CAMP COUNSELORSwanted for private Michigan boys/ girts summer camps. Teach: swimming. canoeing, sal NiQi wNwiKUnQi QyfnnMtic4i nttery • wchsfy, tonnSi ooi( sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, ORridmg. Abo kitchen, odea, maminance. Salary $1300 phis. Phone: 847-446-2444 COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE! Summer Gasp seeks COUNSELORS: Tennis. Wateraports, Outdoors, LandsMrts. Gymnastics. Rkfing, Arts, etc. Excellent Saby/Tiansportatlon. Room/Board. WICOSUTA: 1 Education Majors Paiks and Raaaalion summer playground positions: leaders, crsA leaders, activity speefibts. 85.30-85.70/hr. June 9-Aug. 1. Monday-Friday. 9:15am-12:15pm. Con duct otrtdoor aetbtos tor grade school chldren. Apply near at 2740 A St 441-7952, EOE/AA_ PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Cormsetor posbonstor talented and t Got, Ropes and I other openings h _ _ mbig, Sklng, Salmg, Windsurfing. Cmroelng/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, ooard and travsl. June 22nd-August Inquire: MAH-KO-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118 DANBSE (Gins): 1-800-392-3752 YOUTH CAMP STAFF UNL Office Of Campus Recreation Positions tor studsnb (40 houmAeask and part-time posi tions avalabb) June 2nd-Auguet 8th at 86.10-85.66 per hour. QuaMIcatlons: Previous saperlsnte related to youth sports and racreatlon b desirable. LVeguards abo nserlscl lysTlrathns avelbib at fifi Campia rtsrisalion CjmtsrorKtirtCMwpue ActivMes BuftAng. Application Paid Summer imemship I you are interested In sabs, management or marketing oppoctunbes after graduation, you need to get expert ence noerl Northwestern MUtim Lie b a *Fortune5O0” company and has a program ttiat i you quaHy, wW he$> in prapaHng you for Me after graduaion. For and Inter view, cel Mcnele at (402) 483-7871. Free Samples Low iv to thirty pounds, 30 day guarantee! Cal 434 6463. _~ - 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice A! mat estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fat Housing Act, which makes t Hegel to advertise any preference. HrdUtton or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap, famtlel status or national origin, or Mention to make any auch preferences. IMtaHons or discrimination. The Dally Ne braskan wH not knowingly accept anyadverrielng lor real eame eMch Is In vMaOon of the lew or dieeriminatee against aamal preferences. Our readers are hereby InbnnedthataldtvelIngeadvertiBedareavalableonan bqusI opportunMy bMki_ 2 roommates needed for 86R housed May. 5211 South 53rd. 484-6056.____ Female roommate, 3bdr, 2bath. Claremont. $235Anonth. May, June, July. Cal Jll 475-1131 M/F roommate, 5 bedroom townhouw. $172 + $80 de post. 1/5 matter 477-0457 Mate Non-smoker, 2-bedroom apt, 18th & Washington, $200*1/2 uMBes * depost. 4354)526. Two available rooms in a 5BR houw. M/F college student, $250jrutiBw. 2729 S 40th. Cat464-5506. 2834 Starr. Vary nice, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, near campus. $750.432-0644 or 432-8644. 3,4, & 5BR available in May or August Reserving nowfor Summer or August Nice houses, dose to campus. 432-0644,432-6644. 4200 BafcMn-6 bedroom, 633 N. 26th-6 bedroom, 4334 SL Paul-6 bedroom, 2811 R-Large 4 bedroom, avalabie May or August 1st, from $950-51200.450-8919/489 AVAILABLE NOW. great location, WALK FROM UNL CAMPUS. 5BD, 2BAJarge. unfurnished, appliances. Cal We love students! 3,4,5, A 6 bedroom units near UNL for summer and/or fal. A/C, washat/dryer, dishwasher. BEAT THE RUSHI 423-1535. _ 4 to 5bdr. 2 bath, 2-car garage. Just butt!! 4315 Orchard SL 464-8240. Nice duplexes available tor May. 4 bdr_ 2 bath. 2 garage, central air, appliances, washer/dryer, $895.435-7807^ ' IPinelake Heights Apts. 38th & Pinelake Rd. 436-3484 Skyline View Apts. 1430 Old Farm Rd. 436-3477 Lakeview Park Apts. 510 Surfside Drive 436-3464 Efficiency, One, Two, and Three Bedrooms LOFTS 6 Month Leases Avalabie Cable T.V.PakJ Some with Washer/Dryer Hookups Pooi/Rtness Center Managed by Commercial Investment I Properties a _Egunl Housing Opportunity_J !!! Possible Short Term LEASES !!! 