The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 20, 1997, Page 15, Image 15
SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SUMMER OF ADVEN TURE? APPLY NOW FOR SIX WEEKS OF CHALLENGE AND ADVENTURE WE WILL EVEN PAY YOU. NO OBLIGATION. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL ARMY ROTC, 472-2468 _ Wanted: Pleasant and professional part time receptionist. Send resume or stop In to apply The Ambaeesdor Lincoin.4405 NormalBvld, Lincoln, Ne68506Attn: Mark Andrews EOE NBC MtMUl Bm* «rCemnsrss The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting ^plications for CURRENCY SORTING CLERK MAIN BANK Prefer previous cash handling experience, hrs. 8-2 Mon. ENCODER/ITEM PROCESSING Prefer bank operations or encoding experience or at least 6 mos. of 10-key adding experience. Must meet a mini mum of 6,000 key strokes per hour. 1-9 p.m. Mon. & FrL, 10-4 Sat For more details please call the first commerce job hotlne. 434-4700 Equal Opportunity Employer Day and night sitting Nine days in May, 3 school-age children. Our home in Lincoln. Non-smoking, mature female, good driving record, car provided, good wages. Contact Sherry, 423 2847.__ Nanny Experienced responsible person needed to care for our child Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 7 am. to 3:30 p.m. Cal 469-8525.' NANNY OPPORTUNITY Earn an excellent salary whle experiencing a different part of the country as an American Nanny! $175-$350 a week PLUS room and boardl Al expenses paid by the famty. Go wth the beet referral service. Call 1-800-937 NANi for a free brochure. CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS, PENNSYLVANIA. All specialties: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exercise, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEK8. AQE 20+. 1-800-421-4321, Camp Counselors to work with persons with disabilities (tel of them). Special Ed desirable but not neceesky. June 15 to August 1,1997. Salary $1000. Send resume Box 1763, Sioux Falls. SO 57101__ CAMP COUNSELORSwanted for private Michigan boys/ girts summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing. Bal ing, watenkMng, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, oof, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kfechen, office, maintainance. Salary $1300 plus. Phone: 947-446-2444. Camp Director Special Ed background preferrably. Stan June 1 to Au gust 1,1997. Must be able to manage personnel Salary $2000 plus expenses (appropriate). Assistant Director Special Ed background preferrably. Start June 15 to August 1, 1997. Must help director set daly activities. Salary $1500. Send resume to P.O. Box 1763, Sioux Faks, SO 57101 COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE! Summer Camp seeks COUNSELORS: Tennis, Watersports, Outdoors, Landfporis, Gymnastics, Riding, Arts, etc. Excellent Salary/Transportation, Room/Board. WICOSUTA: 1 800-846-9426 Education Majors Parks and Recreation summer playground positions: leaders, craft leaders, activity specialists. $5.30-$5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. 1. Monday-Friday, 9:15am-12:15pm. Con duct outdoor activkes for grade school children. Apply now at 2740 A St. 441-7952. EOE/AA Wanted Outstanding Educators The Nebraska State 4-H Camp, Nebraska Forest, Halsey NE is accepting applications for summer staff. Learn to lead youth age6 8-18 years of age in the following outdoor programs: nature, ropes/confidence course, canoeing, tubing, crafts, overnight camping, and many more. You do not need to be in 4-H to apply. Application deadline: April 4,1997. Nebraska 4-H Camps are equal opportunity employers. For information see your employ ment office or call: (308)533-2224 Free Samples Lose up to thirty pounds, 30 day guarantee! Cal 434 6463. Publisher’s Notice Al real estate advertising In this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes k illegal to advertise any preference, kmkation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap, familial status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan wkl not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in vhlatxm of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informed that al dwellings advertised are avalable on an equal opportunity basis._ Female roommate. 3bdr, 2bath. Claremont. $235/lnonth. May, June, July. Call Jll 475-1131 M/F roommate, 5 bedroom townhouse. $172 ♦ $80 de posit. 1/5 utilities. 