The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1997, Page 16, Image 16
PAGE 16 THURSDAY, MARCH 13,1997 00s For Sale 16” 1995 Giant Rincon, $225 obo, 477-6957. Cycle Works See Lincoln’s largest selection of bikes, clothing, and ac cessories for BMx, road, and mountain biking at Cycle Works. Be ready for the next spring-like day! Sfop in now! 27th & Vine, open 7 days. 475-2453 Cycle Works New and used bicycles for sale. Life time tune-ups on new bikes purchased. Closet bike shop to campus. Blue’s Bike & Fitness Center 427 South 13th or 3321 Pioneer’s Blvd. WOWZA! What a bike shop. Lincoln’s finest selection of bicycles, parts, and accessories. Bike Sale on Now! Honker Hangar Bike Shop 3855 South St 486-0323 j i_ 1996 Trip snowboard, USED ONCE, also Diamond back mountain bike. Call Chris anytime before 5:466-3604. Cable descrambler kit $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1 800-752-1389. 1993 Kawasaki EX 500, 6K, single-owner, regularly ser viced, runs great, mint condition, 436-6404. 200s Notices Pinelake Heights Apts. 38th & Pinelake Rd. 436-3484 Skyline View Apts. 1430 Old Farm Rd. 436-3477 Lakeview Park Apts. 510 Surfside Drive 436-3464 Efficiency, One, Two, and Three Bedrooms LOFT 6 Month Leases Available Cable T.V.Paid Some with Washer/Dryer Hookups Pool/Fitness Center Managed by Commercial Investment properties t=r _Equal Housing Opportunity_ ' - — AAAI Spring Break '97. Cancun, Jamaica and Bahamas!!! 7 nights with air from $399. Daily Free Drink Parties, No Cover at Best Bars. Panama City, Boardwalk beach re sort, $129, 7/nights beach front. Endlees Summer Tours 1-800-234-7007. $$$ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENTS Fishing Industry. Learn how students can earn up to $2,850/mo + benefits (Room & Board). Call Alaska Infor mation Services: 206-971-3514 Ext.A57781 $-Alaska Jobs Eam to $3,000-$6,000/mo. Fishing Industry. Airfare! Food/ Lodging! No experience necessary! Male/Female, age 18+ (800)827-2832 Ext. A-10800 SUE TIDBALL AWARD CELEBRATION Sunday, March 16 7:00 p.m. St Mark’s Episcopal Church 1309 R Street Come and honor students, staff and faculty, who help take the UNL campus more humane, open caring an just! WILLIAM KLOEFKORN Nebraska State Poet The Local Folks String Band Reception Following the Program ^^^ALLINVITED!^^ ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-$6,000/mo in fisheries, parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodging! Get all the options. Call (919) 918-7767, ext A318. Baby Shower Help new mothers served by Birthright and the Crisis Preg nancy Center by donating unwrapped infant gifts. Mon., March 17, 7-9 p.m. 338 Nebraska Union For more information, call Jenny, 436-9471 AMERICA'S PREMIERE SPORTS CAMPS WINADU FOR BOYS s DANBEEFOR GIRLS (Western Massachusetts) OVER 100 POSITIONS AVAILABLE All Land and Water Sports, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Horseback Riding, Drama, Woodshop, Ice and Roller Hockey, Waterski, WSI's and more!!! NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Top Salaries, Room and Board, and Travel Allowance On Campus Info and Interviews Date: April 8, 1997 Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Place: Nebraska Union Rooms to be announced— Check daily events board • SUMMER* JQftSJj _ ^ •••••••• •;4aW5*-J«S2 Men Call: CAMPDANBEE 1-800-494-6238 CAMP WINADU_ :emative Rock, MB Nerf Hoops & mXM Killer Drink Specials EM Aa>J ^<L8„8Pm ■iohmiuu E CATALYST M EDGE H M BSi KIL9 IBWSB 10 pm -1 am GIQGL 30X EM Camp Challenge Summer Leadership School So, You didn’t sign up for ROTC as a freshmen or sopho more. