E [ | I _____ 02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 242 Pinning & Engagements 245 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 270 900 Numbers 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 RoomsTRent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale 500 Adoption 505 Alterations & Sewing 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 528 Child Care 530 Cleaning/Laundry 531 Cleaning/Households 535 Computer Service 540 Entertainment 545 Gift Ideas 548 Hairstyling 550 Health & Fitness 553 Insurance 555 Instruction/Tutoring 558 Job Placement 560 Lawn care 565 Legal Services 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing & Copying 582 Recycling 583 Religious 585 Rentals 588 Tanning 590 Tattooing 593 Travel 595 Typing & Resumes $3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. 00s For Sale GOVT FORECLOSED homes from pennies on $1. De linquent Tax, Repo’s, REO’s. Your Area. Toll Free (1) 800 218-9000 Ext. H-1843 for current listings._ 5-string harrier base/burgundy for sale. You make offer. Call 432-5960 _ Cable descrambler kit, $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1 800-752-1389. _ . 2 U2 tickets for Kansas City concert. Price neogotiable. Call Chris or leave message 402-675-1655._ 88 Blazer S-10, low mileage, great condition, 4.3 liter en gine. 438-3408 200s Notices — TODAY! Part-time & Summer Jobs & Internships The Job Prom NE Union-City Campus 9:30am-3pm Mote info at 472-8800 or 472-1452 _www.unl.edu/careers/seic/seic.htm_ ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-$6,000/mo in fisheries, parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodging! Get all the options. Cal (919) 918-7767, ext A318._ Workshop on Travel Abroad: Using Internet Resources Tuesday, April 22nd, at 3:30 p.m. at Wick Alumni Center. FREE! Call to register 472-5358 or stop by International Affairs, 1237 R St 39th Annual UNL College Rodeo At the Saunders County Fairgrounds at Wahoo Perfor mances Friday, April 11th at 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 12th at 1 and 7 p.m. Tickets available at the Union Infor mation Desk. $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Dance each night following the rodeo at the Starlight Ballroom with full choke playing. ATTENTION PRE-LAW STUDENTS A representative from Creighton Law School will be at A&S Advising, 107 Oidfather, wed., April 19, 9am-noon. Call 472-4190 for appt Attention Business and Teaching Majors Join 30 students this summer working out east. College credit, make over $540 per week. 423-7545. Attention All Students Please review your class syllabi and determine if there is a conflict with Dead Week Pokey. If so, please contact ASUN—Student Government as soon as possible at 115 Nebraska Union, 472-2581. DEAD WEEK POLICY Final examinations for ful semester classes are to be given ONLY at the regularly scheduled time as published in the Official Schedule of Classes (Dead Week) are: lab, practi cal examinations, make-up or repeat examinations and self-paced examinations. Projects, papers, and speeches scheduled for comple tion during the last week of classes (Dead Week) must have been assisgned m writing by the end of the EIGHTH WEEK of the semester. This refers to the project and its scope, but not the topic. Quizzes tire acceptable during Dead Week. Attention: The University Health Center Student Advisory Board has extended the application deadline by one week as a means to futher diversify the appkeant pool. Anyone in terested in applying can pick up an application at the ASUN office in the Union. The new deadline is April 25th at 4 p.m. ATTENTION PRE-HEALTH STUDENTS R. Ray Morrison, M.D., Fellow in Pediatric Critical Care, U of VA Dept Of Pediatrics, will be at the Advising Center, 107 OldH, Thursday, April 17. There wffl be three 20 minute sessions at 3:30, 4:00, and 4:30. Stop by! Chancellor’s Leadership Recognition Reception UNL will recognize campus involvement and University leadership on Thursday April 17,1997 at 5:00 in the Wick Center. AD are welcome. Confidential Gay Men’s Discussion Group Meets every Wed. from 6:00-7:30pm. For information: Dr. Diaz-Perdomo at Counseling and Psychological Services. 