The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1997, Page 9, Image 9
N - What do you think of our Department of Athletics? commitment to equity? academic integrity? fiscal integrity? rules compliance? Open Forum Wed., March 19, 11:30 -1 p.m. East Union. All students, faculty and staff are welcome to give input to the NCAA certification study. ? " 1 Ilf OFF 1$ COUPON INSTEAD OF VOIII tOOMMfft'S FOOD. There's an easier way to get free food. Just rip off this part of the paper and come to Fazoli's. When you purchase any adult entree, we'll give you a free garden salad. It's a steal. r GARDEN SAUD 1 I $1.09 value - J with purchase of one adult entree i ^ i. • •; I s -I*'- : I > I k '• ■■■ I . K-.f" .. ! | 4603 Vine Street, 466-4045, Lincoln | i __ i L. One coupon per person, per order at participating FazoTs only. Not valid with any otter offer. Expires 5/31/97 J ~ ~ —— • "**. • f T. T- 4 % M - , --- - 02 Appflancee 05 Bcydes 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 FumRure 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office FumRure 50 Pets 56 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 66 Stareos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles 200 Ridas 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 242 Pinning 5 Engagements 245 Lost ft Found waraea 260 Fundraising 270 900 Numbers 300 Help Wafted 310 ChRd Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs jt 340 Internships 400 Roommates 410 HousingWhnted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Dupletr/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 MoMe Homes/Rent 460 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sele_ 3 500 Adoption 505 Aterations A Sewing 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 528 Child Cara 530 Cieaning/Laundry 531 Cleaning/Households 535 Computer Service 540 Entertainment 545 Gift Ideas . 548 Hairstyling 560 Heath Aptness 663 Insurance 555 Instnjction/Tutoring 558 Job Placement 560 Lawn care 565 Legal Services 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing A Copying 562 Recycling 563 Relgious 585 Rentals 586 Tanning 590 Tattooing 593 Travel 695 Typing A Resumes 00s For Sale Cycle Works See Lincoln's Impest selection of bites, clothing, and acoMswies for BWC road, and mountain bking at Cycle 475-2453 Cycle Works New and used bicycles tor sale. Lie time tune-ups on new takes purchased. Closest bke shop to campus. Hue's Bjfcet Flneea Csa>sr427 South13ftor332lPtoneerB WOWZA! Whsl a bke shop..Uncoh’s driest selection of bicycles, parts, and accessories. Bke Sale on Nowl Honker Hangar Bke Shop 3855 South SL _4840323_ ISJOTcgf'^'-^topwndEpwoneolwwdpttoitor.BaoOobo 477-7523. _ Wooden student desks wth chair. Pre-assemblsd. $30 each. 4341219. _ CTE review software. New $100, sed $50.423-3014 r Investment Entrepreneurs Dream Restsu^Jwtpoolhe!lhoolefletownolCreielorsale. Owner Is rearingand[wdl consider land contract plus work MpMPfriod wdh tt» buyer. Annual gross receipts exceed $200.000. Two bedroom apartment provided wkh more for $117,500. Wes Pearce 432-7831 or 467-3000 _ AW; Webnaraner, great pat and huntar, $200.00. Cal 7942237_ 2Star|£tayoff tickets forsate, ad games, GREAT 8EATS, 1993 Kawasaki EX 500,6K, tingle-owner, regularly ser viced. tuns great, mint condition. 436-6404. 1984 Ford Tempo, gray, new transmission, automatic, asking $1200-obo. MUST GO) Cal after 6pm, 464-6068. 200s Notices WSALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENTS^ Fishing Industry. Leam how students can earn up to $2,860Ano + benelts (Room & Board). Cali Alaska Infor matlon Services: 206-971-3514 ExtA5778l $-Alaska Jobs Earn to $3,000-$8,000/mo. Fishing Industry. Airfare! ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-$6,000/mo h fisheries, parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodging! Get al the options. Cal (919) 918-7767, ext A318T ATTENTION PRE-LAW STUDENTS A representative from UNLColege of Law wil be at A&S Advising, 107 Okffather, Wed., Mar. 19.1-4, Cal 472 4190 for appt _ I Baby Shower Heipnew mothers served by Birthright and the CmlrPreonency Center by donating un Mon.. March 17,7-9 pjn. 338 Nebraska Unfan For more information, cal Jenny, 438-9471 , Elementary Education Portfolio Workshop March IStti in Room 116 HwuOt Hal 330p.m.