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Challenge, A PAID Six-week summer course with college credit in leader ship training. Call 472-2468 for details. CRUISE & LAND-TOUR EMPLOYMENT— Discover how to work in exotic locations, meet fun people, while earning up to $2,000/mo. in these exciting indus tries. Cruise Information Services: 206-971-3554 Ext.C57788 CRUISE LINES HIRING —Earn to $2,000+/mo. plus free world travel (Europe, Caribbean, etc.) No exp. necessary. Free Room/Board. Ring (919) 918-7767, ext. C318. Entertainment Industry Hiring Earn $3000/mo. Working in Film, TV, Music, or Modeling industries. Work with favorite celebrities. Local & World travel. No experience necessary! (800)827-2832 Ext. M 10800. GET INVOLVED!! RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION ELECTIONS Wed., April 9 Run for: RHA Presklent/Vice-President, RHA Secretary, RHA Treasurer, Hall President, Hall Senator, Local Gov ernment Elected Positions Filing forms are available now in the RHA office (237 NE Union) or look for them at your hall desk. Filing forms are due by 8:00pm, Monday, March 31st. Questions? Call Becky at 2-1095. HURRY!!! You still have time to apply to the Senshu University Ex change Program for the Fall of 1997, but space is limited! Don’t miss your last opportunity to experience the culture of business in Japan as you live and study with students from across America and the world!! Stop by CBA138 for details or contact Erica League at 472-6805 or -but hurry!!! INTRAMURAL SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL Tuesday, March 18 is the last day to enter Co-Rec Slow Pitch Softball. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recre ation. For more information, call 472-3467. INTRAMURAL SOCCER The last day to enter Men’s, Women’s Soccer is Tuesday, March 18. Don’t delay! Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information. MODELS WANTED NEW FACES fashion print runway catalog commercial females 5’8 or taller and males 5’10 or taUer Lincoln Dallas LA NY 477-3020 NATIONAL PARKS HIRING —Also Beach Resorts, Ranches, Rafting Companies. Up to $12/hour. Nationwide openings. Call (919) 918-7767, ext. R318. NATIONAL PARK EMPLOYMENT Want to work in America’s National Paira, Forests & Wild life Preserves with excellent benefits & bonuses? (Sea sonal/Summer). Learn how from Outdoor Information Services. Call: 1-206-971-3624 ext.N57786 Nebraska Union Board Positions Open This board assumes the role of advocate for the various segments of the University community to the Director of the Nebraska Unions and the Vice Chan, for Student Af fairs. Deadline Friday, March 14, 4:00 p.m. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union. Rodeo Club Dance! Friday, March 14th 9pm-1am Lancaster Building, at the State Fair Grounds $5/person Cash Bar, ID at door SOMEONE YOU KNOW! The New Gay, Lesbian, Bi, & Transgender Awareness Group Tonight,7pm, CBA107. The momentum is building; be a part of this exciting new group. Someone You Know is a place where everyone is welcome, including straight people. Stop by tonight and bring a friend. E-mail for more information. SPORTS, SOAPS, AND STOCKS. 1-900-656-5800 ext. 7337. 2.99/min. 18+. SERV-U (619) 645-8434. / SPORTSCARD SHOW Sun., March 16,10-4. VIHage Motor Inn, 5200 O St. Lincoln. Free Admission, door prizes. Actuarial Science Club Meeting Meeting at Valentino’s, N. 33rd & Holdredge, March 13, Thurs., 5:30 p.m. Free food and guest speaker. Ambassadors Don’t forget our PHILANTHROPY this Sunday! Meet in front of 1245 “R” St. at 12:50 to car pool to Madonna Re hab. Let’s have a good turnout!! ASSAB There will be a meeting at 7pm on Sunday, March 16th, at the East Campus Bowling Alley. AH new members wel come. We will be bowling afterwards! Habitat for Humanity Meeting tonight at the Wick Alumni Center At 6pm. SAA ELECTIONS TONIGHT FOR EXECUTIVE BOARD at 5:00pm at the Wick Center. Come cast your vote! St. Patric^FlIay Party! Friday, March 14 9:00p.m. ATI