The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1997, Page 15, Image 15
YOUTH CAMP STAFF ' UNL Office of Campus Recreation Positions (or students (40 hours/week and part-time posi tion* grabble) June 2nd-August 8th at $5To-$5.86per hour. OuaMcanons: Previous experience raiated toyouth sports and recreation is desirable. Lifeguards also needed. AppHcatione avalable at 56 Catruue Recreation Carter orSEa^Campos Activities Building. Application deadlne APRIL 4th. Paid Summer Internship V you are interested in sates, management, or marketing opportunUes altar graduation, you need to get expen ence now) Northwestern MutuaTUfe is a “FortuneSOO” company and has a program that I you quaily, wifi hefc in preparing you for We after graduation. For and inter view. cal Mcnelle at (402) 483-7871. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice Afroaf estate advertkhgInthk newspaper Issubject to the federal Fat Housing Act, which makes bttsgai to advertise any preference. Imitation or dkcrimttarion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap. famUal statu or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, notations or discrimination. The Dally Ne braskans# not knovrihgly accept any advertising hr real estate which Is In violation of the mw or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Mormedthat aidwekrtge advertised are avalable on an equal cpportunty basis. 1 F, roommate needed for Summer. Cozy house 1137 Charleston St No depost. $217. ♦ 1/2 utHdes. 438-0777. 3 M/F to share 5 bedroom townhouse May 1st 477-0457. Female n/s to share charming 3BR house. May-Dec. Wood floors, big windows. 23rd ft South. $154+utWUee. 438-7424 Female roommate needed. May-August, main floor of house 2 blocks from campus. Free laundm. Off-street parking. SpH >550 rent 8 ways. Cal 476-2037. M/F to share 3bdr house at 28th 6 J. $185+1/3util, and deposit Ca» 474-3836 leave message._ Male N/S Roommate wanted for furnished. 2 bedroom «*.. Heat. A/C paid, >173+ 1/2 utttles. 1315 F Sf. 435 8437._ '-t, . Three available rooms in a 5BR house. M/F college student, >225 + utilities. 2729 S 40th. CaH 484-5506. wanted M/F to share a 3bdr. furnished apartment wth another male and female I interested cal 421-3874. - '. * Modem 5 Bedroom house. Capital Beach area, parking. >190mo plus 1/5 uddMes. wasner/dryer. 475-5305. ___ ■■ 2834 Starr. Very idee, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, puking, near campus, $750.432-0644 or 432-8644. 3, 4, & 5BR Availableirr May or August Reserving Now. Nice houses, dose to campus. 432 0644,432-6644. v .^w -7, ... au, • 34 * 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Near UNL Stadium, C/A, Dishwasher. Washer/Dryer, $600-6850. Available May, 489-9294._ . .... 4200 BaJdwb-6 bedroom. 633 N. 26th-6 bedroom; 4334 St. Paul-6 bedroom, 2611 R-Large 4 bedroom, avalabie Maj^ or August 1st. from $950-61200. 450-8919/489 4332 North 60th, 2BR plus basement, newly-remodeled* garage, stova/refriperator/washer/dryer, available May 1. no pats, $625.47&2313,466-8966. 811 Charleston. 5 bdr.; 1016 New Hampshire, 3 +1 bdr.; 435-5565__ AVAILABLE NOW, great location, WALK FROM UNL CAMPUS, 5BD, 2BA,jage, unfurnished, applanees.Cdr Brand New 5315 Cleveland. Four bedroom, two baths, double ga rage. $995.430-6328. _ Campus Close 2948^r. Four bedroom. Two baths. Gwage. $750. We love students! 3, 4 5, 8 6 bedroom units near UNL ter summer and/or - fdLA/C. washer/dryer, dishwasher. BEAT THE RUSHI 423-1535. .* . . _ j 924North 35th. Two bedroom duplex. Newly remodeled. Must see. 441-9555__ Close to Campus Unfurnished three bedroom. 1 1/2 beths, fireplace, kkchsn w*h appliances, washer/drysr. Available May. 1417 N. 20th. 402-292-7686. __ Nice duplexes arailMXe for May. 4 bdr., 2 bam, 2 garage. central air, appiances, washer/dryer. $895.43S-78D7T Spacious 3 bdr., 2 bath duplex, less than one yr. old. saeurity system, attached double garage, waking dis tance to campus. Cal 43M65B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gilt Certificate Sinceonee^doee NOT f»ai,ws haves myriad o< —»-y- ■rT-T-r-liijnisniflitiilsilninwa.hialB Mgrtwslireoagr|^3gjS»cwe4n and we’S give you , JONES PRCmSeBtIES-475-7262 eeeeeeeeseeeassaess* Surfs up, or Just about!! ftlars ws arrant “TtldiBimi " ihm iai Inilair and ws I reserve a Beech Towel far year swim/ So!w7«!mwloaw^i*M * tadroom “"**■ A JONES PROPERTIES- 475-7262 1938 Garfield Itso bedroom, newer apartment No pets, no smoking, lew uMBIes. <405.466-7267. 