-430p.m. March 19th in Room 116 Heruik Hal 330p.m.-430p.m. Engineering Ambassadors Program $1000 Scholarship Engheeis who are Interested in this exciting ppportunky pteaee attend the info session on March 18 at 6pm in W163 NE Hal. Questions? Call Connie ai 472-709* or Jenny at 436-7106. Entertainment Industry Hiring ttwet No experience necessary! (800)827-2832 ExL M "“fREeTrEEFREE^™1 Free 1 month introductory TaeKwanDo classes w/student ID Call 484-8989 _tor details._ Get Involved with Emerging Leaders! The 1997-98 Emerging Leader Class Teaching ttsawsMssisssi sc&rg^aK&sss Monday. March 10 and are due on Friday. April ♦. Applications can be picked up In Student Invonement (200 NU and 300 East NU). The Culture Center (333 N. 14th). The Women’s Center (340 NU), and at al residence hal front Happen to Somebody! INTRAMURAL SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL nseas^.titt'KSSius ation. For more Information, cal 472-3487. INTRAMURAL SOCCER The last day to erter Mm’s. Women's Soccer Is Tuesday. Camp Challenge Summer Leadership School So, You dldnl sign up for ROTC as a freshman « sophomore. Catch ip at Anny ROTC Camp Challenge. A PAID Six-week summer course with college creak In leadership training. Can 472-2488 for details. CRUISE & LAND-TOUR EMPLOYMENT— Discover howto wotk In exotic locations, meet fun people, while owning up to 92,000/mo. In those excMnoMus tries. Cruise Information Services: 206-971-3554 ExtCS7788 CRUNE UNES HMNG—Earn to 92JXXWmo. plus free world travel (Europe, Caribbean, etc.) No exp. necessary. Free Room/Boaro. Ring (919) 918-7767. ext C318. MODELS WANTED NEW FACES fashion print runway catalog commercial * females 5'8 or taller and males 5*10 or taller Lincoln Dallas LA NY 477-3020 NATIONAL parks MRMG -Also Beach Resorts, NATIONAL PARK EMPLOYMENT Wart to work In Americas National Parks, Forests A WMMe Preserves with SKcoHent benefks A bonuses? (Seasonal/Summer). Learn how from Outdoor Informa tkm Services. Call: 1-206-971-3624 extNS7786 SAA Congratulations to the new executive board: Pres: Sarah Quirk VP: Amy Heacock Sec: Jeff Scoular Treat: Ben Aken Big Board Rap:Tami Kaschke A Carrie Pierce Pubic Relations: Christine Ala SPORTS, SOAPS, AND STOCKS, 1-900-656-5800 Wrt. 7337.2.99/mln' 18+. SERV-U (619) B45*043^« . • • ,C T ■ . . - I WinPrizes^l I He$> defray the cost of Math QTA, Mke Ira's I I Hrar transplant. Buy a $10 raffle ticket from I I iHE? £»0Siiher 905- PrtzM valued up to I $400. Drawing March 22. 472-7256 or 476- I Ambassadors Meeting Tuesday at 6:1Si Come to 1245tr St and bring your logo Ideas!? National Organization for Women The Lincoln chapter warns YOU at our next general meeting on Tuesday. 7PM el the YWCA. 1432 N Street. EquaW^-mhided men and women welcome. Questions: NUMEDS 3ur next meetirgwjil be held Tuesday, March 18 at 7 30 , Phi Bata Lambda Meeting Tuesday. March 18. at 630pm In Nebraska Men. Officers wWbegMng speeches for elections. -neasewser business Mute. PRE-DENTAL CLUB MEETING Mardj18 (Tuesday) at 730 p.m. Dental College. Room 15. Officer elections, bring dues. Pre-Physical Therapy Club WewB belafcingatour of the Lincoln Orthopedic clinic on Tuesday, March 18th at 4:45pm. Call Tim at 438-7716for delate. SIFE Meeting Wednesday. March 19th. 5pm, in the Union. Imgortant information about elections. Questions? Cal STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION MEETING Tuesday March 18 at 530 p.m. in Henzlk 202. Eleanor Frarke, Director of the Ennsh as a Second Language Program tor Lincoln Pubic Schools wil be sperfungand there wW be the opportunity to volunteer wSthESL stu denjs In an after school program. AO Cwtgratutettlons toai the A-Phte that received positions to the ASUN election!! Amy Heacock—CBA Senate; Angle Jcitansetv—CBA Advisory Board; Christy Urpsevlch—TC Advisory Board; Heidi Kubicek—College of Human Resources AFamly Sciences Advisory Board We are aU very proud of you! __ Love, Your A-Phl Sisters FIJI Youbpwled one over on us Thursday night. Thanks forthe FUN AXD apprlcatkm week and the deiuctable dinner exchange. The ladles of Alpha CN Student Government Appointments Board Student-At-Large positions open Be a part of the board that appoints students to 28 campus-wide committees. Apptcatkxi available in the ASUN office. 