The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1997, Page 11, Image 11
Wranglers! Lifeguards! Boys Counselors! Waterfront directors. Adventure Trail Guides, Dining Halt Steward & Assistant Crafts. Call or write: Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA Camp Kiteki 6000 Comhusker, Lincoln, 68507. 402-434-9225. Summer Internships PUBLIC RELATIONS & MARKETING Nebraska Lottery $6.00/hr/40 hra/woek Lincoln Public Relatione Intern: Assist with consumer, retailer and media relations; wrRing news releases; planning and executing various press conferences, special event plan ning and execution; writing/developing various newslet ters; planning/executing various promotions. Marketing Intern: Involved with all aspects of marketing the Lottery, including new product development, advertis ing, promotions, research, event planning and execution, etc Intern will be immersed into the marketing depart ment and will learn through hands-on experience. REQUIREMENTS: Majoring in public relations, comminications or marketing. Junior year or above. Ex cellent written and verbal communication skills. Special Requirements: Willingness to work extra hours if needed (including occasional weekencds). Must be a self-started and hard worker. Some travel may be required. As an employee of the Lottery Division, all applicants must undergo an extensive personal background investigation to determine if candidate meets integrity expectations. Stale Appkcation must be completed and be received or post-marked on or by NEW CLOSING DATE of 04/14/97. Notify State Personnel If you need accommodation in the selection process. Heanng Impaired TDD calls ONLY: 402-471-4693 Apply to: P.O. Box 94905, 301 Centennial Mall South. Lincoln, NE 68509 or any NE Job Service Office. HE ST Alt PERSONNEL 402-471-2075 _AA/EOE_ Free Samples Lose up to thirty pounds, 30 day guarantee! Can 434 6463.__ 4QQs__HgM$teg Publisher’s Notice AH real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes # illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis" _ 1 roommate for Brand New, 3 bedroom apt., $200/month + 1/3 utilities, responsbie student, 438-6428. 3 M/F to share 5 bedroom townhouse May 1st. 477-0457. Female N/S roommate needed. Brand new 2 bedroom on Folsom. Balcony overlooking pool, huge bedroom and walk-in closet, own bathroom, quick drive to campus. $287 + utilities. 438-3730. Female roommate needed. May-August, main floor of house 2 blocks from campus. Free laundry. Off-street parking. Split $550 rent 3 ways. Call 476-2037. Female room ate needed to share 3BR. Claremont apart ment, May-August, $238+1/3utilities. 438-9055 M/F roommate to share, 5BR, 2BA, w/d, nice, yard, no pets/smoking. $225. Call/leave message 483-1476. Roommate wanted for summer, NS, $200 + Utilities. Call 464-2949. Three available rooms in a 5BR house. M/F college student. $225 + utilities. 2729 S 40th. Call 484-5506. Two female roommates wanted for a three bedroom house, 2 baths, 15 minutes from campus. $260. utifities said, can 484-5208_ 2834 Stan. Very nice. 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, near campus, $750. 432-0644 or 432-6644, 3, 4, & 5BR Available in May or August Reserving Now. Nice houses, close to campus. 432 0644, 432-6644. 3.4 & 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Near UNL Stadium, C/A, Dishwasher, Washer/Dryer, $600-$850. Available May. 489-9294. 4200 Baldwin-6bedroom, 4334 St. PauW> bedroom, 2611 R-Large 4 bedroom, available May or August 1st, from $800-$1100. 450-8919/489-6948. 4332 North 60th, 2BR plus basement, newly-remodeled, garage, stove/ref rigerator/washer/dryer, available May 1, no pets, $625. 476-2313, 488-8966. 811 Charleston, 5bdr.; 1016 New Hampshire, 3 +1 bdr.; 435-5565 AVAILABLE NOW. great location. WALK FROM UNL CAMPUS, 5BD, 2BA, large, unfurnished, appliances. Call David, evenings483-5664. Brand New 5315 Cleveland. Four bedroom, two baths, double ga rage. $995.430-6328. Campus Close 2948 Starr. Four bedroom. Two baths. Garage. $750. 430-6328.__ We love students! 3,4, 5, & 6 bedroom units near UNL for summer and/or fan. A/C, washer/dryer, dishwasher. BEAT THE RUSH! 423-1535._ Close to Campus Unfurnished three bedroom. 