The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1997, Page 14, Image 14
ATE Congratulations to Jason HbschfeM, Fred Koch, and Dave Eisenmarm for their acceptance into the Gamma Sigma Della Agricu Rural Honorary. We're proud of you Congratulations to the freshman basketbal team for being nmmiup hi the’C’DMaim kMaMialclMBani onahtak Congratulations to the rhamplnns, the sopho more AGS team! Way to go guys! Congratulations to Matt Sasek for his election as Student Foundation President! Way to go, Sas! Your brothers ATA Congrats to Chris Lorenz on being chosen by Mortar Board as the recipient of the Dean Helen Snyder Scholar ship. Way to Go! ATA Thanks again for the awesome FAC last Friday, and for the early morning excitement I! We are so proud of our Saly Sunshine! Love, the women of Alpha Phi FUNDRAISER CARWASH by Triangle Pledge Class at NBC Bank, 66th & O SaL, April 5th & Sat., April 12th 1230-5 pm ‘DONATIONS WELCOME . GOVERNMENT LIASISON COMMITTEE Tuesday 730 pm 118 Nebr. Unton AJI Students Welcome ★ STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Have an Impact on commltees dealing wfih student related concerns. Applications avatatda at 115 Nebr. Happy Birthday ‘Chance Long" You weren’t satisfied with the water so I've planned something extra special tonight Cant wait to see you sweet cheeks. Love. "Bruce Cum Insocks" _i 1_._ FOUND: Keys wth ivory charm, oUside of the Luthem Center on 4/2/97. Claim atthe DaUy Nebraskan office. YAK IT UP AND EARN UP TO $12 AN HOUR. •$7.50/ hour guaranteed •$100 Hiring bonus •Flexible hours •Casual dress code •Full-time and parMime •Career opportunities Only two blocks From campus CALL INTERACTIVE TELESERVICES 434-2626 .FOTOV^^ KNOWN AS EOE INTERACTIVE MARKETING SERVICES. ■. i———Zm FAST FUNOBAtBER-RAISE $500M 5 DAYS-GREEKS. QROUP& CLUBS, MOTIVATED MDMOUAU. FAS?! EA8Y-NO FINANCIAL O8UGATION.(800)862-1982 EXTJ3 300s Jobs M*8donce and PreMed Mdora*** CUNICAL CONDUCT ASSOCIATES Harris Labortories has opportunities avaiabie for persons to monitor activities of ^rdy Participants and coftect and document data. Great experience for science, nursing or premed majors. This Is a variable-scheduled posit ion. We are currently looking for someone who can work between the hours cf 2 p.m. and 10 p.m., $8/hr. with excellent cpportunkies to increase pay through training. HARRIS Human Resources, J-CCA 621 Rose St. Lincoln, NE 68502 AA/EOE Audio Visual Video Center is needing part time hek> to work 15-20 hoursAeoek; evening, weekends, and nd days. Must be friendly and enjoy working wfth the ptfjlic. Apply 2301 N 33rd St CASH PAID NIGHTLY Domino's Pizza Is now hiring deiuery drivers for el shifts. You baslcaly make your schedule to ft what you need. Must have your own car and Insurance. Good driving record a must Make $6.00 to $8.00/hour and get a paycheck weekly. Apply at any Domino's Pizza or cal 434-2360.__ College Pro Painters I am looking for Mghfy motivated students to be a part of my painting team mis summer. Cal Josh 467-28397 Construction Work Concrete, roughing, painting and mteceOnnaous. Top dolar paid Vyou know now to work and you have construc tion references. Must have own truckl Phoenix Properties 474-5327 Construction help needed. FuNbne summer. Cal 430 8564. Data entry position II am-7pm M/F. Must type 50-60 words/minute. Cal for Wo at PSI Group 474-1§38. Daycare assistant for 6-8 school-age children June-Au gust. CPR/nrst-aid-ceitHed. full-time, $40/day, EXCEL LENT PARENT SUPPORT. 