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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1997)
_:_!___••• ' __ YAK IT UP AND EARN UP TO $12 AN HOUR. •$7.50/ hour guaranteed •$100 Hiring bonus •Flexible hours •Casual dress code •Full-time and part-time •Career opportunities Only two blocks From campus CALL INTERACTIVE TELESERVICES 434-2626 IfU *0* SIHtl. IIRCOII. HE FORMERLY KNOWN AS EOE INTERACTIVE MARKETING SERVICES. $3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan wifi not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, reli gion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newsoaDer Tne advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Ne braskan. The Job Prom Wednesday, April 161 Part-time & Summer Jobs & Internships NE Union-City Campus 9 30am-3pm More info at: 472-8800 or 472-1452 r= ■ iii i SchlotZBky's Deli has part-time openings, ail shifts. Apply in person at 1201 P. r Summer at the Y Swim instructors, lifeguards, grade school childcare counselors, beginning in May. Apply at Lincoln's North east YMCA, 2601 North 70th, 434-9262. _ WHAT IF: the perfect part-tbae job was only a phone cad away? Pick im the phone and you’d find out National neasarch Corporation haa a lotto offer. NRC is accepting applications for its professional interviewing evening/weekend staff. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING! If you are interested in joining an industry leader in providing the most actionable, up-to-date market information to health care organizations, please call us today! NRC Offerings include: ‘Paid training . ‘Paid parking with convenient downtown location ‘Flexfeie scheduling ‘Casual/smoke-free work environment ‘Competitive hourly wage For more information or to schedule an intetviewn. please call our Data Collection job line at 475-4520. Sandhills Publishing visit 9UR Booth At The J°b Prom W* Career Fair On Wednesday, April 16th From 9:30 am - 3:00 pm In The NE Union. • We currently have internship opportunities available in marketing, editorial, and computer systems. • All internships are paid and offer flexible work schedules. • Full-time hours are available in the summer and during school breaks. We look forward to vbiting with you! If you are unable to attend the career fair but are interested in applying for an internship, please feel, free to send a resume and cover letter to: Sandhills Publishing ' Attn. Human Resources • P.0. Box 82545 * Lincoln NE 68501-2545 '•' }■..■:■-• . • .'■ ■ " - . .-. ■ -.■■ .?■“' ._■*«■-i.’ •' WANTED Part-time Computer Operator Must be able to work some midnights, weekends and holidays, prefer freshman or sophomore, computer sci ence backround helpful but not necessary, excellent opportunity for developing hands-on operations skills and experience including: system monitoring, batch process ing, telecommunications trouble shooting and profes sional telephone skils. Starting pay $7.00/hr., requires 25-32 hrs./wk., flexible scheduling. Call Pat at 434-8213 We need umpires for baseball, Ucoln Little Chiefs. Cal 423-5191, leave your name and number. $$$$ Care-A-Lot Child Care Center Now Hiring Ful and Part time teachers for all ages. 4848 Calvert. Apply within. Need special person for full-time childcare in our home. 477-3264 _2 Summer caregiver. 2 boys, ages 10 and 14, hours 9am 3pm M-F, $2S/day, 484-7633. CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS. PENNSYLVANIA. All spedafties: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exerdse, Nutrition. Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20+. 1-800-421-4321, www.campcameio4.coni CAMP COUNSELORSwanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing, waterskilng, gymnastics, rifiery. archery, tenm6, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramaifcs, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintainance. Salary $1300 plus. Phone: 847-446-2444. _ oMLacotna You can make a difference in the Ife of a young girl! Apply for a summer staff position at Day or Resident Camp with the Great Plains Girt Scout Council in Omaha. Positions available in. waterfront, nature, and cmid counselor areas. To aoDlv Visit our booth on Aprt 16th at the UNLJob Prom or contact us at: Cali: 402-393-4200, ext.212 E-mal: Write: 7100 West Center Road, Suite 120, Omaha NE 68106 Have Fun While You Work! FuH and part time summer employment at Branched Oak Lake