The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1997, Page 14, Image 14
-• ***.«*. »!.• '(mi' .W - ,K _ . - L'..'-.,-__• ■ . I ■ 1 f I I STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Have an impact on commlteee dealing with student related concerns. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union for 34 dHsrbnt committee openings for next year. Deadlne for ait posMons is 4:00 pm, April 18. - •- ' Young Exec SPM, 30, seeks SF 20-30. who Is attractive, bright, energetic and warm, for dinners and posable relation ship. I am eating and people-oriented, and so are you. Lke me. you enjoy US and warn to makeadlference. IBke music, movies, pop culture, readktg, the aits. Leave message 421-1384. V .- p ■ . -— FOUND: Keys wth ivory charm, outside of the Luthem Center on 4/2/97. Claim at the Daily Nebraskan office. Woiking original bend needs bass player and drummer. Female musicians encouraged. Contact H 438-4716. FAST FUNDRABEH-RABE $500 MS DAYS-G REEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, B0TIVATB> MMVDUALS. FAST. EA8Y-NO RNANCIAL OBLIGATION. (800)862-1982 EXTS3 • 2Qfl§_=___Jote H Unit Supply Tech-Temp Responsble for maintaining an appropriate inventory of medbaL office and nourishment and equipment in as signed areas. Maintains doanHnass blowing epidemiol ogy standards.!*" " “ insure dalyt ' 25 pounds r Audio Visual Video Center is needing part time hek> to work 15-20 hours/week; evening, weekends, aid hoi CASH PAID NIGHTLY Domino’s Pizza is now hiring delvery driven for aR shifts. You basicaly make your schedule to fit what you need. Must have your own car and insurance. Good driving record a must. Make 66.00 to 68.00/hour and get a paycheck weekly. Apply at any Domino’s Pizza or cal 434-2380.■ College Pro Painters I am looking tor highly motivated students to be a part of my painting team this summer. Cal Josh 467-2839. she^Qutekenand Lotu^.WexperisiKe required^ 12 hours/week, flexbte schedule. 68.00/hour. Leave message 420-2686. Construction Work Concrete, roughing, painting and miscellaneous. Top dolar paid I you know how to Work and you have construc tion references. Must have Own ftiickl Phoenix Properties 474-5327 Construction help needed. Full-time summer. Cal 430 8564. Data entry position 11am-7pm M/F. Must type 50-80 words/minute. Cal for info at PSi Group 474-1936. DO YOU LIKE BEING #1? Come work for Lincoln’s *1 Pizza Restaurant. Free meals. Competitive Wages, Flexible Schedule. Great Work Environment and Know ing you're associated with the BEST! Valentino's Restaurant at 13 & Q is now accept ing applications from 8am-11am, and 2pm-5pm for 81 fm JOBS; * Dining Room PooUono *KSchmi FOoMoao Downtown YMCA hiring experienced swim instructors for afternoon and evening sessions that ends May 10. Apply at 1039 P St. 434-9230 Earn meat money and valuable saiee/marireting experi ence. Mamolnk's Memoboards are coming to Nebraska! We need one highly motivated individual to direct our sates project Contact David at (800) 563-6654 for mom Information. FHm production, talent management and internships avaMtle. Cal Creative Artists Management 800-401 0545. SSSESSSSSSSI Full or Part time Earn up to $9.00 an hour placing advertisements on doors. BUI. 483-7778., GREAT PAY and experience, study whle you work! Fast Bucks Check Cashing Sendees has an immeidate open ing. 464-1660. ».wanted for custom harvesting, combine operators, truck drivers. Experience preferred, good summer wages. Cal 970-463-^490, evenings. Hinky Dinky at 48th A Van Dom is seeking applcant for Part time evening and weekend dad deik. A way to pick up extra $$$*1 Stop by our courtesy booth and apply. Hinky Dinky at 46th A Van Dom Is seeking Part time Florai designer for evening and weekends. Experience is defi nlely preferred. Apply at our courtesy booth. HUMAN RESOURCE INTERN Hwrto Laboratories has a great opportunity for an Mi vklual to wok as an haem in our HRdepsrtment. You wM be hwotved In a variety of HR projects^ assist In daily KdvWas and work with our HRiS system. We seek an jndvidual with emptasis in human resource coursework. To be considered for this paid internet*) opportunity. piease complete an appHcaton and enciose a resume mdtadng avalablfty. Applications are attUabie at: 621 Ftose Street, Lincoln, NE6660SL AA/EOE > you want on spring break and spent all your money wxf wanta good part-time job to make some money, cat Eric •Noseling involved •Evening hours: 5-9ptn. Monday-Thursday: 54pm Fri dayjand 9-12pm on Saturday* if if k Invoicing Entry Easy entry level work-Knowfledge of Windows hetatui Ver^ tiexjble schedule-Futl time A part time-470 Jazzercise For Free! Babysltets needed at South Jazzsrdse (48th A Pioneer). Three free Jazzerdse classes for each houtofbabysittlng. Call Susan at 421-7828.