1 1/2 baths, fireplace, kitchen with appliances, washer/dryer. Available May. 1417 N. 20th. 402-292-7686. Nice duplexes available for May. 4 bdr., 2 bath, 2 garage, central air, appliances, washer/dryer, $895.435-7807. Spacious 3 bdr., 2 bath duplex, less than one yr. old, security system, attached double garage, walking dis tance to campus. Call 438-8658_ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate Since one size does NOT fit all, we have a myriad of unk sizes..eff iciencies, ona and two bedrooms, just a short walk to City. QuaWy, move-in and we'H give you a Gift Certificate to Gateway. JONES PROPERTIES-475-7262 1717 J Street, Available May 1st, 2'bedroom, $350, heat/ water/garbage PAID. One-year lease, 483-2034. 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage. $495. 430-6328. ******************** Surfs up, or just about l! Since we accept “SUMMER LEASES," sign-up today, and we’ll reoerve a Beach Towel for your swim/ aunning around the pool. 1 & .2 bedroom units. A stone's throw to City Campus. JONES PROPERTIES- 475-7262 946 South 12th. 3BR., 2BATH, wood floors, utilities paid, very nice. 435-9049 Affordable Apartments Summer Leases Available Efficiency 1948 Q St. $249 1 Bedroom 335 S 26th. $349 731 S 12th, $340 1015 D St. $310 1327 D St. $295 1436 E St. $310 5140 S 48th. $340 2 Bedroom 412 S 24th, $420 501 N 25th, $375 619 S 20th, $370-390 900 S 21st, $350 941 Washington, $410 1027 Washington, $380 1113 B St, $350 1332 C St, $430 1610 S Folsom. $495-520 2433 E St. $365 2917Q St. $395 3 Bedroom 56th & Holdrege, $550-565 Management One 477-2600 April and May Openings Pinetree apts. 1 st & Adams, 2 & 3 bdr., $470-$500-$640. Embassy Path Apts., 31st & Old Cheney, 1,2, & 3 bdr., $405-$640. 1814 F St. 2bdr„ $415-$450, 515 W. Saunders, Ibdr., $370. 821 A St. 2 bdr. $430, no pets 483-1130 or 483-6057 Claremont Park Apartments *ldeal for students* Now leasing for August (some available in Mayl. Close to campus and downtown. Spaces are limited. First Come, First Serve. Can 474-7275 to set appointments. 9th & Claremont colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Willowhaven Apts 1,2 bedroom apts now available with fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 Large 3BR, c/a, newer carpet, CLEAN, on busline, $585 plus deposit, no pets, ask for Doug, 467-5355. May and August Leases East campus, 36th & Huntington, 2 bedroom, fireplace. Cl A, appliances, laundry, parking, no pets, 489-9516. Newer, 2-bedroom, EXTRA clean, close to UNL and downtown, $425 plus deposit of $425.483-6280 One bedroom large, C/A, cats OK, 35th & R St, $300 plua deposit, 477-6840/leave message. One large bedroom, 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working kitchen with pantry, ceramic tile kitchen and bathroom, dtehwasher, secure storage space, same-floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance, and heat paid. Available NOW! $400/ month. 474-3529. SUB LEASE ONLY $370 CLAREMONT APTS. MAY-AUG (or extended) 1 BEDROOM 476-2902 Sublease 3 bdr Claremont Apt. starting May 10. Call 438 7632, leave message. Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath, BRAND NEW! All appliances including washer and dryer. No pets. $895-$950. Phoe nix Properties Mangagement 474-5327 or 421-8996. SUMMER LEASE One bedroom, 2100 "B" Street. Utilities paid, only $3001 No pets. Phoenix Properties Management, 474-5327 or 421-8996. Super Brand New large studio with 8' x 10' bathroom in full basement with large dayflght window. No pets. Non smoker. Available now. $240.00 (402)299-4885. Three-month lease (May-Aug.) $720/month plus utilities Claremont Apartments, 438-0793 Unfurnished 3BR, 2BA, 2612 J or 4915 Walker, no pets, $605-6625, several leases available. 466-9526. A Walk To Campus Summer Leases Available * 2504 Vine, 1 bedroom, from $340. 2 bedrooms, from $460, Ceramic floors. Neural decor, W/D, walk out patio! 1109, 1121 N. 28th, 1 bedroom, from $340. POOL OPENS SOON! 2920 “P" St, 1 bedroom side-by-side duplex, from $350. 2 bedroom split townhome, from $475 4300 Comhusker Hwy., 1 bedroom, from $350. 2 bed room split level townhome, from $485, 2 bedrooms, Ceramic floors, Neutal colors, from $520. POOL OPENS SOON! Cherry Hill Management _489-4857_ TIRED OF THE NOISE? 