in the State Fairgrounds. TRIANGLE AMsftsd congratulations goes out to our newly elected officers: Royce Lesders, Philanthropy jeremy dwtEUw, oviiywueny 'A' STUDENT GOVERNMENT I POSITIONS OPEN Have an, impact on commlttoes dealing with student reknea concerns. Applications bv8mdo a n» nour. Union for 34 dWeienf committee openings for next year. Daadina for al posMons is 4a00 pm. Aprs 18. Found 4-15: Three rols of Kodak VPS color Aim, outside the west entrance of the Union. Claim at the Daily Nebras kan.__ FAST FUNDRAISER-RAJSE $500 IN 5 DAYS-GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS, FAST. EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION.(800)862-1982 EXT.33 - -—-——— 2 deskcterk positions. 1st SaL and Sun. afternoons, 2nd Sun., Mon., lues., nights. Excellent working conditions, study opportunities. To inquire cal 475-4921 for appoint ment__ Full and part-time help needed for Lawn Service. Neat abearance. SB/hour, Starting immediately. Please cal Full-time Summer Job Attention: Nursing, Gerontology, and Human Service Majors. Part time and ful time personal caregiver posi tions available for the elderly. Competitive wages and excekent benefits. Contact Doreen at Haven Manor. 434 2680. Help Desk Support UN Confuting ServfceoNetworfc Student Worker Provide mainframe and microcomputer hardware/soft ware support — answer questions, assist with training, evaluate software. Experience wth IBM compatible PCs and related software required. Experience with Windows 95 and Office 95 preferred. Muer be stale to woik 15-25 hours per week Monday l~riday between 7fl0am-5:00pm jurif^jmeschodjpar.pius summer hours. Apply In room I lab wanted for custom harvesting, combine operators, and truck drivers. Experience preferred, good summer wages. Can 970-483-7490, evenings. IDEAL FOR STUDENTS Immediate posMone available for individuals who are, schedules. DAYS: M-F HOURS: 10-15 hrefck (early flHWPgasuB&u&S over summer** R you hanffie rseponsJbtty wsl and you would Ike to wear what you want to work, and Isten to your favorito music, pieese call 477-1088 for appointment/ Hillcrest Country Club blocking for an assistant pool manager and Meguards for the summer. Individuals with a great attitude, an abilty to work well with children and aduis, and Ifeguardlng expe rience. Available mid-May through Labor Day. Apply h pens on or subml a resume at 8901 East O Street by April if you aw energetic, optimistic, enjoy challenge, and want to make a positive difference in someone's life, Tranfiguration Incorporated is looking for you I Now hiring instructors to teach He ridHi to people «rth developmental disabUties. Quality of sendees is our mission, make It §30*5afl^y 811*16 N ^ Sutte 107, Monday-Friday, K you went on spring break and spent all your money and wantagood part-time job to make some money, cal Eric MU e«HnM InaMkuui no soiling invoivea •Evening hours: 5-9pm, Monday-Thursday; 58pm Fri day; and 9-12pm on Saturday* Aercbfc hstiuctors need to fil a variety of classes at the Cottonwood Club. CPR oertlBcatfan required. 478-3386 College Pro Painters I am locking for hirfly motivated students to be apart of my painting taam tNs summer. Cal Josh 467-2839or pick up an application In the SEfC Dept, 345 NE UNION! COMPUTER OPERATOR University of Nebraska Computing Services Network Operate the University'* mainframe computer eyatam/ consoles, mount computer tapes, operate printers and other off-line equipment. Computer knowledge and good customer sendee skills preferred. At a minimum must be abb to work in four-hour time blocks. 16-20 hours per week. The Data Center b open 24 hours a day. seven days a week. Must be abb to work summers and school breaks. Hours wM vary but shifts wH be scheduled prima Construction Work Concrete, toughing, painting and mboetaneous. Top dolarpaidlyou knowhow to work andyou have construc tion references. MuH have own truck) Phoenix Propertbs DO YOU LIKE BEING #1? Come work for Lincoln's #1 Pizza Restaurant. Free meals, CompetMve Wages. Flexlbb Schedule, Great Work Environment, and Know ing you're associated with the BEST! Valentino'* Restaurant at 13 AQbnowaccept ing applications from 8am-11am, and 2pm-5pm for RLE CLERK Accurate, dependable MlviduM desired for file room Knolls Country Club Now accepting appications for several positions. Excel lent working conditions and competitive wages. Must be available to work some noons and weekends. Call 423 2643 for mow Information. 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Minimum qualficationa: 21 years ol age. high school graduate or equivalent. Prefer bachelors degree and 6 months experience working with people in a human sarvtoa mated field. Due to assistance with personal Issues (Including hygiene). Mels appfcanto only. Must be wWng to leern and implement physical Intervention during behavioral crisis situation. Must have reliable transportation and valkf driver's license. Immediate open Inge wmtobls. Cemebe part of an ongoing, endting adventure. ExcsBant pew end outntsndtog benefits. Afternoons, evenings, and weekend shifts swaisbto. Closing date 4/30/97 - 1115 K Street, Subs 102 Ltacoto,NE 56606 402-435-211# Directly acceeatoleparktog _ EOE/AA/ADA , Communications Part-time positions awfltoile. flexible hours. M-Fbetweon 8-5, jobs work we« with school Light warehouse work and dalvary. Call Tony or Jim al 486-72S2 after £m to Inquire. AHent Communications-Systems Group. EOE. —. . 1 ' * • . 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