__ Locking for person to work In lumberyard. Apply at Sutheriands. 800 Pioneers Road._^ Looking for the perfect Job? R you enjoy workirig wlh people and love candies this is an epportunty of a Retime for you. Earn $25-$50/hour or more. PT/FT call Michelle at 423-9257 Looking for immediate permanent part-time colectors for delinquent medical accounts. WM work around schedule. Contact Mr. Beckenbach at 4774181 MEDICAL OFFICE Part-Time posUon avalabie In new office. Approximately 20 hours/week, $6.50-7.50/hour. No experience needed, but computer sfcUs helpful. CaH Erin at 435-5302. Merry Manor School off Childhood Part-time posUon avalabie, hm. 230-530 p.m. Also Model for computer video needed. Must be good in front of a camera. No experience necessary. Send photo and cover letter to P.O. Box 85643. Lincoln NE. 68501. WH hire wthin a week. . NBC The National Bank of Commerce Is currently accepting applications for: TELLERS Bank South. Rampaik. WNamsburg, _ East Park. Accounting Clerk FinancialAdm: Telecommunication Monitor-FCT For more detals please call the first commerce job hotlne. 434-4700 Equal Opportunity Employer Need fun and part-time help immediately through fal harvest John Deer equipment. 789-5125. Need landscaping groundskeeper help. Ful or part-time. Spring or summer. Internship possible. Ftexble hours. Can 421-7410 between 3-8 p.m., Monday-Friday. NEED SOME CASH? IMMEDIATE TELEMARKETING POSITIONS AVAIL ABLE. SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE AND WE WILL PAY YOU WEEKLY) JRW SALES IS EXPANDING AND NEEDS YOU TO JOIN OUR WELL TRAINED AND HIGHLY-PAID STAFF. CALL TODAY. START TOMORROW! 4383080__, Overnight-freight company seeking PT and FT aqtofoy aas for dalvery and pick-up. Must be 21 years old. Good driving record. $8.00/hr. Ftexble hours. Apply at 2200 * Wsst Adams No. 5 do Airborne Express between 10 AM 5 PM._ • Paid Internship for Public Information Writer Good news and fMftm writing skMs. Solid edUnoskHs. Organized, able to work on muifote projects ana meet deedfaes. Interns hp to begin in May. altar finals, and extends throughDecember 1997.20 hours per week (can increase during summer I desired), flwdbte schedule, oloae to cfiy cteimua, $7 par hour. Send resume or letter otWbfctelon before ApriflSto: Pubic Information Office, Nebraska Department of Economic Development. P.O. Box 94888, Lhookt.NE 685084888 PAID INTERNSHIP FOR DESKTOP PUBLISHER , Good layout and dategn skits, organized, able to work on muttUe protects end meet deadlines. Knowledge of Pagemafcer ^ Is prefsrred. internship to in May, alter finals, and extends fwough December 1997. 20 houm per week (can increase during summer If desired), (terrible schedule, doee tocfiy campus, $7 per hour. Send resume or later ol apptoafion before /tori 15 to: Ptbfic Information Office, Nebratott Department ol Economic Development, P.O. Box 94686, Lincoln, NE 68809-4668. Part time hek> wantod tor even Inns and Saturdays^ Flex teto hours. Apply a Antelope Park AMOCO, 27tn and A. Part time summer halp needed In local marina. Customer, phone and corryuterakHsa must Personalty Important. Call 470-2666 for interview. Part Time Security Guards Wanted First and third eWfi. weekends. Can etudy white working. Cal 476-6800 Ext 350. PART-TIME PROJECT ENGINEERS immediate openings for peit"tii!ie Protect Engineers in memmidiialmv nnm nrntlnn In rlliTli-li ini .