2612 J St, 3 badroom. 2 bathroom, C/A, roomy and nfc», $605. No Pats. 466-9526. Summer Lease Avitabte. Affordable Apartments Summar Leases Avalabta efficiency 1946 Q St, $249 1 Bedroom 1015 D St, $310 1327 D St. $295 1436 E St. $310 6140S 46th, $340 2Badrooai 412 S 24th. $420 5619 Huntington. $525. 501 N 25th, $375 619 S 20th, $370-390 900 S 21st. $350 941 Washington. $410 1027 Washington, $380 1113 B St. $350 1610 S Folsom. $495-520 2433 E St, $365 2917 O St. $395 SBadreoai 56th & Hoidrege, $550-565 Management One 477-2600 TIRED OF THE NOEE? WTE PARK apart me HOME TO THE QUIET STUDENT 464-9623 6531 VINE ST. Claremont Park Apartments 9th & Claremont Uniquely designed for student living. Close to campus and downtown. Available for August 1997 Call 474-PARK to reserve your new home today! 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage$495.430-6328. 2bdr_1bath apartment avalablemld May for sub-lease at Claremont 438-7623 2BDR., carpet air, laundry, parking. NO pets. FREE CABLE. Some summer leases available. $430, 1900 Knot 6 521 North 2Sth, 477-7884. 28R, big. off-street parking, heat paid. $435 Efficiency $285; 3BR, $495. heat paid, downtown. Controlled-entry bulking- 474-73687 3600 Huntington. Large 2bdr. apartment for rent Fire place, appliances. WD, parking, Ctoee to East Campus, AvaUaMeMay. Call 4658327 922“C" St., 1 bedroom, dehae kitchen, air. Summer lease availabe, 421-1319. Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and two bedroom units available, no smoking, no pets, secure entry, laundry, guaranteed parking, UNL Shuttle Stop. $325-9475. Brickyard Apts. 171h and Hoktrage. 477-6578. April and May Openings Embassasy Park Apts., 31st and On CheneyTPool and sand voOeybal. 1-2-3bdr. $4054666. Plnetree Apts. 1st 8 Adams, 2-3bdr. 2540 W.3-bdr,WD. $615 1814 F St 2bdr. $416-450. 515 W Saunders. 2bdr$450. No pets. 483-1130and 483 6057 Brand new/Aug. move-in 2638Q2BR.2BA, appliances, double garage. $575,430 6328. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three bedroom apartments available. Tanning bad and Indoor heated pooL 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Wnlowhaven Apts 1,2 bedroom apt* now waitable wth fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 Large 3BR, c/a. newer carpet, CLEAN, on buslne, $585 plut deposit. no peta, atk lor Doug, 467-6355. May and August Leases Eart campus, 380i&Huntindoti2b»draom,firapiBce.C/ A, appiancss, laundry, parking, no pad, 488-6916. Newer, 2-bedroom, EXTRA dean, dose to UNL and downtown. $425 plua deposit d $425.483-6280 One large bedroom, 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tHa entry, nice working ktchen wth pantry, csrwnic tfla kitchen and bdhroom, dishwasher, secure storage apace, same-floor laundry, off-sfeet parking, private entrance, and heat paid. Available NOW! $400/ month. 474-3629._ . / Roomy, dean, studio apartment, in quiet, secure, charac ter building, heat paid, ofl-atret partklng. $320 493-7377. Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath, BRAND NEW AJapptances Inducing washer and dryer. Moped. $896-$95u. Phoe nix Properties Mangagement 474-5327 or 421-6996. SUMMER LEASE One bedroom, 2100 *B' Straw. UltMaa paid, only $3001 No pets. Phoenix Properties Management, 474-6327 or 42t-8996. ~_ ' UNL close/May move-in 2740 R. 2BR.dundry.getBfls.f360.no pad, 430-6328. HSUMMER LEASES!! . UGREAT RMCE8II - . *WWk to ALL campuses ’Other looetions avalable ’Clean, neat A updated •Cel now Century Management Co. 484-8600 4 A/fa \£ A $i ■ |^■ln 11 mi 4 11 ■tli-*■-* ■ ■■■in MIA| 1W4 r\, 3 oeoroom, i Dam apartment, rernoaeieo, avail able tor sub-Isase, In Mid-May, 438-9120. 2 bedroom wkh flrpiace, applancee, laundry, C/A, paik ing, doaa to fast Campue 464-0771/teaye message. 3,4, & 5 BR Houses available in May Reserving now for Summed Nice houses, CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 432-0644,432-0644, Need Someone to sublease my apt., May-August. No pets, off-street parking, $220/month, plus unities, Folsom Ridge Apartments, 477-6712. Nice 2 BR. newly painted, fireplace, deck. A/C. $400. 