* ■ ’ V I I -—.—.;;—.—_— 02 Appliances 400 Roommates 05 Bicycles 410 Housing Wanted 10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent 13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent 16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent 20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent 30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing 40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent 46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale 50 Pets - 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods - 65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption 70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing 90 Vehicles 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 200 Rides 528 Chid Care 203 Spring Break Trips 530 Cleaning/Laundry 205 Career Events 531 Cteaning/Househokfe 210 Announcements 915 Maotinns 540 entertainment £ 10 Meetings iMfifSidkteas 220 Greek Affairs 54s Hairstviina 230 Student Government 553 Health* Fitness 240 Personals 553 insurance 242 Pinning & 555 instruction/Tutohng Engagements 558 Job Placement 245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care 250 Wanted 565 Legal Services 260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange 270 900 Numbers 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing & Copying 582 Recyong m UUnjifcnj I 583 Retifcus juu n«p wanted 535 Rentals 310 Child Care 588Tanrting 320 Work Study Jobs 590 Tattooing 330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel 340 Internships 595 Typing & Resumes $3.25 per day for 15 words oh individual t and student organization ads. $4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. ' Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. > The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. . >*'«%£■ \ the advertisers agree $ assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any c^aimjagaiiitg therefrom made against the Daily 00s ForSale n New and used bicycles for sale. Life time tune-ups on new bikes purchased. Closest bike shop to campus. Blue’s Bike ft Fitness Center 427 South 13th or 3321 Pioneer’s Blvd>. „ _i The Jean outlet We sell used Levi’s, Lee’s and Wranglers. Also leather and camouflage dpthing. ,3241 South 13th 420-5151 -,-■ ■ - ■ ■ Sr ee n Cable descramHer kit, $14.95. SeeAtLtoeCharmels! i 800^758^)38^ 2 U2 tickets for Kansas City concert Price neogotiable. Call Chris or leave message 402-675-1655. .. iVorices . The Job Prom Wednesday, April 6! Part-time ft Summer Jobs ft Internships NE Union-City Campus 9:30am-3pm More info at 472-8800 or 472-1452 _www-unl.edtVcareers/ooic/sorc.htm_ ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-$6,000*no in fisheries, parks, resorts.Airtare! Food/Lodging! Get al the options. Cal (919) 918-7767, ext A318. «L„ New Members can pick up their corrected certificates in Jackie Reinecke's office, Henzffit 105. ATTENTION PRE-LAW STUDENTS A representative from Creighton Law School will be at A&S Advising, 107 Oldfariher, wed., April 19, 9am-noon. Call 472-4190 for appt Chancellor’s Leadership Recognition Reception UNL will recognize campus involvement and University leadership on mursday April 17,1997 at 5:00 in the Wick Center. Ail are welcome. CRUISE & LAND TOUR EMPLOYMENT Discover how to work in exotic locations, meet fun people, while earning up to $2,00(Vmo. in these exciting indus tries. Cruise Information Services: 206-971-3554 Ext. C57789 CRUISE LINES MMNG —Earn to $2,000+/mo. plus free world travel (Europe, Caribbean, etc.) No exp. necessary. Free Room/Board. Ring (919) 918-7767, ext. C318. DISC GO ROUND WE BUY h SELL USED CD'S Used CD's, $5.9947.99. T-shirts, postsrs, imports, tacky sacks, music books, souq books and CD towers. NSW OTa $11.99-812.99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047. IF YOU HAVE BEEN INJURED BY A LEGAL ABORTION CALL 1-600-822-6783. CONSENT DOESN’T EXCUSE MALPRACTICE. Income taxen at student prices. 