'SATE PARK1 apartm e n t s HOME TO THE QUIET STUDENT Vine St. __ Gate HH|[ ^ N Park | rfr Street 464-9623 6531 VINE ST. MSUMMER LEASES!! HGREAT PRICES!! ‘Walk to ALL campuses ‘Other locations available ‘Clean, neat & updated ‘Call now Century Management Co. 484-8600 3,4, &5BR available in May Reserving now for Summer! Nice houses, CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 432-0644, 432-6644, _ On-Campus Summer Housing Thirty-One spacious, furnished double or single rooms at Triangle Fraternity. Clean, Coed, A/C, W/D, Parking. Call Pete at 436-6781, Summer Sublease, 2 bedroom, East Campus, Fireplace, appliances, 3541 Baldwin, $450,464-4893. Two bedrooms, fireplace, appliances, W/D, Parking, Clos^(^astCampus^40(M8^91^>i^6M362 ^ Newer townhouse. 5 minutes from UNL Spa cious and light, 2 bedroom 2 bath. 2nd living area in fully finished walk-out lower level. Attached garage. Great neighborhood with park; fenced yard with sprinklers. $25/month association fee for yard care and snow removal. $89,950. Evelyn McFarland, 489-3915 Home Real Estate 436-3232 Two-bedroom trailer, 3 blocks from East Campus. (306)645-2429 500s Services ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1693. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. Honest, easy-going couple looking to create and share Kodak momemts with newborn. Promise lifetime of love, stability and more. Legal/confidential. Call Karen/lra toll free 1-888-822-2251. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. “O" Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. TROUBLE WITH MODEM ACCESS TO SCHOOL? Tom can help. $30 set up. Call 476-6848. Attention Athletes How would you benefit from more strength, balance, & flexibility? Every Wednesday night, come see a Wellness Preview at T ft R's Garden, 48th & Comhusker Hwy, 6:30pm. Ask for Jerry. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor in possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. FREE Pregnancy Test BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential (wiping hand. Please call for appointment or more information. 483-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trim ester abortions provided. Call for irrfor mation and hours 441-3300, Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider ail your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 800-727-3084. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm By Michael Jantze I r _ _ _ \ 1 i- f - — ^ i I ^ A r n iai i^i tr illtrl MON SEQUITUR by wuey The Deep End _ its cmied | ^ SlGMllWo SPACE-. 11 GlOftKV. 9oSmot^M&. I ...m & mime cm P1U90IHT Tuw SIGNAL'S EXACT LOCATION. ACROSS 1 “Dream Children” author 5 Assumption 10 Radio’s “The Easy-” 14 Here, in Havana 15 Start of a Yale song 16 “Fiesque” composer 17 Certain cheaters 19 Boss on a shield 20 College town qn San Francisco Bay 21 Alley yowler 23 Redolence 24 “In hoc vinces” 25 SAG ex-president 27 Seaman’s guide 30 American dogwood 31 “The Rights of Man” author 33 G.I.'S decoration 34 Petite chorine 35 C.I.A. head 36 Loma s kin 37 Ourlang. 38 Nereids’ mother 39 Summer TV fare 40 Use a pediculicide 42 Uptight 43 Use Artgum 44 Surpass ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE M1H1 wpflpKk eBo r i In 1 |A]R|E]aMR t TIaMf L A R E I e| l1g1TTnBh|aTrTtMa|pTsTe1 HER 4jjA|G[Eiil i [g Lppis] AM I PMC A TIsjciR A P L E L I V eIk I N 0|E M E Em F L E aBs|n1a1pBt|o|s1sM 45 Willow green 47 J.F.K. tenants 51 Close-sleeved vestments 52 Nonstop talker 54 Decree 55 Make jubilant 56 Columbus’s pet name for the Santa Clara 57 Darnel 58 Attacked 59 Command to Fido DOWN 1 Colleen 2 Pastel shade 3 Famed Michigan State coach 4 “The-Dos Passos novel 5 Nuisance terminator: Law 6 Schlimazel 7 Tolerable 8 Violinist Bull 9 Strongholds 10 Shields’s status at Princeton 11 Modern devices for home movies _12 Exile isle 13 Lampblack 181.L.A. man 22 Eye cheesecake By Chad Strawderman 24 Double agents 25 Unanimously 26 Dating place 28 Bone of contention 29 Employ radar so Newspaper page 31 C. Porter song: 1929 32 Panay native 35 Filmy cobweb 36 Alludes to 38 Couple 39 Kingdom 41 Tragedy by Voltaire 42 Harness ring 44 Flora and fauna 49 Topless craft 48 Pen name of 1 Across 47 -impasse 48 Opposite of jour 48 Borough near Pittsburgh 50 “Masterpiece” on wheels 53 Biographer Winslow