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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1997)
NSC ltettettal luk ofOobmm The National Bank o( Commerce is currently accepting Currency sorting clerk main BANK Prefer previous cash handling experience, hrs. 8-2 Mon. ENCODER/ITEM PROCESSING Prefer bank operations or encoring experience or at least 6 mas. of 10-key adding experience. Must meet a mini mum of 6,000 kay strokes par hour. 1-9 p.m. Mon. & Frl. 10-4 Sat. For more detals please call the first commerce job hotine. 4344700 Equal Opportimky Employer Nanny Experienced responsive person needed to care for our child Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 7 am. to 330 p.m. Cal 489-8525. NANNY OPPORTUNITY Earn an excellent salary whle experiencing a different part of the country as an American Nanny! $175-9350 a week PLUS room and boardl Al expenses paid by the famty. Go wth the best referral service. Call 1-800-937 NANl for a free brochure. AMERICAS] 'CAMPS WINADU FOR BOYS PANBEE FOR GIRLS (Western Massachusetts) OVER 100 POSITIONS AVAILABLE All Land and Water Sports, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Horseback Riding, Drama, Woodshop, Ice and Roller Hockey, Waterski, WSrs and more!!! NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Top Salaries, Room and Board, and Travel Allowance On Campus Info and Interviews Date: April 8,1997 Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Place: Nebraska Union Rooms to be announced— Check daily events board • SUMMER JOBS* • 1-800-494-6238 1-800^92^3732 CAMP WINADUCAMP DANBEE Athletics, Dance, Swim. Aerobics/exercise. Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20*. 1-800-421-4321, www r suit eel slot row Camp Counselors to work with persons with disabilities (all of them). Spectal Ed desirable but not neceesly. June 15 to August 1,1997. Salary $1000. Send resume Box 1763, Sioux Falls, SO 57101 CAMP COUNSELORSwanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maJrnainance. Salary $1300 plus. Phone: 847-446-2444. Camp Director Special Ed background preferably. Start June 1 to Au gust 1.1997. Must be able to manage personnel Salary 12000 plus expenses (appropriate). Assistant Director Special Ed background preferably. Start June 15 to August 1, 1997. Must heb director set daly activities. Salary $1500. Send resume to P.O. Box 1763, Sioux Fate, SO 57101 COME TO NEW HAMPSHIREI Summer Cwnp seeks COUNSELORS: Tennis, Watersports, Outdoors, Landsports, Gymnastics, Riding, Arts, etc. Excellent Salary/Transportation. Room/Board. WICOSUTA: 1 800-ft46-942S Education Majors Parks and Recreation summer playground positions: loaders, craft leaders, activity specialists. $5.30-$5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. 1. Monday-Friday. 9:15am-12:15pm. Con duct outdoor actMtes for grade school chldren. Apply nowat2740ASt.441-79S2.EOE/AA Locheam Camp for Girls seeks kind, enthusiastic, female staff wth strong activity sklls in gymnastics, tennis, watersports (WSl or LGT certified), studio and performing arts, field sports, English Riding, hking. Outstanding fadlfties, magnificent Vermont setting, 20 minutes from Dartmouth College. Positive attitude required; prior expe rience is not! Mid-June through Mid-August. Contact Rich Maxson, Box 500, Poet Mils, VT05058; 1-800-235 6659: email: 5 Beds ft Sun Capsule Exercise Equipment NEW BULBS!! The Sm Ikaiery 1101 Arapahoe 423-6022 PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor positions for talented and energetic students as Program Spedaists in al Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketbal, Roller Hockey, Gymnastics, Field Hockey. Soccer. Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also Golf, Archery. Rfiery; Pioneering/Ovemight Camping. Ropes and Rock Climbing, Weiahts/Rtness and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Figure Skating, Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook, RadioSta tion, and Rocketry; All Waterfront/Pool Activities (Swim ming. Sklng, Sailing, Windsurfing. Canoeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board and travel. June zZnd-August 20th. Inquire: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118 PANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752 YOUTH CAMP STAFF UNL Office of Campus Recreation Positions lor students (40 hours/week and part-time posi tions available) June 2nd-Auguet 8th at $5.10-$5.60 per hour. Qualifications: Previous experience related to youth sports and recreation is desirable. Lifeguards also needed. Applications available at 55 Campus Recreation Center or 32East Campus Activities Building. Application deadlne APRIL 4th. I need help! Overwhelmed with leads! Will share 24-hour info 1-800 322-6169 ext# 1076. 400s Homing Publisher’s Notice A# real estate advertising In this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes I illegal to advertise any preference. Imitation or discrimination baaed on race, color, religion, sax. handicap, famllal status or national origin, or Mention to make any such preferences, Hmkatkms or discrimination. The Deity Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readme are hereby informed that akdweUngs advertised are avakable on an equal apportunky basis. 2 roommates needed for 6 BR house in May. 5211 South 53rd. 484-6055. _■ _ Female roommate needed to share 2BR apartment with deed female and two kidS near 27th and Hwy 2. $175 includes utilttes. NEEDED NOW. fOr $100 board to heb babysit and some light cleaning. Cal 476-3668 or 476 9107.__ M/F roommate, 5 bed roortvtown house. $172 + $80 de posit. 1/5 utilities. 477-6457 _ Mato Non-smoker. 2-bedroom apt. 18th & Washington, $200+1/2 utllies + depost 4360528. Two available rooms in a5BR house. M/F college student, $250 + utlfetos, 2729 S 40th. Call 484-5506. 2834 Stair. Very nice, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, near campus. $750.432-0644 or 432-6644.__ 3,4, & 5BR available in May or August Reserving nowfor Summer or August. Nice houses, dose to campus. 432-0644,432-6644. 4200 Baldwin-6 bedroom, 633 N. 26th-6 bedroom, 4334 SL Paul-6 bedroom, 2611 R-Lruge 4 bedroom, avalabto Ma^or August 1st, from $950-$1200. 450-6919/489 AVAILABLE NOW, great location. WALK FROM UNL CAMPUS, 5BD, 2BA, large, unfurnished, appiances. Cal David, evenlng8483-5664. Large 4-plus-BD. 2BA, central air, parking, W/D hookup, 905 E Street, $850,430-9012. __ We love students! 3.4,5, & 6 bedroom units near UNL for summer and/o 423-U35*B8h*r,dryer. dishwasher. BEAT THE RUSH 2807 Vine Very nice, large one bedroom. Main level. Central air washer/dryer. Off-street parking. $425.402-783-2453. 2 Caf 9arafl®'Ju,t bul,n ^SOrchan Nice duplexes available for May. 4 bdr., 2 bad). 2 garage central air, applances, washer/dryer, $895.435-780A !!! Possible Short Term LEASES !!! 2504 Vine: 1BR, lower level, walk to campus. $340 2BR beige ceramic floor, eat In kitchen. $460 1109,1121 N. 28th: 1BR. Spacious, lots of closets, huge bedroom. $340-$365 3220 Apple: Lower level, unique complex, $350 4300 Comhusker: 1BR, Spacious, beige 4300 Comhusker: Spotless. 