115 Nebraska Union. Deadlne is 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 21 Young Exec SPM, 30, seeks SF 20-30, who is attractive, bright, energrtic and warm, for dinners and posnble retadon «Np. I am caring and peopie-orianted, and so are you. LAe me, you enjoy We and want to makeadlference. (Ike music, movies, pap culture, rearing, the arts. Leave message 421-1384. Fearless Leader, > you aren't optimistic, who wil be? It is time to accept the lad that you are not bwindbM Learn to appreciate the opinions of others: youarenottheendatt. bealof administration. Haws a Nice Day, and beware the Ides of March, _Brutus FOUND: Female black lab (approx. 1 yr old) in the area of Harper/SmIth/Schramm (North 16th). Cal 436-6038. WANTED: Someone to perform at my wedding recaption h January 1996.1 want something dWetert. Magician, FAST FUNDRAISER-ftABE BSOOMSDAYS-GREEKS, Live psychics One on one. 1-900-562-9999 ext 5634. $3.99/mln. 18+ Serv/U 619-645-6434. AAA-GREAT JOB TO fjgng burgers •Great hours 5-9 M-F „ 9-noon on Saturday •fBperhour *Cal 477-0303 for more Information ask for Eric •Other posUons avaMblo Alice? Vera? Flo? The Pina Hut In downtown is now locking for fun-loving. - energetic people. We are prim wife kicking tor day-w^e empfoyeee. but are also accepting nrications for al poeitone. Wears also bokinq to fMposHions al the Gateway location. Stop by 239 North I4thtosee where the fun's all Arts and Sciences Student Advisers Appjteattons are avalable for undergraduito students In AAStorArte and Sciences Student Advktar posMons at 107 Oldfalher. Deadline Is Friday, March 21.1997/ Body Shop Car Lot Part time NOW! Full time Summer? Wli train. flexMe hours, must be ratable. Baer's Auto, 477-6442. i Bryan MsiorialHoepBal la currency accepting app« ciiKHHi lof tvw KMorang QpponunRjfs COMPUTER OPERATOR Individual needed to operate computers and all other peripheral devices. IAW dept, poloes and procedures, ads as resource person to users and processes reports. Requires the salty to Wt 25-30 pound bams. Prefer experience with VAX/VMS systems. 10-key experience required. Must be wilng to work extra hours and hoHtews if needed. FT - 730 a.m. - 330 run. (M-0 Temporary Postion. PT - 1130 pjn. - 730 a.m. (SaUSun.) Please subml resume/application or cal: BRYAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Human Resources 1600 South 46th Street Lincoln. NE 68506 (402) 483-6610 JOB LINE: 483-3696 EEO _ Champions Fun Center Part-time help wanted beginning Spring Break. Apply In person at 1555 Yoiande Drive. Cal 438-7362 for Information. CLERICAL ASSISTANT Isco, Inc., a manufacturing firm, has an toimedtate open tog for a part time ClericaLAssistant to support tha Sales department staff by handing fax communications, tran scribing written correspondence from dictation, compos ing and routing correspondence, and filing and mailing duties. The hours are a ftexbie 20 to 30 hours per week. Requirements Include 40 wpm typing sMUs, experience or training wth general office procedures. Word or Word Perfect, proper wammar, and office equpment Starting pay is $6.50/hr. Please apply at, or fax resume to: Isco, Inc. Human Resources Department 531 Weetgate Btot. Lincoln. NE 68528 FAX 402/458-5502 AA/EOE, Consulting Engineering Firm looking for part-time Mechanical EngtoeettogHectrical Engineering Student to work 20 hours per week pka summers. Junior or Senior preferred. Cal Jon Jackson 476-1273. Posstole full time employment after gradua tion. DATA ENTRY/PART-TIME Data entry position abatable to our accounting depart ment requires proficiency on 10-key pad. Afternoon hours and a tow hours every other Saturday. Send a fax or resume or apply at: Quebeeor Printtog-Uncoln 3700 NW 12th Lincoln. NE 68521 Fax 402-479-1707 Do you have outstanding leadership abMUea? Can you inspire and manage a team, overseeing a tame project? Do you ham exceptional communications skfts and the abtty to make effective presentations? If so, WE ARE LOOkNQ FOR YOU! Our new management team «M aiKi environment issues, in-oeptn training si be pro* vided. Hours toxfcie from 4-40nours a week. Excellent Inoome^xxtunlyl Please caM Jensen Famly Wellness Earn money & college credit College Coisons- jt naMonaOy-raoogniZBd company is EMPLOYMENT ' CITY OF WAVERLY ^ClyolWnartfliMdrglvaiMbMuHoopm. game jotay. Organ^ipf^itfato