___~_ ____ 02 AooNances 400 Roommates 05 Bicycles 410 Housing Wanted 10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent 13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent 16 Computers 440 Duptex/Rent 20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent 30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing 40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobde Homes/Rent 45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacatkm/Rent 46 Office Furniture 490 Homea/Sale 50 Pets - 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods - 65 ^®reo?TY8 500 Adoption 15 TWwtExchange 505 Alterations & Sewing 90 Vehicles 510 Automotive 515 Bicyde Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 200 Rides 528 Chid Care 203 Spring Break Trips 530 CleaningfLaimdry 205 Career Events 531 Cteamngfttauseholds 210 Announcements |35 Computer Service 04 c UoAtinnc 540 tnt©ftaifWT>©nt * I J "'Will lUO CAC Oift 220 Greek Affairs ™ {^Sg^ 230 Student Government 550 ItoShTPitness 240 Prorate 553 Insurance 242 Pinning & 555 instrucborvTutoring Engagements 558 Job Placement 245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care 250 Wanted 565 Legal Services 260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange 270 900 Numbers 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 300HapWartatf - |E2S2“ Sn Si*, lJU^: 588 ftming 320 Work Study 590 Tattooing 330 Summer Jot* ■ 593 Travel 340 Internships 595 Typing « Resumes OOs For Sale *Si5°«?tf:»rSy=fcrfS3?JStef«rWaiSa^^ Cycle Works See Lincoln’s largest selection of bikes, clothing, and ac cessories for BMX, road, and mountain biking at Cycle Works. Be ready for the next spring-like day! Stop in now! 27th & Vine, open 7 days. 475-2453 Cycle Works Giant Sedona, three yrs. old, original components, $300. Call Nikki at 476-3309. New and used bicycles for sale. Life time tune-ups on new bikes purchased. Closest bike shop to campus. Blue’s Bike & Fitness Center 427 South 13th or 3321 Pioneer’s Blvd. WOWZA! What a bike shop. Lincoln’s finest selection of bicycles, parts, and accessories. Bike Sale on Now! Honker Hangar Bike Shop 3855 South St. 486-0323 Cyber-Net Pentium 166 MhzMMX, 16mb, 1.6gb-hd, 33.6fax, 2mb video. Warranty software ratal $2,275 sell ing $1295.1-800-662-8410_ Ful sized free starving loft, 464-7381 Wooden student desks with chair. Pre-assembled. $30 each. 435-1219._ Investment Entrepreneurs Dream Restaurant, bar, pool hai in oolege town of Crete for sale. Ownor Is retiring and wM consider land contract ptus work transition period with the buyer. Annual gross receipts exceed $200,000. Two bedroom apartment provided with private entry. Al this and more for $117,500. Wes Pearce 432-7831 or 467-3000 Smal Lincoln sports bar doee to campus, cal 432-2588 AKC Doberman Pinscher puppies —11 weeks old. Call 477-8323 for information. AKC Sberian Husky puppies, shots, wormed, ready for spring break. 402-781-2938._ K2 Fatbob Snowboard, 162cm Iona great for big boys and girls! $300, also have size 13 Akwafc boots, Ask for Matt 476-1851,434-8202. _ '96 KswasafaNr*. Back, Brand New, 200 miles, -faking beat ofhft-48jM452, Ask far Tim. 1991 Honda Civic, 2-door, hatchback, DX, Auto, Air, 52K, $4750, 1995 Ge® Metro, 4-door, Auto, Air, 44K, $5750,1987 Mazda 626, 4-door. 5 speed, Air, Clean, $2500, 1990 Acura Integra, 2-door, LS, 5 speed. Air, Moonroof. $5850 Baer’s Auto Saiee,/I647 s. 3rd, 477-8442. 1991 Nissan 2000 NX, black, t-top, SHARP, blue book: $8100, sacrifice: $7300, 476-2794. 1987 Honda Civic, 4-door, grey-metallic color for sale. Price is negotiable. Please contact Low 474-1304 or kiowOunigradl .unl.edu 2QQs Notices ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-S6,000/mo in fisheries, parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodging! Get aH the options. Cal (919) 918-7767, ext A318. Apply Now to be a Peer Sexuality Educator! Are you interested in helping students and improving your communication and leadership skills? Peer Sexuality Educators team to teach two programs: Contraceptive Methods & Issues, and STD/HIV: Social and Medical As pects. PSE’s receive a stipend for presenting these pro grams. Peers also provide educational events on campus for World AIDS Day and National Condom Week. For more info, or to apply contact Community Health Education, University Health Center, Rm. 12, 472-7440. Application deadline is March 21,1997. Apply Now to be a Health Aide! Join in the Health Aide 40th Anniversary Celebration by applying to become a 1997-98 Health Aide. Applicants must be full-time students living in a residence hall, Greek house or cooperative, and must attend class both fall & spring semesters. To apply or for more information con tact Community Health Education, University Health Cen ter, 472-7440. Camp Challenge Summer Leadership School So, You cfidnl sign up for ROTC as a freshmen or sopho more. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp ChaRenge, A PAID Six-week summer course with college credit in leader ship training. Call 472-2468 for details. CRUISE LINES HIRING -Earn to $2,000+/mo. plus free world travel (Europe, Caribbean, etc.) No exp. necessary. Free Room/Boara Ring (919) 918-7767, ext. C318. DISC GO ROUND WE BUY * SELL USED CD’S Used CD’s, $5.99-87.99. T-shirts, posters, Imports, hacky sacks, music books, song books and CD towers. New CD’s $11.99-812.99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and O, 488-0047. Entertainment Industry Hiring Earn $3000/mo. Working in Film, TV, Music, or Modeling industries. Work with favorite celebrities. Local & World travel. No experience necessary) (800)827-2832 Ext. M 10801. NATIONAL PARKS HIRING —Also Beach Resorts, Ranches, Rafting Companies. Up to $12/hour. Nationwide openings. Call (919) 918-7767, ext. R318. STAND Meeting TONIGHT at 8pm, NE Union, room to be posted. SAA Congratulations to SAA's newest members of Mortar Board: Jody Ambroz, Amy Heacock, and Tami Kaschke. Also congratulations to Mortar Board notables Jill Maaske. and Emity Millard. SPORTS, SOAPS, AND STOCKS. 1-900-656-5800 ext 7337. 2.99/min. 18+. SERV-U (619) 645-8434._ Help Plan Gay & Lesbian Awareness Week Meeting TONIGHT, 7p.m., Nebraska Unkm(room posted). SOMEONE YOU KNOW is a new gay. lesbian, bi, & transgender awareness group. Help us plan April’s GLBT Awareness week tonight. Everyone is Welcome(induding straight people). E-mail andrewbOnavix.net for more in formation. Marketing Club First Annual Round Table Thursday, March 20 5:30-7:30pm, Union: Room Posted. Bring yourself and your resume for a casual question-and-answer session with a diverse group of Marketing professionals. Begin your career search, gain information, and NETWORK! SAA v There’s a new member meeting this Thursday, 5pm, in the Union. Then plan on going to BW-3's afterwards for dinner! Student Foundation Elections win be held, March 20th, 5:15pm City Union, room will be posted. Any Questions can Erika. The Publications Board will meet at 4 p.m., Thursday, in the Nebraska Union to discuss Daily Nebraskan policies and to hire the summer editor. All are welcome to attend. Mn ^Congratulations to Michele Decker for making Mortar Your Sisters are Very proud of you! A® Congratulations to Jamie Reeves on her engagement to MattHoskinson! Love your A-Phi Sisters. A$ Congratulations to thefollowingA-Phi’s for being selected to Mortar Board: Amy Heacock, Jenny Starr, and Terri Kerber. What an incredible honor to receive. Love, Your A-Phi Sisters ate Congratulations to Dave Bird for being selected to Mortar Board. From your Brothers AIT Sorry about the mix up In last Thursday's paper. Don’t worry we all knew you guys were there! The Ladies of Kappa Delta Congratulations AIK Waltersfor being selected as a final ist for the Student Leadership Award for sophomores. Way to go Jaime Stetzer for being selected as a semi-finalist for juniors. Congratulations Jody Ambroz and Jaime Stelzer for their induction to Mortar Board. Congratulations to Angelle Vidrine; junior, Jeana Seitzmger, sophomore, and Jenni Martin; freshman, for being recognized as Mortar Board Noteables. We are very proud of you all! Alpha love, your sisters ABA Thanks for rotting skating with us, Tuesday, We had a blast! Let’s get together again sometime! The Men of FarmHouse A belated thank you for the greet time we had a couple of weeks ago! Thanks, Neb. & Kansas ADPi’s Congratulations to the Husker Rugby team for winning the Great Plains Divisional Tournament Championship game against SDSU, 72-0. The Men of Alpha Gamma Rho Congratulations to Mindy Hoelscher and Jeremy Fortin on your engagement! Love, Your Pi Phi Sisters AT Congratulations Courtney CardaroneUa for being ac cepted to Mortar Board and to Jody Ryan for receiving Mortar Board Notables. _Love your Sisters Take Care of Your Friends on Spring Break Drink Response Coors 30 pk SMi,!*L$12.99 Busch Rut or Usht. (a ai> warm case.—99*99 MiHer life MHer Draft*™ qq warm case cans**** 9llw7? OUHtaukee Res or LiSftt. e_ „ warm case—$(.99 -and rack, modi Bore *ra»WW K THE NEBRASKA UNION, EAST UNION AND CULTURE CENTER ARE NOW ACCEPTING OFFICE SPACE APPLICATIONS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 1997-1998 Applications are available in Suite 220 (Currently located in the Ballrom on the 2nd Floor of the City Union) and the Office for Student Involvement, Room 300 East Union. IMPORTANT DATES TO CONSIDER: April 4 Application deadline for priority consideration (5 p.m.) April 8 Meeting, Nebraska Union Board, City Union, 6:15 p.m. (Organizations invited to present concerns to the Board) April 15 Union Board Space Allocation Committee presents its recommendations to the Board, City Union 5:30 p.m. (Organizations invited to attend) April 29 Final vote by Union Board concerning space allocations, City Union, 5:30 p.m. Applications must be returned to Suite 220 (Ballroom), City Union, by 5 p.m. Friday, April 4,1997. Applications for East Union may be turned in at the Office for Student Involvement, Room 300 East Union, by the same deadline, 5 p.m. Friday, April 4,1997. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Leupold, Assistant Director for Operations, Nebraska City Union, Room 220 City Union (Ballroom) (472-2181). ■■ ; " • : _ j :• . ^ - .. ,