1040EZ= $10,1040A= $20,1040= $30. Includss redsrsl and stats. Cal Tammy at 464 2800. INTRAMURAL KICKBALL TOURNAMENT The last day to enter the Men's, Women’s and Co-Rec Kickbal tournament isTuesday. April 15. Don't delay! Enter your team now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 tor more information. Ki$s-am-U2 Recycled Sounds Has new posters and music from these bands and thousands more! Recycled Sounds, 824 P Street, 47^240. We buy CDs everyday ^_ NATIONAL PARKS HIRING —Also Beach Resorts, Ranches, Rafting Companies. Up to $12/hour. Nationwide openings. Cal (919) 918-7767, ext R318. successful Supplemental Instruction Program — expanding. Currently, positions are open ate leaders of voluntary discussion groups in Biology 101, History 100, PotiticaT Science 100, Psy chology 181, Sociology 101, and Geography 155 for the Fat 1997 semester. Applicants must be undergraduates who have recently completed one of the above courses successfully (received an A) and are interested in assist ing other students in achieving academic success in the course. The stipend is $850 for the semester; the time committment is 10 hours per week. Pick up applications at the Division of General Studies, 33 Canfield Adminis tration Building. SI leaders’ positions provide valuable experience for majors and students Interested in careers in^teaching. Application deadline is Tuesday, April 15, Want a post-finals adventure? Go backpacking and caving with Campus Recreation in the Guadalupe Mountains otTexas and New Mexico, May 11-18,1997. Student price=$315. For more information, cal Outdoor Adventures at 472-4777._ ' Check out the International grants available April 22, at 3:30 in the Union. Informational meeting high l^tfing Futtxights, Rhodes scholars, and many more! Stop by totemationai Affairs for more information. 1237 R St. (behind C8A) ACHTUNG! German students wishing to study abroad next year in BERLIN should come to the informational meeting April 22, at 4:00 pm, at Internationa! Affairs (1237 R St. behind C8A). Cal 472-5358 (Inti. Affairs) 472-3758 (Christina Branter) # CAMPUS RED CROSS Meeting Wed., April 16th, 5pm in the Basement of the Health Center. National Organization for Women The Lincoln chapter wants YOU at our next general meet ing on Tuesday, April 15th, 7PM at the YWCA, 1432 N Street. Equality-minded men and women welcome. Ques tions: call 434-6695 UNL Horticulture Club Meeting, Tuesday, April 15; 5pm, 327 Kiem Hail. Officer Elections If you would like to run, but cannot attend, contact Beth at 465-5948. _ AprA$i997 Pioneer Golf Course $40/pair Deadline to register April 18 Call Corinne @ 436-7083 ^ ATX Congratulations to RyanBuscnkamp on his outstanding year as Nebraska FFA State Vice President We are proud of you for your contributions to the FFA Association and to your fraternity) Congratulations also to Craig Wiedei for his election to serve as the Nebraska Phi Beta Lambda State Financial Vice President Keep up the good work and good luck with your officer year! Your Brothers ATft By the ray ale decree of Alpha Tau Omega, let it be known to ad of this fair land, that thou has but twelve midnights, till the dawn of Stone Book Bade. ATA Thanks for having us over to watch 90210 Wednesday. We had a great time and hope to do it again. Love the Ladies of Kappa Kappa Gamma TOB Congrats to Laurie Choat and Andy Webb (FIJI) on their pinning. You two are Awesome! Love Your Sisters GREEK WEEK 1997 PIECING TOGETHER A GREATER WHOLE Schedule of Activities Saturday, 4/19 Car Wash; time/place TBA Sunday, 4/20 Car Wash continued Monday, 4/14 T.J. Sullivan and Joel Goldman speak on HIV, 7pm, Lied Center Tuesday, 4/15 Banner Contest & SPIRIT DAY—WEAR YOUR LETTERS Wednesday, 4/16 Greek Olympics; time/place TBA Thursday, 4/17 Greek Week Banquet, 6:30pm, Univer sity Club, Stuart Building Friday, 4/18 BBQ’s $ Block Party; time/piace TBA Sunday, 4/20 All Greek Volunteer, downtown Lincoln GET EXCITED FOR A FUN WEEK!!! KKT Thank you for inviting us over to watch "Friends’ and for ice cream afterwards. It as great; we'll call you! The Men of Triangle PBL Scott Moore the Secretary of State of the State of Ne braska, is coming to speak with us at 6:30pm, on Tues day April 15th, in the NE UNION, the room will be posted. Triangle CONGRATULATIONS TO NEW OFFICERS Recording Secretary—Joel Pherson Steward—Pete Ditzler MDC—Matt Aemi PR—Michael Balash IFC—Jon Witt Intramurals—Dan Demuth Bursar—Jeremy Warriner Asst. Social—Jason Hutton Summer House—Pete Ditzler Houseman—John Kayi Scholarship—Pat Miller_, student Government POSITIONS OPEN Have an impact on committees dealing with student re lated concerns. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union for 34 different committee openings for next year. Dead ine for all positions is 4:00 pm, April 18._ Sonia, Congratulations on the birth of Samaria. Does she have any column ideas? Op editor and the columnists Want to buy speedoe from former Navy personnel for pri vate collection. Serious offers oniyt 472-1763 ask for P.L Can only afford $2 tube-tope, any for sale. Please reply to 472-1686. Ask for S.B._ Working original band needs bass player and drummer. Female musicians encouraged. Contact H 438-4716. FAST FUNDRAISER-RAISE $800 M $ DAYS-GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. FAST, EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION. (800)862-1882 EXT.33 ;; - { ' ' - r FUNDRAISER-Motivated Groups needed to earn $500+ promoting AT&T, Discover, Gas, and Retail Cards. Plan now for the next semester to get priority for the best dates. Call Gina at 1-800592-2121 ext. 110. Free C.D. to quali fied callers. 300s Jobs $$ Hundreds per day mailing letters! Complete manual only $22.00, order today. W. Dawkins, Dept. M, 2610 NW 52nd, Lincoln, NE 68524 Aerobic instructors need to fill a variety of classes at the Cottonwood Club. CPR certification required. 475-3386 CASH PAID NIGHTLY Domino's Pizza is now hiring delivery drivers for all shifts. You basically make your schedule to fit what you need. Must have your own car and insurance. Good driving record a must Make $6.00 to $9.00/hour and get a pay check weekly. Apply at any Domino’s Pizza or call 434 2380. COMPUTER OPERATOR University off Nebraska Computing Services Network Operate the University’s mainframe computer system/con soles, mount computer tapes, operate printers and other off-line equipment. Computer knowledge and good cus tomer service skills preferred. At a minimum must be able to work in four-hour time blocks, 16-20 hours per week. The Data Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Must be able to work summers and school breaks. Hours wM vary but shifts wil be scheduled primarily on weekends and graves (11:00pm-7:00am). $5.25 hourly. Apply at 235 Nebr. Hal. Construction Work Concrete, roughing, painting and miscelaneous. Top dol lar paid if you know how to work and you have construc tion references. Must have own truck! Phoenix Properties 474-5327 Construction company wants operator, part-time now and ful time summer, Lincoln area, for dozer, scraper, loader, tractors and backhoe. Will also train. 402-785-3815 or402 430-7304. Daycare assistant for 6-8 school-age children June-Au gust, CPR/first-aid-certified, full-time, $40/day, EXCEL LENT PARENT SUPPORT. 470-3796. DO YOU LIKE BEING #1? Come work for Lincoln's #1 Pizza Restaurant. Free meals, Competitive\&ages, Flexible Sched ule, Great Work Environment, and Knowing you’re associated with the BEST! Valentino’s Restaurant at 13 & Q is now accept ing applications from 8am-11am, and 2pm-5pm for SUMMER JOBS: ’Dining Room Positions ’KHchsn Positions Earn extra money 10-15/hours a week doing cleaning and household chores, flexible day hours. Call 423-4924. Film production, talent management, and internships avail able. Call Creative Artists Management, 800-401-0545. Help wanted for custom harvesting, combine operators, and truck drivers. Experience preferred, good summer wages. Call 970-483-7490, evenings. Hillcrest Country Club is looking for an assistant pool manager and lifeguards for the summer. Individuals with a great attitude, an ability to work well with children and adults, and lifeguarding experience. Available mid-May through Labor Day. Apply in person or submit a resume at 8901 East O Street by April 21st. Hinky Dinky at 48th & Van Dom is seeking applicant for Part time evening and weekend deli clerk. A way to pick up extra $$$’s! Stop by our courtesy booth and apply. Hinky Dinky at 48th & Van Dom is seeking Part time Flo ral designer for evening and weekends. Experience is definitely preferred. Apply at our courtesy booth. If you are energetic, optimistic, enjoy chaHange, and want to make a positive difference in someone’s life, Tranfiguration Incorporated is looking for you! Now hiring instructors to teach life skills to people with developmen tal disabilities. Quality of services is our mission, make it yours!Apptyat 1316 N St Suite 107, Monday-Friday, 9:30 If you went on spring break and spent all your money and want a good part-time job to make some money, call Eric at 477-0303. *No selling involved ‘Evening hours: 5-9pm, Monday-Thursday; 5-8pm Friday; and 9-12pm on Saturday* $6/hour ★ ★ Invoicing Entry Easy entry level work-Knowledge of Windows helpful-Very flexible schedOle-FuH lane & part time-470-3676,800-573 5230 NEED SOME CASH? IMMEDIATE TELEMARKETING POSfTIONSAVAILABLE, SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE AND WE WILL PAY YOU WEEKLY! JRW SALES IS EXPANDING AND NEEDS YOU TO JOIN OUR WELL TRAINED AND HIGHLY-PAID STAFF. CALL TODAY, START TOMORROW! 