2BR, 1 or 2BA, w/d hkup. grey or beige breakfast bar. al apple's. $520-$560 2920 P: Townhouse, 2BR, 11/4 BA. spit level, all j«>lc's, heat pd. Small complex with great neighbors. $485 Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 Arc You Rc&Jy For SPRING BREA Is Your Tan? Come to LAUNDRY LAND now and try out their NEW State-of-the-art stand up tanning unit. This High-Powered system gives you a great tan in only 7 MINUTES! 56TH & IIOLDREDGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate Sines one ate doss NOT Waft we have a myriad of uaftatea~elHcianclastone and two bedrooms, JuNa ■hort wefctqCity. Quawy, wove in end we’B give you a Gift CartWcH to Gateway. JONES PROPEFlTlES-475-7262 Surfs up, or just about!! Since we aocept “SUMMER LEASES," aign-up today, and we’B reeerve a Beach Towel for your swim/ sunning wound the pool. 1 ft? bedroom unlia. A stone's throw to Cftv Camnua. JONES PROPERTIES- 475-7262 1 bedroom, HEAT PAID, $295. West Comhusker and 2520 U Street $325.00,464-1657 or 450-2990. 1910-20J. Street. Oneft Two Bedroom. Clean. Quiet.NO pets. $310 ft $410 per month. Cal Jim 430-9014 1938 Garfield Two bedroom, newer apartment No pets, no smoking, low utilities. $405.466-1267. 2740 a Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage. $495.430-6328. _ 2834 9tarr. 4 BR, 2 Bath, $750 Near Campua/Partdng BB11 irr 4W 08111 3bdr. downtown area. Security Bulding. Clean and Nice. $550. No pets. Phoenix Properties Management. 474 5327 or 42141996. _ Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and ona bedroom units avalable, no smoking, no pets, secure entry, laundry, guaranteed parking. UNL Shuttle Stop. $3254375. Brickyard Apts. 17th and HoMrege. 477-6578._ _ Pinelake Heights Apts. 38th & Pinelake Rd. 436-3484 Skyline View Apts. 1430 Old Farm Rd. 436-3477 Lakeview Park Apts. 510 Surfside Drive 436-3464 Efficiency, One, Two, and Three Bedrooms LOFTS 6 Month Leases Available . CableT.V.Paid Some with Washer/Dryer Hookups Pool/Fitness Center Managed by Commercial Investment Properties w Equal Housing Opportunity_ April and May Openings Pinetree apts. 1st & Adams, 24 3 bdr., $470-$500-$640. Embassy Park Apis., 31st & OW Chaney, 1,2, & 3 bdr., 1fl?4^S?.'2bdr., $415-$450, 515 W. Saunders. Ibdr., $370. 821 A St 2 bdr. $430, no pets 483-1130 or 483-6057 Claremont Park Apartments ‘Ideal for students* Now leasing for August (some avalable In Mavff. Close to campus and downtown. Spaces are limited. Fust Come, First Seme. Cal 474-7275 to set appointments. 8th 8 Claremont Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Wfllowhaven Apts 1,2 bedroom apts now available wth fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 Downtown, unique one bedroom in security bulding. Heat paid, only $280, no pets. Phoenix Properties. 474-5327 (am) or 421-8996 (pm)._ EAST CAMPUS APARTMENTS 2 & 3bdr, sporting new paint, carpets, appliances, cabi nets. Your mother would approve o» this ptecel Wall to E. campus and close to bus stop. 1-800-977-4253 Need Privacy? One bedroom near Captoi. Grads welcomed. No smok ina/pete. Available. $235/month plus utilities. deposit 4787416/475-9860. Newer. 2-bedroom. EXTRA dean, dose to UNL and downtown. $425 plus deposit of $425.463-6280 One bedroom kn C/A, cata OK, 35«i 6 R St, $325 phis 47^68<a/lsave awaaage. One large bedroom, 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working klchen with pantry, ceramic tile kitchen and bathroom, dishwasher, secure storage apace, same-floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance, and heat paid. Available NOW! $400/ month, 474-3529.' _ Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath, BRAND NEW1 Al appliances Induing washer and dryer. Nopets. $895-$950. Phoe nbt Properties Mangagement 474-5327 or 421-8996. SUMMER LEASE . One bedroom. 2100 *B* Street LMMes paid, only $3001 No pets. Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327 or 421-8996.___ Various Locations Apartments available near campusend downtown. Effl oendes, $2283.10; 1BR $240-$410; 2BR $370-$520 Men eg—ant Owe 477-2500 Summer Lease Nice, 2 bdr„ newly painted, fteptace, deck, AC. dish washer, $450/mo. 4200 Huntington. Call 468-4839, leave message. Summer Lease-2 bedroom apt. 2-3 people, appliances, laundry, balcony, dose to East Campus, 3508 Hunting ton, Wit negotiate, 467-3743. Looking for people to sub-lease 3 bdr Claremont apt. from May to August Cal 4783670. ADOPT:^ We wil shower your baby with love, happiness and a promising future. Exp. Pd. Susan and Arthur 1-800-631 ADOPTION A LhiIhh A RWing MMMRIVf We offer counselng and adoption seivices to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or oblgaHons. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Chldren's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suto 314,483-7879. Adoption: To love and to be loved is tne beet git in life. We want to give that and more to your beby. Confidential/Legal/ ExjjenseegaM. Let's tak, please cal, Beth and Don, 1 Cycle Works The weafter is finally about to break, how about your bke? Make sure I doesn't, wkh expert repairs at Cycle Works. Ahways fast and friendly. 27th A Vine, open 7 days. 475-2453 Cycle Works Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. “Cr Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWi, minor in possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. FREE Pregnancy Test HRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please cal lor appointment or more information. 463-2609. Planned Parenthood ofLincoin Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal lor infor mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 800-727-3084. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven resuks. 464-0778. Daiut Nebraskan Comics The Deep BInd 50tAt PtOPLt UMfc pftceuns socmy. r ! mwmmnsfiwH scmittv>w ws? tnto in w cmimw. « ccuj[»mwe. sew. R04.VX. _ By Chad Strawderman HHI LtfS UltU GRWt SCHOOL. ACROSS 1 Aged beer 6 Sometimes it’s enough 10 Mountain topper 14 Corpulent is See castles in . Spain is Kind of salad 17 Advised against a treatment 20 Down and 21 Not a pro 22 Go around 23 TV’s “Knots _*» 26 LAX abbr. 27 Say it’s so 20 Attempt 3i Open wide, in a way ^ i 34 Son of a son of Noah 37 Having a surplus 39 Greek letter 40DKI? 43 Actress Lesley -Warren 44 Affirmation in Avila 45 “Remington -"of TV 4« Soccer great 48 Baste 50 His dragon was killed by Cadmus 51 November winners 53 Ill-tempered persons 58 “Hammer klavier” is one ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 59 Level or plane •0 Luau instr. 63 MacLaine Bancroft movie: 1977 66 Seine feeder 67 Top rated 68 Misanthrope 69 Red figure 70 R.C. title 71 “What fighting for?”: R. W. Service DOWN 1 Batty 2 -Ben Adhem 3 Officer quality 4 Superlative ending 5 Watched on the VCR again 6 Earache cause 7 Like limeade or iced tea 8 Chew the —— (ruminate) 9 Singer Clapton/ 10 Like a cloudless night 11 Selections from a Tchaikovsky ballet 12 “The — lama, / He’s a priest”: Nash 13 Boggs of baseball 16 Ampersand 19 Bush org., once t ■■ y • 24 Calif, neighbor 25 Donated 27 Gp. for Cahn and Kahn 28 Nemo’s creator 80 Plant homes 32 Worth one’s 33 Pheasant groups 38 Cobb and Hardin 38 Give off 38 Pothole 41 “-alone...”: Jer. 15:17 42 Fleshy fruit 47 Mom’s kin 49 Danish money 52 VW preceders 54 -up (dress) 55 Omega's opposite 56U.S.A.F. acronym 57 Taft territory 55 Saroyan hero 61 Was aware of 62 To be, in Brest 6« \.. sed libera -— a malo" 65 Propel a randan Get answers to any three clues by touch-tone phone: 1-900-420 5656 (754 each minute).