470-3796. Dependable day care assistant, flexftrie part time hours, fun, energetic people only. Cal Kkn 430-9019. DO YOU UKE BEING #1? . Come work for Lincoln's #1 Pizza Restaurant Free meals. Competitive Wages, Flexible |A|uL CalAjIvMiaajfeiil rinrl ft/hmu ocneouie, ureai woik tnvironfneni, ana r\now Ing you're assocMed urith the BESTI Valentino's Restaurant at 13 ft Q is now accept ing applications from 8am-11am, and 2pm-5pm for HUMMER JOBS; ‘Dining Rooai PoaMone ‘Kitchen PoaMone Downtown YMCA hiring experienced swim Instructors for FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BANK EVENING CUSTODIAN POSITIONS DOWNTOWN HOME OFFICE fora our FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BANK 13th&NSL . / Lincoln Equal Opportunty/AffirmatNe Action Employer M/F Full-time Summer Job Attention: Nursing, Gerontology, and Human Service Majors. Part time and ful time personal caregiver posi tions available lor the elderly. Competitive wages and axcelent benefits. Contact Doreen at Haven Manor, 434 2680. __ GRADUATE ASSBTANTSHIPS :-'J- i T"’ - * Student hmokrement Graduate Assistant applications for 1997-88 now avalable in 200 NU, 300 ECUj the Culture Center, or the Women's Center. Priority screening begins 4 nnailLrna fllut mm mm nnjifurtfi hlrtrui rrrirrtee International Graduate Students . ’ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ Earn $25 for only 30 minutes of your time ! April 8, 1997 ”’Anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. CMS, Inc., an independent marketing research firm, is conducting an international graduate student market survey. Take 30 minutes to fill out the survey and earn $25 immediately. PassportA'isa or student ID required Cervices Ramada Inn 141 North 9th Street Lincoln, Nebraska ' Farm Hefc Wanted. Close to Lincoln. 665-2967 or 665 GREAT PAY and experience, study wMe you workl Fast Bucks Check Cashing Sendees has anhnmektate open ing, 464-1660. Hek> wanted far custom harvesting, combine operators, and buck driven. Experience preferred, good summer wages. CaB 970-483-7480, evenings.__ Hinky Dinky at 468) & Van Dom is soaking applcirit for Part time evening and-weokand dal dork. A way to pick up extra $$$*! Stop by our courtesy booth and apply. Hinky Dinky at 48th&Van Dom is seeking Part time Florai designer for evening and weekends. Experience is defi ntefy preferred. Apply at our courtesy booth. If you are energetic, optimistic, enjoy challenge, and want to make a positive difference in someone's Me, Trarfiguratlon Incorporated is looking for youl Now hiring Instructor* to teach He aklto to people wth developmental dltablMes. Quality of services is our mission, make It JouraJ Agpfy at l3l6 N SL Suite f07, Monday-Friday, If you went on spring break and spent aH your money and wama|jood part-time job to make some money, cal Eric *No sellng involved •Evening noun: 5-9pm, Monday-Thursday; 5-8pm Fri da^and 9-12pm on Saturday* Lady Fitness: Full or part-time, earn up to $10/hour promoting Lady's Fitness. Cal Jack 483-7326. Not tele phone soliciting. Lawn care personnel needed for part time and full time positions avalabielmmedtadeiy and for the summer. Must Life Skills Trainers Youth Care Specialists uvfM|Mraiai dvrvms uv imnHKi, me. Deveicpmertal Services o» Nebraska. Inc (a JCAHO accredited agency) is excited to announce the opentog of a new residential facilty serving young men wth mild developmental dteabiMes. We are currentty accepting appiaitions for fid end part-time He SUM Trainers and Youth Care Specialists providing services to adolescent wid young mates in one of our residential programs. Minimum quaMcadora: 21 years of age, high school graduate or equivalent. Prefer bachelors degree and 6 months experience working with people in a human service related Held. Due to areMwwe with personal issues (including hygiene), Mate q^icHe only. Must be wMng to team and implement physical intervention during behavioral crisis situation. Mum have reliable transportation and valid drivers license. Immediate open ings avalable. Come be part of an ongoing, meeting adventure. Excdknt pay and raatainbnu ban etas. Afternoons, evenings, ana weekend shifts avelebte. Closing date 