472-7450. CRUISE & LAND TOUR EMPLOYMENT Discover how to work in exotic locations, meet fun people, while earning up to $2,000/mo. in these exciting indus tries. Cruise Information Services: 206-971-3554 Ext. C57789 CRUISE LINES HIRING —Earn to $2,000+/mo plus free world travel (Europe, Caribbean, etc.) No exp. necessary. Free Ftoom/Board. Ring (919) 918-7767, ext. C318. DELTA SIGMA PI Delta Sigma Pi, a co-ed business fraternity would like to wish Gina Emery a late happy birthday. Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans Resource Center Meeting 7pm Ftoom 234, NE Union ★ IF YOU HAVE BEEN INJURED BY A LEGAL ABORTION CALL 1-800-822-6783. CON SENT DOESN'T EXCUSE MALPRACTICE. Kiss-3/11-U2 Recycled Sounds Has new posters and music from these bands and thou sands more! Recycled Sounds, 824 P Street 476-8240. ★ We buy CDs everyday ★ Roundtable Discussion April 17th at 4 p.m. in the Union. Room to be posted. The China Pofirc Economics vs. Hunan Rights. A debate over the trade-off between economics and human rights in U S. foreign policy. I i a«t week to purchese Bofrctt QoidthwsH tickets... Tickets ONLY available at Union Information Desk (next to Subway) and East Campus Union Into Desk $3 students, $8 facutfy/staff, $10 General Public NATIONAL PARKS HIRING —Also Beach Resorts, Ranches, Rafting Companies. Up to $12/hour. Nationwide openings. Call (919) 918-7767, ext. R318. Summer Leadership Training Apply now for six weeks of leadership and Chal lenge. Earn $750 plus a $4,000 scholarship op portunity. CaH Army ROTC 472-4269. The highly successful Supplemental Instruction Program is again being expanding. Currently, positions are open for undergraduate leaders of voluntary discussion groups in Biology 101, History 100, Political Science 100, Psy chology 181, Sociology 101, and Geography 155 for the Fail 1997 semester. Applicants must be undergraduates who have recently completed one of the above courses successfully (received an A) and are interested in assist ing other students in achieving academic success in the course. The stipend is $850 for the semester; the time committment is 10 hours per week. Pick up applications at the Division of General Studies, 33 Canfield Adminis tration Building. SI leaders’ positions provide valuable experience for majors and students interested in careers in teaching. Application deadline is Friday, April 18,1997. TUTORS The Commuter and Student Services Center has a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an application at the ASUN Commuter and Student Services Center, 116 Nebr. Union. UNL Honors Program QUIZ BOWL Sunday, April 20 at 1 pm in the Union $250 worth of prizes Enter your team of 3 members by emailing honors@unlinfo2.unl.edu UPC positions open for application: Vice President (Year committment) and programming secretary (year committment). UPC is the organization on campus that brings programming to campus. For more info call 472 8146_ ' Check out the International grants available April 22, at 3:30 in the Union. Informational meeting high lighting Fulbrights, Rhodes scholars, and many more! Stop by International Affairs for more information. 1237 R St. (behind CBA) ACHTUNG! German students wishing to study abroad next year in BERLIN should come to the informational meeting April 22, at 4:00 pm, at International Affairs (1237 R St. behind CBA). Call 472-5358 (Inti. Affairs) 472-3758 (Christina Branter) AAFCS Perfect for all HRSS majors, April 16, 7pm, HE 121. AD CLUB Officer elections are tonight — be there! Everybody is encouraged to run. Meeting is at 6:30 p.m. in Avery Hall, room 201. Pizza will be served. ALLIES Against Heterosexism and Homophobia will be meeting tonight, 7:00-7:30pm, 1245 R Street. New members wel come! Block & Bridle Club Meeting Wednesday, April 16th, at the East campus union, 7:30pm everyone. ELECTION NIGHT for 97-98 officers. CBASAB Everyone come meet your new executive team! CBA 222 5:30 Bring your ideas and excitement for a new year Executive board 5:15 College Republicans will meet Wednesday, April 16 at 8pm in the City Campus Union. Guest speaker Deeba Buss, Representative of FIRST, Foundation for Individual Responsibility and So cial Trust. FINANCE CLUB Meeting TODAY 6:30 CBA 118. Investment Specialist from First Bank will be speaking. ALL majors welcome. IMA Presents.. Becker CPA Review April 16th, 7:30pm, NE Union. Everyone Welcome! Free Pizza! * CAMPUS RED CROSS Meeting Wed., April 16th, 5pm in the Basement of the Health Center Rodeo Club Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 in the East Union. Officers meet at 7:00. We wW be organizing for our