- JH esiaDRsnea manuiauunng corporation. inoiviausi wu assist currant Project Enginaara coordinate and exercise authority for planning, organizing, and completing engi neering projactB. Qualified candidate must have minimum Junior or Sank* slandtog In Mechanical Engineering, excelent oral and written communication skHte, end ability to iwtete well wXh co-workers. Pteese send resume and salary history to: PMSomal Director Lincoln. NE 68501 - ' PERFECT FOR EDUCATION ft DEVELOPMENT HA JflPUf.ifhRnftninwf In fffhOOl BfWtctlflCl cm. Monday-Friaay, 20-30 hours par weakTEeimont Communty Center, 3335 North 12th Stteet,477-88S4. PT telemarketing postions avalabie now. Need quality people. Comfortable, ftexbie, easy. Catt 4754)404. SPENT ALL YOUR $$$ OVER SPRING BREAK? We have the Job for you... CODERS ' ,, We are looking for dependable and motVated individuals teeponsMe for assigning numeric codes to survey re sponses. Accuracy and dose attention to detail required. These positions are temporary, lasting 4-6 weeks, wth permanent part-time opportunltss available. IndhridualB with dose to 40 houtsAeeek availabKty preferred. Day and evenlngtoeekend shifts available. We wil train. For mote information and to schedule an interview, please call: 475-4520. National Research Corporation Gold's Galeria-4th floor 1033 tr Street Spring and summer farm hdp wanted. Ftexfcle hours. Experience helpful Cloeo to Lincoln. Can 762-8088. STUDENTS LOOKING FOR JOBS STOP LOOKING! Period job for someone who enjoys warehouse work and a physically active job but only wants to work 20-25 hours a week. Requlremenb: Able to read the Engtsh lan able to withstand cold temperatures, abb to Mt up is, stand for long periods of time, enjoys a fast pace environment, and takes pride in their work. Hours: MW ft TH 230pm-730pm; Sun. 230-630pm. Must be abb to schedule ctasses around the work hours. We offer a friendly work environment and a good location for ssstSs sfer* WmUncoln PoultEV IT" 477-3757 EOE SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SUMMER OF ADVEN TURE? APPLYNOWFQR SIX WEEKSOF CHALLENGE AND ADVENTURE. WE WILL EVEN PAY YOU. NO OBLIGATION. FOR MORE INFORMATION. CALL ARMY ROTC, 472-2468 __ Taking applications Wanted: mponsfcte. motivated person wiling to learn. Good people skiRs a must: an Interest In outdoor actMtiee such as camping, cimblng. and travel would be helpful. Must be avalabte al of July. Apply in person at the Moose's Tooth, 40th AO. __ The National Arbor Day Foundation has the two following positions available. Student Grants Assistant (20-25 hours per week). This indwiduaJ wB assist AeGrants Coordinator A kterrtfyinjj cant mustnswe good typing, writing and proof reading skile. WordPerfect 6.0 forWlndSWB experience required! Excelent opportunity for Journalism student. Research Coordinator (20 hours per week). Applcant must have working knowledge of WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows, knowledge of the Internet, famitarity with li brary research and ablity to handle muUple tasks. Please send resume to The National Arbor Day Founda tlon, PO Box 80208, Uncoln, Nebraska 66501-0206 Truck driver with dean MVR needed for summer wheat harvest run. WWing to train for the job. WRI help obtain CDL. Good wages and separate iving quarters. Wl be gone approx imatty 5/15-9/15 (402)234-2267 TUTOR: Needed for 9A grade English and Math. Hours variable. Call 483-4533/evenings or 475-6700 x359/ days. UNL Student for Part-time Ticket Sales Lied Center Box Office Hiring now for spring and summer openings that continue skils. sales and cash handing experience requiredMust be available to work MWF 1030am-230pm or TTh 1030am-230pm plus occasional evening and weekend hours as needed. Andy at box office 301N1211-530 M F or cat Cheri at 4724725 _ We’re looking for a few good drivers... Now is the lime to get your rewarding summer job. Pizza Hut la now Itirlng deivery drivers, apply A person at any location. 14A and Q St.. 27th and Comhusker Highway. 46th and Walter SL. 56A and South SL. 56th and Highway 2, and 16A and South SL Do you know how to have fun but be reeponsfcle? Need summer childcare tor three. Housing possfele benefit. 463-7217.