4/30/97 W: 1115 K Street, Suite 102 Lincoln, NE 68506 402-436-2800 DirectlyaccaaaMe parking EOE/AA/ADA _ Little King Restaurant 10th & South. Lunch time help needed. Good wages. Please apply personally after 2D0 p.m. RADIOLOGY AIDE Part Time We currently have the position of Radiology Aide avail able. The aide assists the staff by escorting or transport ing Inpatients and outpatients. Gives outpatients proper directions for changing into a hospital gown and robe for their exam. Cleans transportation equipment and keeps dean Inen stocked in exam/dressing room. Previous jM|pj$al and/or patient related experience S desired. Pleoee submit reeumrfapptcalion or cal: BRYAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Human Resources 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 (402)483-8610 Job Line (402)483-3696 Looking for immediate permanent part-time colectors for deinquent medical accounts. WII work around schedule. Contact Mr. Beckenbach at477-8181 The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting applications for: TELLERS f Bank South, Rampark, Williamsburg, Havelock Accounting Clerk-Financial Adm: Telecommunication Monitor FCT For more delate please call the first commerce job hotline. 434-4700 Equal Opportunity Employer *k 'k Invoicing Entry ;; Easy entry level wotk-Knowfedge of Windows helpful Very flexible echedule-Full time & part tlme-470 3676,800-573-5230 Need landscaping groundekeeper help. Ful or part-time. Spring or summer. Internship possible. Flexfcte hours. CaH 421-7410 between 3-6 p.m„ Monday-Friday. NEED SOME CASH? IMMEDIATE TELEMARKETING POSITIONS AVAIL ABLE. SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE AND WE WILL PAY YOU WEEKLY! JRW SALES IS EXPANDING AND NEEDS YOU TO JOIN OUR WELL TRAINED AND HIGHLY-PAID STAFF, CALL TODAY, START TOMORROW! 436-3060' ' ii'’ No nights, No weekends Would you lie to be part of a strong Inside sales team? Our safes people tee us. 'Bast part-time Iqb you could ham while In school" We need enthusiastic Indviduals. Must be able to work a. minimum pftdhrs weekly scheduled between 6-5 Monday-Friday. Cal Juia 476 Journalism Majors Summer intemshipe waitable Immedtatety. Must have Jr. or Sr. standing with McIntosh Desktop Pubkshing experi ence. ResponsUttos Include wriUrm articles aid editing articles for newscfcs. Cal between Sand 430pm and ask lor Karl, 466-1888: _ NO WEEKENDS! Graar appatunty to gain axpertanca In marketing and salea. Mwt be sal motfvatedand able to quaVy toads. Flexbte hours, along wfth the opportunity for growth, make mis me Idealjwt time job) c3l475-4002 ext. 3367 Overnight-freight company seeking PT and FT employ ees for deirary and pfck-w. Must be 21 years old. Good driving record. $6.00/hr. Rrndbie hours. Apply at 2200 tatom Adams No. 5 cto Akbome Express between 10 AM Pald Internship for Public Information Writer Good news and feature writing skills. Solid edking skills. Organized, able to work on mutiple projects and meet deadinee. Internship to begin In May, after finals, and extends through December 1997.20hours per week (can Increase during summer H desired), ftexoto schedule, close to city canuxis, $7 per hour. Send resume or letter of application before Aprill 5 to: Pubic Information Office, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, P.O. Box 94666, UnookuNE 68509-4666 _ PAID INTERNSHIP FOR DESKTOP PUBLISHER Good layout and deeignskia, organized, able to work on multiple projects and meet deadlines. Knowledge of Pagemaker 5 Is preferred. Internship to begin in May, after finals, and extends through December 1967. 20 hours per week (can Increase during summer If desired), fiaxfcle schedule, does to dtycanffius, $7 per hour. Sand resume or leter of application before Apr! 15 to: Public Information Office, Nebraska Deparsaent of Economic Development. P.O. Box 94666, Lincoln. NE 68609-4666. Part Time Security Guards Wanted First and third sMt, weekends. Can study white working. Call 476-6600 Ext 350.