Marina ami Restaurant, cal Don or Linda for inter vlew at 783-3311.' _ Life Changing Experiences Could be In store tor you. Vlfcik at Camp Easter Seal wth people wth disabHee. Salary, room andboard provided. Call (402)761-2875 for Information about open positions. Locheam Camp for Giris seeks kind, enthusiastic, female staff wth straw activity sklis in gymnastics, tennis, wateiapoils (WSl or LGTcefffied), studio and performing arts, field sports, EngMt Riding, Mking. Outstanding fadlties. magnNcent Vermont setting. a) minutes from Dartmouth Collage. Positiveantuderequlred;priof expe rience Is not! Mid-June through Mid-August. Contact Rich Max son. Box 500, Pott k/Ms, VT05058; 1-800-235 6656; amstj: PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor poattoitt for tatontad and energetic students as Program SpedaMte in afl Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketbal, Roler Hockey. Gymnastics, Field Bockr|r.J?occef^ Volleyball: 30 Tennis openings; also Ropes andRock Oimblrw!vS5ghSl?tae2 wd ^Sng'; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts. Figure Skating, Newspaper. Photography, Yearbook, RadtoSta tton, and Rocketry. AH Waterfront/Pooi Activities (Swim ming. Sklng. Sailing. Windsurfing, Canoeing/Kayaking). To|> salaries, room,board and travel. June 22nd-August Inquire: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-600-753-9118 PAfg (Gfrls): 1-600-392-3752 Summer Jobs!!! Camp Bfrchwootf and GurtHnt WHdemass camp, two of Minnesota! fkiest summer camps, seek cottage students to work aa counselors and kwtniclofa for horseback ridfrw (ongaan a wWoWfTij • o&iingMNnnosumng or wnfw< wont* log wth kkte in a camp setting, is a chance to be perl of something significant. Employment begins June 6th to August labor 22nd. For an appjteation and to schedule and Interview eel 1-80<MS1-g270. SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS Wart to make an extra $250 or more before first five weeks starts? tWe need assistants to help with teat grad ing. General ctedcalsfcls such aa filing and cxaprtng are ■ you need. If you know the alphabet and am depend able, we Ye got a tab tar you! To work tuft tfrne June 3-8, ooMKtLate $ 472-356t. Starting wage te|£l$hour. 't^«udy student wanted at UNL State Mu 0-20 hours par weak. Amble, hours. Duties: scjyxwMte. organ^e.phaps. mtesteducation ana. omce as needed; $umour, June-August.. Dana at 472-6302. The Job Prom Wednesday, April 16! More Mo at: ' 472-880# or 472-14lg--. - www.unl.edufcareors/s4te/seic.htm WorkwhhKids ; Paths and Recreation summer playground positions: leaders, craft leaders, activity specialists. $5.30-*5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. 1. Monday-Friday, 9:1Sam-12:15pm. Con duct outdoor actMtes lor grade school children. Apply nowat 2740 A St. 441-7952. EOEMA Dining Hal Steward & Assistant Crafts. Call or write: Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA Camp Kkaki 6000 Comhusker, Lincoln. 68507. 402-434-9225. 4QfhL_JL^jU£ Publisher’s Notice Al mal estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fat Housing Act. which makes 11legal to advertise any preference, Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, Umtadons or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan wll not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law or dlscrlmlnalee against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Stormed that aldweUngs advertised are avatable on an equal opportunity beefs. 2 available rooms in a 5BR house. $200+utllties, 2925 North 42nd Street, 464-2842. 2 Female, Non-smoking roommates needed to share 4 bedroom home at 2306 W. Washington. $175/month+1/ 4 utilities. 1-furnished room to sublet for summer and 1 unfurnished room lor summer/or year-round. Cal 477 5675/leave message. 3 M/F to share 5 bedroom townhouse May 1st. 477-0457. Female nonsmoker to share 3 bdr. apt. and 1/3 utilities & rent ($175/person). Please call 476-1159. Available May 1__ Female roomate needed to share 3BR. Claremont apart ment. May-August, $238+1/3utilities. 438-9055 Need roommate, spacious duplex for rent, NS, orderly. Close to East Campus. $250/month, 464-3595. Non-smoking, Female needed tor summer, for a new secured 2 bedroom apt. W/D, no deposit, 1/2 rent and electric, call 474-1727 One non-smoking roommate to share quiet house for summer or longer. Dog lover preferred. Indian Village. $165 + utilities + deposit. 