436-3080 Now hiring for alt positions. Please apply in person be tween 2-4pm. Bum Steer 6440 O St. Overnight-freight company seeking PT and FT employ ees for delivery and pick-up. Must be 21 years old. Good driving record. $6.00mr. Flexible hours. Apply at 2200West Adams No. 5 c/o Airborne Express between 10AM-5 PM. Life Skills Trainers Youth Care Specialists Developmental Services Of Nebraska, Inc. Developmental Services of Nebraska, Inc. (a XAHO ac credited agency) is excited to announce the opening of a new residential facility serving young men with mild de velopmental disabilities. We are currently accepting ap plications for full and part-time Life Skills Trainers and Youth Care Specialists providing services to adolescent and young males in one of our residential programs. Mini- j mum qualifications: 21 years of age, high school gradu ate or equivalent. Prefer bachelors degree and 6 months experience working with people in a human service re lated field. Due to assistance with personal issues (in cluding hygiene), Male applicants only. Must be willing to learn and implement physical intervention during be havioral crisis situation. Must have reliable transportation and valid driver's license. Immediate openings available. Coma be part of an ongoing, exciting adventure. Ex cellent pay and outstanding benefits. Afternoons, eve nings, and weekend shifts available. Closing date 4/30/97 A^at: 1115 K Street, Suits 102 Lincoln, NE 68508 402-435-2800 Directly sccoseiblo parking EOE/AA/AOA Little King Restaurant 10th & South. Lunch time help needed. Good wages. Please apply personally after 2:00 p.m. The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting ‘^'“’“teiIeBs Bank South, 1 « »-»-« riavOtOCK i Encoder-Item Processing i Accounting Clerk Financial Adm: Telecommunication - Monttor-FCT Computer Programer/intemal Audit : i For more details please call the first commerce job hotline, 434-4700 Equal Opportunity Employer PAID INTERNSHIPS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $7.00 per hour. Three openings. Must have strong com munication, teamwork and organizational skills. Ability to work independently, meet deadlines, carry out projects. Experience IBM compatible Windows software. Prefer graduate students with Community and Regional Plan ning, Business and/or public administration background or coursework. Interest in community economic develop ment, rural Nebraska a plus. Includes occasional confer ences, mass mailings, letter preparation. Community Improvement Intern: Knowledge of community develop ment process, resource identification, volunteer and lead ership development. Experience conference/banquet planning and marketing. Housing Intern: Must be able to work with little supervision. Interest in housing - consumer science, Community Development Intern: Strong re search, analytical skills. Will address Community Devel opment Block Grant and planning issues. Internships to begin in May and extend through December (with possi bility of 1 998 Spring semester extension). 20 hours/week, flexible schedule. Send resume or letter of application, specifying internship, before April 30 to Community and Rural Development, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, PO Box 94666, Lincoln, NE 68509-4666. PART TIME INSTRUMENT WASHER I sco, Inc., a manufacturing firm, has an immediate part time opening for an Instrument Washer, this person will dean instruments returned to the factory for repair. Re quirements are the ability to lift 60 lbs., and to read and write. Starting pay is $6.05/hr. Please apply at, or fax re sume to: I sco, Inc. Human Resources Department 531 West gate Btvd. Lincoln NE 68528 FAX 402/458-5502 AA/EOE I Immediate full and part-time openings for experienced and beginning concrete finishers, formsetters, construction workers and equipment operators. Valid driver's license & transportation required. Check us out at the JOB PROM April 16th • Great Pay • Tbition Assistance Program • Set-up, Pouring and •3*iud Holidays Finishing Experience • 401 K • Flexible Hours • Great Work Groups • Drug-Free Work Environment II Call today! 441-3000 « 3421 S. 7th Suite A