new rodeo date. Also officer nominations will be taken at the meeting. _ SAA YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY to meet Campus Lead ers from across the nation, see the beautiful Notre Dame campus, and bond with UNL SAA/SF members. So why pass it up? Come to the information session Thursday, at 5pm, at the SAA suite, on the third floor at the Wick Center Society for Human Resource Management Thursday April 17 5:30 pm 13 & R (Next to International Affairs) STAND Meeting Thursday, April 17, at 8pm in NE Union, room to be posted. The Cornhusker Genetic Association (TCGA) Informational Meeting: April 21 at 7:00pm. Nebraska Union. Everyone Welcome! AMI This week is senior week. We would like to congratulate all of our seniors: Jenny Brown, Julia Cotton, Sheila Fleming, Kris Hudson, Beth Niemier, Lana Olson, Jenni fer Scnawana, Misty Banks, Lisa Stalnaker, Sara Asweaan, Stephanie Schraml, Ann Stack, Stacie Jacob, Dani Brown, Dana Wilhelmi, and Beth Valgora. You will all be greatly missed! Pi Love, Your Sisters AprA$i997 Pioneer Golf Course $4Q/pair Deadline to register April 18 Call Corinne ® 436-7083 Congratulations to th^^Jy titled CASNR Advisoiy Board officers, Brad Dunbar-Vice President, Andrew Bohling-Treasurer, Nate Marcy-Homecoming chair, Cody Sitz-Cnuchwagon chair, Mick Porter-Prairie Stomp chair. Congratulations also to Josh Erwin an being selected to the IFC Judicial Board. Alsdto Mark Johnson-Vice Presi dent of Agronomy dub. -S*'- • V\ SJjg Your brothers ATQ midnightes detaine for nual Stone Booke Balle." XQ We welcome Mandy Cloua, our chapter visitor, to Ne braska. We're excited to have you here. A Congratulations to Pete & Tina on their recent pinning. Pete, does this mean we can’t see Tina’s tatoo anymore?? for his recent display of public affection. Tell us one thing, was the “Y* open that evening as it was in Vegas? A K.K.—Thanks for all the MAMORIES. Please don’t do it!! AAA Congratulations to Bridget Gallagher for getting the part of Maria in the Westside Story at the Lincoln Community Playhouse. We’re so proud of you!! Love, Your Sisters AAA Seniors, We just want to wish you the best of Luck with your future. The Ladies of Tri-Defta will miss your hard work and dedi cation!! Love, Your Sisters nBo Congratulations to Breann Adams and Andy Sims (ATO) on your pinning! We had a wonderful time. Love, your sisters ATA Congratulations to the following Deft Athletes for receiv ing "High Honors’ at the Studenf-AthleteAcademicAwards Banquet Ryan Nietfetdt (golf), Jeremy Ferguson (wres tling), Eric Mach (track), Monte Cristo (football). Best Wishes to Kris Van Meter & Kathy Lortz on their re cent engagement. OM Congratulations to Amanda Taylor and Molly Egety for being selected to the Chancellor’s Leadership Class Ad visory Board for next year. Also congrats to Amanda for being selected as a Conference Assistant for UNL this summer. And, finally, congrats to Ann Veigel for being se lected for the Child Life Practicum. Way fo go! Love, your sisters roB Thanks for the superb dinner exchange on Monday. Lets get together again soon. The men of Theta Xi. GREEK, WEEK 1997 PIECING TOGETHER AGREkTER WHOLE Schedule of Activities Saturday, 4/19 Car Wash; tlme/ptadB TBA Sunday; 4/20 Car Wash continued Monday. 4/14 T.J. Sullivan and Joel Goldman speak on HIV, 7pm, Tied Center Tuesday, 4/15 Banner Contest & SPIRIT DAY—WEAR YOUR GETTERS Wednesday, 4/16 Greek Olympics; time/place TBA Thursday, 4/17 Greek Week Banquet, 6:30pm, Univer sity Dub, Stuart Building Friday, 4/18 BBQ’s $ Block Party; time/place TBA Sunday, 4/20 AD Greek Volunteer, downtown Lincoln GET EXCITED FOR A FUN WEEK!!! STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Have an impact on committees dealing with student re lated concerns. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union for 34 different committee openings for next year. Dead line for all positions is 4:00 pm, April 18. *"v£; I I ' 1 / WEB SKILLS y NETWORK SKILLS y SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING SKILLS y SOFTWARE SUPPORT SKILLS «/ MARKETING SKILLS Pen-Link, Ltd. is a Lincoln based software development company with over 2,700 licenced users in 7 countries. We have summer, internship, part-time, and possible career opportunities available. If you feel you have time and talent to offer, contact us now. E-mail: penlink@inetnebr.com Phone: (402) 421-8857 ---mniiniwiiiiiMiinmiiiH^ J