421-fe77. Move in May 1st. Summer Sublease 1 roommate needed or entire 3 BR available May 1st, balcony, pool side, at Claremont 475-1131. __ Two female roommates wanted for a three bedroom house, 2 baths, 15 minutes from campus. $260, utilities paid, call 484-5208 Two roommates needed for a four-bedroom house. Male or Female: 4540 Calvert Street. Available May 1. $200/ month plus utilties. Contact John, 483-1214. 3,4, & 5 BR Houses available in August, 432-0644, 432-6644. 3,4 & 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Near UNL Stadium, C/A, Dishwasher, Washer/Dryer, $600-$850. Available May. 489-9294.__ 4200 Baldwin-6 bedroom, 4334 St. Paul-6 bedroom, available May or August 1 st. from $900-$1100.450-8919/ 489-6948. 811 Charleston, 5bdr.; 1016 New Hampshire, 3 +1 bdr.; available August 1,435-5565. 816 C St. 2bdr, basement. $495 1919 Griffith 2bdr, basement, garage. $550 1127 South 22nd, 4bdr, garage. $700 AR houses include washer/dryer, AC, no pets, no smok Ing, available May. 432-8180 AVAILABLE NOW. great location. WALK FROM UNL CAMPUS, 5BO, 2BA, large, unfurnished, apptances. Cal David, evenings483-5664. Available May-Campus Close! Nice, C/A, W/D, Dish washer, 2825 “FT, 5-bedroom, 11/2 bath. $850.1530 N. 27th, S-bedroom, 2 beth, $996.486-5446. Brand New/May move-in 5315 Cleveland. Four bedroom, two baths, double ga rage. $995.430-6328. Campus Close/May move-in 2948 Starr. Four bedroom. Two baths. Garage. $750. 430-6328. Large 2 bedroom house for sublease May-August. Close to campus. A/C. 465-4673. Large 5 bedroom, 2 bath, inside remodeled, wood floors, C/A, W/D hookups, Summer lease Available! 1436 S. 9th, $850,430-9012. Nice Hount Nmt campus, Avsitabl* May or June, Summer Lawses Available 2001 HokJrege, 11/2 bath, $575.2307 Dudley 11/2 bath, $600.1027 Charleston. 2 baths, $675. 804 “Y* St., 1 1/2 bath, $650.2834 Star, 2 baths, $700. 2200 Dudley. 1 1/2 baths, $750. 1426 N. 23rd, 2 bathsMso”0" AR houses Include air, washer/dryer, parking, pets OK. 432-0644, 432-6644.^ , We iove students! Several 3,4, & 5 bedroom homes stiR open for summer and/or faU. Air conditioning, washers, diyers, dishwash ers and good parking. 42^1535. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 6 month old duplex, W/D. 2-car 3bdr.,2bath, 230 N 30th. Ibdr. Ibath, reo-room in BASE MENTjMpaiale entrance $525-6550 ♦ deport♦ uMUes. Available 5/1,2BR plus sunroom, oak floor, cfoee to UNL, $450 phis gas end electric. 477-6362. Close to Campus Unfurnished three bedroom. 1 1/2 battle, fireplace, kfechan whh appliances, wesher/dryer. Available May. 1417 N. 20th. 402-292-7688. __ East Campus Arsa; 2 bedroom, deluxe kitchen, air, W/D, Hook-ups, 421-1319. Large 2 bedroom . dishwasher, fireplace, washer/dryer. off street parking. $500 plus deposit Call Mm 4366019. Nice duplexes awttlsblefor May. 4 bdr.. 2 bath, 2 garage, ceqtral air; appRaoces, washer/dryer, $895.435-7807. J , I , 1 $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate Since Hi star do— NOT fit si, we haw a myriad of unk si2S£..efficiencies, one ftnd tMro bodrooiKft, lust a a^^lcy.Qi^.movatamidam’lBlvayou JONESPROPERTiES-475-7262 UJTftink Spring i (ft WAS here..!) Campus locations Summer leases available! I 1 bedrooms, various locations, huge bedrooms, bredt fast bar. al appliances, personal patios. choose your styte, some locations with a pooillllfFrom $350.00. I 3220 Apple, Awesome complex, unique floor plans, PRI VATE DECKS, lots of room. $365.00-$375.0tL 2504Vine, 2 bedroom tower level, ceramic floors, waltout patio, tots of storagelll $460.00, available nowill 4300 Comhusker, 1bds from $340.00. 4300 Comhusker, 2BR, 1BA, middle floor w/d hookup, beige decor, ceramic floors!! BEAUTIFUL, $540.00. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 Surfs up, or just about!! Since weaccept “SUMMER UASES,” aigiMip today, and we'B renews a Beach Towel for your awha/ sunning around dm pool. 1 A 2 bedroom «mn» A etone’e throw to Cfey Caaapus. JONES PROPERTIES- 475-7262 1256 & 26th, 3 bedroom, fresh paint, new binds, clean. $505,466-9526, No Pets, Summer lease avafabte. 1801 Knox. Clean, 2bdr, ceilng fans, fireplace. NO smok ing, NO pets. $400.432-8180 _ 1938 Garfield Two bedroom, newer apartment No pets, no smoking, available Aug. 1th, $405/486-1267.“ 2 BR/2 BA, nice, available in May. some utilities paid, and dose wait to campus. $49S/month. 476-9987.