The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1997, Page 15, Image 15
Summer Jobs! Camp Birchwood and GimMnt WMemess camp, two of Mtanesotai finest summer camps, seek college students to work as counselors and Instructors for horseback riding (english & western), SaMng or windsurfing. Working wth kids In a camp setting. Is a chance to be part of something signlicanL Employment begins June 6th to August 12th or 22nd. For an appkcatton and to schedule and Interview cal t-800-451-5^0. Summer nanny for 2 children. Excelent pay, flexible hours. Omaha. 402-333-1028. —sBB3SE5RT“ Nebraska Book Company has many positions open. Stocking, Packing, Mac. Warehouse du ties. Rain or snine 40 hours per week. Daytime —no weekends. May through August—$6 per hour. We have a few openings now if you have hours open prior to final exams. Apply In person at: NEBRASKA JOB SB1VICE 1010 “N” Street Tuee. April 1 thru Fri April 4 and Mon. Aprk7thru FrtAp»811 8-11 aja. and 1-4 pja. EOE Work with Kids Parks and Recreation summer playground positions: leaders, craft leaders, aotivlty specialists. $5.30-$5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. t. Monday-Frlday. 9:15am-t2:15pm. Con dud outdoor actMtes for grade school chldren. Apply nowat2740AS^4W9!&EOE/A^^^^'”"' Wranglers! Lifeguards! Boys Counselors! Waterfront directors. Adventure Trek Guides, Dining Hal Steward A Assistant Crafts. Cal or write: Nebraska's most beautiful camp. VMCA Camp Ktakf 6000 Comhusker, Lincoln. 68507. 402-434-8225. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice A! real estate advertising hr this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fur Housing Act, which makes t1legal to advertise any preference, Imtation or discrimination baaed on race, color, religion, sax, handicap, famllal status or national origin, or Intention to make any auch preferences, llnkations or discrimination The Daky Ne braskan wP not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the mw or dbcrsnlnatee against sexual preferences. Our readers ate hereby Mormedthataldweltngs advertised are avalableonan equal opportmly bests. 1 roommate for Brand New, 3 bedroom apt., $200/knonth + 1/3 utlMea, responsble student, 438-6428. 3 M/F to share 5 bedroom townhouae May f 8t. 477-0457, Female n/s to share charming 3BR house. May-Dec. Wood floors, big windows. 23rd & South. $154+utilMes. 438-7424 __ Female N/S roommate needed. Brand new 2 bedroom on Folsom. Balcony overlooking pool, huge bedroom and wait—in closet, own bathroom, quick drive to campus. $287 + utHties, 438-3730. Female nonsmoker to share 3 bdr. apt. and 1/3 utlMee a rent (8175/person). Please call476-vl 58. Available Mayl Female roommate needed, May-August, main flow of house 2 blocks from campus. Free laundry. Off-street parking. Spll $SS0 rent 3 ways. Cal 476-2037. Female room ate needed to chare 3BR. Claremont apart merit. May-August, $236*1/3utWte«. 438-8055 M/F roommates to share. 58R. 2BA, w/d, nice, yard, no pets/smoking. $225. Call/teave message 483-1476. Need roommate, spacious duplex fw rent, NS, orderly, Close to East Campus. $250/month, 464-3595. Roommate wanted fw summer, NS, $200 + Utilities. Cal 464-2949. Three available rooms In a 5BR house. M/F college student, $225 + utlMes, 2729 S 40th. Call 484-5506. Two female roommates warned fw a three bedroom house, 2 baths, 15 minutes from campus. $260, utilties paid, cal 484-5208 2834 Stan. Very nice, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, near campus, $750.432-0644 or 432-6644, 3,4, & 5BR Available in May or August Reserving Now. Nice houses, dose to campus. 432 0644,432-6844. 3,4 ft S bedroom, 2 bathroom, Near UNL Stadium, C/A, Dishwasher, Washet/Dryer, $600-1860. Available May. 489-8294.__ . 4200 BakMn-6bedroom,4334 St Paui-6 bedroom, 2611 R-Lrvpe 4 bedroom, avalabie May or August 1st from $80041100. 450-8919/489-6948. _ 4332 North 80th, 2ftR plus basement, newly-remodeled, 811 Charleston. 5 bdr.; 1018 New Hampshire, 3 ♦ 1 bdr.; 435-5565. ■ AVAI^BLE NOW great location, WALK FROM UNL CAMPUS, 5BD, 2BA,large, unfurnished, applances. Cal David, svanings483-5664. Available May-Campus Closel Nfae, C/A, W/D. Dish dashar. 2825 *R*. 54edroom. 11/2 bath. $850.1530 N. 27th, S-bedroom, 2 haft, $995.488-6446. Brand New 5315 Clavatand. Four bedroom, mo baths, double ga rege. $996.430-6328. .. CamDus Close 2948 Starr. Four bedroom. TWo baths. Gang* $750. 4904S2&I Four Bdr. house tor rett, two blochs campus. 421-7416 We love students! ~ but,ourhousas are ahncet(gone. 841 hwe a taw 3.4 and 6 bedroom homesnsar UNL far summer and/or fal. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 6 month old dtedex, W/D. 2-car ssggasir Large 2 bedroom, dishwasher, fireplace, washer/dryer. off street parking, $500 plus deposit. Call Kim 430-9019. Nfaedtplesas waitable for May. 4 bdr., 2 bath. 2 oaraos, canbal air, applances. washar/dtyer, $895.435-7807. Spacious 3 bdr., 2 bath duplex, tats than one yr. old, security system, srejmi double garage, wafting dis tance to cwnpus. Cal 438-8668 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate MaeeeiieabekoaaNOTfkaLwelMfeaaqriMaf onwiBflfwo tMwiwMwm, Jwt i •tort w«lk to Cfty. QualVy, aMV+4i and wa Halva you g CuMctffttOGtfMNtf. JONES PROPERT1ES-475-7262 Surfs up, or just about!! Sine# wo accept ■‘SUMMBu^ASSS,” algo-up today, and iws'l mm i Buck Towd^fo^youMNrtn/ JONESPR ES- 475-7262 1717 J Street, Avalable May 1st, 2 bedroom,,$350, heat/ water/gaitoage PAID. One-year ieoee, 483-2034. Ibdr. lor tent, Ittjwwfh FREE I Cal 476-9825 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Oarage. $495.4306328. 2bdr., 1 bath apartment avalable mid May for sub-lease at Claremont 4347623 2BDR., carpet, air, laundry, parking, NO pets. FREE CABLE. Some summer leases available. $430 1900 Knot. 477-7684 3 bedroom for sublease at Claremont May until August. 8690/month. Cal 436-7679. 3600 Huntington. Large 2bdr. apartment for rent Fire place, appliances, W/D, parking. Close to East Campus, AvailableI4ay. Cal 4654327 946 South 12th, 38R., 2BATH, wood floors, utilities paid, very nice. 435-9049 Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and two bedroom units available, no smoking, no pets, secure entry, laundry, guaranteed parking, UNL Shuttle Stop. $3254475. Brickyard Apts. 17th and Hotdrege. 477-6578. April and May Openings Pinetree apts. 1st & Adams, 2 53 bdr., $47045004640. Embassy Park Apts., 31st & Old Cheney, 1,2, & 3 bdr., $4054640. 1814 F St. 2bdr., $4154450, 515 W. Saunders, Ibdr.. $370. 821 A St. 2 bdr, $430, no pets 483-1130 or 4834057 Claremont Park Apartments ‘Ideal for students* Now leasing for August (some abatable in May). Close to campus ana downtown. Spaces are limited. First Come. First Sene. Cal 474-7275 to set appointments. _ »th A Claremont Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments aval table. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Willowhaven Apts 1«2 bedroom opts now available wth fireploce. Can Now! 476-6200 Large 3BR, c/a, newer carpet, CLEAN, on buslne, $565 plua deposit, no pets, ask tor Doug, 467-5355. May and August Leases East campus. 36th A Huntington. 2 bedroom, flreptece, C/ A, appiances, laundry, parking, no pets, 469-9916. Newer. 2-bedroom. EXTRA dean, dose to UNL and downtown. $425 plus deposit of $425.483-6280 _ One bedroom targe. C/A. cats OK, 35 th & R Su $300 phis dapoelt. 477-6840/leey ereesage. One large bedroom, 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working kitchen wth pantry, ceramic tile kitchen and bdhroom, dishwasher, secure storage space, same-floor laundry, oft-street parking, private entrance, and heat paid. Available NOW1 $400/ month. 474-3529.„ ~ ' ' _ SUBLEASE ONLY $370 CLAREMONT APTS. MAY-AUG (or extended) 1 BEDROOM _ 476-2902 SUMMER LEASE One bedroom, 2100 "B* Street UUMes paid, only $3001 No pets. Phoenix Properties Management, 474-5327 or 421-8996,___ Super Brand New large studio wthS'x 10‘ bathroom inful basement with large daylght window. No pets. Non smoker. Avaldds now. $24000 (402)299-4665. Three-month lease (May-Aug.) $720/month plus utiltie6 Claremont Apartments, 438-0793 Unfurnished 3BR, 2BA, 2612 J or 4915 Walter, no pets, $60^1625, sevsral leases available. 466-9526, ★ Walk To Campus Summer Leases Available 2604 Vine. 1 bedroom, from $340. 2 bedrooms, from $460, Ceramic floors. Neural decor, WO, wait out patio! 1109, 1121 N. 28th, 1 bedroom, from $340. POOL OPENS SOONI 2920 "P* St, 1 bedroom side-by-side duplex, from $350. 2 bedroom spM townhome, from $476 4300 Comhusker Hwy., 1 bedroom, from $350. 2bed room spit level townhome, from $485, 2 bedrooms, Ceramic floors. NeuM colors, from $820. POOL OPENS SOONI Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 Annual Jewelry Sale Entire Stock 20% to 50% off "Lincoln’s largest selection of sterling silver jewelry. mm C/1RD _ 1323’0'Street_ Sub1sas*3bdr Claremont Apt starting May 10. Cal 438 7832, laawe massage. Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath, BRAND NEW! Al appliances including washer and dryer. Nopete. $895-$950. Phoe nix Properties Management 474-5327 or 421-8996. USUMMER LEASES!! HGREAT PRICES!! *Wafc to ALL campuses ‘Other locations avalabie ‘Clean, neat A updated *Calnow Century Management Co. 484-8600 2 bedroom wth firplace, appliances, laundry, C/A, park ing, dose to East Campus 466-0242/leave message. 3,4, &5BR available in May Receiving now for Summer! Nice houses, CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 432-0644,432-6644. On-Campus Summer Housing Thirty-One spacious, furnished double or single rooms at Triangle Fraternity. Clean, Coed, A/C, W/D, Parking. Cal Pete at 436-8781.__ Summer Sublease, 2 bedroom. East Campus, Fireplace, applances, 3541 Baldwin, $400 or best offer, 464-4893. Two bedrooms, fireplace, appliance*, WO. Parking, Close to East Campus. $4007469-9916 or 466-9362 Newer townhouse. 5 minutes from UNL Spa cious and ight, 2bedroom 2 bath. 2nd Nviog area In fuHy finished waii-out lower level Attached garage. Great neighborhood wth park; fenced iiwi rlliJHi mrlniiline fOCfirmnth ■■■nnUtlnn a vara wnn spnnKiefs. ^iicymonin assoctsnon 100 for yard care and snow removal. $88,950. Evelyn Mcfartad, 489-3915 Home Real Estate 438-3232 Two-bedroom trailer, 3 blocks from East Campus. (308)648-2429 500s Services ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counsel ng and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or oblgations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska ChMren's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Sule 314,483-7879. Honest, easy-going couple looking to create and share Kodak momemts with newborn. Promise Wetkne of love, stability and more. Legalfoonfidential. Cal Karen/lra tot free 1-688-822-2251. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential affordable prescription birth controL HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. "Cr Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. Attention Athletes How would you benefit tram more strength, twines, ft fMbtty? Every Wednesday night, come nee Wsfiness Preview at T & R's Garden. 48th ft Comhuskar Hwy, 630pm. Ask lor Jerry. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWl. minor In possession. Sanford Pokacfc 476-7474. FREE Pregnancy Test BHTHR1GHT Is a confidential helping hand. Please cal tor appointment or more Information. 483-2809. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln, Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on All OPTKJMSXartlfied Counsekxs avaltole. First trimester abortions provided. Cak for Infor mation and houts441-3300. Facte of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free rniflrientM ftninteflro. HshnifVa 1 800-727-3084. ■' f-—t—- .j* ■ .-w Resumes By Ann Quaity resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven resuks. 484-0775. _•f r r' r DAILY XNEBRASKAN UOMICS The Norm ■ By Michael Jantze ISN'T IT GRSAT SOM£TUIW6 C2I6NT r 1 'Excellent- -) . _ adjourned Norm, le+'s dp +e my office, r . / —T^AIngMy/ t _____ (— t understand 4 TUE SERVICE % MERE % | QUITE F Ihe Deep &nd_ __ By Chad Strawderman ASIDE ffiort MM6E CM® CWE OR 60NDO... DftlUHJPGRARE Jem has to be The host ftttERfuUWUNWRtWIW, ADHESIVE VNfWNTo HAM. 3 } I I , I ACROSS i Meek ones 6 Cousin of a cuarto 10 Inquires 14 Hooded jacket 15 German greeting is Something to toe 17 Spirit in “The Tempest” 18 Sector 19 Woodwind 20-Tryst 22 Fibula’s higher relative 22 Perceives 24 Native of Pyongyang 28 Leaflike flower parts 30 Papal vestment 32 Puerto 33 Narrative 35 James and Kett 39 Damned or detestable 41 Famous chapel in the Vatican 43 Aquarium fish 44 Equine staple 45 Tolkien forest giants 47 Tycoon Donald 45 Samples 51 Large covered dish 54 Chums 55 Aces 57 Love note 53 New name for 70 Across ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 64 Potpourri 65 Elevate 66 Rent 67 Perjures 68 Alfred-, Austrian psychiatrist 69 TV role for Sonny Shroyer 70 Former news agency 71 Rodeo item DOWN t Yard 2 Paper-chase participant • “-go bragh” 4-out (made do) s Least ruddy • This may be clean or close •7 —— bomb (gas-pressure device) • Stead • “Seward’s Folly” 10 Short-lived love affairs 11 Valuable fur 12 Swedish coin 13 Scottish dirk 21 Hearty enjoyments 2S Corrida shouts 20 Spoiled child 27 Oriental staple ir '-r ' 28 Report: Abbr. 28 Paramours of noblemen 31 Take five 34 Oft-smashed particle 36 Hue 37 Part of A.M. 38Mtg. 40 Poe’s adjective for Lenore 42 Yucca fiber 48 Spreads on 48 Remove a fastener SO Pertaining to the stars si A rich cake 52 Source of strength 53 Type of rocket ss At-for words 58 Epithet of the mother of Romulus and Remus 58 Earty 1900’sart cult eoMedum for Wyeth 81 Consumes 82 Dry: Comb, form