__ Experienced and Dependable Nanny neededlo'cam lor our one year child; Friday Urn Sunday from 7 am. to 330 p.m. Call 489-8626. FAMILY LOOKING FOR FULL-TIME NANNY. NEED TO FILL POSITION IMMEDIATELY. Mealy, hours 10pm Bam, days M-Sun; HOURS, DAYS NEOGOT1ABLE; wM consider hiring two people. Must have high morals and values and be very dependable. No work required except caring for the two children, ages 7 a 11. Nonsmoker. EXCELLENT PAY. Southeastlincoin. Cal 489-0998. Nanny Needs dfor 11 year oM girt. Must have experience, references, fun atttude and a car. Afternoons only w#h one week paid vacation. Cal Steve at 472-8333 ext 304, daytime. Need reliabie person to watch and do activities wtti 8 and 10 year oM boys from June 4 to July X. Wling to pay $800. References needed. Cal 438-3408 Summer chM cam needed, my home. 2880 hours/week, must have car. cal Sheley after Gpm at 489-3449. CAMP COUNSELORS Make Lasting Mamortea at 8UMMER CAMP! Top ranked camps In the Pocono Mtns of PA. Need counselors to teach water and land rats. Outdoor Adventure. Aits 6 MORE I Call 218-887-9700 CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS. PENNSYLVANIA. AD spedMHes: Athletics. Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exercise, Nutrition. Tennis^7WEEKS^AGE 20+. 1-800-421-4321, Ateo kitchen, office,_maintainanaj. SaJary’$1306 plus! Phone: 847-446-2444.__ CAMP JOBS IN NORTHERN MINNESOTA Camp Buckskin currently has fob openings for male counselors, licensed teachers, nurses, nursing assis tants. office assktands and assistant cooks. The coed program helpe youth with academic and social akM dm cumes (ADHD/ADD.LD). Excellent practical experience. Internship*, and cooperate education experience aval able, Salary+room and board. Camp k located on a take near Ely, MN and BWCAW. Contact Tim Edmonds (612) 930-3544. Emal: COUNSELORS: TOP BOYS SPORTS CAMP M MAME1 Get In on axcMng km summed Must have good skUs. able to instruct, coach, or assist. OpimUnge bi: BaeafaaM, Basketball, Soccer, Lax, Tennis. Swka-fWSI), WaMSfcLftalwaterulmmIS,PLUS:Camping, Hiring, Ropes iClmbing Wall, SCUBA, Archary, EngDsh Horse back Riding. RtAryTArts & Crafts, ktartkl Arts, RN's Secretaries.^Tog Salaries, AwesonreF^I^^RnYBd/ OR WRITE: 8teve ’RubbiMeaO) 478-8144, CAMP COBB068EE 10 8lvennlne Dr, Baulk Setem, NY 10600 EXPERIENCED SWIMMERS Christian youth camp near Ashland has openings for Ufeguards. Must be at least 19. have current lleguard certification orable to be certified. Employment runs May 22-Auguet 11. Room, board and $1300 salary for season. Call Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries tol free all QOQ pgp _ Life Changing Experiences Could be In store for you. Work at Camp Easter Seal wth people adth dkabiltes. Salary, room and board provided. CafT(402)761-2875 for Information about open posMons. Spend your summer in the Colorado Rockies. Girl Scout camp looking for people 18 and over to work as unit counselors and rkUng staff. For more information call970 493-1844. Summer Jobs! Camp Birch wood and G unflint Wilderness camp, two of Minnesota finest summer camps, seek college students to worka counselors and instructors for horseback riding (engHsh A western). Sating or windsurfing. Working with kids ina camp setting, to achanceto be part of something signlicant. Employment begins June 6th to August 12tn or 22nd. For an woiication and to schedule and Interview cal 1-800-461-5270._ SUMMER WORK Nebraska Book Company ha many positions open. Stocking, Packing, Msc. Warehouse du ties. Rain or shine 40 hours per week. Daytime —no weekends. May through August—$6 per hour. We have a few openings now If you have hours open prior to final exams. Apply in person at: NEBRASKA JOB SB1VICE 1010 “N" Street Tuna. April 1 thru Fri. April 4 and Mon.April 7 thru Fri April 11 8-1 Iub. and 1-4 pun. , . ._EOE _ Work with Kids Parks and Recreation summer playground positions: leaders, craft leaders, activity specMsts. $&30-$5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. 1. Monday-Friday. 9rl5am-12:15pm. Con duct outdoor actMtae tor grade school eMdren. Apply Wranglers! Lifeguards! Boys Counselors! Waterfront Directors, Adventure Trail Guides, Dining Hal Steward A Assistant Crafts. Cal or write: Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA aKftaU 8000 Comhusker, Uncoil, 68507. *«»■■■——J Night Happy Hour I J Slsisors fp|J}l||; Uf :|^|gi^^pft;^Ajys & Bottles ,' atat-s.30' - close ■ Fm Pizza! Wnodv’c lie?gs/™ y^y^T?J Donate Plasma it NAB1 and Earn: •$25 for aew customers •Bonuses for those who qualify to •Up to $150 per mouth participate in our special Programs for return customers •For an appointment cal 474-2335 .Si'JEnSSl Free Firltag At tte Dwt