477-0457 Two available rooms in aSBR house. M/F college student, $250 + utilities, 2729 S 40th. Call 484-5506._ 2834 Starr. Very nice, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, near campus, $750.432-0644 or 432-6644. 3,4, & 5BR Available in May or August Reserving Now. Nice houses, cloee to campus. 432 0644, 4326644. 4200 Baldwin-6 bedroom. 633 N. 26th-6 bedroom. 4334 St. Paul-6 bedroom. 2611 R-Large 4 bedroom, available May or August 1st. from $950-$1200. 4506919/489 6948. 5 bedroom. 2 bathroom. Range, Refrigerator, C/A, Washer/Dryer, wait to UNL, $850. Avalable May. 489 9294. AVAILABLE NOW, great location, WALK FROM UNL CAMPUS, 5BD, 2BA, large, unfurnished, appliances. Cal David. evenlngs483-5864. We love students! 3,4,5, $ 6 bedroom units near UNL for summer and/or fal. A/C, washer/dryer, dishwasher. BEAT THE RUSH! 423-1535. 4 to 5bdr, 2 bath, 2-car garage. Just buitH 4315 Orchard St. 464-8240. Nice duplexes available for May. 4*bdr., 2 bath, 2 garage, central air, appliances. washer/dryer. <885.435-7607. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate Since one aba docs NOT fit ad. we have a myriad of unk abaa^fficianciaB. one and two bedroom, Juat a abort walk to City. Qualify, taova-in and wa'R give you a Gift Certificate to Galway. JONES PROPERTIES-475-7262 ******************** Surfs up, or just about!! Since we accept“SUMMER LEASES," aign-up today, and wad reserve a Bench Towel for your swim/ sunning around the pool. 1 & 2 bedroom units. A stone's throw to City Campus. JONES PROPERTIES- 475-7262 1 bedroom. HEAT PAID, $295. West Comhusker and 2520 U Street $325.00,464-1657 or 450-2990. 1910-20J. Street. One&Two Bedroom. Clean. Quiet. NO pets. $310 A $410 per month. CaM Jim 430-9014 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage. $495. 430-6328. 2834 Start, 4 BR, 2 Belh, $750 Near Campus/Parking 432-8644 or 432-0644. 3bdr. downtown area. Security BuMIng. Clean and Nice. $550. No pets. Phoenix Properties Management. 474 5327 or 421-3996.__ Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and one bedroom unto avalabie, no smoking, no pets, secure entry, laundry, guaranteed parking, UNL Shuttle Stop. $325-$375. Brickyard Apts. 17th and Hotdrege. 477-6576. April and May Openings Pinetree sets. 1st & Adams, 263 bar., $470-$500-$640. Embassy Park Apts., 31st A Old Cheney. 1,2, A 3 bdr., $405-$640. 1614 F St. 2bdr„ $415-$450. 515 W. Saunders, Ibdr., $370. 621 A St. 2 bdr. $430, no pets 463-1130 or 463-6057 Claremont Park Apartments ‘Ideal for students* Now leasing for August (some avalabie in May). Close to campus and downtown. Spaces are limited. First Come, First Serve. Cal 474-7275 to set appointments. 9th A Claremont Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Wlllowhaven Apts 1,2 bedroom apts now available wth fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 Downtown, unique one bedroom In security bulding. Heat paid, only $280, no pets. Phoenix Properties. 474-5327 (am) or 421-8996 (pm). EAST CAMPUS APARTMENTS 2 A 3bdr, sporting new paint, carpets, appiancee, cabi nets. Your mother would approve of this place! WafctoE. campus and dose to bus stop. 1-800-977-4253 Large Ibdr, newly renovated. Near Campus, 2403 Lynn Street, off-street parking. Cable, deposit, $285/mo. Aval abte April. 466-2068._ Looking for people to sub-lease 3 bdr Claremont apt. from May to August Cal 475-3670. Newer, 2-bedroom, EXTRA dean, dose to UNL and downtown. $425 plus deposit of $425.4633260 One large bedroom, 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working klchen wth pantry, ceramic tile kitchen and bathroom, dishwasher, secure storage space, same-floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance, and heat paid. Available NOWI $400/ month. 474-3529. Walk To Campus Availalbe Now' Short Term Leases Accepted 2504 Vine, 2 bedroom, lower level, ceramic tile, beige carpet, sharp apartment, $460. 2627 Vine, 1 bedroom, studio, perfect, $475/$295. 1109.1121 N. 28th. 1 bedroom, choose your style, huge bedroom, spacious, private walk out patio, $340-$365 4300 Cornhusker Hwy, 1 bedroom. Middle or top level, grey or beige, $365 Available April 15th, 4300 Cornhusker Hwy., 2 bedroom, 1 bath. W/D hookups, an applances. beautiful. $540. Available, May 1,4300 Cornhusker Hwy., 2 bedroom ,11/ 4 bath, split level town home, spacious, most utilities paid. $485. Hava a Safa and Exciting Spring Break! Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 Pinelake Heights Apts. 38th & Pinelake Rd. 436-3484 Skyline View Apts. 1430 Old Farm Rd. 436-3477 Lakeview Park Apts. 510 Surfside Drive 436-3464 Efficiency, One, Two, and Thee Bedrooms LOFTS 6 Month Leases Available Cable T.V.Paid Some with Washer/Dryer Hookups Pooi/Fttness Center Managed by Commercial Investment Properties a _Equal Housing Opportunity_ Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath. BRAND NEW! At appliances including washer and dryer. No pets. $895-$950. Phoe nix Properties Mangagement 474-5327 or 421-8996. SUMMER LEASE One bedroom. 2100 *B* Street Utifties paid, only $300! No pets. Phoenix Properties Management, 474-5327 or 421-8996. Various Locations Apartments available near campus and downtown. Effi ciencies, $225-310; 1BR $240-$410; 2BR $370-$620 Management One 477-2600 Ag Men Fraternity is currently taking applications for summer rent Call Craig, 436-6320, or Steve 436-6336. Summer Lease Nice, 2 bdr., newly painted, fireplace, deck, AC, dish washer, $450/mo. 4200 Huntington. Call 466-4839, leave message. 500s Services ADOPT: We will shower your baby with love, hippiness and a promising future. Exp. Pd. Susan and Arthur 1-800-631 2644. ADOPTION We offer counselng and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obfigatkms. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Chldren's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Sule 314,483-7879. Adoption: To love and to be loved is the best gift in life. We want to give that and more to your baby. Confidentiai/Legal/ Exgenses gaid. Let's talk, please cal, Beth and Don, 1 Cycle Works The weather Is finally about to break, how about your bke? Make sure k doesn't wkh expert repairs at Cycle Works. Always fast and friendly. 27th & Vine, open 7 days. 475-2453 _Cycle Works_ Planned Parenthood off Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. Xf Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333._ TROUBLE WITH MODEM ACCESS TO SCHOOL? Tom can help. $30 set up. Cal 476-6848. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor in possession. Sanford PoHacfc 476-7474. FREE Pregnancy Test BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please cal for appointment or more information. 463-2609. Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy Center Free pregnancy test.confidential counseling. Call for appt. 475-2501 Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for infor mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 800-727-3084._ Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm _By Michael Jantze I've aecoMe wav too1 eMOTlOMAL SINCe MV ex-6F* e>flcxe up . 7 [Aller^iesj I AND NOW I HAVe TO PICK ABOUND THe SAP MOVteS. How about../ Whafe WveY J \^°^V but even aeiNG tuat CAReFUL CAN 6ACKFIR0... ...nw eesr coveR is to TAK0 ReiNe TD A FULL BLOWN TBMUeRMeR. Non Sequttur By Wiley LooK£LlKE | ON-LINE I BoMANCE P 14 Mo&E commonplace ; TUAN WE 1 TWoUGWT. VR=K*-a> r * s IhE Deep end By Chad Strawderman r-1 -- -. . - 10w U.ft \ACV6 h TuW CtWWUttST, I TrtffCUHtttUmG. I nou cm\_ KW8t f\ We! ACROSS 30 Journalist 11mprisoned jCstem lOSefze 32 Great quantity 14 Vivacious 33 Aids is Word on a wall 37 Designer of St. in the Bible Fa^*s. .. . Cathedral in 16 Unusual London 17 Mingler with the Sustairv rich and famous 41 .... „ support 19 When Brutus _ . .. struck 42 French critic 20 Pare Hippol'rte 21 Consent <3 Endure 22 Clothes holder 34 Far away 23 Hush-hush org. 45 Hurry 24 On the briny 49 Josh 26 Ladies’-room 50 Town near attendant Padua si Did a blacksmith’s job 54 Charity 58 Mighty mite 59 Earner of 21 badges 81 Stage aid 62 Bolus 63 Went up 64 Scotto specialty 65 Three-spot 66 Belief DOWN 1 Complain 2 Tub plant 3 Scoff 4 Malevolent 5 Lair 6 Alpha’s antithesis 7 Expensive 8 One-third of thrice 9 Practice for the big show 10 Put the heat on 11 TV predecessor 12 Sports spot 13 Harass 18 An anagram for anil 23 Organ structure 25 Played at love 26 Indian slipper, for short 27 Flu symptom 28 Sea swallow 29 Incursion 30 A regal Hugh 45 Mounds 52 Broadway play 31 Mount St. 46 Ballplayer at 53 Woo optically Helens Houston 54 Israeli port emanation 47 Kind of pigeon 55 Diving bird 34 Used the pool gg Musical time 56 Reflect 35 Gatlin Brothers, ^ -gingin’ in the 57 Dele’s opposite ®9' ^ Rain” man 60 Posed 36 Forwarded 38 Nave crosser 39 Pre-C.I.A. agcy. 40 Hillary Clinton, — Rodham 44 Take a taxi i ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ■_ sIP11 IClElRlYM J lAjMlElSl I F TALAR I aBa X O L O T L A T E L 7 E Rile L O A C A E D YCH e[c]k|E|r|sM JoarIboTrbP BhiaTr d s[c]r|a b|b|l|e| A L N TTlTa mMa m|p|eir|e|s1 CON SjoTr E Mr IE 1P [R11 |n|t| s1wie1e1t1e|nBp|r|eis|e|t|s1