___ PART TIME INSTRUMENT WASHER Isco, Inc., a manufacturing firm, has an immediate part time opening for an Instrument Washer, this person wil clean Instruments returned to the factory for repair. Re quirements are the abilty to Ift 60 fee., and to read and write. Sterling pay la S&OSihr. Please apply at, or fax resume to: FAX 4QS/46AB602 AA/EOE PART-TIME TELLER SOUTH RIDGE OFFICE FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BANK 13th & N St. Lincoln Equal Opportunly/Afllrmatlve Action Employer M/F Pick-up truck drivers and straight truck drivers (COL not required). Ful or part-time. Must be available during summer. Apply Lincoln Lumber. 932 N 23rd. - ~ Production Positions ^ A uallakln lip JtS. ant :er 30. PT telemarketing posliona avalabte now. Need quality people. Comfortable, (textile, easy. Call 47S-Q404. Schlotzsky's Deli has part-time openings, all shifts. Apply In person at 1201 P.__ STUDY PARTICIPANT REPRESENTATIVE Hants Laboratories it looking for personable, energetic Individuate who want to be part of a strong team environ ment. As pert dour team, you wit screen hdMduate over the telephone to match requirements for pharmaceutical SjKtie# while entering data Into a computer database. This position offers excellent growth opportunities. HS diploma and data entry skats am required; one year of customer sendee or sabs experience is preferred. Num ber of hours vary based on staffing needs. Please com plete an application at: " □HARRIS Human Resources, J-SPR 621 Rose St Lincoln, NE 68502 AA/EOE The Athlete's Foot Is looking for a part time sales associ ate poe Won at the East Park Plaza location. Apply to the Athlete's Foot a East Park Plaza or Downtown. The Country Club of Lincoln Wishes to HI ful- and part-time positions of banquet hek> to work day and/or evening hours. We offer the following benefits: $6.00 to start per hour plus gratuity Exc8^kHlron6 Phone 4234902 ' -■/ : Apply in person at 3200 South 24th Street Tuesday thru Sunday (9am -9pm) Truck drfcrer with dean MVR needed for summer wheat harvest run. WMhg to tnrintar the Jab. WB help obtain CDL Good wages and separate bring quarters. Wil be gone apprcKimatiy 5/15-9/15 (402 | waror new customers i_ I'Up to $150 per month partkipai I for retire customers 'Forinipi I Plan TV Entertainment Dvaa D y 300 Sooth 17th Street ICC I * ■ ■ 1 , - V,-. -.vlN::W#'. Wanted: Tutor to work with individual gltad In math and sciences. Must be able to work with people wMidteabO tles. next* hours. Apply at 1316 hfSL. Suta 107. We’re looking fora few good drivers... Now is the time to get your rewarding summer Job. Pizza Hut is now hiring oeirery drivers, apply in person at any location. 14th and Q St, 27th ami Comhueker Highway, 48th and Waker St.. 58th and South St.. 56th and Highway 2, and 18th and South St. WHAT IF: the perfect part-time Job gn only i phono coR oooy? Pick up the phone and you ! And out National Reeeerch Corporation line a lot to offw. NRC la accepting applications for Ds professional interviewing eventogAweohand stiff. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING] If you are interested in Joining an industry leader In providing the moat actionable, up-to-date market Information to health care organizations, please call us todayl NRC Offerings Include: *Poid training 'Paid parking with convenient downtown location *Flwrible scheduHno 'Casual/smoke-free work environment 'Competitive hourly wage For more information or to schedule an Interviewn, please caS our Data Colectlon Job line at 475-4520. isfe EOE ADA Care-A-Lot Child Care Center - Now Hiring Ful and Part time teachers tor al ages. 4848 Cafvert Apply wflftin. FAMILY LOOKINQ FOR FULL-TIME NANNY. NEED TO