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom Laun dry. Oarage, >488.4SMB28. 3600Jjjuntingtoaia^2bdr. apartment far-rent. Aval -—-------—-;—-r-^—-——: ' 3bdr. downtown area. Security Bidding. Clean and Nice. $550. No pots. Phoenix Properties Meneoemenl. 474 5327 or 421-8998._ .__ Affordable Apartments Summer Leasee Avalable Efficiency 1948 Q St. $249 1 Bedroom 335 S 26th. $349 731 S 12m. $340 1015 DSL $310 1327 D St, $295 1436 ESL $310 5140 S 48m, $340 2 Bedroom 412 S 24th, $420 501 N 25m, $375 619 S 20th, $370-390 900 S 21st, $350 941 Washington, $410 1027 Washington, $380 1113 BSL $350 1332 C St, $430 1610 S Folsom, $495-520 2433 E St, $365 2917 <3 St $395 3 Bedroom 56m & Hddrege. $550-565 Management One 477-2600 Pinetree nls. 1st a Adams, J^a 3bfr^47W§00-$640. Embassy Pa/k Apts., 31st a Old Cheney, 1,2, a 3 bdr., 1814^St. 2bdr., $4l5-$450, 515 W. Saunders, 1bdr., $370. 821 A St 2 bdr. $430, no pets 463-1130 or 483-6057 . -T. • ■ • Claremont Parle Apartments ‘Ideal for students* Now leasing for August (some avalable in May). Close to campus and downtown. Spaces are limited. First Come. First Serve. Cal 474-7275 to set appointments. 9dt a dmemoSl Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor healed pool. 421-3070, Cozy on up toa nicd, warm fire at Wiltowhaven Apts 1.2 bedroom apt* new available w«h fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 jam) ^TOpertbjytT^sS^ Large 3BR, c/a, newef carpet, CLEAN, on buslne, $585 plus deposit, no pete, ash far Doug, 487-5355. L^k|ngtorpeorfcitoKb>jewre 3 bdr Claremont apt from May and August Leases Eastcampos.38th&Huntington,2bedroom,flreplace.C/ A. applancss, laundry, parking, no pen 489-S816. Newer, 2-bedroom, EXTRA dean, dose to UNL and downtown. $425 plus deposit of $425.483-6280 One large bedroom, 2929 R ST;, contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working kitchen with pantry, ceramic file kitchen and bathroom, dishwasher, secure storage space, same-boor laundry;, off-street parking, private entrance, and heat paid. Available NOWt$400/ month, 474-3529. • • -r - - ,-r- r- -r. Sublease 3 bdr Claremont Apt starting May 10. Cal 438 7632, bave message. _ Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath, BRAND NEW1 At appliances including washer and dryer. No pets. $865-$960T Phoo nix Properties Mangagement,474-5327 or 421-8996. SUMMER LEASE One bedroom, 2100 *B" Street. Utftbspald, or* $3001 No pets. Phoenix PropertiesManagement, 474-5327 or 421-8998. - : Super Brand New large studio krith ffVTO1 bathroom in ful basement with large daylght window. No pets. Non smoker. Avalabia now. $24000 (402)299-4885. Three-month base (May-Aua.) $720/month plus utiltiee Claremont Apartments. 43Ml793' , ' _ Unfurnished 3BR, 2BA.2612J or 4915 pats. <605-3625, several bases available. 466-9528. .fTV'. -• -- Walk To Campus Summer Leases Available 2504 Vina, 1 bedroom, from $340. 2 bedrooms, from $460, CersmtefkxHs, Neural decor. WD. pttpitiol 1109, 1121 N. 28th, 1 bedroom, from $340. POOL OPENS SOON! 2920 T* Si, 1 bedroom side-by-side duplex, from $350. 2 bedroom spit townhome, from $475 4300 Comhuaker Hwy., tbedrooro, from $360. 2-bed room spit level townhome, from $485, 2 bedrooms. Ceramic floors, Neutal odors, from SNOTPOOL OPENS SOON! Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 3, 4, &5BR available in May asasaasaf^ t° Annual Jewelry Sale Entire Stock 20% to 50% off "Lincoln's largest selection of sterling silver jewelry. /fVMnr am -iiiiiii1323JO|Street_ USUMMER LEASES!! I1GREAT PRICES!! •Welt to ALL campuses •Other locations awalable •Clean, neat A updated Century Management Co. 4848600 r~ ' ... .. . . .. On-Campus Summer Housing Thirty-One spacious, furnished double or single rooms at Triangle Fraternity. Clean, Coed, A/C, WTO, Parking. Cal Pete at 4368781. Summer sublease needed. 