The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 15, 1997, Page 6, Image 6

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Daniel Luedert/DN
AN ALBINO BURMESE PYTHON gives freshman Amber Downs a shock Monday afternoon in
the Nebraska Union. Kieth Glsser was invited by the University Program Council to show
students his reptilian friends as part of the “Heips Alive!” program held yesterday between
11 a.m. and 1 p.m. 3“^?
Bowlers win championship
BOWLING from page 1
to compete. In the Baker system, one game is
played by a team of five bowlers. The first player
bowls the first and sixth frames, the second
player bowls the second and seventh and so on.
’The heaft of the Husker team was sopho
more Jennifer Daugherty, whose strikes in the
fourth and piftth frames of the finals helped rally
the team. Daugherty was voted the tournament’s
most valuable player by the coaches.
“I worked hard to keep the team going. The
MVP was a nice reward,” Daugherty said.
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Senior Brenda Edwards was the tournament
scoring leader, averaging a score of 213 over
12 games. Edwards also Was a member of the
1995 national championship team.
The keys to the team’s success this year
have been teamwork and consistency, Straub
said. The bowlers made the shots they needed
to and consistently pick up their spares, he
“The girls have really good work habits.
They are in good shape and they practice well,”
Straub said. “Their performance shows that.”
Conference to address
y ... i- i- -
domestic violence, abuse
By Shane Anthony
Staff Reporter
Nationally known speakers and local groups
will headline a conference addressing sexual
violence Friday and Saturday.
Tiffany Mullison, coordinator of training and
program development for the Nebraska Domes
tic Violence Sexual Assault Coalition, said
Friday’s conference will serve as a training
event for professionals in 22 organizations state
wide who work with sexual and domestic vio
lence cases. Saturday’s session, she said, will
be directed toward faith leaders.
The conference is open to the public.
“Doctors are starting to speak out; lawyers
are starting to speak out; clergy are starting to
speak out; but sexual assault is still the most
quiet crime,” Mullison said.
Muiiison saia sne nopea everyone can take
something back from the conference.
Friday morning, Marianne Winters, execu
tive director of the Massachusetts Coalition
Against Sexual Assault, will deliver the key
note address. Winters is expected to discuss at
titudes toward sexual assault in society.
After lunch, the conference will break down
into smaller groups for two workshop sessions.
Winters will present one of the sessions.
High school students from Lincoln North
east will lead a workshop on peer programs.
They will be followed by a group from the
Campus Acquaintance Rape Education Pro
gram at Hastings College.
Jan Brown, counselor at Lincoln Northeast,
said students from both groups will “help pro
fessionals in the audience understand that peers
report to peers.”
Brown said training is crucial for students
so they know how to respond as peers. Many
students who serve as peer counselors or edu
cators in high school go on to work in similar
programs on college campuses, she said.
Another Lincoln group, Men Speak Out
Against Violence, also will lead an afternoon
workshop Friday. Topher Hansen, director of
development and legal counsel at the Lincoln
Lancaster Drug Projects Inc., and a founding
member of Men Speak Out Against Violence,
said the presentation will focus on violence
problems in Lincoln and possible solutions. The
group has been in Lincoln for about a year.
Richard Boucher' executive director and
general counsel of the Nebraska County
Attorney’s Association, and Mary Gaines, a
trial lawyer for Boucher’s firm, will speak on
legal issues in relation to sexual assault.
Boucher said he will speak on workplace vio
lence and pursuing civil damages in addition to
pressing criminal charges. Gaines will speak on
more traditional forms of cases such as sexual
harassment and employment discrimination.
“Civil and criminal law can work together,”
Boucher said. He said his message focuses on
“rounding out the justice system.”
Ann noscmer, director oi ream counseling
Services in Omaha and a training specialist for
the Nebraska Domestic Violence Sexual Assault
Coalition, and Susan Michalski, Medical Con
sultant for Team Counseling Services, will
present a program on raising community con
sciousness on sexual assault issues.
The conference will close on Saturday with
an address by Rev. Thelma Burgonio-Watson
of the Center for Prevention of Sexual and Do
mestic Violence in Seattle. Burgonio-Watson
was the first Filipina to be ordained as a minis
ter in the Presbyterian Church in the United
States. She is now the chairwoman of the Na
tional Asian Presbyterian Council of the Pres
byterian Church.
Burgonio-Watson will speak on the connec
tions between sexual assault and other forms
of violence and how to support programs work
ing to end sexual violence.
The conference will be in the Continuing
Education building at 33rd and Holdrege streets.
Participants can register on the site, but
should call the Nebraska Domestic Violence
Sexual Assault Coalition first to select the work
shops they wish to attend.
Costs for the event will be $30 for Friday only,
$10 for Saturday only and $35 for both days.
• i r
- . .
Daily Deals
Former Husker
then arrested
for resistance
From Staff Reports
A former Husker was assaulted,
then arrested when he refused to speak
with officers Sunday night.
Clinton Childs, a former running
back for the Huskers who finished his
football career in 1995, and Mary M.
Smith, 45, got into a verbal confron
tation in die hallway of Smith’s apart
ment building at 2380 N. 44th St., ac
cording to police reports.
Sgt. Ann Heermann said Smith
then slapped Childs, who responded
by spitting on Smith. Childs, 22, of 142
N. 32nd St, told police that the woman
started to walk away, but then turned
and punched him in the head with a
closed fist.
Heermann said officers had been
called to the apartment building by
several people reporting a disturbance.
Smith’s 25-year-old daughter told po
lice that she was having a party.
' When officers tried to sort matters
out, Childs was uncooperative,
Heermann said. Officers told him sev
eral times to stop, but Childs tried to
walk away, she said. Officers had to
detain him physically and he resisted,
she said.
Quids was arrested and booked for
failing to comply with a lawful order
and resisting arrest Smith was <^ted
for assault.
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