4200 Huntington. CaB 486-4839, leave messaget On-Campus Summer Housing Thirty-One spacious, furnished double or single rooms at Triangle Fraternity. Clean, Coed, A/C, W/D. Parkfog. Cal Pete at 436-9781. Two bedrooms, fireplace, appliances, W/D, paiking, dose to East Campus, call 466-9362 after 6pm. Newer townhouse, 5 minutes from UNL. Spa cious and ight, 2bedroom 2 bath. 2nd living area in fully finished wafc-out lower level Attached garage. Great neighborhood with park; fenced yard with sprinklers. $25/month association fee for yard care and snow removal. $89,950. Evelyn McFarland. 489-3915 Home Real Estate 436-3232 500s Services Affectionate couple wishestowelcome your neefcom into our family. K you're considering an adoption plan, please call Barbara and Paul at 1-800-508-5413~Expenses paid. ADOPT:A promise of love, security and opportunity await your baby. Exp. pd. Joan ft Curt 1-800-631-2644 ADOPTION — A laying aNamative We offer counselng and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or oblgations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children’s Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,463-7879. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. “O* Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor In possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. FREE Pregnancy Test MRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand. Please cal tor appointment or mote Information. 483-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on All OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for infor maUon and hours 441-3300. Facts of life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider ail your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 800-727-3084. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven reeute. 484-0775. Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm By Michael Jantze ____ - ^ - ' -■ - i ■ — —■ ■■■'I i BUSTS HIM, rr on Me. Norm is out control, NonSeQUITUR , By Wiley TUKYE oDD. KLL TUE EIGNE IN ToDKY'E I UoRoECopE r EKY TUE EMAE ,p TUING... ® "B - ' End A ||!RS|B9IRffll9inVRSSI| 1 w ^ 1 r I | ✓NETWORK SKILLS 1 ✓ SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING SKILLS ✓ SOFTWARE SUPPORT SKILLS ✓ MARKETING SKILLS Pen-Link, Ltd. is a Lincoln based software development company | with over 2,700 licenced users in 7 countries. We have summer, internship, part-time, and possible career opportunities available. If you feel you have time and talent to offer, contact us now. E-mail: penlink@inetnebr.com Phone: (402) 421 -8857 c LIVINC IN TUE I fXft 1SW CHEAP | ' THESE OATS. ? o ATOXT5 0®(t)6Er I : ^SEVf lum 11 ttOWKj$>JtWWlN& UlVLWCWfM. t* ■ ACROSS ' 1 Smart s Biblical verb form • Exorcist’s s quarry isLeander’s love is Delineate finely is Pass over it Author Wister is Oxford or pump 1»“...-—a tuffet" 20 Wall word : Daniel 5:25 21 Environmental ist’s concern 23 Choose 2S Outside: Comb, form 20 Prevaricated 28 Lab equipment 33Flavor 38 Part of Q.E.D. 98 Show diversity 98 "three little maids from - school-^—": W.S. Gilbert 40 Garfield or Felix 41 Poe’s one-word bird 42 Fortune 43 Kind of truck 44 Upper crust 48 Endless 47 Singer Laine 40 Actor Guinness si Cause’s partner 99What3isto9 00 Diet ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 61 Poland Rttypatof fiction 62 Bates or King 63 Okf Roman road 64 Willow twig 65 Dorothy Gale’s dog 66Tax,tothe British 67 Greek colonnades 66 Formerly, formerly 60 Famed Russian-bom artist-designer DOWN 1 Munch 2 Ax man 3 Dunne or Castle 4 Prairie blossom s Crave 6 He succeeded Galba 7 Tea cake 6 Of government by the clergy 6 Tyrant 10 Where David slew Goliath 11 Tiny arachnid 12 Fragrance 13 Hawaiian goose 22 Editor’s “Don’t dele” 24 Emerald Isle 27 Slow down 29 Clinton’s future workroom SO Sitarist Shankar 31 Waste allowance 32 “Auld Lang 33 Far from risky 34 Smell 35 Fountain of music 37 Aries 41 Rocky ridge offshore 43 Auction 43 Justinian Ts general 43 “-your heart be troubled”: John 14:1 so Kind of scheme 52 Sprat or Homer 53 Cock's comb 84 Succinct 85 Adages 88 Stop trying 57 “Do -— others 88 Baile-Cliath (Oublin) - 88 Feed-bag contents