2504 Vine: 1BR, tower level wak to campus, $340 2BR beige ceramic floor, eat In kitchen, $460 1109,1121N. 28th: 1BR, Spacious, lots of closets, huge bedroom, $3404365 3220 Apple: Lower level, unique complex, $350 4300 Comhusker. 1BR, Spacious, beige 4300 Comhusker: Spotless. 2BR, 1 or 2BA, w/d hkup. grey or beige breakfast bar. al apple's, $5204560 2920 P: Townhouse. 2BR, 11/4 BA, spit level, all apple's, heat pd. Small complex with great neighbors, $485 Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate Since one aba does MOT ft aN. are have a rayriad of untqfaea-aSIclaiicieq.onqandaeobedrooare.JuBlq abort wafctpCby. dually, awnra bi and we'fl give you JONESPRy. ConfMentW/Legal/ Expenses pfed. Lot’s felt, please cal, Bath and Don. 1 800-571-8554. Unaraefed Pregnancy? Consider Adaption? Chadless, middle Income, central Nebraska couple would Hke to adept. Cal^305) 381-7748or write P.O^ox 1014, Grand Cycle Works The weather Is finany about to break, how about your bke? Make sure I doesn't, wth expert repairs at Cycle Works. Always fast and friendly. 27th A Vine, open 7 days. 475-2453 Planned Parenthood of Lincoln uonnoonuai, viofoaDiepmcnpuon cxnn comroL miv ana other Sexualy Transmitted Diseases tasting. Evening and Sfeurdav hours. Female dnfcfens. ’Cr str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor In possession. Sanford Pollack 478-7474. FREE Pregnancy Test BWIHRIQHTk a confidential helping hand. Plaaae cal for appohtment or mote Information. 483-2809. Planned Parenthood off Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion atnd referr^ on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counseiom available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for Infor mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of life Line434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free comtaennaj counseling, rivDiBsK& wnnsMBn wOrVicoa* i* 800-727-3084. Resumes By Ann Qually resumes, professional esters. Over 14 years experience, proven tesuta. 464-0775. Dabut Nebraskan Comics The Norm ~ rve 6or a pnoBieM ~ WITH TH6S9 MA1L ooee CATALOGS. r ft 1 ? * WHAT IT LOOKS Lite IN THG CATALOG: TTW~F\ NonSequitur By Wiley The Deep End_, -. , - , ■ By Chad Strawderman We CODERS ' CM VMOtRSTA^O Mtm.corvuNDv ACROSS 1 Mace repository of yore • King of Aragon: 1291-1327 18 Mercury’s winged sandals ia Mexican salamander 17 Workplace for Degas 18 Sewers ' 18 Flames and Devils, often 81 Chum 88 Guitarist Paul 83 Savoir-faire 87 Emblem on a Greek flag 30 Saucepan 31 Type sizes 38 Deli order 33 Pinguid 34 Tertiary Period epoch 35 Wood sorrel 33 Duke’s wife 33 Minor minor 38 Enmity 41 Atramentous fluid 42 Sterling and Struther 43 Mount NE Of Lake Victoria 44 Cleon Jones was one 43 Exam answer 43 Composer Wilder 47 Scull 48 Sphere 48 Yielding little for much toil ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE - r?_ BS Star in Orion’s Belt M Electrical units se Cabinet for a TV set BO Facsimile of a sort Bi Make sugary B2 Arranges beforehand DOWN 1 Wild guess 2 The Muscovy duck 3“-Three Lives”: Philbrick 4 She detained Odysseus for seven years s Heaths 0 German historical writer: 1823-97 7 Manageable, as a ship o Green prize at Augusta 0 Parts of carts 10 Anchor ti Type of band 12 Follower of Engels: Abbr. t3 City in Paraguay 14 O’Neill play BO They wish to suit you 14 Perfume Ingredient is Prebendaries BO Ugandan pest 27 Saint Vitus’ dance 2t Car maker’s embarrassing action 20 Denver’s favorite hue 30 Moccasin 31 Kind of elec. 33 Sable, e.g. 34 River in Scotland 30 Capo’s boss 37 Tolkien’s Treebeard, e.g. 40 Apache chief 42 Utters gibberish 44 Lunatics 48 Iced 47 Fanon 48 Abalone 80 “Little Things Mean-” si Find fault 52 Soft cheese 53 Fast time 54 Approx, judgments 55 Org. founded in 1876 55 Dejected 57 Santa Fe to-Taosdir.