1 bedroom apartment at Claremont 478-2871, leave message. Summer Sublease. 2bedroom, East Campus, Fireplace, TOiancas, 3541 Baldwin. $450, Two bedroom, wood floors, dose to campus, pets al lowed. 4366047. Two bedrooms, fireplace, appliances, W/D, Parking, Close to East Campus, $40074869916 or 4666362 Newer town house, 5 minutes from UNL Spa cious and Ight 2 bedroom 2 bath. 2nd living area in fully finished wafc-out lower level Attached garage. Great neighborhood with park; fenced ..JiU ■nrinUnre fOCfmnntfi ■■■nnlnfinn 1_ ysro Witn spnnwers. w<.j/ m onin association too for yard care and snow removal $89,950. Evelyn McFarland, 4863915 Home Real Estate 4363232 Two-bedroom trailer, 3 blocks from East Campus. (308)645-2429 ? Condo For Sale Clow to UNL Pafa/Tetrace, able to Me stadium. Beet location in Center Stone. Call for more into. Linda. Woods Brothers Reaty. 432-1080. ADOPT a caring, happily married couple wants so much to welcome your newborn Into our famBy. Your baby wH grow in a taring, warm home and we promise to be good parents. Medical/legal expenses paid. Please cal Gary atjd Marla, toMrae 1-686-289-6220. ADOPTION We offer counselng^!nd^dapSo?swvlcee to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No few or oMgahons. Statewide since 1883. Nebraska ChMten's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Sute 314.483-7879. Honest, easy-going couple looking to create and share Kodak momemts with newborn. Promise Metime of love, stabilty and more. LegaVconfidential. Cal Karen/lra tot free 1-888-822-2251._ Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential. affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases tasting. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians, TT Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWl, minor in possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. FREE Pregnancy Tsst BOTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please cal for appointment or more information. 463-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln ' Free pregnancy tasting, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal tor infor mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 600-727-3084. Resumes By Ann QuaiRy resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Damr Nebraskan Comics D„ SKI_ Non Sequitue (-> WELL... KTLEfcET uc!£ , WoNKT r teoUT IT V. _J SO^mi£ViK'K.I\ 4 eMerejjtr ) CRtopCMtoWBT. ? \ J *\'u■■■1 * ^^..4 V. / ' (JhaVs —■ 7/—/:::~-~'N , orjfefstind? (every \j «/ ■ UMfOWONKUN. uia wwmo stt MftDlfttRENTLX. J ACROSS i Thick slice sCtaMtter 9 Container 13 Office wkr. i4TheTentmaker 15 Monster 16 Blind purchase loRappylook 16 More commonplace 20 Land bordering the Caspian 26 Jerks. 24 U.K. award for valor 26 Stitches 27 Exchanges 32 Region 36 Hayworth or Gam 38 Sudden outburst 39 Sultry period; 42 --marbles ; ‘ (Greek sculptures) 43 Red deer 44 Church nook 45 Sonnet section 47 Glide on high 49 New Deal org. 51 Is furious 55 Birthright 60 Eskimo homes 82 In the center 63 Child’s game 85 Reside ••.Cinema,ip a ; Eqropean , - OTjEasternbigwig •8Alpert-’s • '“Spanish ——” ••Cinch - 70 Play quoits • DOWN 2 On the up and up 3 Loos or Baker 4“--Ark,” ■comic strip s Rep. Party • Old Testament prophet 7 Worked the garden f Chicken portion • Type of stick 10 Taj Mahal locale 11 Eye part 12 Mardi Gras follower 13 Balt, is one 17 Main channel 21 An Ionian island 23 Whip sound 20 Porches, Athenian style 28-mater 20 Moist 30“-Tu,” 1932 pop song '31 Parched 32 Soft drinks 33 Part 34 -Benedict 35 Mine entrance 37 Hair styles 40 in re 41 Radio noise 40 Rails ' ; 40 Rue so Once more 52 Tex. shrine 53 Fashions 54 Shoe bottoms 55 Moiety 56 Author Ludwig 57 Split J'.V ♦<* ' V*" --' V V ~ ' st Prelude to an n invention >{ » Sister of Vesuvius - •i Unit of Weight in India MPidcebo r* •' ■ \ -*&. ■ -iv ;> K ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE __v . I— ■—‘—llil