FILL POSITION MMEDIATELY. Idaaly, hour* 10pm 6am, days M-Sun; HOURS. DAYS NEOGOTIABLE; w» consider Wring two people. Must have high morals and values and be very dependable. No woik required except caring for the two children, agee 7 8 If. Nonsmoker. EXCELLENT PAY. SoutheastUncofn. Cell 489-0995. Need NANNY for summer to cere (or two children, ages 9 810. Transportation, Ive-in or out, 488-4335. Need reliable parson to watch and do activities with 8 and 10 year old boys from June 4 to July 3D. WMng to pay $600. References needed. Cal 4383408 CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDINQ SUMMER SUM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS, PENNSYLVANIA. All spedaUee: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exercise, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 204. 1-800-421-4321. www.campcaneioLcoin CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing. waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, got, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintainance. Salary $1300 plus. Phone: 847-446-2444. CAMP JOBS IN . NORTHERN MINNESOTA Camp Buckskin currently has fob openings for male counselors, licensed teachers, nurses, nursing assis tants, office assistands and assistant cooks, me coed program helps youth with academic and social skll d«l ctitles (ADHD/ADD.LD). Excellent practical experience, internships, and cooperative education experience aval able. Salary + room and board. Camp is located on a lake near Ely. MN and BWCAW. Contact Tim Edmonds (612) 930-3544, Etna!: camp_buckskin@prodifly.cofn. Does your summer job suck? If so call me. I will take 4 more students to hefo run my business this summer. Colege Credit, $540/week. 423 7545. EXPERIENCED SWIMMERS Christian youth camp near Ashland has openings for lifeguards. Must be at least 19, have current Hfeguard certification or able to be certified. Employment runs May 22-August 11. Room, board and $1300 salary for season. Call Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries tol free at 1 888-656-8254.__ Have Fun While You Work! Full and part time summer employment at Branched Oak Lake Marina and Restaurant, cal Don or Linda for inter vlew at 783-3311. Life Changing Experiences Could be in store for you. Work at Camp Easter Seal wth people wth dbabMes. Salary, room and board provided. 0811(402)761-2675 for Information about open poeMons. PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor positions for talented and energetic students as Program Spectators In al Team Sports, especially Basebal, Basketbal, Roller Hockey, Gymnastics, Field Hockey, Soccer. Volleyball: 30 Tennis openings: also Go#, Archery, Rjflery, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping, Ropes and Frock Climbing, Weights/Fitness and Cycflng; other openings indude Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Figure Skating, Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook, Radk> Sta tion, and Ftocketry; Ail Waterfront/Pool Activities (Swim ming, Sklng, Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board and travel. June 22nd-August 20th. Inquire: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-600-753-9118 DANBEE (Girte): 1-800-392-3752 _ AMERICAN PREMIERE SPORTS CAlffS WINADU FOR BOYS DANBEE FOR GIRLS overIooposiiI^ns 1 AVAILABLE All Land and Water Sports, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Horseback Riding, Drama, Woodshop, Ice and Roller Hockey, Wtierski, WSFs and more!!! I NO PREVIOUS I EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! Top Salaries, Room and Board, and Travel Allowance On Campus Info and Interviews Date: April 8, 1997 Time: 10:00 am to 4:08pm Place: Nebraska Union Rooms to be announced— Check daily events board | SUMMER JOBS] | Mm Call WommCalL - 1-800-494-6238 1-800-392-3752 CAMP WINADU CAMP DANBEE