Thanks for the frosh last Thursday. We had a GREAT time! Love Theta Congratulations Kari^IntM^kJfri Brian Hohenstein on your engagement. We wish you the best of luck! Congratulations to Angelle Vidrine and Tom Schott (Chi Phi) tor their pinning! Way to go Jeane Seltzinger for being appointed as Asso ciated Justice of the Student Court! Alpha Love, your sisters. for being accepted Backwoods Territory IS Lincoln's Newest Outdoor Sports and Travel Store... All Students 10% OFF • Vasque Boots • Wiggy Sleeping Bags • Eureka Tents • MSR Stoves-Cookware • Solstice Coats • Vortex Backpacks • Wigwam Socks • Jansport Travel Bags • Cascade Designs • Fly Fishing Gear • Outdoor Research • Kelty Tents & Packs •Check Us Out! L____ . y " 7 • .. . ' .■ • . , . . OM A BIG congratulations goes out to Susan Zink (biology major) who nas been named as one of the 17 Chancellors scholars. Susan has received a 4.0 throughout all four years at UNL. We are so very proud of you Susie Q! Love your sisters Inspir^on^Week March 10-14 fOB Congratulations to Janna Dasenbrock on being accepted into the OccupationalTherapy program at St Mary’s, along with a scholarship. We are so Proud! Also, another Congrats to Kelly Klostermeyer, Jessica Eberty, Jen Estudiuo, and Jamie Schomerus on benig accepted into nursing school. Way to Qo and Good Luck! We are so Proud! Love your Sisters Good luck to the Husker Rugby team at the Great Plains Championship Tournament this weekend! The men of Alpha Gamma Rho school at K-State. We’re so proud of You! Love your Sisters Forgefiiie Luck of the Irish_ GET LUCKY ’971 ATO ATE AOn KAIIKOXQ JEMBL Brent Robinson Thanks for providing the eventful afternoon. You better be back to defend your title next year! Your Brothers LAE To Our Housemother Jo Bomberger, We would like to thank you for helping out last Friday with our Rush Party. Although sometimes it may not show, we ail appreciate and respect what you do for the house. We don’t know what we would do without you. Thanks for everything! The Guys LOE We would like to congratulate Matt Eichman on receiving the Innocents Society Freshman Scholarship and for be coming a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon!! Congratulations Brother! Your Sig Ep brothers What Did You Do to Deserve Mickey’s Night? Tonight, the buses start at 9pm, with another every 30 minutes. Congratulations ADVANCE Party! Plato Chan Student Government Appointments Board Student-At-Large positions open Be a part of the board that appoints students to 28 campus-wide committees. Application available in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is 4:00 p.m. _Wednesday, March 21_ CPN Student Assistants.... Ryan, Alicia, Ben, Mary, Brian, Elaine. Omer, Scott, Kurt, Diane, Tory, Wendy; Nick, Tricia, Calvin, Deb, Michael, Kelly, Ramneek, Tarie, Brent, Sarah, Justin, Jennifer, Brian, Tag, Angie S., Angie B., Brad, Jill, Ben, Jodi, Laurie, Jeff, Kent, Dave.... Thanks for making CPN such a great place to live and work! You’re all the very best! Joel, Mitzie, Ana, Sue, Glenn FOUND: Female black lab (approx. 1 yr old) in the area of Harper/Smith/Schramm (North 16th). Can 436-6038. LOST: Keys w/Husker and Carriage Motors keychains. If found bring to Daily Nebraskan or call 4380453 WANTED: Someone to perform at my wedding reception in January 1998. I want something dHterent. Magician, Comedian, Clown, etc. I am very open-minded, but must be suited for adults and children. Cal 438-9411 Easy, fast fundraiser! Earn $1000 in 1 week Great for clubs, greeks, & individuals Call Jeff 436-8277. |Ag*5& FMUNblAL OBUOATK>N.(880)—2-1 Mi Live psychics One on one. 1-900-562-9999 ext 5634. $3.99*1*1.18+ Serv/U 619-645-8434. 300s. Jobs Champions Fun Center Part time help wanted tor day hours beginning Spring Break. ca> 438-7362.